Thursday, January 28, 2010

Listening to the Laguna Hills City Council - January 26, 2010
Reporting the Laguna Hills City Council Meetings unvarnished with detail, and commentary
Laguna Hills City Council has declined to video tape/web stream unedited City Council Meetings so there has been no opportunity for citizens to learn how the actions of the city council affect their lives without attending all the meetings, until now. After 6 years of attending Laguna Hills City Council meetings, we tape record and report the facts from these meetings to educate residents and ourselves and we keep our editorial comments separate from the facts. Anyone can receive free e-mail reports by e-mailing and requesting the Laguna Hills Watch Dog.
** Special Announcements - Contact City Council Candidate Barbara Kogerman at to participate in her Laguna Hills City Council Term Limits Initiative Campaign.
** Presentations and Proclamations - Lisa Mc Corkell, received a Certificate of Recognition for serving as LHHS Student Liaison.
** Public Comments - Kogerman Update on Term Limits Initiative, Update on off street parking for Bella Tierra Residents, question remains - should they have had better onsite parking?
** LHHS Student Liaison Report - by Jason Brower
** Consent Calendar - Warrant Register total = $1,070,670.40
Revised work for Sports Complex Renovations sand or no sand?, Ratifying the City Council's awarding of Max. bonus for 2009 to the City Manager - Mayor's regrets, Neighborhood Stabilization Program Funds, 2nd Quarter Financial and Treasurer's Report = ups and downs, County has requested that the city assume responsibility for the widening of corner of El Toro Rd. and Avenida De Carlota.
** Items removed from Consent Calendar - 3 pulled by Mayor Bressette
** City Council Public Hearings - None
** Planning Agency Report and Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit request by Verizon Wireless for wireless communication facility continued to future date.
** Administrative Reports - Senior Transportation Program finally coming to Laguna Hills but what took so long?
** Other Business - None
** Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members - Congratulations to Deputies Botta and Lambert-Few! Council Member Craig Scott says it isn't so? Example of City's delays in service amplified by it's continued use of terrible animal shelter services for residents.
* Closed Session - City Manager Public Employee Performance Evaluation cancelled
* Crime Watch Laguna Hills Report - in the Orange County Register Newspaper* Information, Questions, Concerns and Comments from Watch Dog Readers - The Anti-Drunk Driving Pgrm. at LHHS, Analyzing the Refinance of Laguna Hills $17,650,000 debt-How successful was it?, Another call for better Animal Care Services for Laguna Hills, Senior Transportation Services, City Council Election advice from citizen/ business owner.
* How to Support the Adopted 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division- Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills. ????? more to come,
* OC Register News Stories and blogs - see Laguna Hills in the news! * City Council Members Say the Darndest Things in Public - Memorable Quotes from City Council Members* Reminders & Directions for - OC Register Newspaper Letters to the Editor, Contact information for the Laguna Hills City Council
01/26/10 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting
City Council Members were present except Allan Songstad
PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS – Lisa Mc Corkell, LHHS Student Liaison received a Certificate of Recognition for serving as the Student Liaison for the Fall, 2009 Semester.

LHHS Student Liaison Report - Appointment of Jason Brower as Student Liaison for the 2010 Spring Semester. Jason stated, the LHHS Hawks wrestling team performed extremely well at the invitational last weekend despite very rough competition. Finals started today and will continue through the end of this week. Coming up on Feb. 20 the Laguna Hills (MUN) Model United Nations hosts the 18th Annual Invitational Conference with up to 400 guests attending. Jason is a member of the MUN program and Ms. Giger is the MUN Coach. Jason took command of the LHHS Liaison Position like a Pro!


Barbara Kogerman, Candidate for City Council in 2010 stated she started the Initiative Process 2 weeks ago for Term Limits for the Laguna Hills City Council and there will be a Rally on Saturday morning to begin the process of collecting signatures. She invited the city council members to attend the Rally and sign the initiative on the first page.

Adam Wayne from the Bella Tierra Community, Laguna Hills, gave an update on the off street parking that the city permitted for the residents due to lack of capacity for parking in their development. He stated that the Bella Tierra Citizens continue to keep the streets clean in the parking area and are grateful for the additional parking.
** editors note - This is a community that was taken over from the County on Sept. 18, 2000 by the City of Laguna Hills. It was an apartment complex that converted to condos. The question of why the Laguna Hills City Council never required the community parking to be brought up to city code, during the condo conversion, to prevent this problem for these residents was asked on 2/27/09 by Merik Lottie, Laguna Hills Citizen, from Carriage Hills Lane who said he is an architect and has a son who has a condo in Bella Tierra and asked why was the parking problem not fixed by the city when the city of Laguna Hills had already annexed that area before the apartments were converted to condos in Bella Tierra? He said the city inspected the beams in the converted apartment of his son and required that they be repaired, which took 2 additional months until Shey Homes fixed them, so why did they not require the same for the parking problems? This question was never fully answered by the city council.

Consent Calendar *(The Consent Calendar consists of multiple items, including the Warrant Register, on which the city council votes as a whole unless an item is pulled for individual consideration )

The Warrant Register = $1,070,670.40

*** See more detailed Reports of all Items on the City Web Site under Agendas and Minutes.

Item 4.3 - Revised scope of work for Sports Complex Renovations
FY 2009-10 Proposed work includes exterior painting of facilities in park area of Community Center and Sports Complex. maintenance of parking lots, repairs and maintenance of walkway and parking lot lighting.
Staff Recommendation - Staff suggests approve the painting an lighting improvements, delete the parking lot improvements at this time and add the refurbishment of the surfacing of the playground due to significant wear of the rubberized surface. Budget of $305,000 included in the Capital Improvement Budget. Receive and file report

Item 4.4 - Resolution ratifying the City Council's Action related to the City Manager's compensation.
Resolution states in the City Manager's annual performance evaluation on Dec. 8, 2009 the performance bonus was approved by a 4 - 1 vote (with Council Member Melody Carruth voting NO). The city manager is awarded the maximum performance bonus for the calendar year 2009 as authorized pursuant to Sec. 5(B) of the Employment Agreement.
Staff Recommendation - A Resolution of the Laguna Hills City Council ratifying the award of a performance bonus to the city manager
*editor's note - There was no Bonus $ Amount identified in this report it is assumed to be in excess of $23,000 because it is 10% of the city manager's current salary? No formal vote in Open Session was taken on the City Manager's benefit's package at the last City Council Meeting on January 12, 2010. On Dec. 8, 2009, in Closed Session, support for the City Manager's Maximum bonus for 2009 was moved by Council Member Joel Lautenschleger with a 2nd by Allan Songstad and approved 4 - 1 with Council Member Melody Carruth being the only No vote. Melody stated she had expressed concern for 3 years regarding the City Manager's Compensation, bonus, car, vacation and travel. See more about this City Manager's salary and benefits for 2008 of more than $170,000 on top of his $230,000 salary and NOT including his $60,000 car in 2009 at

Item 4.5 - Contact with County of Orange regarding Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Funds

Objective of this is to stabilize neighborhoods that have been negatively impacted by numerous foreclosures through funding for purchase of foreclosed units to be rented to households that qualify as very low and low income. City Staff has identified the Aliso Meadows Condo development and an ideal candidate for these funds and states there is potential for this program to implement the City's General Plan objectives for the Via Lomas area. The City of Laguna Hills has been tentatively awarded NSP funds totaling $729,486 to be used to purchase up to 5 dwelling units.
Staff Recommendation - Approve a contract with the County for FY 2009-10 Neighborhood Stabilization Program Funds

Item 4.6 - 2nd Quarter Financial and Treasurer's Report
Highlights include Anticipated use of Reserves because the year to date funding sources totaled $7.6 million and funding uses were $9.5 million = a deficiency of about $1.9 million. Civic Center lease income for last 3 months ending Dec. 31,2009 - total income $330,272 - Total expenses of $229.296 = net income of $100,976.
Staff Recommendation - Receive and file report.

Item 4.7 - $121,789.30 progress payment to RJ Noble Co. for Laguna Hills Dr. resurfacing.

Item 4.8 - Amendment to Agreement with County of Orange for the widening of NW corner of El Toro Rd. and Avenida De Carlota.
County of Orange was unable to complete the widening of Avenida de la Carlotta between Paseo de Valencia and El Toro Rd. as part of the Foothill Corridor Phasing Plan (FCPP) so has requested that the city assume responsibility for the project. Fiscal Impact - will transfer to the City $1,275,000 of FCPP funds for the project. This project has been identified in the City's Capital Improvement Pgrm. Budget as CIP # 164 in the total amount of $2,171,000. The budget item anticipated the receipt of FCPP funds from the County, Measure M Funds and Prop. 1B funds.
Staff Recommendation - Approve the Amendement

Items pulled from the consent Calendar by the City Council Members

Mayor Randal Bressette pulled item #s 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5. Regarding 4.3 the Sports Complex Renovations, Randy admitted that he is a Sand Man and would prefer to keep the sand in place for the children's playgrounds. Council Member Melody Carruth agreed. Ken Rosenfield, City Engineer noted that excess sand is collecting in the valves of the landscape sprinkler system and ruining the valves which need to be replace frequently so he suggests porous surface rubber matting in place of some of the sand areas. Council member Joel Lautenschleger areed with the city engineer. The issue was sent to the Parks and Recreation Committee for their consideration and then will return to the City Council.

Regarding Item 4.4, the Resolution for the City Manager's Bonus for 2009 passed in closed session 4 - 1 (no vote being Council Member Carruth. Mayor Bressette stated, "As I indicated at our last meeting, the December meeting during closed session, which as you well know I cannot discuss, left me making a decision that on further review and further investigation we couldn't enact, and therefore, if the opportunity presented itself, I would vote NO today, and this is the only opportunity that I have to say that." Council Member Carruth responded, "You're not inferring though, that this resolution does not reflect the results of a discussion and a vote that was taken on December 8, you're not saying that this does not accurately reflect that vote?" Mayor Bressette suggested to Council Member Carruth that they could discuss this further in private.

Regarding Item 4.5 - contract with the County of Orange for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, Mayor Bressette said that he hoped when we see this item next we will have a better performa of cash flow. Vote taken - Consent Calendar Items passed 4 - 0.

Planning Agency Public Comments - None

Planning Agency Public Hearings

Item 5.2 - Conditional Use Permit request by Verizon Wireless to install and operate a wireless communication facility an existing So. CA. Edison utility Pole on city Owned Property No. of Via Lomas Dr. and West of the Community Center. Proposed antenna will consist of 9 panel antennas, 1 microwave antenna and one GPS antenna. Equipment will be enclosed in an 8 foot tall wrought iron enclosure with landscape around it.
Staff Recommendation - Approval ** This item was continued for the second time related to Verizon's need to continue to work with staff on some of the conditions of approval.

Administrative Reports - City Manager Channing reported the re-financing of the city's debt was a success.

Item 6.2 - Senior Transportation Program
David Reynolds, Deputy City Manager reported according to the 2000 census 16% of the city's population was 60 years of age or older and that was roughly 4,908 residents. That population has undoubtedly increased now in 2010. Need for Senior Transportation Services rated very high in the 2007 Laguna Hills City Survey. City Staff received permission on June 10, 2008 from the city council to study this and hired the Solis Group to conduct a needs assessment of seniors and disabled persons. City Staff researched current transportation services in Laguna Hills for these groups and transportation services offered in other cities. Mission Viejo has been conducting this program for 3 years with a steady increase in trips taken from 700 the first year to 1700 the 2nd year and predicted to be 2,600 this year. Staff will check to be sure applicants for this program are of the appropriate age and there is a restricted radius of travel for the participants.
Staff Recommendation - Develop a Taxi Transportation Program for Seniors to begin July 1, 2010 and apply for OCTA's Senior Mobility Program to help fund the cost of a senior taxi program. The city of Mission Viejo's contract with CA. Yellow Cab expires on June 30, 2010 so Laguna Hills city staff saw this as an opportunity to establish some type of partnership with Mission Viejo to provide senior taxi service in both cities. With funding from OCTA's Senior Mobility Pgrm., 80% of the transportation program costs would be met and the City of Laguna Hills would only need to match 20% of program costs. For
2010-11 this would amount to $31,980 in funds available through OCTA and $8,557 paid by the city for this program. In 2011-12 OCTA's Senior Mobility Program funds would increase to $42,738. City staff also discovered that the OCTA funds can be used to cover city staff time, materials and supplies to administer the program as well as the costs of taxi service providers. "In-Kind" contributions from the City may be counted against their entire 20% match requirement which could result in completely offsetting the general fund impact to the city. Cost estimate is $2,830 for the 1st year and $6,318 for the 2nd year and staff anticipates no General Fund Impact with OCTA funds being used since the City's match can include staff time and other expenses to administer the program.
This item passed 5 - 0

**editor's note - this issue was on the 3/13/2007 Laguna Hills City Survey under Spending Priorities. The categories were High, Medium, Low and Do Not Spend. It was stated as: Provide Transportation Services for the Seniors and Disabled Citizens. 390 citizens responded to this out of 400 polled. It was the 2nd highest rated spending priority by the citizens, just under Coordinate Traffic Signals. 51.5% of respondents voted this as High Priority, 31.3% voted it Medium priority, 12.6% voted it Low priority and 4.6% voted - Do Not spend.


Barbara Kogerman, Candidate for City Council in 2010 asked, What took so long? She said this was a high priority in 2007, studied in 2008 and is finally being addressed, now, in an election year, after her public shaming of this council for failure to address the needs of Seniors in any manner approaching that of neighboring cities. She stated she was very supportive of this long overdue measure.

Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members

Council Member Lautenschleger gave his overview of the most recent OC League of Cities Division of the CA. League of Cities Meeting. Discussions of Transportation, Clean Water, etc. , with same goal of no unfunded mandates on cities. Council Member Carruth thanked City Engineer Ken Rosenfield and staff for the good job done with clearing of fallen trees, keeping drains open, etc. during the storms. Council Member Craig Scott stated, "There is a doctorate in the law that suggests that under certain circumstances silence equals acquiescence and agreement. I do not intend, for one, to sit here quietly when a member of the public makes outrageous claims and charges. As to Mrs. Kogerman's comments on the Senior Transportation Program that we heard moments ago, I believe that it was one of the most ridiculous, laughable and baseless recitations I have ever heard. Each point of which could be demonstrated to be factually inaccurate." Mayor Randal Bressette stated Laguna Hills Sheriff's Deputy Ray Botta was honored by the Saddleback Valley Elks Club as Laguna Hills Deputy of the Year and the American Legion gave their metal of merit to Laguna Hills Crime Prevention Specialist Casey Lambert-Few for producing 2 years of the Citizens Emergency Preparedness Academy in which almost 200 citizens have participated. Casey's Virtual Briefing is another significant contribution. This is an online tool for the deputies to have up to date information about what is going on in the city. He also explained that government is a slow methodical process that requires careful deliberation. He noted as an example the issue of the agony we went through to determine whether or not we could have our own animal care facility. He noted this process was long and drawn out, etc. **editor's note - This is a great example of long delays in needed services from the city. After 6 years it is still an effort in futility for all Laguna Hills Citizens with pets. Citizens identified the need for better services in 2004 but the Laguna Hills City Council still chooses to provide the worst animal shelter care services available for their citizens through their continued use of the 60+ year old County Shelter in Orange that was built in the 1940s to serve 200,000 people, has no room to grow, and is now trying to serve close to 3 million people. This shelter has done little to improve services for pets or citizens, has a 40% and higher kill rate, impounded 43,000 animals last year, and ignored the suggestions of the last of several OC Grand Jury Investigations of it. Because the Laguna Hills City Council refused to pay more for local City Shelter services, Laguna Hills is one of only 4 cities left in So. OC that continue to provide such terrible and distant services for their citizens with pets.

CLOSED SESSION - Item # 9.1 - Public Employee Performance Evaluation - City Manager There was no closed session related to the absence of Council Member Songstad.

================================= Laguna Hills Crime Watch
================================= Laguna Hills Crime Watch for the past 3 weeks go to: Hills Laguna Hills Crime, What's Happening in your Neighborhood by Alejandra Molina, Reporter, Orange County Register. Keep up with crime in Laguna Hills, where it's happening and how it might affect you. This column is continuously updated.
Information, Questions, Concerns and Comments from Watch Dog Readers

I am sorry to read that the city I live in (Laguna Hills) does not value the Anti Drunk Driving "Every 15 Minutes" program as Lake Forest does. It touches every student at our school as the students who "die" are removed from their classes. Students that participate are selected months in advance and are carefully chosen so that when the accident happens, every group of students at the school is well represented and pretty much every student knows someone who is involved in the tragedy. Val

Regarding the Refinance of the City of Laguna Hills debt report from the city manager at the 1-12-2010 city council meeting, the city had $17,650,000 of debt, maturing in 2024, at 4.5% fixed (I assume for the term and fully amortizing). So the City had 14 years of payments left. The cost of getting a new better interest rate was a 2% redemption fee on $13,200,000 or $264,000 plus consulting fees, plus underwriting fees. I'd say it was a no brainer to refinance given where interest rates have been for the past 2-years off and on. See data at and Lookiing at the 10-Year column, as that seems to be the measure the city manager was quoting, the key point to note is that at the end of 2008 10-year money dipped below 3%. This was clearly a signal to refinance the 4.5% debt. As recently as December 1, 2009 the 10-year rate was 3.28%. The city finally refinanced at the end of December obtaining around 3.75%. The difference costs the city $88,000 the first year and a little less each year over the term of the refinance. We can quantify the exact cost of the city's indecision but it is certainly $500,000. Had we locked in 3% money imagine the savings. Also did they convert to fixed rates over the term of the COP or only fixed for 10-years? 4TruthinFinance

When are Citizens of Laguna Hills ever going to get better Animal Care Services it's been 6 years of pointing out the need to the city council and still nothing?
I would like to point out that yesterday there was a dead raccoon laying in the northbound lane (in the gutter) of Paseo de Valencia between Alicia and Hawk Way by Laguna Hills High School. I saw it there at 7:45am when I dropped off my daughter to school. Later on that day, this poor raccoon was still laying there, so I called the emergency animal control number to have them remove it. It is now over 24 hours later at 9:13 am and that poor raccoon is still in the street. DD

Laguna Hills is finally considering Transportation Services for Seniors - Has Barbara Kogerman's Candidacy for Laguna Hills City Council in 2010 made a differencealready?

I read the information on the city web site about Senior Transportation and I saw that after 3 years the city is finally doing something about this because they have found a way to do it for free and choose to do it in an election year when threatened by a candidate who has potential to win. The city council has always been overly controlling and prefered to save citizen money for bonuses, cars and other benefits for the city manager, for themselves and pet projects that make them look good. I have known these people for 20 years and what the citizens need to understand is that Craig Scott, Joel Lautenschleger and Allan Songstad control the council. This core of 3 do not view the city as made up of citizens and businesses, but as their personal property. Bressette and Carruth, who are more citizen oriented, are necessary nuisances to them. The council acts as the Planning Agency because they want to control every aspect of the city. Notice the huge numbers of conditions with which any small business must comply before being granted the simplest Conditional Use Permit. I am speaking up now because the only way to get much needed change in Laguna Hills for citizens and business is to eliminate Craig Scott this year and Lautenschleger and Songstad in 2010.Long time Laguna Hills Senior and business owner. =======================================
“I’m gratified that, the City Council is following my lead, and finally addressing these important services for our Seniors,” says Barbara Kogerman, challenger for a city council seat in the Nov. 2010 election. Volunteers plan to begin gathering signatures Saturday to place the Laguna Hills City Council Term Limits Initiative, that Kogerman is chairing, on the Nov. ballot. Today's council is the same one elected by voters at incorporation in 1991. On Dec. 8, 2009 they voted to study term limits. Kogerman urged them to place her initiative on the ballot. Learn more about Kogerman’s City Council Campaign & Term Limits Initiative at ========================================== How to Support the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills
??????? More to follow.
OC Register News Stories and blogs ==========================================
No go for anti-DUI program on Laguna Hills Drive

Laguna Hills to study council term limits

No go for anti-DUI program on Laguna Hills Drive

Marine families get pampered by Laguna Hills

City manager who got car now gets performance bonus

City Manager Benefits top $170,000 November 06, 2009

City manager won't comment on $60,000 car

Laguna Hills buys its city manager a $60,000 car - in Tustin

It's the Health Insurance, Stupid

Full benefits for part-time elected officials are reasonable, mayor says

Remember to visit the page when you've got something to share with the community.

Laguna Hills Report Recommends Pet License Outreach. It also says shelters aren't crowded enough for spay, neuter program. Laguna Hills City manager gets $23,000 bonus over objections
Laguna Hills City Council Members Say the Darndest Things in Public ====================================================
Dec. 4, 2008 - LHCC Member Craig Scott stated ".... based on what is recited here I think it is fair comment to say that Nellie Gail was not remarkable. "We did some research on this issue and if that's the best we can do, a school teacher, 2 daughters and ran the ranch until turning it over to her children, I submit that's not necessarily remarkable."
Really, Mr. Scott, would you say you are a "remarkable" city council member and how would you define that? **Craig Scott is speaking about Nellie Gail Moulton (1878-1972) who was born in Irving, KS on Dec. 8, 1878. Nellie Gail spent her childhood in Nebraska and came to California with her family in 1893. Upon receiving her teaching credentials, she taught school in the state of Washington near Seattle at the turn of the century. On one of her summer trips to visit her family in southern California she met Lewis Moulton whom she married in 1908. The couple settled on a ranch of 22,000 acres. When her husband died she ran the 22,000 acre ranch while raising 2 daughters. She was also a school teacher, and an artist. Most of her paintings appear to have been done in and around Laguna Beach. Nellie Gail Ranch, in Laguna Hills, is named for her. Be sure to see the exhibit of her Remarkable life at City Hall!

June 10, 2008 - LHCC Member Mayor Allan Songstad said - "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."
Thank you Mr. Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking us" with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 18 years.

On May 27, 2008 - LHCC Member Craig Scott stated, "I am on the toll road every day and I don't want the tolls to go down, I want them to stay where they are or go higher and I'm ready to pay that price and I'd prefer NOT to have others do the same."
Are there any volunteers willing to support a resolution proclaiming that the 73 Toll Road be set aside for the Exclusive Use of Laguna Hills City Council Member Craig Scott until such time that this pesky congestion problem caused by less entitled people, like the rest of us, is brought under control? OR - maybe people would like to e-mail Mr. Scott at to encourage him to broaden his perspective. He has been a Laguna Hills City Council Member for 18 years)

March 11, 2008 - Don White, Assist. City Manager states Laguna Hills rejected a proposal from Mission Viejo to share their animal shelter in 2005 due to increased expense and "unknown and serious contractual problems that exposed the city's budget to unknown and uncontrollable cost increases and expenditures".
So, Don if the contractual problems are "unknown" how do you know they are serious and uncontrollable? Laguna Niguel has had the same contract that was presented to Laguna Hills with the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter for more than 10 years and in 2008 Aliso Viejo joined the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter so none of this has been a problem for them?

October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that." So true, Allan, so unfortunately true.
Reminders & Letters to the Editor
To write letters to the editor of the Orange county register newspaper: Please provide your name and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Letters of about 200 words will be given preference. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity.

You can contact all of the Laguna Hills City Council Members at: phone: 949-707-2610 fax: 949-707-2614

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Laguna Hills City Council Meeting, January 12, 2010

Special Announcement
- For the 1st time since the city was incorporated in 1991, everyone can now see the entire extended agenda for this city council meeting on the City of Laguna Hills web site at under Agendas and Minutes then, awkwardly, but a good first step, in 11 listings under Agenda, January 12. Congratulations to Mayor Bressette, who made something happen rather than just give it lip service!
** Presentations and Proclamations - NONE
** Public Comments - Barbara Kogerman, City Council Candidate for 2010 launched Laguna Hills City Council Term Limits Initiative for 2010 General Election - Everyone who wants to help with this initiative should contact Laguna Hills Term Limits Chair Barbara Kogerman at 949-586-5552 or .”
Mayor Randal Bressette made a mysterious comment about the Minutes of the December 8, 2009 City Council Meeting - What did he mean?
** LHHS Student Liaison Report
from Lisa Mc Corkell - LHHS ranked by US News & World report as one of the top International Baccalaureate Schools in the nation.
** Consent Calendar - Vehicle Fuel bill for November and December - $4063.94 to Cheveron, & Development Impact Fees - Annual Report.
** Items Removed from Consent Calendar - NONE
** City Council Public Hearings - NONE
** Planning Agency Report and Public Hearing - Request for Conditional Use Permit to expand existing Veterinary Clinic and Grooming Facility at 25361 Alicia Pkwy. Ste. D
** Administrative Reports
1. - Preliminary Results of the 2010 Refinancing Project
2. - League of CA Cities Ballot Initiative for 2010 Election. "Local Taxpayers Public Safety and Transportation Protection Act of 2010",
3. - County of Orange called upon OC cities to join the County in formally requesting that the Proposed Sale of the Fairgrounds be canceled immediately,
4. - Proposal to Close Laguna Hills Dr. to conduct the "Every 15 Minutes" Anti Drunk Driving Education Program adjacent to the Laguna Hills High School,
5. - Posting of Agenda Reports in the City Web Site
** Other Business - None
** Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members - City Council Member Melody Carruth made a motion for city council to direct staff to prepare a report on approaches utilized by other OC cities for Term Limits Ordinances as a ballot measure for the 2010 General Election
*** No formal vote taken on the City Manager's salary and benefit's package that was approved 4 - 1 in the last Closed Session in Dec. 2009?

*Closed Session - Conference with Real Property Negotiator - Anticipated Litigation related to 10 properties in the Via Lomas area of Laguna Hills.
* Crime Watch Laguna Hills Report - in the Orange County Register Newspaper* Information, Questions, Concerns and Comments from Watch Dog Readers -
* How to Support the Adopted 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division- Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills. Still working on this - more to come, but the holiday gift collection was a success and so many thanks to everyone who helped with this. It was very much appreciated by the Marine Families!
* OC Register News Stories and blogs - see Laguna Hills in the news! * City Council
01/12/10 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting
All City Council Members were present.


LHHS Student Liaison Report - from Lisa Mc Corkell - LHHS recently ranked by US News and World report as being one of the top International Baccalaureate Schools in the nation also they earned a silver medal and were ranked as one of the best high schools in Southern CA. Last Saturday LHHS had their "Let It Glow" event that took the place of their winter formal for this year. 2 guidance techs.. retired in Dec. but were replaced. There is also a new Campus Supervisor. This Friday there will be a Monty Python Performance in the theater at 7:00. Next Monday, Jan. 18 no school for Martin Luther King's birthday.


Barbara Kogerman, Laguna Hills Candidate for City Council 2010 stated she has launched her Term Limits Initiative for Laguna Hills City Council Members. Proponents who have signed this initiative are Jean Bland, Publisher of the Laguna Hills Watch Dog, Bill Enholm, Past President and current Treasurer of the Nellie Gail Ranch HOA Board, and James Vaughn, Electronic Government Consultant and Laguna Hills Citizen. Pierre Gilbert, also a candidate for City Council in 2010, will head the signature gathering on the steering committee for the Initiative. Documents for the initiative have been presented to the city clerk for review of the city council. This proposed Initiative provides a maximum of 2 consecutive 4 year terms with a subsequent minimum waiting period of 2 years before a former council member can run for re-election. A partial term of at least 2 years will be counted as a full 4 year term, there is no cap on years of city council service, and the proposal applies prospectively only to all terms of office for members of the city council beginning with the terms of those elected at the 2010 General Election. Term limits benefits are currently enjoyed by about 70% of cities in Orange County and have passed by a 3 to 1 margin on OC ballots. A committee is prepared to gather signatures and get out the vote. Laguna Hills City Council is invited to save time and expense for the citizens, by agendizing this proposal and voting to place our Term Limits Initiative on the ballot for the 2010 General Election.

Mayor Randal Bressette - Made a comment on the Minutes of the December 8, 2009 City Council Meeting stating - "Regarding item number 10 - My vote in December was made in the hope that I could formulate an idea that would be beneficial to the city. I now know that that idea will not work out as I envisioned that it might, but I will spend this year pressing for needed reforms in a variety of fiscal issues." editor's note - Item # 10 on the Agenda of the 12-8-09 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting was: "10. Consideration of Compensation for City Manager Recommendation: That the City Council takes such action as it so determines."
Review - This is what the Laguna Hills Watch Dog reported about Item # 10 from the 12-8-09 City Council Meeting's Closed Session. - Council Members Joel Lautenschleger, Craig Scott, Allan Songstad and Mayor Bressette "so determined" that the City Manager will receive his Maximum Bonus for 2009 which is 10% of his salary ($23,000+) despite the economy and the City Manager's own calls for "Belt tightening for the city in this tough economy". Only Council Member Melody Carruth voted against the City Manager's bonus. There were reportedly no additional benefits or salary increases given to the city manager at this meeting but stay tuned, we will continue to monitor this and keep you informed. Outgoing Mayor Joel Lautenschleger negotiated this generous benefit for the City Manager, and in his outgoing Mayor's statements, pointed to this last year as the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.
** Laguna Hills Watch Dog learned, through a Public Records Request, that the money to pay for the City Manager's new $60,000 car is not in the city budget and remember those "8 Secret Goals" the city manager reportedly had to meet to receive his bonus last year, no mention of any goals this year, but we did learn that most of the goals he does meet appear in the City Manager's End of the Year Report. Look for that on the city web site.
*** There was No formal public vote taken tonight 01-12-10, on the city manager's benefit's package that was approved 4 - 1 in Closed Session on December 8, 2009

Consent Calendar *(The Consent Calendar consists of multiple items, including the Warrant Register, on which the city council votes as a whole unless an item is pulled for individual consideration )

The Warrant Register = $1,078, 513.16 - Citizens can read every expense on the Warrant Register, this time, on the City web site.
Vehicle Fuel for November and December was $4,063.94 to Cheveron

Item 4.3 - Development Impact Fees Annual Report outlines 3 types of fees Public Art, Traffic Mitigation and Quimby Act.
Public Art fees - Provides funds for public art for the city. This fund currently has a negative balance of minus $162, 813 (-$162,813), so the General Fund was used to pay the difference in 2008-09. In the future if more funds are collected the General Fund will reportedly be repaid. Fees for public art are 0.5% of the total cost of a project.
Traffic Mitigation fees- Provides funds for additional or improved traffic signal operation, and infrastructure improvements generated by new development. These fees are $3,914.00 per each now PM peak hour trip as determined by the city engineer based upon traffic studies from developers. The current balance for this fund is 0 according to the report.
Quimby Act fees - provide funding for additional or improved park and/or recreation facilities. The current balance for this fund is 0 according to the report.
There is a formula for these fees A=5.0 (DU x PPD)
A = acres to be dedicated as park land, 5.0 = Park acreage standard for the city, DU = # of proposed dwelling units, PPD = # of persons per dwelling unit and DU = # of proposed dwelling units.

Items Removed from the Consent Calendar
- City Council Public Hearings - NONE

Planning Agency
Item 5.2
- Request for CUP (Conditional Use Permit) to expand an existing Veterinary Clinic and per Grooming Facility at 25361 Alicia Pkwy. Suite. D
Dr. Ernesto Rosete, DVM is requesting to increase the size of his facility from 1440 sq. ft to 2880 sq. ft. by expanding into the adjoining suite. Both Veterinary and Grooming are permitted uses in the city and staff recommends approval of the CUP with 27 conditions.

VOTE - This passed 5 - 0

Administrative Reports
Item 6.1
- Preliminary Results of the 2010 Refinancing Project. Staff recommends that the city council receive an oral report from the city manager. *There was no written report for this item. Review of the 12-08-09 City Council Meeting in which it was reported that the city was considering refinancing it's $17,650,000 debt which currently bears 4.5% interest. The City has an outstanding debt in the form of Certificates of Participation for the 2001 Community Center Financing Project and the 2003 Laguna Hills Civic Center Renovation Project. Periodic Reviews indicate these can be refinanced resulting in lower payments, This opportunity may present over the next several months and could save up to a total of $1,1717,618 in interest costs over the term of the debt. The city issued $19,000,000 in Certificates of Participation to refinance the then outstanding Certificates of Participation issued to fund the construction of the Community Center and Sports Complex in 2001. The 2001 Certificates are currently outstanding in the amount of $13,200,000, bear interest at 4.5% and mature in 2024. To refinance will require the city to pay a redemption premium of 2% on the 2001 certificates. This redemption premium drops to 1% on or after Dec. 1, 2010 and to 0% after Dec. 1, 2011. In 2003 the city issued $5,660,000 in Certificates of Participation to finance construction improvements for the Civic Center. Those Certificates are outstanding in the amount of $4,450,000, bear interest at 4.5 %, and mature on June 1, 2024. There is no redemption premium on the 2003 certificates. There was a Unanimous VOTE in favor of the refinance
Now at the Jan. 12, 2010 City Council Meeting City Manager Channing states - We put together our same financing team that we have used over the years and our underwrites with out financial consultants and by the end of December 2009 we had received a grading for our proposed re-financing from Standard & Poors of double A+. On Wednesday of last week we began with an initial offering to see what response we would get. The structure of the deal was favorable in terms of the reaction from the interested buyers. They were mostly small individual and institutional buyers. We proceeded into Thursday. Initial hope was to achieve at least a present value savings of 5.75% but even if lowered to 5% that would be sufficient benefit. We received lots of orders for the structure that was provided by our underwriter, so were able to push it a little more to our benefit. It looked, at that point, that we would end up with closer to a 6% present value savings. By the end of the day Thursday all of the bonds were sold or committed and we agreed preliminarily to make the deal. The true interest costs for the 2010 refinancing, as structured, resulted in about 3.34%. Our actual present value savings is a little over 6% - 6.023%. To put the refinancing interest rate into perspective our bonds back in 2001 and 2003 sold at 4.83% and 4.46% respectively so we had over 100 basis points of savings in this issue. 150 in one and 110 in the other. The final refinancing yielded in interest cost savings about $1.12 million and saves debt service costs this year of about $319 thousand. We'll be saving about $90,000 a year for the remaining terms of those bonds in the next 12 years or so and the plan is that we will be closing the deal at the end of the month.

A. - League of CA Cities Ballot Initiative for November 2010 Election. "Local Taxpayers Public Safety and Transportation Protection Act of 2010"
This measure seeks to protect local revenues from raids by the State through the closing of loopholes and changing the State constitution to stop the State from interfering with tax revenues dedicated to funding local government or transportation projects. City Staff recommends that the Laguna Hills City Council Adopt a Resolution in support of this Initiative.

City Council Members Songstad and Lautenschleger both encouraged the support of this ballot Initiative and it Passed by a VOTE of 5 - 0.

B. - Orange County Fairgrounds - The State of CA. is seeking to sell this property and not requiring it to remain a Fairgrounds, Event Center and Equestrian Facility. The County of Orange called upon the OC cities to join the County to formally request that the proposed sale of the fairgrounds be canceled immediately. City Staff recommends that the city simply receive and file this report due to many competing issues such as the State's budget deficit, the City of Costa Mesa's full discretionary land use approval, and the County and City of Costa Mesa have an MOU to jointly submit an offer to purchase the property per RFP requirements.

City Council Member Carruth - In favor of supporting the County and City of Costa Mesa in this and made a motion for support by sending a letter to the Governor. City Council Member Songstad asked, How smart is it to sell this Capital Asset in a down market?
City Council Member Lautenschleger stated the Fairground earns $180 million a year in tax proceeds to the State of CA, so we should step in. City Council Member Craig Scott stated "Collectively, as the public we have said to the State, do something, do some things in order to try and deal with the budget mess that's been created in Sacramento. I think we are guilty in Orange County, those cities who chose to support undoing what we decry here in this chamber, it's the NIMBY syndrome, not in my backyard. Well, why not our back yard? I think we can argue whether we like the reasoning behind the proposed sale, but I'm not sure it's really the business of Laguna Hills to weigh in on this. I think we ought to chose our battles carefully and I see nothing to be gained, given the posture of the matter presently. What's happening is going to happen at auction whether we weigh in on it or not doesn't really matter, especially at this late hour." He concluded he would vote to receive and file or vote against the resolution. Mayor Bressette said if this produces $180 million in annual tax proceeds to the States, why sell now?

VOTE - It was approved 4 - 1 to support the County and City of Costa Mesa on this by sending a letter to the Governor. The NO Vote was Council Member Craig Scott

Item 6.3 A - Proposal to Close Laguna Hills Dr. to conduct the "Every 15 Minutes" Anti- Drunk Driving Education Program adjacent to the Laguna Hills High School.

Staff recommends that the city council direct the Chief of Police Services to work with proponents of this program to identify a suitable location on school property to conduct the program. Given that the total cost of the program would be $8,500 and is not budgeted (*editor's note - regarding fairness to all "budget arguments" here and in the future, the 2009 $60,000 car purchased by the city for the city manager was also Not Budgeted) and the road closure is costly and inconvenient city staff does not support the closing of the road. The city gave the program $2,500 and estimated the additional cost for closing the road to be $6,000.

There was a great deal of discussion on this issue. Council Member Melody Carruth suggested multiple possible alternative ways to be able to close a portion of Laguna Hills Dr. to make this more dramatic and effective for the students. Staff argued that the problems for traffic were significant. Council Member Joel Lautenschleger argued that the main problem in Laguna Hills with teenagers driving is speeding not drunk driving and this is a very dramatically emotionally charged program off street. Council Member Allan Songstad said closing Laguna Hills Dr. is not required to make this program more effective. Mayor Bressette said he was in favor of using Laguna Hills Dr. and requested a report from the school following the event. He said he felt sure that people would be willing to go out of their way for 1 day to perhaps save a student or another person from an accident. Council Member Craig Scott said "The principal is willing to have an off street demonstration. Not to forget the budget issue here. When the school came to us we broke from our normal financial practices and we authorized $2,500 that was not budgeted, now the request is that it's another $6,000. Let's not forget that we have budgeted $4000 for grad night at least ostensibly for the same purpose because we are concerned about drinking and driving. Now we have made significant commitment already. I don't think we need to go out of budget another $6000 when it appears to me we can have a fine and useful program off the street." He added " How is it that we always seem to be in a situation that the moment we lay down a new road we're gonna scar it?"

Vote was 3 to 2 Against closing Laguna Hills Dr. for this program. No votes were Craig Scott, Joel Lautenschleger and Allan Songstad.

Item 6.4 A - Posting of Agenda Reports in the City Web Site

On Nov. 24, 2009 the city council directed staff to bring back a report discussing options and problems of posting city council staff reports on the city web site. It reportedly took staff 45 minutes to post staff reports for tonight's city council meeting. The estimates are 1 1/2 to 3 hours for staff time needed to post staff reports for each city council meeting. Until tonight the entire extended agenda for Laguna Hills City Council Meetings has only been available on the counter in a binder

at city hall on Fridays, Mondays and Tuesdays for Tuesday city council meetings for the public or citizens could pay for a copy. The extended Agenda has been posted for tonight's city council meeting as a demonstration.

Staff Recommendation is that the city council direct staff to post staff reports along with associated attachments to the city's web site. Staff has also completed a preliminary investigation of several web streaming software products that allow automatic posting of agendas and watching or listening by the public with ability to jump in to special sections without sequentially proceeding through entire meetings but this will be presented at a future meeting. ***editor's note - Issue here includes the web streaming of UNEDITED city council meetings?


Barbara Kogerman, Laguna Hills Candidate for City Council 2010 said this is a step forward to transparency that I have been advocating in the press, on my web site, in speeches, in talking to other cities who have been doing it for quite a while and I am delighted with the result. It is not as user friendly at this point as I think you can make it but it's a terrific step forward and a great benefit for the citizens to be able to access what you are doing before the city council meetings. I look forward to your improvements and taking the next step to web stream your broadcasts as well. Good Job!

James Vaughn, Laguna Hills Citizen and Electronic Government Consultant said 4 years ago when I moved here I sent an e-mail to the city council members letting you know that my background is in this field, Electronic Government, and I that I have consulted from the White House to Congress to Government Agencies. I was asked to lead an Air Agency task force with the Federal Government to push administration to set standards for citizen communication - including getting information back and forth to citizens. So, this is the kind of thing I was hoping you would do. I was hoping you would respond to me when I offered to do this on a volunteer basis for you 4 years ago, to help advise you on these types of things. This is a wonderful step in this direction. I would encourage you, as I have told other counsels, to remember to use plain language/English, because citizens looking for information are not going to use the same language that you might use in some of your links which is going to be important when that comes up for search engine optimization, whether it's your own search engine or Google, etc. I just encourage people, especially Staff to use the "Mom Test". How would your Mom think about his topic, what terms would your Mom use when she's looking for this type of information online? Moving online is great but won't do you any good unless you start using plain English as well. As I've offered before I am still offering as well to help the city, as a resident, because it's my background. I was considered a nationally known expert in this field so I am happy to contribute to my city. Thank you.

Mayor Bressette thanked Staff for this saying this has been a long time coming and I appreciate your efforts to get this up on the web site as quickly as possible and I look forward to the improvements that I know we can make. Council Member Melody Carruth added she appreciated the work that has been done and is pleased to support the motion in favor of this.

VOTE - 5-0 in favor of the posting of Agenda Reports on the City Web Site.

Other Business - NONE

Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members

Council Member Melody Carruth stated the city council had listened to her appeals for Laguna Hills City Council Term Limits to be placed on the ballot on several occasions and tonight she would like to circulate additional materials with examples of different types of Term Limits Ordinances that have been used in Orange County Cities. She requested that city council direct staff to return with a report that will examine some of the formal limitations. She said it was interesting that, following the agenda that was published last week, we had citizens who came forward who were very interested and expressed interest in circulating a petition to place Term Limits on the ballot in Nov. of 2010. This is a great opportunity to discuss Term Limits as a community. This is a serious issue that requires our attention. I think our public is interested in this as well. She concluded by asking the council to look at all the information and consider placing Term Limits as an Ordinance on the ballot for the voters in November.


Barbara Kogerman, Laguna Hills Candidate for City Council 2010 - stated that she has proposed a Term Limits Initiative and asked the city council to stop studying what already has been studied to death, and place the measure on the ballot. Term limits will prevent incumbents from using the benefits of office to remain in power indefinitely, make room for fresh candidates and encourage participation, bring in fresh ideas and practices to redirect priorities, allow the election of council members who are not beholden to entrenched policies that no longer serve the needs of our citizens. Need to promote the turnover of office holders while balancing the need for strong experienced leadership. Term limits then is a succession plan. We need fresh perspectives and practices in an active political process that will allow strong leaders and new ideas to emerge. She said we need innovative solutions for aging populations, strengthening of local business, and need to address the lack of humane animal services available to our residents. 19 years of history have told us that none of these things will happen without term limits. We are all well aware of the arguments, we are a city of citizens who need to be engaged in participating and forging us into the 2nd decade of the 21st century.

Bill Enholm, Laguna Hills Citizen, Past President and current Treasurer of the Nellie Gail HOA Board stated he supports term limits philosophically but it's tough to bring it to the city council tonight because it's saying that I believe some of you shouldn't be here. He said an elected body with as little turn over as we see here is a little scary. He noted he was pleased to see term limits on the agenda and hopes they are adopted without further study. He said he researched other city councils and had difficulty finding one with as little turnover as this one and that although stability is good, this much stability is not good. He noted that Council Member Songstad has 17 years of service on this city council with 4 times serving as Mayor, Craig Scott has 19 years of service with 4 times as Mayor, Joel Lautenschleger has 19 years of service with 4 times as Mayor, Randal Bressette has 19 years of service with 4 times as Mayor and Melody Carruth has 11 years of service with 2 times as Mayor. Hard not to draw the conclusion that this body is a little stagnant, this must really be a great job. He concluded that he was happy to join with the first Term Limit's advocate in America, President George Washington, who had the character to begin a 2 term tradition in this country. That tradition was formalized in the 22 amendment of the US Constitution.

City Council Member Joel Lautenschleger - Noted that the council should study this some more due to wide range of possible term limits measures related to how many terms, how much time off, whether a council member can return to office, etc. He said Term Limits have not worked well at the State level and indicated that Lake Forest also has essentially the same city council now as it had at incorporation. He mentioned the low pay for city council members stating, "Good luck on that career thing". * editors note - The pay is $7,484 per member and Joel did neglect to mention that this is a part time position and in addition to the salary, the city also pays $22,164.00 per year for his medical insurance, $1,360 for his dental ins., $301 for his life ins. and $77 disability ins., plus $1,324 a year for his PERS (Public Employee Retirement Services) contribution. See benefits for all the city council members in Laguna Hills at

City Council Member Allan Songstad - stated he is fine with doing a study and noted that in Laguna Niguel, past council members were often re-elected with Term Limits in place plus he was re-elected after being off for 2 years early in the city's history. City Council Member Craig Scott stated there is no need for a study. The material Mrs. Carruth provided is fine. This is a philosophical issue that is either liked or not, the council members know the issues, no need to use staff time in an exercise that's not going to lead anywhere. Election is a natural term limit so don't favor the motion. Mayor Randal Bressette stated Term Limits have never been studied, only discussed. Randy said he has had the same job for 25 years and was in the US Navy reserves for 23 years, so "19 years is a walk in the park". It's not about the money but about service to the community. He said although he is not a fan of term limits he favors Mrs. Carruth's motion to study them. He added that he did not believe any study of Term Limits stands alone, it needs to include a study of Campaign Spending Limits and Districting. He requested that Mrs. Carruth include these 2 issues in her motion for Term Limits. City Council Member Melody Carruth moved that the city council direct staff to prepare a report which includes an overview and analysis of the approaches utilized by other OC cities in setting term limits for their cities and the procedural steps required for including a Term limits Ordinance drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council as a ballot measure for the No. 2010 General Election. She declined Council Member Bressette's request to include Campaign Spending Limits and Districting due to her motion already being on fragile ground here and asked that he make a second motion for his request.

Vote - was 4 - 1 in favor of a report from Staff regarding Term Limits. Craig Scott was the NO vote.

Mayor Randal Bressette made a motion that the council direct staff to prepare a report including an overview and analysis of Campaign Spending Limits and Districting and the different approaches currently used by Orange County Cities with respect thereto. City Council Member Craig Scott stated again differences here are in philosophies so no report needed. The issue of Districting was addressed at time of incorporation in 1991. At that time the electorate said "No way" on districting. City Council Member Allan Songstad agreed with Craig Scott and advised looking at the County Board of Supervisors to see how Districting problems affect the electorate as a whole. City Council Member Joel Lautenschleger stated people do not want ward style political districts. Mayor Randal Bressette added they at least need to look at campaign finance reform as part of what some people want as a fairer way of electing council members, so he withdrew the Districting and changed the motion to include just Campaign Finance Reform.
City Council Member Melody Carruth said she was okay with the report that allowed the public to express their opinions on both Districting and Campaign Finance Reform.

Barbara Kogerman, Laguna Hills Candidate for City Council 2010 - asked to make a Point of Order Comment and stated the city council was violating the Brown Act by discussing an item that had not been agendized - referring to the discussion of the Districting and Campaign Finance Reform. She was told she was Out of Order by Mayor Bressette.

There was a recess of the city council and council member's then returned without comment related to any possible violation of the Brown Act.

City Council Meeting Called back to order

City Council Member Craig Scott stated he did not see anything in need of reform related to the motion for the study of Campaign Finance Reform so what would be studied? Mayor Bressette explained that a discussion of Term Limits related to how to get new people on the city council needs to include an understanding of what Campaign Spending Limits could mean and also of what Districting could mean. There is no issue of past wrong doings.

Vote - the motion failed. The numbers on the vote were not announced but it appeared to be 2 for (Mayor Bressette and Council Member Carruth) and 3 against.

City Council Member Melody Carruth - Report on the Holiday Toy Drive for the Marines 3/5 Division in Camp Pendleton. Melody thanked all the Laguna Hills Residents who she said responded in a very generous spirit with well over 200 gifts. The gifts included gift cards, toys, books, CDs, DVDs & 2 children's bicycles. 3 SUVs were loaded up and driven to Camp Pendleton to the parade grounds where the Marine Corps. families came later to receive the gifts. 5 individual Marine Corps. families wee also adopted with individual gifts specifically for them. The collection points in the city did very well and it was a successful effort. Mayor Bressette thanked the Laguna Hills citizens as well and said this was very important.

Conference with Real Property Negotiator regarding Anticipated Litigation related to 10 properties in the Via Lomas area of Laguna Hills.

Laguna Hills Crime Watch
Laguna Hills Crime Watch for the past 3 weeks go to: Hills Laguna Hills Crime, What's Happening in your Neighborhood by Alejandra Molina, Reporter, Orange County Register. Keep up with crime in Laguna Hills, where it's happening and how it might affect you. This column is continuously updated.
Information, Questions, Concerns and Comments from Watch Dog Readers
Let’s get fresh blood let’s have a couple of strong women, no more roman columns for $400,000. That money would have supported the elderly center for years with money left over for animal shelter and a police officer. Outgoing Mayor Joel Lautenschleger pointed out that this last year was "the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression"- And the city and council members were so “intelligent” they used $400,000 on roman columns on El Toro Rd. to make sure we look good on a “rainy” day. Mr. C
Council members should use scanning and electronic safe keeping for city records these days. It is convenient to make evidence disappear by destruction if all is above board why would there be an issue of keeping records? Mr. C
How to Support the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division
Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills

This is still being worked out. More to follow.
OC Register News Stories and blogs
Laguna Hills to study council term limits

No go for anti-DUI program on Laguna Hills Drive

Marine families get pampered by Laguna Hills

City manager who got car now gets performance bonus

City Manager Benefits top $170,000 November 06, 2009

City manager won't comment on $60,000 car

Laguna Hills buys its city manager a $60,000 car - in Tustin

It's the Health Insurance, Stupid

Full benefits for part-time elected officials are reasonable, mayor says

Checkpoint nets 14 people in Laguna Hills

Woman mauled by 3 bull mastiffs sues county, city

Laguna Hills makes cuts to two-year budget

Remember to visit the page when you've got something to share with the community.

Laguna Hills Report Recommends Pet License Outreach. It also says shelters aren't crowded enough for spay, neuter program.

Laguna Hills City manager gets $23,000 bonus over objections