Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 22, 2011 - Laguna Hills City Council Meeting

All Council Members were present


Special Announcements - Brittany Oldham has replaced Casey Lambert as the new Crime Prevention Specialist/Neighborhood Watch Program Contact for Laguna Hills at 949- 707-2641 See the rest of March, April and May Line Up for Win-Win-Wednesdays Never Tasted so good under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers Contact the Laguna Hills City Council Members at -

Presentations and Proclamations - Item 1.1 - Annual Presentation from the Trauma Intervention Program (TIP) Services to the Community from Founder and CEO Wayne Fortin and from Laguna Hills Resident and TIP volunteer, Krista Fisher a Laguna Hills resident and Rick who is a TIP volunteer and small business owner in Laguna Hills. Wayne said TIP brings value to people whose lives are shattered and to the Public Safety System. TIP volunteers contribute 2500 hours a year to Laguna Hills and is a non-profit program serving Laguna Hills for 11 years. There are 120 volunteers in Orange County and 54 serving Laguna Hills. Their mission is to respond to the request of sheriff's deputies and firefighters to help people immediately after a tragedy occurs in their lives any time of the day or night. Their response time is 20 minutes or less and Krista and Rick each contribute 500 hours a year. Krista Fisher said she is a TIP volunteer for 7 months and has received 50+ hours of intensive training. She told a story of a recent experience at Saddleback Hosp. working with a 70 year old Mom who just lost her 50 year old daughter and had no one else to be with her and help her though this emotional trauma. Rick said families are always grateful for the help they get from TIP, the emotional help and helping them work through the systems they need to address. It really is a very valuable program. Item 1.2 - The Presentation from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to the City of Laguna hills regarding Measure M. was cancelled.

Public Comments - Meg Gorham, Laguna Hills Resident spoke about Win-Win-Wednesdays on steriods! She thanked Council Member Kogerman for dining out for W-W-W and suggested posting W-W-W flyers in lobbies, breakrooms, workrooms and lunchrooms at offices and businesses. She asked for the customary donation from the City Council and in addition asked if they would be willing to match the total amount of funds from Win Win Wednesdays when it is completed. She noted that about $1000 from W-W-W has been collected over the past 10 weeks and they are hoping for $2500. Mayor Songstad said the amount is in the budget but this is not on the agenda so can't speak about it tonight. The council said they usually donate about $4000. Council Member Bressette said he would like to see at least some of the funds from W-W-W matched by the City in addition to their usual donation. Meg asked everyone to mark Monday June 20 on their calendars and attend the grad night party to see what they have done. Council Member Kogerman stressed that this is to save lives by keeping the grads. together on the campus in one safe place for grad night. No one wants to read in the paper about kids getting killed in auto accidents on the roads going home from a grad night party somewhere else so this is the reason for this attention to one central grad night celebration for all. Download flyers for Win-Win-Wednesdays at and see more on the schedule for the rest of the Win-Win-Wednesdays under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers below.

Laura Dickson, Laguna Hills Resident asked the City Council to take a "serious look" at getting a Service Yard for the trucks, Porta-Potties and other City equipment that is stored now at the corner of Alicia and Aliso Hills Dr. It has been 20 years now and the City needs to acquire a permanent storage yard. She said she has asked previously for this equipment to be removed from the entrance to her neighborhood. The plan for planting trees to shield this equipment is not a solution. She suggested renting or leasing a portion of the Laguna Hills Mall near Pumpkin City or the carpool area behind Lone Star Steakhouse. There are no homes there and no one would have to drive by the equipment on their way home as all the people who live up the hill from this storage yard in Aliso Hills currently do. Laura asked about one more item stating she was happy to see condensed items on the City web site but was wondering if all the "At a Glance Charts" could be collected and put together so citizens could either view a chart or do a lengthy reading. Currently readers are forced to do a lengthy read and search for the spot to click to view a chart. She suggested they could make it more convenient for the reader by posting all the charts in one place below the long report. Council Member Kogerman agreed with Laura related to the posting of the "At a Glance" tables and said other council members agree as well and asked how long it took Laura to go through all the narrative to get to the tables. Laura responded she did not have time to go through all of it but looked at other cities and news stories that put the charts in one place for easy reference.

Jonathan Bromberg, Laguna Hills Resident from Christina Court stated he lives along side Aliso Creek which is getting closer and closer to residences on both sides. It is County Property but the County points to the Trail people who point to the Flood Control people and it's been going around and around like this for 20 years and we are running out of area and no one does anything. There used to be a hill around the creek and now the hill is gone. Much of the area on both sides has collapsed and is now gone. This needs to be addressed right away. The hills and trails are coming apart. I would ask the City to ask the County to actually do something because there is a lot of damage being done right now. Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services and City Engineer answered this is a issue from Aliso Creek cutting through and "down cutting" over time. Studies were done to address the down cutting of Aliso Creek by the County and the Army Corps of Engineers and all the stakeholders including the City of Laguna Hills about 10 years ago but the project never got funded. Lack of funding seems to continue to be the problem. He said he has been pressing the County every 3 weeks for an answer but no answers have been received. He said it is a major undertaking to restore the creek. The damage to the creek where it undercrosses the freeway will probably get some repair through a federal declaration of disaster through funds in that manner. About 5 years ago when Mr. Bromberg brought this to our attention we suggested to the County an installation of a safety fence next to the trail to keep people from going off the trail when there was still several feet before going over a steep slope and now there is less distance there but that was declined by the County for reverse liability issues. Ken said he would continue to follow this and keep reporting back.

Mike Bland, Laguna Hills Resident said he is going to give monthly reports on the progress of the 3/5 Marines support committee and last night he and Dick Nagle attended a dinner in Dana Point for a Lt. Col. who is the 5th regiment commanding officer and is retiring. He said this gave them a chance to connect with many other people from the 5th regiment headquarters and added he is pleased to announce that there will be some Marine presence at the City's Memorial Day Event plus some equipment. A 3/5 Gunnery Sergeant also plans to run in the event. 65 Sailors and Marines returned today to Camp Pendleton from the 3/5 in Afghanistan and they all should be back next month. He said he wanted to thank our City Attorney Greg Simonian's Law Firm. Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart who donated $500 to the 3/5 Marine Support Committee. The banner at the Community with the light on has received all kinds of press and thanks to Council Member Carruth for getting that hung.

He said he received this e-mail from a Darkhorse Mom who said - I've been following your Laguna Hills Facebook support of our 3/5 Marines in Afghanistan and all of the volunteers that have offered up their time for our men, and for my son. My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude on behalf of our Darkhorse Marines for all you have done for them. No other town near Camp Pendleton that I've seen has given our Darkhorse Marines the support that you have so we would like to support your town when our family comes to meet our Marine on the parade deck. We will support you by staying in your hotels, dining in your restaurants and shopping in your stores. Thank you Laguna Hills. Thank you. I will spread the word with the group of Marine Moms that are traveling to base as well and also ask them to support your community just as you have supported our Darkhorse Marines for these long months. God bless your community! In another message this same lady mentioned the valentines created for the Marines by Jonathan and Valerie Bromberg's Math Classes and said she bet the Marines got a kick out of that and she mentioned the sock drive as well. Mike said this is one of many messages of thanks the committee has received.

He said he also wanted to mention a group of ladies called the "Hills Angels", who he referred to the the Mariner's Church and they are donating dresses and gowns to the women who are attending the Marine Corps. welcome home ball in June. He continued that Win-Win-Meg Gorham had contacted him and she has a volunteer group of adults and kids that will go to the barracks on April 10 just before more Marines return and decorate the barracks with welcome banners and other comforting touches to welcome the Marines home. He said he wanted the council members to see that there is a direct benefit to the City from supporting the Marines because these people are going to come here and use businesses in the City and they recognize what the City is doing for their Marines. Mayor Songstad thanked Mike and Council Member Kogerman said thank you and asked for a round of applause. Mike stressed that at the function in Dana Point last night for the Marines the Dana Point Mayor and City Manager were both present and that City is very involved with supporting their Marines.

LHHS Student Liaison Report by Lyndsey Kaan said the Seniors won the Powder Puff game last Friday. The ICMD conference received a Leadership Spotlight Award from the California Parent Teacher's Association. International week will be Wednesday - Friday with cultural events, multicultural fashion and foods from many countries around the world. Funds raised are going to the Japan Relief Mission. Student-Teacher basketball game will be next Wednesday and is the CA. Scholarship Federation fund raising for the American Cancer Society. This weekend on Sat. from 9 am to 4 pm the girl's La Cross is collecting electronic waste at the high school parking lot to raise funds . Boy's La Cross is playing on Friday and they have done well. April 30 is a Swap Meet to benefit the clubs at LHHS. Look on HAWK HAPPENINGS for where to donate to the Swap Meet. ** Correction to the 3/8/11 Laguna Hills Watch Dog Report from an alert citizen - the "new" informal chat with the LHHS Principal opportunity from the ICDM is for students not parents. For years, Mr. Boulton has had a Community Focus Group/ Principal's Roundtable for parents, but the request that came out of ICMD (I Can Make a Difference) conference was for the same opportunity for students. It's called Cool Conversations with Mr. B (or CoCo With Mr. B.) for short...and they'll serve hot cocoa...don't know what they'll do when it gets hot! Meg

Minutes - Recommendation that the City Council Approve the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is a long delay for the public related to timely information from the city.

Consent Calendar - Warrant Register = $661,860.91 Items of interest from the Warrant Register - Departmental Operating Expenditures - $7,440.05 for Feb. 2011 - what does this include and does anyone audit this?
Items of Interest from the Consent Calendar: **Items on the Consent Calendar are placed there by City Staff.
Iem 4.3 Award of Contract for Avenida de la Carlota widening. Staff recommendation was for City to waive minor bid irregularities and award the contract to the low bidder for $716,925.00. The staff report states project will begin in June of 2011 and last for approx. 70 working days. Advance notice of the project will be provided to residents and businesses in the area and the majority of the work is scheduled to be performed at night. Construction Management will be provided by Bureau Veritas for $65,000 and the costs fro the project are within the City's FY 2010-2011 Capital Improvement Program Budget.
Item 4.4 - Biennial Budget Calendar for FY 2011-13 Revised Meeting Schedule - April 19 will be the next Budget Study Session. 2 sessions have been combined into one to accommodate the schedules of Council Members. Staff recommends that this session begin at 5 pm rather than 7 pm to accommodate the presentations and all of the discussion material. This session is open to the public. Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar - NONE The consent Calendar was passed as a block of items
Planning Agency Public Hearing -
Item 5.4.1 - Extension of Time for Construction at the Courtyard at La Paz Center located at 25232-25342 McIntyre St. A request from La Paz Center. LP for an extension of time to complete the renovation work in process at the Courtyard at La Paz Center. Staff report states - given the closures of the Claim Jumper and Spassos Italian Barr and Grill Restaurants and the current challenges of leasing tenant spaces at the center the owners need additional time (until the end of August) for demolition of the 2 corner buildings which will be replaced by parking space and landscape and to allow for the final landscape improvements. The majority of the renovation work has been completed. Staff Recommendation - Conduct a Public Hearing and approve the extension. VOTE - Passed 5 - 0
Item 5.5 - General Plan Conformity for Avenida de la Carlota widening project. Staff report states this project requires acquisition of public right-of-way to allow for the full widening of the street. The city council approved an agreement for acquisition of real property for this purpose in March 8, 2011 and opened escrow to process the acquisition of the public right-of-way to allow for the full widening to accommodate the heavy flow of traffic and has prepared a report for the Planning Agency. No final cost to the City for this acquisition is mentioned in the report. Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services and City Engineer stated the construction will begin on June 1 and the City has acquired the property for the right-of-way. VOTE - Passed 5 - 0 Planning Agency Adjourned
City Council Public Hearings -
Item 6.1 - to allow the limited use of Neon and Light emitting Diode (LED) signs subject to the approval of a Master Sign Program - Staff report states - 9 code sections are proposed for amendment which will fully integrate LED signs into the City Code and updates sections pertaining to neon signs while providing flexibility for addressing future lighting technologies. The purpose if to ensure that signs comply with the City's sign regulations, are well designed and compatible with their surroundings and to assist new businesses to quickly obtain approval of their new proposed signage that may deviate from the sign section of the Code. Staff has proposed the use of exposed neon or LED to outline individual windows, roof lines or building subject to approval of a MDP (Master Sign Program). Staff has added design criteria encouraging the use of white and clear or other colors that are complimentary got the building design. The use of these signs is to be avoided if located within 150 feet of an residentially zoned property. Staff Recommendation - Conduct a Public Hearing and allow staff recommended limited us or neon and LED signs subject to approval of a Master Sign Program. After a lengthy discussion with Mayor Pro-Tem Carruth and Council Member Bressette concluded they could not approve this because they thought this was making the City look garrish, circus like, making the businesses look like Gentleman's Clubs, and was unnecessary. Council Member Lautenschleger, Mayor Songstad and Council Member Kogerman concluded this lighting does not make the businesses look like strip clubs, look at all the surrounding cities and what they are doing, this is the way of the future and will help businesses while protecting residents in close proximity. VOTE - Passed 3 - 2.
Administrative Reports - **These Items are authored by City Staff
Item 7.2.1 - Assistant City Manager - City Staff Compensation Study and Labor Market Recommendations from Ralph Anderson & Assoc. Staff Recommendation - Approve the recommendations from Ralph Anderson & Associates regarding the labor markets to be studied which consist of 15 cities in Orange County including Mission Viejo, Lake Forest, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Beach, San Juan Capistrano, Irvine, RSM, Dana Point, Tustin, San Clemente, Fountain Valley, Orange, Yorba Linda, Brea and Cypress. (Editor's Note - There are no Private Sector businesses or industries included in this study and Aliso Viejo is not included.) The report states a study of these 15 cities rather than all of the cities in OC will allow for a more tailored survey. The data collection is stated to include Salary Ranges, Performance Pay, Deferred Compensation, Retirement pick-up (payments made by the city), Longevity Pay, Insurances, Retirement, Retiree Health costs, and Leave Benefits.

Mr. Doug Johnson from Ralph Anderson & amp; Assoc. spoke and answered some questions. He said he has met with the City Employees and looked at the job descriptions and operating documents. He advised there are 2 possible routes to pursue to establish pay - 1. Look at market place labor costs to hire and retain the people needed. 2. Look within the organization at what kind of value is there to the organization internally related to the skill set of an employee. He clarified some terminology: Defensible Basis - means in the eyes of the public, Fair and Equitable - means in the eyes of the employees When looking at recruitment and retaining of employees compensation value can vary over time and this is more flexible when unemployment is high. He said organizations hiring Private and/or Public Employees use similar approaches making use of Base Salary vs. Benefits, and Private Sector Data. He added they are looking at Historical Practices of all OC Cities, Economic Similarity, Size and Geographic Proximity. He said the size of larger organizations/cities can be factored into the compensation, they avoid extremes and look at Cost of Living and Cost of Labor Indexes. He said there are some surveys that provide Private Sector information but Private Sector information is harder and more costly to obtain and another drawback is that Private Sector information cannot be audited because it is presented by Private Sector organizations. Private sector also moves more quickly in response to the market place and with raises and with layoffs. He concluded that the main concern at this time is whether or not to add more cities to the 15 they have already listed and better to add cities now because they can be dropped but not added later. He suggested maybe 2 more cities be added and suggested the cities of Placentia and Buena Park. He added that Aliso Viejo and Laguna Woods were not used because they had too few employees.
Council Member Kogerman stated she had checked Mr. Johnson's references and was impressed with the previous work he had done but added that benefits were not mentioned in the "scope" of the study such as autos provided, in home computers provided, salary increases to cover costs of other expenses provided, Medicare employer and employee contributions provided, moving expenses, cell phones, Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets, Per Capita income of residents, etc. Mr. Johnson responded that auto expenditure and cell phone equipment and usage are included but not in home computer cost which is historically a one time cost. (Editor's Note - one time cost would not be true when computers and related equipment are provided for a period of 20 years as they were here). He said companies are very resistant to paying relocation costs now and the additional variables for the City Manager and Assistant City Manager would be examined. Operating budget is considered but not Capital Improvement Budget and ERI index is used rather than Per Capita index which is not as widely available. Council Member Lautenschleger suggested adding Newport Beach to the cities being studied. Council Member Bressette said he was concerned with looking at lack of turn over and job variabilities and said Laguna Hills Mgmt. Staff is stable and hands on related to meeting with the public, staff department heads from other cities, and being in the field, etc. as well as managing. Mr. Johnson noted that the variances are addressed in the studies but tenure information is not usually provided. It was left to Mr. Johnson to choose 2 additional cities. VOTE - Passed 5 - 0 with 17 cities to be studied
Item 7.2.2 - City Council Ratings of City Council and Dept. Head's Favorite Proposed Major Plans for the 2011-13 Biennial Budget This was continued from the March 12, workshop session. The Options for votes on these plans are that each council member may vote either 0 or 1 or 2 , so with 5 council members voting the total for each major plan could range from 0 to 10. A Major Plan must receive a vote total of 1.6 or more to move forward for further consideration. This is a "Wish List" so Interest not cost is being measured because, at this stage, cost is often unknown however any Major Plan being considered must be estimated to cost $50,000 or more to be considered a "Major" Plan. At the March 12 workshop Kogerman requested that a Public Record of these votes/ratings be made and that passed.
From Public Services Dept. 1. Perform an accessibility assessment of public sidewalks and ramps for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. VOTE = 10 this is a NO Choice Item that must be done or heavy fines could be incurred by the City.

2. Initiate the NPDES inspection program for commercial, industrial, homeowner association and municipal properties and inspect existing structural controls implemented in Water Quality Mgmt. Plans for compliance with SARWQCB and SDRWQCB permits. VOTE = 10 this is another NO Choice Item that must be done or heavy fines could be incurred by the City.

3. Upgrade the Geographic Information System to add data to improve functional use of the system for Public Services and other departments. VOTE = 10.

From Community Services Dept. 1. Consider the implementation of a regional commercial food waste program service after the funding for current pilot food waste program expires and research a potential food waste program for the residents of Laguna Hills. Vote = 9 + Songstad's vote of ? because he failed to hold his vote paddle high enough for the public to see it and no verbal report of the vote was given.

From the Parks and Recreation Commission

1. Exercise the Irrevocable Offer of Dedication (IOD) on Sheep Hill's Park in order to assume control of the park from AVCA and provide Laguna Hills residents with additional recreation space. *** This vote as deferred to Mayor Pro- Tem Carruth Major Plan requests.

2. Acquire the rights to Edison easement for park/trail land use in order to connect the Community Center and Sports Complex and Sheep Hills Park as one continuous recreation amenity for residents. Vote ? - Public unable to see this vote and no verbal report of the vote was given.

3. Implement a citizen volunteer program to assist the City of Laguna Hills with enforcing the City's municipal code in parks and to also serve in other volunteer capacities at City special events. Vote = 3 plus Songstad 's vote of ? because he again failed to hold his vote paddle high enough to be seen by the public.

4. Develop a Community Garden in the City of Laguna Hills. - Vote = 1 plus Songstad's vote of ? because he consistently fails to hold his vote paddle high enough to be seen by the public and no verbal report of the vote was given. (Editor's Note - Perhaps next time Mayor Songstad could be seated in a taller chair or given a longer handle on his vote paddle?)

Comments from Parks and Recreation Dept. - Carol Meyers, Parks and Recreation Commissioner and Laguna Hills Resident and business person stated it is time to activate the IOD on Sheep Hill's Park because citizens want it, this park that we don't have access to because it is governed by Aliso Viejo is located within the boundaries of Laguna Hills. The other thing is that the Laguna Hills Residents who live in the area of the park are paying for this park in the AVCA dues they pay. She continued, if not now, then when? This has been discussed for as long as I have been coming to City Council Meetings. We have rights to a park but we don't have them. The park looks pretty good right now and the City can fix it up over time. probably parking is the subject to look at, but get the park now and then see what we need to do. It is quite usable now and is being used. Mayor Songstad offerred that his grandson plays soccer in that park with a team from Ladera Ranch so it is open it's just a question of who controls it. Who would be excluded if we take it over? He asked if his grandson's team would be excluded? Carol responded no one would have to be excluded it could be operated the same way all our other parks are operated. Carol continued the Edison space provides connectivity and she expressed that on Aliso Hills near Ralph's Market would be a good spot for a common garden for Laguna Hills.

From the Public Safety Dept.

1. Police Services had no Major Plans for this budget cycle. Council Member Bressette asked Lt. Doan about the status of the deputy that was lent out to the Marijuana Facilities close down program. Lt. Doan responded that deputy was eventually recruited by the gangs unit and transferred there. So we don't have a deputy dedicated to the Marijuana task force right now. The deputy that we lost to the gang unit is also serving the City as a representative on that task force but is not a deputy under my command right now. Bressette asked if we have backfilled that postion and Lt. Doan responded not as yet. He continued that we previously had 5 vacancies due to military leave and worker's compensation and we are in a lot better position right now. We are going to reassess our position in that program in June.


From Mayor Pro-Tem Carruth -

1. Aliso Creek Trail Loop - Coordinate with the County of Orange the construction of a trail, improve bike trail, identify and secure funding for freeway wall. Mayor Pro-Tem Carruth said we heard tonight from Mr. Bromberg about the deterioration of the creek and her Major Plan is focused on trails and building a freeway wall. She said she recently heard that the federal government has decided frequent human use in an area that is impacted by traffic noise makes that area a candidate for sound mitigation such as a freeway wall. Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services and City Engineer said he was not aware of that but OCTA is coming on Monday to start preparing specs. for the widening of the I-5 freeway for one additional general purpose lane between El Toro Rd and the I-73 as part of Measure M2, so he has been bombarded by consultants asking what the issues of the cities along the corridor are. He said he has told them all that a potential sound wall across the opening of Alicia Creek is of critical importance and we need to find a way to characterize the Aliso Creek open space as an active recreation area for human use that would justify the sound wall. Comments on this will probably be received about a year and a half from now. Carruth said most are interested in a new recreation area, and the wall and pushing the County to clean up the area and fortify the bike trails are all things we want to do so asked that this be moved toward the top of the budget. Mayor Songstad asked, since this is County property how would we do that? Carruth responded it's our job to facilitate this, to bring the parties together, the County, Flood control, Fish and Game and the City to identify funding and emphasize to the County that they need to take care of these creek beds and maintain the bike trails here as they do in other areas of the County in canyons and around Wilderness Parks. Vote = 8, Lautenschleger and Songstad each voted 1.

2. Sheep Hill's Park - Assume responsibility for the park. Analyze annual maintenance costs and in the long term, create trail connection to Community Center, improve fields and parking. Mayor Pro-Tem Carruth said since our residents live around that park it is important that we regulate it. Council Member Lautenschleger said Soccer is down by about 30% and Little League is similar, so do we need it? If we take over the park we also take on all the responsibility and expense for it. Council Member Bressette argued that the La Cross teams and Adult sports team are clamoring for our sports fields now. This can take some of the stress off of our current fields and we should acquire it and move forward incrementally. Mayor Songstad said this is a large park and expensive to maintain. Lautenschleger, Songstad and Bressette all agreed that the lack of parking problem is a currently liability and very expensive to correct. VOTE = 8, Lautenschleger and Songstad each voted 1.

From Council Member Bressette -

1. Increase the number of sworn deputy sheriff positions by 2. Mayor Pro-Tem Carruth suggested leaving the number of positions to be restored open. Council Member Lautenschleger opposed this saying the key question here is "if we need it" and for 20 years we've used the level of activity and response time and we're still okay with that so why add more? He said there's been a reduction in part one crimes and we are the 3rd highest staffed city on a per capita basis (No actual #s were quoted). City Manager Channing interjected a warning that the financial condition of the City is not much better now than in the past 2 years so attention needs to be paid to expenses and Sheriff's Deputies are expensive with a 1.13% increase this year. Council Member Bressette said the SET team allowed us to prevent crime and decrease the numbers of loud parties and disturbances to the community. He said Lautenschleger referred to part one crimes only and a police force that is stretched thin is not good for the community. Council Member Kogerman admonished the City Manager stating he needs to be aware that all expenditures need to be considered including compensation so there is no reason to suddenly inject that message in this particular discussion. VOTE - Kogerman-2, Lautenschleger -0, Songstad- ? (Songstad failed to hold his voting paddle up high enough for the public to see and there was no verbal report of the vote given) Carruth -2 and Bressette -2.

2. Install a barrier on Paseo de Valencia in the enter median between the opening from the Community Ctr. back parking lot closest to the building and the Mobile gas station and the Pizza Hut to prevent dangerous illegal jaywalking especially by kids . Bressette said kids from the Skate Board frequently scamper across the island dividing the road through traffic to the mall across from the Community Center. He asked for a barricade to further deter these dangerous actions. Vote = 7, Lautenschleger voted 1 and Songstad voted 0.

3. Begin planning the improvements at Sheep Hills Park. - ***Already discussed under Carruth's Major Plan Suggestions.

4. Web Streaming of the City Council Meetings. *** this item was deferred to Council Member Kogerman's list of Major Plans.

From Council Member Kogerman -

1. Kids Factory - Laguna Hills offers only after school sports - nothing for younger children and girls. Kid's Factory is a drop in 2 hour after school program with crafts, table games, playground games, etc. Cost for the entire school year is about $29,000 per campus or about $87,000 for the 3 elementary schools in Laguna Hills. ***It was determined by the rest of the City Council that there was already a similar program called TLC in Laguna Hills elementary schools.

2. Youth Advisory Board - The City Recreation Dept. already employees a number of recent high school grads. that can be transitioned into a Youth Advisory Board which allows the participants to become acquainted with city government and they discuss how City Programs can better fit the needs of youth as well as issues facing teens in the high school. Cost for this program is nothing other than some staff time to monitor activities and meetings. *** It was decided that since cost for this would be under $50,000 it was not a Major Plan so was referred to Community Services Director David Reynolds.

3. Humane Animal Care Services - Kogerman asked the City set General Funds aside to continue exploring options for partnering/contracting with a humane city animal shelter close to home, in addition continuing to be involved in efforts to develop a new Animal Shelter in Tustin to replace the 70 year old Orange County Animal Care Shelter that has always been used by the City and is 20 miles away in the City of Orange. (synopsis of the actual request)

The kill rate for only Laguna Hills Animals at the Orange County Animal Shelter for the fiscal year 2009-2010 was 69% for Cats, and 26% for Dogs - total kill rate for Dogs and Cats = 42%

as opposed to the Irvine Animal Shelter whose kill rate was 11% for Cats and 5% for Dogs - a total kill rate of 7.5% for Dogs and Cats. (58 Cats from Laguna Hills were impounded at the County Shelter and 40 were killed plus 95 Dogs were impounded and 25 were killed.) Laguna Hills residents deserve a safe and responsive Animal Care Services close to home.

Laguna Hills animals are kept at the County Animal Shelter for 7 days, including the day of impound, and Laguna Hills contracts for an additional 3 days, on a space available basis only, and space is never available because the shelter is always overcrowded. Kogerman stated Animals matter to our residents and the needs of pet owners in Laguna Hills are not being served by the Orange County Animal Shelter, better services will be more costly but this is important to Laguna Hills Citizens. Songstad stated this sounds like duplication of a previously failed effort. Carruth asked City Manager Channing if an opportunity with the City of Irvine presented itself, you would be open minded enough to tell us, right? Channing responded, it is not a matter of open minded but of what path to take to try to get the County to build a new shelter or to look at a new proposal from Irvine. Songstad responded to Channing - Can't you do both? (Editor's Note- Historically, the answer to Carruth's question to Channing is NO. Laguna Hills Resident Valerie Bromberg stated, at the 3/10/09 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting, that the city of Laguna Hills was offered a possible opportunity for pro-humane animal services that was apparently virtually turned down without letting the citizens know about it. She said at a meeting she attended last Tuesday the Irvine Community Services Manager, announced that the City Manager of Laguna Hills, Bruce Channing, was contacted by the Irvine City Manager about a possible JPA (Joint Powers Authority) arrangement offering this city, the opportunity to be a part of a NEW Irvine Animal Shelter. It was later announced at the Irvine meeting for shelter improvements that Laguna Hills would only be interested IF the cost that the City of Laguna Hills now pays to the County for animal services did not change. Residents of Laguna Hills are also still waiting for Channing to tell us the results of his findings related to the Lake Forest Veterinarian Dr. Fred Saad, who offered his Veterinary Hosp. as a possible shelter for Laguna Hills at the Oct. 26. 2010 LH City Council Meeting.)

Kogerman stated her talks with Irvine about this are very preliminary at this time. Bressette said he agreed that the County of Orange does not serve Laguna Hills as well as it could and with looking at options. He continued that he is optimistic that the County Shelter System could be improved when the new shelter is built. Bressette and Carruth suggested reframing the wording of Kogerman's request to narrow the focus, by eliminating the wording "the city should explore any and all opportunities to partner with other shelters" and "until all options are fully explored" and concentrate only on the one possible option with Irvine, Songstad agreed. Carruth stated, "I'm fully committed to the County Shelter Program and the new shelter". Kogerman confirmed that any new shelter is "Many years away" and this one possible opportunity should not take a lot of staff time. Kogerman agreed to narrow the focus to exploring this with Irvine for now and stressed to the rest of the council that this would cost more for better services and they need to understand that, but no specific $ amounts are known at this time.

City Manager Channing interrupted with, "None of these animals were euthanized for space." (Editor's Note - this is NOT TRUE according to the OC Grand Jury Study of 6-3-08 - "IS ORANGE COUNTY GOING TO THE DOGS?" - "The number of euthanized animals led the Grand Jury to question why the figure is so high. A large percentage of the animals euthanized was due to lack of space at the County Shelter." "To say that the Shelter has a tight fit is an understatement." "For decades, efforts to build a new shelter have failed." "Despite such humane treatment, if the animal is not adopted within four days to two weeks, it is usually euthanized.")

Assistant City Manager Don White then stated - He got a report when the Mayor had a meeting with the City Manager yesterday and followed up on the numbers in Kogerman's report. He said, the numbers were correct for the kill rate. He continued that he inquired about why the 40 (Cats)were euthanized and was told that 17 were euthanized for behavior, 16 for medical and most of them were feral cats, and 7 were too young - under 6 weeks of age. He added that only one had any identification. He also said, "Even though there are only 7 days Laguna Hills contracts for an additional 10 days if needed." (Editor's note - This is NOT correct Information. Laguna Hills contracts for an additional 3 days (7+3 =10), NOT an additional 10 days, and the 3 days are on a "Space Available Basis Only" which Don White always fails to mention.) Don White continued with stats for the Dogs impounded at the County Shelter saying 17 were killed for behavior, 4 were for medical and 4 were less than 6 weeks old. (Editor's Note - Because there is a "Hayden Law", - which is weak but observed by animal shelters "lack of space" is never documented as a reason to kill an animal by a Shelter in CA. but is done regularly in overcrowded shelters (see the excerpts from OC Grand Jury Report above) and the reason listed very broadly is "behavior or medical" rather than lack of space to avoid a technical violation of the Hayden Law) The Hayden Law states - SEC. 5. Section 1834.4 is added to the Civil Code, to read: 1834.4. (a) It is the policy of the state that no adoptable animal should be euthanized if it can be adopted into a suitable home. The Assistant City Manager should know this related to him being the City's primary liaison with the County Shelter for many years.)

Kogerman responded, that she doubted there was such a vast difference between the animals impounded from Irvine and those from Laguna Hills. All shelters would have some medical and behavioral problems but the numbers indicated that they way they go about handling them must be different and our citizens would be better served by having the lower numbers. Bressette said "We all understand that if we find an opportunity to improve animal services it's gonna cost more," and suggested some more re-wording - In addition to working on the proposed Tustin Animal Shelter City should explore any viable opportunity to partner with other cities to provide humane animal care services until all options are fully explored. Carruth changed the word "explore" to "respond" saying it was too strong a word and to save staff time. Votes were Kogerman - 2, Lautenschleger-1, Songstad -? because he failed to hold his vote paddle high enough to be seen by the public, Carruth - 2 and Bressette - 2 - and no verbal report of the vote was given.

4. Video Streaming of City Council Meetings - Residents and some council members have expressed an interest in Video Streaming the Council Meetings. Activities such as this that promote transparency are critical for local government accountability. Council Member Kogerman stated she does not envision the residents gathering around audio recordings of council meetings to listen and what the public requested was video streaming so she requests that be considered now. She added that the City has about $62,000 available for this from Cox. Votes were Kogerman - 2, Lautenschleger-1, Songstad ? because he failed to hold his vote paddle high enough to be seen by the public, Carruth - 2 & Bressette - 2 and no verbal report of the vote was given for the public. (Editor's Note - City Clerk Peggy Johns very logically suggested a verbal report of each vote for this meeting and was turned down. Giving No Verbal Report of Votes should play very well for residents listening to the "audio streamings" of City Council Meetings that are coming??! Maybe we need to develop a new category for the LH Watch called WATT - What are they thinking?)

5. Public Safety - Restore the 2 sheriff positions which were defunded in the previous budget cycle. **The City Council already voted on this in Council Member Bressette's Major Plans requests.

6. Compensation Reform - A compensation is currently being conducted and the public and elected officials have become increasingly aware of the need for compensation reform for public sector employees. Laguna Hills has been singled out by the media for its high employee benefit costs and generous senior management compensation. This should become a major focus of the budget as the process unfolds related to the study now being conducted. *** This item was held to wait for reports from the Compensations Study.

Other Business - **These Items are authored by Council Members -

Items 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 were authored by Council Member Kogerman

Item 8.1.1 Annual Determination of City Manager Goals and Objectives: Establish a City Council Policy that requires the City Manger's annual goals and objectives to be established by the city council by the close of the 1st meeting of each calendar year. Staff report stated, supervision of the City Manager is the single-most consequential of the city council and 2nd is the adoption of the city budget, so it requests that regardless of circumstances the City Manager's goals be set but the same time every year to allow the City Manager the ability to complete the goals and objectives by the close of the 1st meeting of the calendar year. Recommendation - Adopt this policy VOTE - the wording in this Policy was slightly changed from "the 1st meeting of the calendar" year to "by the close of the 2nd meeting of the calendar year" and was passed 5 - 0

Item 8.1.2 - Annual Determination and Public Communication of the City's Primary Goals and Objectives including publication of these goals at the "START" of each fiscal year. Progress toward these goals and objectives is to be evaluated semi-annually. - Background - this was requested to improve transparency for residents. Public Budget Study Sessions held biennially will enhance the opportunity for public to provide input and provide information to the City Council Members of the public's priorities.

Recommendation - Adopt this policy.

Mayor Pro-Tem Carruth stated - "Mr. Channing does a very fine job of the City Manager's Report"....."It's comprehensive, it gives the residents of Laguna Hills a clear idea of what we accomplished, rather than goal setting it's kindof an end of the year wrap-up." She suggested we could just make sure the City Manager's Report is posted clearly on our website. Council Member Lautenschleger said people can tell us what they like or don't like anytime so this is a duplication of effort. Carruth asked "Why does it have to be policy?" and said, "I can't support it." Kogerman explained that a policy is needed for consistency so it will be done the same way every year and this is a great way to state to the citizens these are our priorities and what we stand behind for this year. Mayor Songstad said this information is there every year included in the budget if citizens read the budget. VOTE - This was defeated 3 to 2, Carruth, Lautenschleger and Songstad voted NO. (Editor's Note - The council just voted to have the City Manager's goals completed by the close of the 2nd meeting of each calendar year and those goals are basically the same as the City's goals so despite all the protests from Carruth, Lautenschleger and Songstad all the council has to do is publish for the citizens the basic goals they set for the City Manager at the beginning of each year. Members of the public have asked for these goals to be published for years so they can track the progress of the City and the City Manager, who, except in 2010 when citizens loudly protested, always receives a large bonus based on reportedly achieving his secret goals. When citizens have asked about these goals in the past they were directed to the City Manager's Year End Report (as Mayor Pro-Tem Carruth did above) and told most of his goals are there. The difference is that citizens are asking, through Council Member Kogerman, to see those goals at the beginning of the year so they too can track the merits of what the City Manager and the City are accomplishing.)

Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members

Council Member Bressette-Noted that Laguna Hills resident Laura Dickson tonight and previously Council Member kogerman have brought up the difficulties of finding "At A Glance Tables" in the City's online Compensation Report. He said there are mechanical problems, the links are not clearly identified and asked how can we deal with this? Songstad then made an inaudible suggestion to Bressette. Bressette continued the Valencia Education Foundation left because they couldn't be here until midnight but they are having a fundraiser on Sunday from 2 to 6 pm with an opportunity to bid on a chance to meet television's Dr. Phil.

Mayor Pro-Tem Carruth added that the Juaneno Band of Missions Indians were recently denied Federal recognition. Federal recognition would have allowed the tribe to own land and essentially function as its own government and possibly open a casino in San Juan Capistrano.

Closed Session - None

Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday April 12, 7 pm, at City Hall. The 3 PUBLIC BUDGET WORKSHOPS have been cut to 2. The next budget session will be Tuesday, April 19. This Budget Study Session will combine the CIP and Operating Budget study sessions. There will be a PUBLIC HEARING on the City Budget in June.

City Council & City Manager Report Card - Number 6 for 2011

Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades -

(P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit.

City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests

Bressette - P (CI) for voting Yes on the Citizen Friendly issue of publishing the City's goals for residents at the beginning rather than the end of the year.

Carruth - F (CI) for voting NO on the Citizen Friendly issue of publishing the City's goals for residents at the beginning rather than the end of the year.

Kogerman - A and P (CI) for authoring the Citizen Friendly item of publishing the City's goals for residents at the beginning rather than the end of the year, and voting Yes on this issue.

Lautenschleger - F (CI) for voting NO on the Citizen Friendly issue of publishing the City's goals for residents at the beginning rather than the end of the year.

Songstad - F (CI) for voting NO on the Citizen Friendly issue of publishing the City's goals for residents at the beginning rather than the end of the year.

City Manager - F for giving inaccurate and misleading information re. the Orange County Animal Shelter to residents.


Contact the Laguna Hills City Council Members at -


After more than 6 years of trying to get the Laguna Hills City Council to provide better service for our pets, nothing has improved. Our council continues to quote numbers that are inaccurate or outright lies from either the Orange County Shelter or our own staff regarding euthanasia rates. These numbers taken directly from the OC Animal Shelter Reports show that : 69% of Cats and 26% of Dogs from Laguna Hills were euthanized last year.
Compare that to the Irvine Animal Shelter where the euthanasia rates were: 11% of Cats and 5% of Dogs.
I find the difference in euthansia rates to be outrageous. I don’t think all the lousy pet owners live in Laguna Hills and all the good animal owners live in Irvine. On March 23rd Council Member Barbara Kogerman proposed that improved animal care service be added to the biennial budget plan. The thousands of pet owners in Laguna Hills need to continue to push for better shelter services. We now have one city council member who acknowledges that the citizens of our city deserve more than the minimal services provided by the county. It appears in 2012, we’ll need to have two more new council members who tell the truth and stop telling us our animals deserve to l be killed. Valerie Bromberg


I have never seen a group of more selfish, self indulgent people as the four incumbents. It's one thing to be fiscally prudent, but another to oppose anything they don't see any self-benefit in. Thanks for doing this. I'm glad the proposal to force an agendized item to require an agreement of three council members was defeated as it would probably lead to a violation of the sunshine laws because the council would have to discuss something outside of meetings behind closed doors to get three people to agree to even discuss it openly on the agenda. Citizen already looking forward to the next election.

Enjoyed reading about Songstad and Lautenschleger wanting to change the system now that they are in the minority. Talk about Sour Grapes spilling all over the place with no regard for citizens, just for themselves. A citizen who gets it.


A reality this City Council needs to consider is that this is an aging city that apparently just decreased in population by about 5000 and why should seniors who get no consideration from 4 of these council members ever vote for any of them in the future. PS When do we get a REAL "At A Glance" online City Mgmt. Compensation report? Senior Voter

Glad to know the council members who don't care about Seniors and I bet there are enough of us Seniors to vote them out at the next election. Savvy Senior


Yeah, let's definitely not add any more citizens committees or heaven forbid a citizen on the city's audit committee, because that would allow citizens to learn more about what goes on at city hall and we see that at least 3 of the council members clearly don't want that. What happened to "transparency for citizens". Apparently that was a short lived issue for all the council members except Kogerman. A Voter who won't forget

Loved the comment from City Manager Channing, "don't destroy the team due to errors or mistakes along the way." Did he mean his error in buying the $60,000 car for himself at our expense, and why is Channing not in his office on Tuesdays, does he have to moonlight because he doesn't get enough compensation from us? Disgusted Citizen

I read the Watch Dog report on the Council Workshop and the last City Council meeting. I cannot fathom how you sat through 7 hrs of drivel at the Workshop without screaming and begging for these people EVER listen to themselves? As for the City Council they are not responsible for social services in the city, fine but...exactly what ARE they responsible for? Sounds like Barbara is doing a good job, what are the others doing? Where is all the Transparency and Accountability to the Citizens that we voted for? Citizen who is Listening

COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO COUNCIL MEMBER LAUTENSCHLEGER'S STATEMENTS at the March 8, 2011 City Council meeting about making the City's Adopted 3/5 Marines the headline Charity for the City's Memorial Day Event in the Future, Lautenschleger said, "The 3/5 may not be the headline next year," and added "I don't know if I would consider it a headline charity type thing." "It's not like Cancer Research or something like that."

Let us assume that the city council wants to be not only administrators, but also lead Laguna Hills in making civic contributions. While we cannot embrace the entire United States military, or even the entire Marines, or Regiment, we can make a difference to one Battalion. Beyond that, while doing so, an even longer lasting impact will be made if we do this right....and that is to draw all citizens into an awareness of and appreciation for the military. So, it isn't only about "Headline grabbing news," as one council member said. It is, in fact, much beyond the scope of that. It is day in and day out, being aware of the young men and women who willingly volunteer in our country's military. It is not good for a country when the military is a totally separate class and group than the rest of us. Laguna Hills, by its actions and support of 3/5, is providing a civic service everyone should want to see is good for the Marines, and it is good for the hearts and awareness of the citizens they serve. Karen

First I want to thank the Laguna Hills Watch Dog for tracking and reporting all the council meetings and special sessions. I am glad to be able to read somewhere what these council members are actually saying. I notice that almost none of what they say is reported in Minutes of the council meetings online. I would like to express that I am more than disappointed in Council Member Lautenschleger, I am angry. I agree with South County Outreach doing a great job but it is very disturbing that Lautenschleger views the Marine battalion that the city adopted as a headline event that may not serve the city as well in the future as a hot ticket item for collecting money. Can he relate at all to these people who serve and sacrifice to protect him? Then I read the information from the Mission, and Values session where Lautenschleger went on to say that he did not wish to even consider possible additional services for Seniors in a city that is aging, did not want any additional citizens involved with city government and did not want to consider any additional input related to helping small businesses in the city. I had thought he was an affable guy who was involved in serving the citizens of this city, but he opened my eyes with his words. I am ashamed of voting for him in the past and that will not happen again. I don't see Songstad as being any better with his stand on nothing for Seniors, nothing for small business and no additional citizen involvement with city government and I was surprised to note that Bressette and Carruth also agreed with no consideration for Seniors and small businesses and no additional citizen involvement with city government. It appears that this group is a closed society so if we want council members to serve the public we need to clean the slate in Laguna Hills. A Very Concerned Citizen

Here's the lineup for - WWW Global Cuisine - Please Download your flyers to give to each restaurant to get the 20% for Win-Win-Wednesday's Safe & Sane Grad Night for LHHS at

In April - WWW Surf and Turf
April 6 King’s Fish House – LH Mall and Rubio’s – LH Mall
April 13 Lonestar Steakhouse & Saloon and Carl’s Jr. – Alicia Pkwy @ Hon
April 27 Hot Off the Grill – La Paz -

In May - WWW Celebrates MOMs
May 4 Polly's Pies - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Mother's Day Pie Orders
May 11 Mother's Market & Kitchen - Restaurant & Juice Bar
May 18 Mitze's Kountry Kitchen - PdV @ Alicia Pkwy.
May 25 Ruby's Diner - LH Mall

In June - Saluting Seniors 2011
June 1 California Pizza Kitchen - LH Mall
June 8 BJ's Brewhouse & Restaurant
June 15 Elephant Bar - LH Mall
June 20 LHHS PTSA's Grad Nite Preview Night Event
June 22 Special WWW Surprise TBA

How to support the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills Donation Checks can be made to Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse and mailed to Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. Non-profit corporation status is pending. e-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, for information, or about donations, etc. and the city e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/ The City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site at Be sure to see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Great new Facebook page created by Karen Robbins at: and share it with your friends!! The Deadline for shipping items to the 3/5 Marines in Afghanistan has past, so the Marine Support Committee has stopped collecting supplies and goodies, but will gratefully continue taking donations of funds to apply to the Welcome Home Marine Corps Birthday Ball.

News Stories and Blogs about Laguna Hills: Click on the links below to see the stories.

No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?

Gold-plated benefits? New councilwoman just says ‘no’

OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members

Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount.

OCREGISTER: Kenneth Frank: In defense of city managers "Citizens, in turn, must do their part to foster civic pride. They should demand that city council and planning meetings be televised and streamed online. And they need to become involved. In Laguna Beach, we have numerous homeowners associations and environmental, business and labor groups that encourage the exchange of ideas and enhance the interactivity between residents and elected officials.

OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Get to know your Laguna Hills City Council Members' - Mission, Vision, Values, Policies, Practices, Procedures and Favorite Major Plans for the Biennial Budget for 2011-2012. - Synopsis of the 7 hour City Council Workshop on Saturday, March 12, 2011

There were plenty of eye openers here but this workshop was not set up for the public other than having additional chairs placed in the room. There was no microphone it was difficult to hear many of the Council Members. There were 2 inappropriate times for Public Comment, one at the beginning of the meeting before any of the "Visions, Values, Policies, Practices and Procedures" of the council members were heard by the public and the second was before council members voted for their favorite projects. The list of the council members' "favorite projects" was supplied to the council members but not supplied to the "public". This workshop was worth attending for the Laguna Hills Watch Dog because we learned about and recorded what the City Council Members said about their Mission, Vision, Values, Policies, Practices, Procedures and Favorite Major Plans for the Biennial Budget for 2011-2012. The highlight of this workshop was the facilitator, Mrs. Jan Perkins from Management Partners who charged $5,100 but appeared indispensable related to providing much needed structure, and organization to keep the council members on track, without any hint of prejudice related to staff vs. council members or any one council member vs. another. She did consider "The Public" by providing the same handouts for the public as she provided to Council Members and City Management Staff.

All 5 council members were present plus City Manager Bruce Channing and the Assistant City Manager Don While. The workshop began with the following question:

1. Why do you like living or working in Laguna Hills and What are you proud of? The directions were to list 2 things. Council Member Bressette answered, the ambience and the people, Mayor Pro-Tem Carruth answered, small town, small government and good schools to which Council Member Bressette jokingly protested she got 3 responses! Mayor Songstad answered small town community feeling and quality of life enhanced by the City. Council Member Lautenschleger answered sense of community and services. Council Member Kogerman answered small town community feel and the overall look of the City. City Manager Channing (who does not live in Laguna Hills) answered working with the Laguna Hills Staff and the facilities they have constructed. Assistant City Manager Don White (who also does not live in Laguna Hills) answered Organization, fulfilled mission of incorporation and financially sound.

2. CORE SERVICES - The facilitator made a suggestion for the council to use dots to indicate on large sheets of posted paper their Core Values under the heading of "Mission". (Editor's Note - This was a humorous but unavoidable gaff by the facilitator who was innocently unaware of the City Council's "Dot Phobia" related to the now infamous "Sticky Dots" issue that occurred during the formation of the updated City Plan when the "public" was given dots to identify and rate their needs for the city on large pieces of posted paper. The needs the public identified did not match the needs identified by the city, so sticky dots were banned by the council for citizens to use during the rest of the City Planning Sessions.) The group eventually progressed to forming a list of Core Services - Public Safety, Community Services to Residents, Public Works, Land Use and Planning, and Economic Development. During this process, Carruth mentioned, Law enforcement/Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Bressette mentioned the Partnership with the schools - School Resources Officer, Crossing Guards, and a high level of street maintenance, Songstad mentioned Public Safety, Land use plans and building services and Protection and Maintenance of the infrastructure, Lautenschleger mentioned Community Services such as well maintained parks, Financial Stability,and well maintained Landscape Corridors, and Kogerman added Financial Services for Business & Ecomomic Development and Youth Services. She said the City should maintain or enhance core services.

3. VISION - Statements for the Future. Where are you going as a City was the next question. Songstad answered, We are not a social services agency. Kogerman noted the ageing population in Laguna Hills and said other cities help sponsor services to seniors through staff support with little or no cost to the city and added this City has been slow to respond to the needs of seniors. Lautenschleger rebutted that those are social service programs. Carruth suggested that enhancing the physical environment, greenbelts and parks, and improving recreation areas and trails was a way to unify everyone of every age. Songstad said the City should not be devoting general fund dollars, or more staff time for seniors and added that staff time devoted to obtaining the grants for repairs at the Florence Sylvester Senior Center was enough. He said more serious problems for Seniors need to be addressed by volunteer organizations. He acknowledged that Laguna Hills does not have a Rotary Club or an organization like that, but said he did not see a role for the City in that. Kogerman added that the Senior Mobility Program needs to be consistently evaluated, why is it not more well used and why do more seniors not know about it? It may need to be better publicized. She said the City needs to anticipate needs for the future based on the realities of its population and things like helping to promote programs like Meals on Wheels does not have to cost the City Money. Lautenschleger insisted that all of this is covered in the City's General Plan Update for which the City spent $800,000. Kogerman noted plans to add residential at the Laguna Hills Mall close to the Bus Depot and voiced a need to maintain the transit system there. She also suggested engaging more citizens on Commissions and Committees for the City. She said the City needs more citizens to be involved with city government related the turnover coming with Term Limits. She added the City also needs video of the City Council Meetings not just audio, which resulted in an loud sigh from Lautenschleger. (Editor's Note - As ones who have recorded all the City Council meetings for years Lautenschleger is difficult to understand on an audio recording and Songstad and Carruth are difficult to hear unless their microphone feed is constantly adjusted upwards) Carruth agreed that a city is stronger if it's citizens are well informed and advocated for increased communication with the public through City Views, the Parks and Recreations Commission and the Traffic Commission. Kogerman suggested adding committees. Carruth said task forces maybe rather than committees and noted the recent population report that showed Laguna Hills losing about 5000 residents. She said that this could affect schools and good schools are a reason people move to Laguna Hills. She mentioned that some places around the world pay their population to reproduce. Bressette argued that more citizens comissions and committees means more staff time and bigger government. The group eventually agreed upon the following: Continue or maintain all forms of communication with the public, Protect or enhance visual aspects of Laguna Hills, Protect and enhance Economic Development, Public Safety, Preserve the environment, and High infrastructure maintenance.


City Manager Channing - stressed promoting team work between council members and staff. He said don't destroy the team due to errors or mistakes along the way. Carruth said Employees who are treated with respect will provide strong customer service. Kogerman said treat employees with respect and expect strong customer service orientation and excellent quality of services. Bressette said treat employees with respect to get best customer service. Assist. City Manager Don White spoke about "Process vs. Product" which in many government agencies angers citizens because the accent is on the process which takes longer and costs more. He said that in Laguna Hills the accent is on product or achieving results. He said staff decided the City needs to articulate a new Mission and distributed a handout of Building Blocks for Success. A list of Values established was Protect the Environment, Financial Stability, Small Town Feel, and Focus on Children. Kogerman noted that "measurable goals" should be added to "results" and preparation for the future including protecting our heritage as a value. Carruth agreed and noted a need for the schools to be mentioned in Values. Songstad agrued that the City has no control of schools. Carruth retorted, the City supplies the Student Resource Officer and the Crossing Guards for the schools and has agreements with LHHS for use of the sports fields, etc.

5. ITEMS For DISCUSSION - Procedure for placing items on the Council Agenda, Efficient Utilization of Staff Time, Information about issues, projects and activities, Number and composition of City Committees and Commissions.

Procedure for placing items on the Council Agenda
- The Council Members stated that the current council allows any council member to place an item on the Council Agenda. (Editor's Note - if an item is not placed on a City Council Meeting Agenda it is not open for discussion by the City Council and Public. Because this city does not have representation for citizens on the City Council by districts when citizens, anywhere in the city, have a serious concern about something happening in their area or in general, they can advise any council member who can then place an item about that concern on the Council Agenda to bring it up for discussion if the issue/concern cannot be efficiently addressed/solved in another way.)
Songstad requested that this rule be changed so that one council member can no longer place an item on the council agenda unless 2 other members of the council agree. He said this used to be the practice of the Council. Carruth said the council member who agendizes the item does most of the work researching the item and if a staff report is needed later it can be done. Kogerman agreed. Bressette added it is a dicey thing to discuss citizen concerns behind the scenes related to the Brown Act so how then would all citizens with legitimate concerns be represented? Songstad argued that during the last election items were placed on the agenda willy nilly. Lautenschleger added there should be a consensus for agendizing an item and agreed with Songstad about last year. Bressette argued that he had to do all the work himself last year related to bringing an item to the agenda because of an impass with the staff. Songstad then suggested making a prohibition on any one council member agendizing an item on his/her own within so many months of an election. Lautenschleger agreed with Songstad and suggested a prohibition within 6 months of an election. Kogerman asked why this was an issue and if staff was getting an inordinate amount of work? Songstad answered yes, and gave the example of the Revision of the City's Purchasing Policy that revolved around the purchase of the $60,000 car by City Manager Channing. (Editor's Note - It needs to be clarified here that for most of the 19 years of cityhood, until this year, Lautenschleger, Songstad, and Craig Scott, who was defeated in the last election, were in a permanent position of being a council majority of 3 during which time they frequently called for "studies and staff reports" and could defeat any item on the agenda with their 3 votes.)
City Manager Channing protested that he took exception to the process regarding the way items were framed to him and stated political purpose is not a new approach to a problem. Kogerman stated she was against a moratorium around election time as undemocratic. Carruth asked City Manager Channing why City Council Comments were moved to the end of the council agenda. Channing responded that Council Member Craig Scott determined that should be done because council comments were calling for an action. Songstad insisted that the City Council does not operate as individuals, it operates on a majority basis.
Vote was 3 to 2 to retain the current practice of allowing any individual council member to agendize an item.

Number and composition of City Committees and Commissions
- The city has 2 commissions, Traffic and Parks and Recreation.
Lautenschleger stated he does not want any more commissions. Carruth said the Traffic Commission meets only once a month and 60 days is too long for citizens to have to wait for an item to be considered. Lautenschleger suggested meeting on an as needed basis. Kogerman suggested scheduling regular meetings and then cancel meetings if they are not needed. Songstad agreed with Kogerman and noted it takes 60 to 90 days to get action on a traffic item. Bressette suggested asking the Traffic Commission their opinion about this at their next meeting. Kogerman also suggested a Business & Economic Development Committee to assist businesses in the City. Carruth suggested possibly a task force for this rather than a Committee. Lautenschleger stated they have spent 20 years doing this well. He continued that this is an economic situation now. If it's time for businesses to go they will and if there's a way to help them we can, but a Task Force is a nebulous thing. Business came into this City without our involvement and we just keep it simple for them and we are built out. (Editor's Note - at the 1-25-11 City Council Meeting it was reported that the City paid $12,500 for a report from TAP - Technical Assistance Panel consisting of professionals with significant experience in private sector planning and development-related industry who offered advice on the needs of the community and best practices of their respective industries. TAP's report findings included criticism of the City's "Governing with a hands-off approach. It stated the City's hands-off approach misses the opportunity for collaboration among the various land owners.) Kogerman said the small businesses can't afford to work with the City like the big ones do. Carruth suggested that sometimes property owners and managers of strip malls, etc. may need advice and gave an example of a better mix of tenants who compliment one another. City Manager Channing disagreed saying if the City is standing in the way of business that is one thing but advising them on how to improve, probably not. Carruth said maybe there could be a Community Partners group helping each other. Bressette said he is against a Task Force and this falls back to issues of signage related to decreasing the burden on small business. Kogerman reminded the other council members that she has had a great deal of experience with Chambers of Commerce and that since Laguna Hills does not have a Chamber of Commerce to assist business a Task Force or Commission would be a substitute for that and the League of Cities also suggests this for small cities like Laguna Hills.
VOTE was 3 - 2 Not to use a Task Force or a Commission to assist Businesses in Laguna Hills and no additional Commissions or Committees. Those in favor of adding some kind of help for Business were Kogerman and Carruth

Information about Issues, Projects and Activities

Kogerman suggested adding a qualified member of the public who is either a CPA or a Banker to the City Audit Committee, which was also suggested by a new council member's bootcamp in Sacramento recently, but no other council members agreed. Carruth asked if anyone knew if there was another City in South County that has a public member on its audit committee. No one knew the answer to that. (Editor's Note - We found the Cities of Orange and Tustin have members of the public on their Audit Committees) Bressette, Lautenschleger and Songstad said No. Only Carruth was willing to take a look at this with more information.

Communication between Staff and Council Members
City Manager Channing said council members should have the freedom to communicate with him or with Department Heads but stick to the Dept. Heads and don't go below that level to get something done. Channing said the Dept. Heads let him know when a council member contacts them and council members should also let him know for efficiency. He advised council members that any information they request will also be distributed to all other council members so there are no secrets. Carruth said, council members are not always well informed and Channing needs to be sure to get information out to everyone. She said she had heard, but not been advised by Channing, that Barbara Kogerman was talking with Irvine re. their animal shelter. Kogerman confirmed that she had notified Channing re. speaking with Irvine council members. Bressette said council members are free to meet with council members from other cities without notification as long as it is not in an official capacity. He added that Channing is not in his office on Tuesdays so not always easy to reach and asked if the City tracks legal time used, per council member, with the City Attorney. Songstad responded no, because it would cost the City more to have the City Attorney track the use of his time per council member. Bressette also suggested that any changes made to the city council calendar by Channing should be done in Public. Carruth agreed. They agreed to agendize city council calendar changes. Carruth noted a change in Community Center policy and Channing interrupted her to frame this issue himself. He said the road from the Community Center to LHHS is a private driveway and not a public right of way so NO Campaign Signs are allowed along that road that has very high visibility, but in the last election there were campaign signs there and the City was not enforcing this restriction. They agreed 5 - 0 not to allow any signs there in the future.

- The Options for votes on these plans are that each council member may vote either 0 or 1 or 2 , so with 5 council members voting the total for each major plan could range from 0 to 10. Kogerman requested that a Public Record of these votes be made and that passed.

Under the City Clerk Department
1. Convert the existing Questys database of imaged documents and convert the existing records management system to SIRE, plus purchase one additional scannng station. This scanning station will be available to all City Departments. Cost for this will be about $50,000 initially plus $7,500 annually for maintenance. Vote total was 10.

Under Council/Manager Department
1. Negotiate a property sale agreement with the owner of the Moulton-La Paz Center to transfer approx. 3 acres of City owned property. This sale will allow for an additional 20,00 to 30,000 sq. ft. of retail space and include improvements to the open space area. Vote total was 8. Lautenschleger could not vote because he lives too close to this area. Each of the other council members voted 2.

2. Work with the Fritz Duda Company to facilitate the redevelopment of Oakbrook Village into a mixed use development project including residential. Vote total was 10.

3. Work with Simon Properties to facilitate the redevelopment of the Laguna Hills Mall work between Sears and JC Penny into a mixed-use development project including residential. Vote total was 10

4. Establish a collaborative working group of various stakeholders within the Urban Village Specific Plan area to encourage open dialogue, idea sharing and joint venture partnerships. Vote total was 8, 3 council members voted 2 and 2 council members (Carruth and Lautenschleger) each voted 1.

5. Develop a legislative strategy to amend State law to give the Lake Forest Redevelopment Agency the discretion to transfer excess housing funds to Laguna Hills. Vote total was 10.

Under Administrative Services Department
1. Work with OC Animal Care and other contract cities to facilitate the planning and construction of a new OC Animal Shelter. Vote total was 10.

2. Explore ways of using online social networking to increase citizen participation. Staff noted that current costs for City Views are up to about $120,000 a year and it would be less expensive if done online. Vote total was 7, Bressette voted - 0 and Songstad voted - 1, the others all voted - 2.

3. Work with OC Animal Care, other contract cities and the Board of Supervisors to establish an OC Animal Care Public Advisory Board. Vote total was 8, Songstad and Lautenschleger both voted 1 and all the others voted 2.

4. Investigate the costs and benefits of establishing a Laguna Hills Housing Authority to aide in the implementation of the General Plan strategy for the Via Lomas Opportunity Study Area.
Vote total was 9, Bressette voted 1 all the others voted 2.

5. Update the November 24, 2009 staff report regarding a ballot initiative for the 2012 general election to place before the electorate the option to increase the transient occupancy tax from 10% to 12%. Vote total was 0.

There will be voting on more of the Major Plans submitted by Council Members at the Next regular City Council Meeting on Tuesday March 22, 7 pm, at City Hall The PUBLIC BUDGET WORKSHOP/STUDY SESSION will be held on April 19 and there will be a PUBLIC HEARING on the City Budget in June.