Friday, January 27, 2012

HEADLINES - Under Items of interest from the Warrant Register 4.5 - Proposed Construction of Bridge from Cabot Rd. to Camino Capistrano at Merit Circle may affect equestrian crossing; Under Consent Calendar - Employer-Employee Relations Resolution between City and City Staff; Under Planning Agency Public Hearings - Preliminary Report for Renovations and Additions to Moulton-La Paz Shopping Ctr.; Under Information, Comments, Questions and Concerns - Per FCC Guidelines Problems with Cox Cable can be reported to the Franchising Authority which is the City of Laguna Hills. Current widespread problems with Cox's onscreen TV Guide and recording of programs is unresolved and getting worse.

2012 Candidates for City Council - It is an election year again for 2 of Laguna Hills City Council Members - Allan Songstad and Joel Lautenschleter. If you are interested in running for either of these council seats go to the City Web Site at and click on "Interested in Running for City Council in 2012" on the Face Page for details.

Laguna Hills Watch Dog
January 24, 2012 - Laguna Hills City Council Meeting

All council members were present

City Council Meetings are now recorded in Video and Audio on the City Web Site. - Continue to see information for Win-Win -Wednesdays under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers, Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -

Citizen Alerts for future Council Meetings will be published on this blog site within 4 days prior to each council meeting. Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday February 14, 2012, 7 pm, at City Hall. Attend a City Council Meeting to speak or send e-mails to Council Members at

PRESENTATIONS and PROCLAMATIONS - A Certificate of Recognition was given to Kylie West, LHHS Student Liaison for the Fall 2011 Semester, and a thank you for a job well done.  Kylie thanked everyone for this opportunity and noted this was her first time in a public speaking role. Staff report states the LHHS PTSA established the Student Liaison Position in 1993.

LHHS Students Jeena Bonutto and Adam Wong were given the oath of office as the new Student Liaison and alternate for the Spring 2012 Semester.

A Mr. Mark Gfiffion was introduced by the City Manager as a person who is here from Australia, had served as a City Manager in New Zealand and is currently the Director of Corporate Services for the Scenic Rim Regional Council. He is here to look at our emergency services offered in CA. He will also attend the annual Statewide City Manager's Conference next week.


LHHS STUDENT LIAISON REPORT by Jeena Bonutto, alternate Adam Wong.

Jeena said the students are in the midst of finals now. Sunday, Feb. 12 is the Music Program's USO Concert at the Club House in Laguna Woods from 4 - 7 presenting 1940s Music. Go to for more information and you can buy tickets online. Ms. Karen Heffernan is the new PTSA President. The school just got 85 new computers. The Student Resource Officer (SRO), Deputy Gunsolley is presenting Technology and Dangerous Teen Trends Tues. Feb. 28 from 7 to 9pm. Parenting Classes are starting for an 8 week course in Managing Family Conflict. The Drama Dept. is presenting Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. In Winter Sports every team, so far is in 1st place in the league. Jeena announced that Wesley Burkhard, LHHS Soccer player and team captain, was just recommended as a scholar athlete for the OC Varsity "and he has a 4.5 GPA, which is insane, I don't know how he does it!"  A Teen Info. Ap. for the I-Phone is now available for LHHS to tell everyone where the LHHS teams are playing.

MINUTES - City Council Approves the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is always a significant delay for the public related to timely documentation of information from the city.

CONSENT CALENDAR - Warrant Register = $1,193,088.30
Items of interest from the Warrant Register - None

Items of interest from the Consent Calendar -

Item 4.3 - Progress Payment 3 for energy efficiency project. Final payment of $16,584.12 for replacement of one 15 ton and one 12 ton roof mounted AC Units, replace 3 pumps with 3 variable frequency drive pumps, install T-8 lights and occupancy sensors, replace incandescent bulbs with LED based lamps at all traffic signal locations, and replace pedestrian indicators with LED based lamps. Location - Civic Center and citywide traffic signal locations.

Item 4.4 - Progress Payment 10 for La Paz Rd Widening at I-5 - $170, 208.30

Item 4.5 - Cabot-Camino Capistrano Bridge Project - Study from the City of Mission Viejo for Proposed Bridge to connect Cabot Rd. at Merit Circle with the northerly end of Camino Capistrano in the City of Mission Viejo. Public Hearing to be held in the City of Mission Viejo on Feb. 13, 2012. Staff report states City of Laguna Hills identified 2 concerns not addressed in the environmental documents. 1.- related to equestrian crossings on the new Cabot Rd. Camino Capistrano Intersection and 2. need for traffic signal interconnection and synch with the intersection of Cabot Rd. and Oso Pkwy.

Item 4.6 - 1 year extension of joint recreation maintenance and operation agreement the Saddleback Valley Unified School District for use of Upper LHHS field. Fiscal Impact - Approx. $15,000 annually for night lighting of athletic fields and maintenance.

Item 4.7 - Progress Payment 3 for Avenida de la Carlota widening project of $67,437.36

Item 4.8 Employer-Employee Relations Resolution (EERR) - Staff Report states these are procedural rules and regulations to address issues between the City and Laguna Hills City Employees Association. The City attorney's Office and City Management staff have developed this draft for presentation to the Association and approval by the City Council. The EERR addresses recognition of employee organizations, bargaining unit determinations, rights of management and employee organization, meeting and conferring regarding matters within the scope of bargaining and impasse resolution. The EERR does not address wages, hours, benefits or other terms and conditions of employment. Once the EERR is adopted the Association may decide to request a meeting with the City regarding wages, hours and working conditions which ultimately lead to an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). In the absence of an MOU the current salary and benefit structure will remain in effect until either party decides to make changes. No Fiscal Impact at this time.

Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar for Discussion - None
Vote - Consent Calendar was approved 5-0

Public Hearing Comments - None

Administrative Reports - Preliminary Report on a request from Vintage Property Group to remodel and expand the Moulton - La Paz Shopping Center using property to be acquired from the City.

Mayor Pro-Tem Lautenschleger recused himself from the discussion related to living within 500 ft. of the project.

Mr. Chantarangsu, Community Development Director, presented the Staff Report regarding - A complete exterior remodel and expansion including the sale of 3 acres of land from the City to facilitate the development. There will be approx. 30,000 sq. ft. of new retail space including a 20,000 sq. ft. upscale grocery store which cannot yet be named. Existing buildings will get Craftsman style facade renovations with exposed gables. The facades will include decorative ledger stone. The buildings appear to be 2 stories from the outside but are actually one story. The appearance of the buildings is very attractive and there will be attractive new landscaping as well. In answer to Council Member Kogerman's question about streamlining this process for applicants, Mr. Chantarangsu explained that the meeting tonight is part of a streamlining process that includes preliminary meetings for the City Council/Planning Agency to see the plans in advance and comment on concerns, details, suggestions, etc. to give direction to the developer who, in this case, is Vintage Real Estate.

Comments from the council members included: Bressette had concerns re. lighting in 2nd story windows that could disturb surrounding communities, ample landscape to provide screening for the surrounding community, consideration of safety related to how the equestrian trail crosses the driveway, careful consideration of sign heights and pedestrian access to the site. He said he liked the architecture very much and the City should notify citizens in surrounding communities who could be affected even if they live more than 300 ft. from the site. Songstad asked about the numbers and types of tenants that would be in the new center. Kogerman mentioned she liked the look of the center and suggested making the supermarket look inviting from the street to attract more customers. Carruth noted she would like dedicated pedestrian access to encourage people to walk to and from the center and said she liked the architectural elements used in the design.
**There will be a PUBLIC HEARING for this project at the March 13, 2012 City Council Meeting.


Administrative Reports - Item 7.2.1 Volunteer Connection Day Feedback and any proposed changes. Next Volunteer Connection Day is scheduled for Sat. April 21, 9am to 12pm.

Dan Meehan, Community Services Superintendent presented the Staff Report stating a name change to "Green Expo." was considered to increase attendance and to tie into Earth Day. The Parks and Recreation Commission was not in favor of this name change. The event continues to be trail clean-up and tree planting, this time on Aliso Hills between Mendocino Ct. and Alicia Pkwy., and one painting project. Event attendance was 94 in 2008, 97 in 2009, 99 in 2010 and 49 in 2011. Staff is considering hosting a Green Expo as part of the event with vendors that promote the importance of conservation and recycling. They are considering adding crafts and other art projects and perhaps a name change to Earth Day Laguna Hills. The Parks and Recreation Commission moved to engage the PTAs of each elementary school to work on the green element of the event. Fiscal Impact to the City about $1000. Dan said they would like to add a Wyland Clean Water Mobile Learning Center in the parking lot and have the Surf Rider Foundation to accent the need to prevent litter on beaches related to how everything that goes into storm drains, drains to the beaches.

Comments from Council Members included: Lautenschleger said he was not thrilled about the Wyland presentation, argued that the Wyland trailer in an already full parking lot would interfere with Soccer Registration that day, and suggested alternate areas for trash clean up.  Kogerman expressed she was skeptical of changing the name to Earth Day and about Surf Rider Foundation participation to their political stance on the 241 expansion. She said she liked the Wyland thing but understood about the parking lot situation. Bressette asked if the City was locked into the date of April 21 and told it was, so suggested the Wyland Trailer be repositioned because it would be a great draw for children if well publicized. He added he didn't like the Earth Day name and would hate to see political issues about the toll roads brought up by the Surf Rider Foundation. Carruth said she liked the universal Earth Day name because children understand it and they don't understand the old name "Volunteer Connection Day". She added we all want clean water and air so although she understands political considerations she thinks this should be open to anyone to participate in promoting clean air and water. She said she liked the Wyland Mobile Learning Ctr. and suggested that children who attend work on a mural of the event to be presented at the same event next year. Songstad said the name change was appropriate, the trailer was okay if it can fit somewhere and the Surf Rider Foundation is a good connection related to everything draining to the ocean.

A motion was made to rename the event Earth Day Laguna Hills and incorporate the Wyland Trailer if feasible and the areas Lautenschleger suggested for trail clean-up.
Vote - Motion Passed 5-0

MATTERS AGENDIZED and PRESENTED by CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS **These Items are authored Council Members. The council member who authors an item also does all the research for that item - NONE


Lautenschleger announced a Flea Borne Typhus Alert from Vector Control and passed out flyers containing reminders of how to control fleas in an out of the home.

Carruth asked if the City will be compensated for the trees and railing that were in the corner of the Oso-Cabot Rd. improvement? Ken Rosenfield, City Engineer answered CalTrans has committed to some future improvements on that corner and the City will be receiving a small compensation from the County of Orange to cover the cost of re-landscaping that corner. Carruth also noted that City Manager Channing represented the City at the ACCOC Sex Offender Policy Discussion Forum last week where City Atty. Simonian was quoted often.

Songstad spoke about attending a League of Cities Meeting last week. He said there was an Initiative from California Forward that provides for more transparency from the State Govmt. but also encourages Cities to collaborate regarding sharing resources, revenues and services on a regional basis, overseen by the County with some monetary incentive from the State. Songstad said he was pleased to see that this was not well received. He said he is going to ask for this item to be agendized for a future meeting because it will be coming back. He said Redevelopment Agencies were also discussed and a Pension Reform Initiativs were floating around.

Kogerman brought up the new Caltrans off ramp from I-5 to OSO Pkwy. again, to stress that she has taken that ramp several times now to study how it works and has observed that a significant number of cars cross the double yellow lines/bumps illegally to avoid having to turn right on Cabot Rd. She noted that the signage there is poorly done, and the potential for accidents is high.  She asked the City Engineer to speak with Caltrans again about this. Ken Rosenfield, City Engineer responded that CalTrans essentially says they have the same set up on other off ramps that are not problems so they don't believe there will be significant problems here either. Kogerman also requested that Mission Viejo contact the HOAs for Moulton Ranch and Nellie Gail Ranch regarding their Cabot-Camino Capistrano Bridge Project.

CLOSED SESSIONAnother Conference with Labor Negotiator Continued regarding the Terms and Conditions of Employment of the City Manager. Annual Public Employee Performance Evaluation continued regarding the City Manager.

The Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday February 14, 7 pm, at City Hall. Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at

CITY COUNCIL and CITY MANAGER REPORT CARD - Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests.

Bressette - P for voting for a more citizen friendly version of the old Volunteer Connection Day

Carruth -  P for voting for a more citizen friendly version of the old Volunteer Connection Day

Kogerman - P for voting for a more citizen friendly version of the old Volunteer Connection Day

Lautenschleger - P for voting for a more citizen friendly version of the old Volunteer Connection Day

Songstad - P for voting for a more citizen friendly version of the old Volunteer Connection Day

City Manager -  A - for adding a streamlining element to the City Council/Planning Commission Process for citizens and businesses.  We hope that this preview for the Council/Planning Commission with result in an actual time savings when planning issues come back to the Council for approval.  A - for assisting the council to create a more citizen friendly version of the old Volunteer Connection Day.


Regarding Transparency in the City's Online Public Official's Compensation Report

Anonymous said...
No matter how many words they use they are not going to be able to smother those shocking numbers. That compensation is a joke regardless of length of time on the job. Also, when nothing ever changes for so long, the council members, the top managers, etc. things can definitely go stale and that seems to be what has happened here. Running a small city like this does not require a genius or a wizard but for the sake of citizens it should require council members and top officials who are open to new ideas and to change. I don't see that with these people and the relatively empty Laguna Hills Mall is one example of that sad fact.

Regarding the Safety in the Parks Issue

Anonymous said...
Regarding the child safety ordinance and the comment that there have not statistically been any incidents since Laguna Hills has been a city: We live on Hon Ave., my daughters attend LHHS, my junior assists at school with the developmentally disabled kids. A person who lives in our neighborhood, just three weeks ago not only exposed himself but also pleasured himself in front of very small children at Clarington Park. The watchful parents were oblivious, until a passing Fed Ex driver stopped and held the young man until the sheriff arrived; nope, never any such incidents in our city's history!  Laguna Hills

Anonymous said...
Hey, Lautenschleger's never had to be accurate because no matter what he said people voted him back into office for 20 years. So, why should he bother now?

Regarding Laguna Hills City Council and the Business Community

Anonymous said...
Last week I attended a meeting with a group of people from our local area. During a break a friend, who was also attending the meeting, asked me what was wrong with the Laguna Hills Mall. I thought for a moment and asked what he meant. His answer was quite simple and to the point. He pointed out that the food court was no longer there, that many specialty stores had moved out or were purely seasonal and that the anchor stores, Sears, Penny’s and Macys apparently did not generate sufficient traffic to enhance the revenue of the specialty shops and the food court.

My answer was; the thing that’s wrong with the Laguna Hills Mall is Laguna Hills.
Both Lake Forest and Mission Viejo have undertaken large programs to update, modernize and make shopper-friendly the Arbor of Lake Forest and The Shops at Mission Viejo. By comparison, what has Laguna Hills done to keep pace? – you guessed it – nothing. The city council has given lip-service to a combination or tie-in between the mall and the Oakbrook Plaza shopping area to the east. However, there has been no initiative or discussion to date from the city council.

I would presume sales tax revenue is an important source of funds for Laguna Hills. It is difficult to imagine the Laguna Hills Mall holding its own against The Arbor or The Shops. Perhaps the city council is too preoccupied with parking restrictions, signage, and council chamber mural decisions to undertake the more daunting and difficult task of promoting an environment for businesses to generate sales and thus provide sales tax revenues.
Maybe 20 years on the city council is just too long to tackle a tough problem.

Council Member Barbara Kogerman said...
Although I certainly share many of the previos blogger's concerns about the city council majority's priorities, particularly regarding the need to be proactive in attracting and retaining business, and making the process friendlier for new businesses, I must comment on the perception that the Mall is in trouble.

I have personally seen many of the excellent plans the Simon group is actively considering for renovating the Mall to make it an attractive and successful asset for the City. The vacancies you see are part of their preparation for major renovation, as they phase out leases in the south part of the Mall or fill vacancies with short- term tenants only, as the southern end will likely become an entertainment and dining center. Their plans are not final, and various concepts are being entertained, but I can tell you that the Laguna Hills Mall will undergo a transformation we can all enjoy and be proud of. Oak brook Village will undergo major improvements as well.  Nothing official has come before the Council, only concepts, but I am convinced we will see specific plans soon and all will have an opportunity to weigh in and create something wonderful for the City.  I only hope the Council majority will support streamlining their efforts and minimizing red tape to make the whole project viable for the property owners. We will all benefit. So stay tuned.

Anonymous said...
In response to Kogerman's response above. Thank you for those reassurances about the Laguna Hills Mall. We hope that there will be some progress on that soon, the many years of deterioration there don't speak well for the long time City Council and City Manager.

Regarding Chronic Problems with Cox Communications

Anonymous said...
In 2011 Assistant City Manager Don White told Councilmember Kogerman that the City collects about $480,000 annually from COX Cable and that goes to the general fund to safeguard the public's interests in the absence of competition. So where is the City now when the citizens need some safeguarding from COX? Nice deal for the city, bad deal for customers?

The COX onscreen TV Guide has not worked well for months and is getting worse. You often can't tell what programs are playing or when and you can't record programs because they are listed incorrectly or not listed at all. Sometimes to get one program recorded you have to record 2 which takes up too much space on the limited amount of recording time available, etc.

I have spoken with COX 4 times, sent e-mails, responded to online surveys from COX and all I got was that the online guide is having widespread problems, everybody who subscribes to COX, not just me, and they don't know when it will be working correctly. Meanwhile we will all continue to pay the same rates for services that don't work.
Why is the City not requiring COX to refund the portion of our cable rates that include the online guide and the recording of programs until the problem is solved?  Apparently the City is there to collect funds from COX but not to safeguard the citizens. How has the city spent that COX money for the last 20 years and what are those safeguards they are supposed to be using for the public interest?

Anonymous said...
In response to the blog comment about Cox. We are so frustrated with them. We are having the same problem and when I looked online I saw that Cox subscribers in Arizona are having this problem too. It must be everywhere but when we called Cox we were not told this. They tried to send signals to our box, etc. but none of that worked. This is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...
I am relieved to hear I'm not going crazy and other people are having the same problems with Cox but I'm very angry that Cox has not been honest with me about the problem affecting everyone and about how long it's taking to get this fixed. We are paying a fortune for this service and there always seems to be some kind of problem but this is ridiculous. I understand they were a monopoly in this area for a long time. That must be why they are paying the City. The first blogger is right the City needs to do something and there should not be any monopolies. Competition keeps the prices lower and the services better.

Anonymous said...
We have Cox too and we've had the same mess for a long time. We have to try to fool the system to record shows, some of our favorite shows aren't even listed and other are listed twice, etc. The last time we called Cox we were advised to continue to try to fool the system as we had already learned to do on our own.

Anonymous said...
Here is information I found on the Cox Cable TV problem - Cable Television - Where to File Complaints Regarding Cable Service You should always contact your cable company first when you have a complaint. If you are not satisfied with your cable company's response, contact your local franchising authority. The back of my cable bill states - To dispute the outcome related to your cable service, you may file a complaint with your local franchising authority: CITY of LAGUNA HILLS, 24035 El Toro Rd. Laguna Hills CA.

The Federal Communications Commission and local franchising authorities are responsible for enforcing a variety of cable television regulations. A franchising authority is the local municipal, county or other government organization that regulates certain aspects of the cable television industry at the state or local level. The name of the franchising authority may be on the front or back of your cable bill. If this information is not on your bill, contact your cable company or your local town or city hall.

Anonymous said...
Take a look at this from FCC site at
Questions or complaints handled by your franchising authority/City of Laguna Hills include:
Rates for basic service and equipment, installation and service charges related to basic service. This refers to the lowest level of cable service and generally includes local broadcast channels and public, educational and governmental access channels.
Rates for cable programming services tiers, also known as "enhanced basic." Cable programming services tiers ("CPSTs") include those programming services except the basic service tier, and does not include any premium channels (such as HBO or Showtime) or any pay-per-view services. The CPST rate is determined by the cable operator and is not subject to government review.
Customer service problems, including billing disputes, office hours, telephone availability of personnel, installations, outages and service calls. Local franchise authorities may adopt the Commission's Customer Service rules, at any time. The local franchise authority must provide the cable operator 90-days notice prior to enforcing the federal standards and may not adopt more stringent standards without the cable operator's consent.
Franchise fees, which are determined and retained by local governments.
Signal quality, including interference and reception difficulties.
Use of public, educational, and governmental (PEG) channels. These channels may be required as part of the franchise agreement. Your local franchise authority can provide information on any terms or conditions of use.

Regarding the Trees the City is planting in Communities

Anonymous said...
I was at a meeting and heard a young man from Laguna Hills say that he didn't want one of the many trees the City is asking residents to accept in front, and in some cases to the sides, of their homes. It was explained to him that the City sends residents notifications telling residents that if they don't want a tree they can say no and send the notification back to the city. This system is backwards. Companies used to be able to send people credit cards unless they said no, that was a problematic nuisance is now against the law. There should not be a negative response system for trees either. Trees, though beautiful, can also be huge problems for residents related to where they are placed. They can glog plumbing, and uproot hardscape such as driveways, sidewalks, etc. and they need a lot of care and water, which is expensive these days, and trimming. This City needs to take another look at their policy and change it to be more respectful of their residents. Residents should not have to waste time looking for junk mail that requires a negative response to prevent receiving something they don't want.

Regarding Songstad's Comments on the City

Anonymous said...
So, Songstad thinks that without him the City will deteriorate into mediocrity. What does he envision doing about that problem when inevitably, assuming he is only human with a limited life span, he will no longer be able to continue or term limits will take him out of the running? Is he concerned only for the City during the time that he will be living in Laguna Hills or does he have a succession plan?

Regarding our Police Chief Steve Doan

Anonymous said...
Steve Doan is a down-to-earth, very accessible gentleman. We will miss him in Laguna Hills!

Anonymous said...
We want to express our thanks to Chief Doan. We had a terrible problem in our Castle Hill neighborhood with speeding and eventually got some signs from the City but Chief Doan's deputies responded right away and made a big difference. The signs help long term but the police presence was an immediate help and they continue intermittently. Thank you very much Chief Doan from the non speeders in our neighborhood that is full of children.

Anonymous said...
After the City Council cut 2 sheriff's deputies from the budget, Chief Doan still did a great job for us and was always responsive when I had a question. That couldn't have been easy and we appreciate his good work.

Anonymous said...
Chief Doan's deputies made a big difference in the speeding problem on Lost Colt Dr. over the years Thank you to Chief Doan and his deputies. We are sorry to see you go.

WIN WIN Wednesdays!! is an ongoing series of restaurant fundraisers, a project of the Laguna Hills High School PTSA. Students, their families and members of the general community dine out for a great meals, and in return the restaurants donate a percentage of their proceeds to the LHHS PTSA. It's good for us AND it's good for local restaurants, hence the concept of WIN-WIN.

Year long fundraising projects like Win-Win Wednesdays allow the PTSA to fund many worthwhile programs such as "Every 15 Minutes" (a vividly realistic drunk driving prevention presentation), the Award Winning "I Can Make a Difference" program and the Safe and Sober all night "Grad Night" party that Keeps our kids not only safe but in Laguna Hills and on campus continuing a 23 year tradition that makes us HAWK Proud! ** Until further notice, Flyers are available through Hawk Happenings and/or as a link from the LHHS (Laguna Hills High School) web site. The WWW site was hacked and we are working to restore linkage.

February 1 - Pei Wei Asian Diner (Lake Forest) 11am -9 pm ** Bring the Pei Wei flyer **
February 8 - Habit Burger Grill (Aliso Viejo) 11am-9pm ** Bring the Habit Burger flyer **
February 15 - Ruby's Diner (Laguna Hills Mall), Breakfast, lunch or dinner ** Bring the Ruby's flyer **
February 22 - Baja Fresh (Laguna Hills) 10:30am to 9pm ** Bring the Ruby's flyer **
February 29 Pending
March 7 - Pick Up Stix (Laguna Niguel) Lunch or Dinner ** Bring the Pick Up Stix flyer**

** Be sure to "LIKE" us on Facebook to help spread the word and Don't forget our "WWW Everyday" Partners like Its a Grind Coffee House, Alpha Cleaners and Golden Baked Hams. Bring the flyers for these everyday partners and Support the businesses that support us!

HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION - Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills - Donation checks can be made specifically to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, etc. The city's e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/ City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site by clicking on this link -

Please see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Facebook page by clicking on this link - and share it with your friends!!

** Don't miss the very compelling Stories from Jane Wayne Day - Local Citizens Living as Marines for a day at Camp Pendleton, by Karen Robbins at

NEWS STORIES AND BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS: Click on the links below to see the stories.

Fred Smoller,The Brandman University Professor of Public Administration, "who offended the power elite" when his Master's Degree students won awards assisting Council Member Kogerman to research the total compensation of City Managers in Orange County has just resigned from his post. Why did this happen? - Click on


Which city council makes the most money?

LA Times: Laguna Hills City Manager Salary,0,1126677.story

In O.C., city pay can be steep, but it’s not ‘abusive’ June 20th, 2011

June 9, 2011 ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY REPORT - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities

City manager says compensation is fair

Political rebel faces an uphill battle

Councilwoman: Public pay report inaccurate, self serving

OC Watchdog Lavish health benefits slashed in Laguna Hills, Tustin

After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer
Click on for more of this story.

No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?

Gold-plated benefits? New councilwoman just says ‘no’

OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits

O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members

Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount."

OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."

CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SAY the DARNDEST THINGS IN PUBLIC! - Memorable and surprising Public Quotes from City Council Members

January 10, 2012 - Council Member Songstad said, "I find it interesting that we are in a discussion where we are being asked to provide less information rather than more information, I thought transparency was all about providing more information."

To clarify for Council Member Songstad "Transparency" is not simply an amount of information it is clarity of information - Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Transparency) - free from pretense or deceit, easily detected or seen through, obvious, readily understood, characterized by visibility or accessibility of information. Wikipedia (Transparency Behavior) - Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. All organizations have a transparency culture, but few have a culture of transparency, i.e., a culture of being aware of transparency and incorporating it routinely into how things are done.

November 27, 2011 - Regarding the ordinance establishing parks as “Child Safety Zones, Council Member Joel Lautenschleger stated, “Let's make one thing perfectly clear, there have been no sex crimes against children in the City since we incorporated."

You should have done some fact checking before speaking so boldly, Mr. Lautenschleger. According to information from the OC Sheriff's Dept. there have been 32 child molests in Laguna Hills in the past 11 years. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.

June 10, 2008- Mayor Allan Songstad said "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."

Thank you Mayor Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking " the residents with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 19 years.

October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that."
So true, Allan, so unfortunately true unless you change members of the city council.

August 19, 1994 - LHCC Member Allan Songstad - From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper Article Collections - Orange County Focus - August 19, 1994 LYNN FRANEY - Laguna Hills Councilman Declines to Run for Reelection With Councilman L. Allan Songstad Jr. declining to run for reelection, at least one newcomer will gain a seat on the City Council this fall. Songstad said he never intended to run for a second council term and that he is not a "career politician." That leaves space for at least one of the challengers, Cindy Greengold, Saeid Hariri, Grant R. Marcus or Charmane Riggs.

Now, in 2012 with 19 years on the Laguna Hills City Council we are guessing Council Member Songstad has changed his mind about being not being a "career politician."


For a roundup of Laguna Hills police calls check the Saddleback Valley News every Friday or click on -

WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the Orange County Register Newspaper Letters to the Editor: E-mail to Please provide your name, city and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Letters of about 200 words will be given preference. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Employer-Employee Relations Resolution between City and City Staff

Current Widespread Problems with Cox Cable's onscreen TV Guide and recording of programs can be reported to the Franchising Authority which is the City of Laguna Hills if no resolution received from Cox.

Preliminary Report for Renovations and Additions to Moulton-La Paz Shopping Ctr.

Proposed Construction of Bridge from Cabot Rd. to Camino Capistrano at Merit Circle may affect equestrian crossing

Friday, January 13, 2012

Laguna Hills Watch Dog
January 10, 2012 - Laguna Hills City Council Meeting

All council members were present
City Council Meetings are now recorded in Video and Audio on the City Web Site. - Continue to see information for Win-Win -Wednesdays under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers, Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -

Citizen Alerts for future Council Meetings will be published on this blog site within 4 days prior to each council meeting. Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday January 24, 2012, 7 pm, at City Hall.  Attend a City Council Meeting to speak or send e-mails to Council Members at  

HEADLINES:   Request from Council Member Kogerman for Citizen Friendly Revisions to the online Public Officials Compensation Report.  2 new microwave dish antennas requested from AT&T for the Moulton Niguel Water Tank location on Nellie Gail Rd.   Annual Block Grant Applications for Renovation of housing in the Via Lomas area and for Improvements to the Florence Sylvester Senior Center.


PUBLIC COMMENTS - Meg Gorham from LHHS PTSA's Win Win Wednesdays said she hopes to see the Council Members in one of the W-W-Wednesday Venues in 2012. She announced that the W-W-Wednesday's web site was hacked and is down now so flyers for the Win Win Wednesday meals can be downloaded from the Laguna Hills High School web site until the W-W-Wed. web site is fixed. She noted that the at the Wednesday, January 11 - Chick-fil-A (Aliso Viejo) 11am-8pm No flyer needed and No flyer needed for Wednesday, January 18 - Cafe' Rio (Lake Forest) 6-8pm either. Deemers in Laguna Niguel is scheduled for Wed. Jan. 25.

LHHS STUDENT LIAISON REPORT by Kylie West, alternate is Jeena Bonutto
Kylie said Tues. Jan. 17 is a presentation on the Latest Drug Trends by Deputy Gunsolley the Student Resource Officer (SRO) at LHHS in the theater from 7 to 9pm. This is for Adults Only. Another event for Parents Only in the LHHS theater on Kids and Technology and Dangerous Teen Trends Tues. Feb. 28 from 7 to 9pm. Every 2 years LHHS and the City of Laguna Hills hosts "Every 15 Minutes" a very realistic event held to make students more aware of the consequences of drunk driving. It will be held this year on Mon. April 2 through Tues. April 3 on the LHHS Campus. The Winter Formal is being held in Dove Canyon on January 28 and it's a Fairy Tale theme. The Talent Show on Feb. 10 in the LHHS theater featuring so many talented students at LHHS. This performance is sprinkled with surprises, amazing singers, etc. Finals are coming up the week of Jan. 24. Two music events are coming up. On Friday, Feb 3 there is the Small Ensembles and Student Composition Concert at 7pm in the LHHS theater and on Sunday Feb. 12 the USO Concert at the Club House in Laguna Woods from 4 - 7. Wrestling match is coming up. The Hawks are #2 in the County and they will compete against the # 3 ranked San Clemente High School. She added we actually beat Mission 77-0, and Capo Valley 40-25 in South Coast League. Girls Basketball is having a game now against El Toro and they've been doing really well. Kylie announced that this is her last report because the semester is ending. She thanked the council so much for this opportunity. We thank Kylie for her reports, she did a great job and we will miss her.

MINUTES - City Council Approves the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is a long delay for the public related to timely documentation of information from the city.

CONSENT CALENDAR - Warrant Register = $1,221,555.67

Items of interest from the Warrant Register - $15,063.75 to Faubel Public Affairs for Professional Fees for Winter Edition of City Views with Activity Guide

Items of interest from the Consent Calendar -
4.3 - Renewal and Extension of Term of Memorandum of Understanding between OCTA and City of Laguna Hills for El Toro Rd. Traffic Light Synch. Project.
4.4 - Progress Payment for Avenida de la Carlota Widening Project
4.5 - Revised 7 year Capital Improvement Pgrm. Budget for Renewed Measure M Compliance - OCTA determined that the City of Laguna Hills 7 year Capital Improvement Pgrm. Budget submitted in June of 2011 did not include line items for 100% of the projected Measure M turnback funds so have required the City to revise and resubmit. In order for the City to remain eligible for Measure M funding the City must demonstrate continued compliance with requirements, policies and guidelines.

Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar for Discussion - None
Vote - Consent Calendar was passed 5-0

PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING - AT&T Request for 2 new Microwave Dish Antennas to be added to existing facility located at the Northeast Corner of Nellie Gail Rd. and Gallup Circle.

The new Community Development Director David Chantarangsu presented the request by AT&T to add 2 new microwave dish antennas to an existing facility.  This monopole currently has 12 panel antennas, 2 Microwave antennas and other related equipment. The site contains 3 water tanks for the Moulton Niguel Water District.  Mr. Chantarangsu said the height of the antenna will not actually increase but with the addition of the new dishes the overall height will be increased from 53 feet to 57.5 feet. Mr. Chantarangsu added that a couple of calls have been received from nearby residents expressing safety concerns but the 1996 Federal Telecommunications Act prohibits cities from denying cell sites based on safety concerns. City Staff recommends approval.

Alex Sataroff (sp?), AT&T Representative, in answer to questions from council members, explained that the antennas require a clear line of sight from point to point and there is no reason to believe people will be effected by this. He stated the need for additional microwave dishes is to increase the speed and capacity of data related to dropped calls, need for faster down loads and uploads, etc.  One antenna is 3 feet in diameter for longer distance the other is 2 1/2 feet. He said the two considerations for replacing poles are: 1. A pole can no longer support additional antennas and 2. Budget. He added that the height of surrounding trees used to screen these areas can interfere with transmission.


Mr. Michael Goodin, Laguna Hills resident stated he has been here before and there are already about 50 parabolic antennas at this sight. He said he is concerned about the existence of cumulative effects of radiation with no RF studies being done. He said he would also like assurances that these waves are not pointed at any houses.  He noted there is no evidence presented here of FCC requirements being met. He said he spoke with someone at the Moulton Niguel Water District who sent a response stating - we currently don't have recent environmental or RF studies for this sight, and he said the water company suggested that the City has a right to require the applicant to provide information of meeting FCC requirements. He asked that the applicant (AT&T) be made to do their due diligence.

Mr Goodin noted that he can see this pole clearly from upstairs windows in his house and from the park as there is nothing to block that. He added there is also no evidence that AT&T has spoken with the Nellie Gail Ranch HOA about this. He suggested more homework be done and this be continued at another meeting.  He reminded the council that although there is a requirement for testing within 90 days of installation, that's putting the cart before the horse and they didn't do that after the last installation and probably won't do it this time. Community Development Director David Chantarangsu said he had no information regarding previous testing at this site and City Manager Channing said he didn't have the information either, but would supply this to the council tomorrow. Mr. Goodin also requested for more data as to why this installation has to be here, now and this way.
**Editor's Note - If studies were done and there are reports, we hope copies of that information will be supplied to the public as well as to the City Council Members?
Mr. Ing, Laguna Hills resident said he is a Telecom. Investment Analyst and shares the concerns of Mr. Goodin. He noted similarities with asbestos studies stating in the beginning that it was not harmful and later learning that was not true. He said there have been no long term studies for this, microwaves heat tissue and this antenna is sending microwaves across the park where kids play. He added that demands to increase speed and capacity of data are endless so when will enough be enough? This is a snowball effect, there is the problem of aesthetics and property values are affected. He added that he received his notice for this meeting over the holidays and felt that notice did not allow much time to research and prepare.

Mr. Scott Baskin, Laguna Hills resident said the overhead photos of this site presented by the applicant were selective and the site can't be effectively screened because the trees would interfere with transmission. He agreed with Mr. Ing that this problem will escalate with AT&T and their competitors. He added that this sight was set aside by the developer as a water site service area for the community and has now been turned into a convenience for AT&T.  He asked where the logic was in that, especially in the middle of a residential community.

Alex Sataroff, AT&T Representative said they could do a study before adding the antennas and a cumulative study after construction is complete and a file will be available for the public. He said the RF radiation is non-ionizing and has no effect on humans. He suggested checking the American Cancer Society web site for more information. He cited the need for better service in times of emergency and said the company is trying to use existing sites rather than establishing more sites.

City Atty. Greg Simonian confirmed the Federal Telecommunications Act prohibiting cities from denying sites related safety concerns as long as the sites comply with FCC regulations and recommended that the City take the applicant up on his offer to conduct pre and post installation cumulative studies. He also said it is within the purview of the Planning Agency to put the burden on the applicant to not only provide a statement concerning feasible alternatives but also to provide additional information to clarify why it's necessary to address the shortcomings of their current facility. 
Council Member Bressette stated, in response to questions from the public, that this site is one of the highest in Laguna Hills and is unfortunately a link in everyone's network.  He added that he supposes Moulton Niguel Water District needs the rentEditor's Note - Mr. Bressette makes an important point, hosts for these antenna sites, including this City are well paid.  He also asked what is our remedy if the RF energy exceeds FCC guidelines? Community Development Director David Chantarangsu responded we could have the applicant adjust the facility so that is does comply or failing that we could revoke the permit.

Council Members Songstad and Lautenschleger both said they remembered that the RF levels are always very low to miniscule.
Council Member Kogerman made a motion to continue this public hearing for the applicant do the pre-testing and notify the Nellie Gail HOA then return to the City Council with a proof of compliance with FCC requirements.  Vote was 5-0 to pass the motion.


Community Development Block Grant Application -
Community Development Director David Chantarangsu explained this is a Federal Grant but the County takes applications for it. This is the annual Block Grant Application to the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Community Development Black Grant (CDBG) program administered through the County for renovation of housing in the Via Lomas Area. An application for the Maximum allowance of $360,000 has been submitted to renovate 18 condo units of this 248 unit complex. The total funding for repairs will come from CDBG funds and Aliso Meadows Homeowner's Association Funds. The staff report states staff has been applying for this funding and hiring a consultant to administer this program about 8 years for this area that was approved by the County in 1980 to provide low and moderate income housing. Mr. Chantarangsu said there was 1 comment received from the community re. vision testing for children. There were no public speakers. 
Vote - Passed 5 - 0

Annual Block Grant Application for funds for Public Facilities and Improvements for the Florence Sylvester Senior Center. The City began applying for these block grants in the 2009-2010 fiscal year after a public outcry from senior citizens. Melissa Au-Yeung presented this item. - The City has obtained $164,628 to date to address repairs and maintenance issues for the Florence Sylvester Senior Center. This year the funds are for expansion of a newly-installed solar paned system and a retractable room divider. There is no fiscal impact to the City other than staff time for completing the application.
There were no public speakers. Vote - Passed 5 - 0


**These Items are authored Council Members. The council member who authors an item also does all the research for that item -

From Council Member Kogerman - Item # 8.1.1 - Revision of the City's Public Official's Compensation Report posted on the City web site.
Council Member Kogerman presented her recommendation for revision of the online Public Official's Compensation Report. She and Council Member Bressette discussed substitute motions and recommended that staff return to the City Council with a revised Public Officials' Compensation Report for council approval. Their recommendations were that the At-A-Glance Tables of the Compensation Report on the City's web site should be the focus of the body of information that is presented there when a citizen is looking for compensation information and the information in the narratives which is very out of date should be made current and made available with links for those who are interested in learning more.

The point they made was that when citizens visit the City web site and see the "PUBLIC OFFICIALS' COMPENSATION REPORT" title on the initial page and click on that title, rather than being presented with compensation report tables they are presented with lengthy narratives about the media, the board of supervisors and Cal-PERS, etc., then presented with the 1st link to At-A-Glance tables which provides more lengthy narratives interspersed with tables, etc. making it cumbersome and very distracting for citizens to access just the compensation information.

Kogerman gave some examples of the tables of clean and simple compensation reports from other cities that were not cluttered with lengthy narrative and noted that these cities were commended by the Grand Jury for accessibility.

Council Member Songstad responded, "I find it interesting that we are in a discussion where we are being asked to provide less information rather than more information, I thought transparency was all about providing more information." "I think the Compensation is just fine, I think that's valuable information and that people should know how the City functions and how the City's organized." **Editor's Note - To clarify for Council Member Songstad "Transparency" is not simply an amount of information it is clarity of information - Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Transparency) - free from pretense or deceit, easily detected or seen through, obvious, readily understood, characterized by visibility or accessibility of information.  Wikipedia (Transparency Behavior) - Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed.  All organizations have a transparency culture, but few have a culture of transparency, i.e., a culture of being aware of transparency and incorporating it routinely into how things are done.

City Attorney Greg Simonian responded to a how would we do this question from Mayor Carruth, stating, "In 2010 the City Council wished not only to adopt the August 2010 City of Laguna Hills Compensation Report in the format and manner in which that report is prepared but the City Council went the extra step to ensure that this report would not only be uploaded onto the City's web site and annually updated as an administrative matter, it also codified it to ensure that that would be the Law of Laguna Hills." He went on to say it would be his opinion that if the City Council wishes to change the report the council would have to continue this item, bring it back with a new proposed format report and then adopt a new ordinance and jettison the old report.

Mayor Carruth asked how much flexibility does staff have in editing out pages or paragraphs?  City Attorney Greg Simonian responded, "Technically none".  He continued that the Council was very meticulous and specific in the format of that report, the subheadings, subsections, content and said he believes the staff only has the latitude to update the numeric data provided in the previous year. Staff can clean up stale information but cannot change the format of the ordinance. The whole purpose of codifying it was to ensure that it could not be changed.

HISTORY OF THIS ISSUE - At the Sept. 14, 2010 City Council Meeting Mayor Bressette made a motion to amend the "Public Official's Compensation Report" to include tables detailing Salary and Benefit's information for City Council and Management Staff. He asked the City Council to direct the City Manager to amend the "Public Official's Compensation Report" to include all of the total compensation items which are in the existing report and to add unused vacation buyout, unused sick leave buyout, taxable personal use of a city-owned vehicle, taxable personal toll-road fees and employee's Medicare contributions paid by employer. Additionally the report will include an easy to read "At-A-Glance" tabular format with tables inserted after the City Council compensation section for each City Council Member and Staff Member. He said we have an obligation to report to our residents/taxpayers in an easier to read format detailing the numbers and the total rather than expecting them to read through 11 pages consolidating pieces of information that appear throughout that report. He said the city manager disagreed about posting the vacation buyout, but items should be detailed not reported in a lump sum. Council Member Carruth stated that regardless of what the reporting requirements of the state controller will be, there is an expectation from our community to provide accurate information in an easy to understand format. Why not get ahead of the curve on this rather than wait for a requirement to keep up. Vote - Carruth and Bressette were defeated 3 to 2 on this issue, by Songstad, Lautenschleger and Scott. A Substitute Motion to - Approve the compensation report as written by the staff and if changes are required the report can be modified at that time was passed 3 to 2.

Mayor Pro-Tem Lautenschleger spoke at length saying that the Grand Jury's Report was a joke was not factually honest and was misleading and they did a lousy job
**Editor's Note - Regarding being factual, Mr. Lautenschleger needs to be reminded that when the Grand Jury asked Laguna Hills to conduct a Compensation Study of their Top Management, Laguna Hills responded citing the City's 2011 Compensation Study that failed to include their top management?? Lautenschleger also noted that there was no allowance in the Grand Jury Study for Cities like Laguna Hills who had age banded benefits (He means - Health Insurance Premiums for their City Council Members). ** Editor's Note - Again, regarding being factual - Perhaps the Grand Jury made no allowance because Laguna Hills had the opportunity to change those age banded benefits years earlier but waited until after those very high premiums were exposed in the news, therefore, it was their choice to retain that type of benefit.
Lautenschleger then touted the 2% at 60 Pension Plan that Laguna Hills has but neglected to say that the City pays 100% of the contribution for both the employer and the employee and also has a supplemental plan (PARS) for which the City also pays both the employer and employee contributions. Lautenschleger added if you want accuracy and thoroughness go to Laguna Hills and noted he was against revising the Compensation Report.

Mayor Carruth said she would rather wait and look again at this issue in March of this year after the staff completes its updates to the City's Public Official's Compensation Report. She added at the time this format was moved forward by the city council it made sense because the citizens wanted an explanation of public official compensation.
**Editorial Comment - With their substitute motions Kogerman and Bressette were recommending a change to the format of this report to a focus on the numbers with links to the narratives. The City Attorney clearly stated above that the staff cannot change the format with updates, the council must vote to create a new format.

VOTE - Kogerman and Bressette both made substitute motions which were both defeated 3 - 2 by Lautenschleter, Songstad and Carruth.
**Editorial Comment - For those of us in Laguna Hills who are die hard "Where's Waldo" Fans this is good news! We get to continue sifting through long narratives seeking those elusive numbers. Songstad, Lautenschleger and Carruth, over the objections of Kogerman and Bressette and in defiance of a 2011 Orange County Grand Jury Report - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities, voted NOT to revise the format and Not to clarify information on the City web site's Compensation Report that earned the City a "D" for Clarity by the 2011 Compensation Study of Orange County Cities Grand Jury Report.

CLOSED SESSIONAnother conference with the Labor Negotiatior Daniel C. Cassidy regarding the Terms and Conditions of the City Manager's Employment Agreement. Also another conference re. the City Manager's Annual Performance Evaluation which determines if he receives a bonus for 2011 and if so how much. 0 - 10% of his salary is the figure that is quoted as a cap for his bonus but in past years he has received additional vacation days to exchange for cash as well.

Conference with Legal Counsel re existing litigation, City of Laguna Hills v. Moreland Development Company and a Conference with Real Property Negotiators.

The Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday January 24, 7 pm, at City Hall. Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at

CITY COUNCIL and CITY MANAGER REPORT CARD - Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests.

Bressette - P - Actively supporting an item to make a citizen friendly revision of the City's Public Official's Compensation Report. P - Voting yes on a citizen friendly revision of the City's Public Official's Compensation Report  P - Voting to require AT&T to demonstrate the compliance with FCC regulations prior to adding microwave antennas to an existing telecommunications site. P - Voting for Community Block Grant for Via Lomas building improvements  P - Voting for Block Grant for Florence Sylvester Senior Center.

Carruth - F - Voting No on a citizen friendly revision of the City's Public Official's Compensation Report.  P - Voting to require AT&T to demonstrate the compliance with FCC regulations prior to adding microwave antennas to an existing telecommunications site.  P - Voting for Community Block Grant for Via Lomas building improvements  P - Voting for Block Grant for Florence Sylvester Senior Center.

Kogerman - A - Authoring an item to make a citizen friendly revision of the City's Public Official's Compensation Report  P - Voting yes on a citizen friendly revision of the City's Public Official's Compensation Report  P - Voting to require AT&T to demonstrate the compliance with FCC regulations prior to adding microwave antennas to an existing telecommunications site. P - Voting for Community Block Grant for Via Lomas building improvements  P - Voting for Block Grant for Florence Sylvester Senior Center.

Lautenschleger - F - Voting No on a citizen friendly revision of the City's Public Official's Compensation Report  P - Voting to require AT&T to demonstrate the compliance with FCC regulations prior to adding microwave antennas to an existing telecommunications site. P - Voting for Community Block Grant for Via Lomas building improvements  P - Voting for Block Grant for Florence Sylvester Senior Center.

Songstad - F - Voting No on a citizen friendly revision of the City's Public Official's Compensation Report  P - Voting to require AT&T to demonstrate the compliance with FCC regulations prior to adding microwave antennas to an existing telecommunications site. P - Voting for Community Block Grant for Via Lomas building improvements  P - Voting for Block Grant for Florence Sylvester Senior Center.

City Manager - F - for no available reports of previous compliance with FCC regulations at the proposed site for the installation of 2 additional cell antennas.   


Anonymous said - Vote for your favorite Women in Orange County Politics at "topix

Anonymous said re. City Holiday Banners - As I have driven around the various cities this Holiday Season, I have noticed how festive and colorful the other cities such as Mission Viejo and Dana Point look because they have continued to display the Seasons Greetings Banners on their light poles. We used to do this which, in my humble opinion, added a festive, positive, warm feeling to the City of Laguna Hills that all the residents and their guests could enjoy throughout the Holiday Season.

The last few years, this has been discontinued. I would like to see this added to the 2012 budget to reinstate the Holiday Banners. I'm not asking for the other seasons - just the end of the year banners. If we have $7,000,000 sitting in the bank, surely we can afford to do this.

Anonymous said - Hi everyone. This is my very first visit to this excellent place.
Thanks for the great information.

Anonymous said re. Irony in City Government - You just gotta appreciate the IRONY in Laguna Hills City Government.
1. In June of 2011 the Orange County Grand Jury Compensation Study that examined all elected Officials and all employees in Orange County Cities being paid at a base salary in excess of $100,000 per year concluded "the term abuse is highly subjective in nature" but added that the CA Atty. General announced he would look into any city official's salary that exceeds $300,000. The Grand Jury continued, "Based on the data submitted to the Grand Jury by all 34 Orange County cities, the highest paid city employee or official of the 1,837 positions so reported is the Laguna Hills City Manager, with a base salary of $233,592 and total compensation of $378, 427. It is clear that this is a substantial compensation level. As a point of reference in that regard, the Chief Executive Officer for the County of Orange received a total compensation of $324,535, according to the State Controller web site.

In Dec. of 2011, Allan Songstad, as the outgoing Mayor of Laguna Hills, warned citizens that if City Employee Compensation is effected by mostly political criticism the City may fall into "grave fiscal danger from mediocre city management."

2. The 2011 Orange County Grand Jury singled out Laguna Hills for the compensation of the City Manager and Assistant City Manager/Finance Director in the City of Laguna Hills exceeding levels in other comparably sized cities both inside and outside of Orange County and Recommended that the City of Laguna Hills Conduct a Compensation Review of Top Officials.

The City of Laguna Hills conducted an almost $25,000 taxpayer funded compensation study in 2011 that Did Not Study Top Officials (City Manager and Assistant City Manager) and cited this study in their response to the Grand Jury Recommendation?

3. Council Member Lautenschleger, who appears to have chronic problems delivering correct information, continually touts Laguna Hills as being such a safe city but never mentions that he lives in a gated community?   It's difficult to decide if Songstad and Lautenschleger think Laguna Hills Citizens and the OC Grand Jury are stupid, have no memories or both.

Anonymous said- Regarding Revision of the City's Public Official's Compensation Report - As I have said on more than one occasion, Melody is Impossible!! How can she so blatantly change sides on issues such as this, which were brought up over and over in the last quarter of 2010 and the beginning of 2011. She was screaming about the 3/2 votes and the substitute motions that were used to circumvent this issue during her election year. NOW she is part of the 3/2 to give Channing this little victory. She is truly the "Teflon man".

What makes these elected officials think any one in this city cares one single bit that there are a couple of other cities out there that are better at hiding compensation information than we are????  That is the best they have????  They need to be recalled just for using that argument!!! These political antics need to be exposed. It is not in the citizens best interest it is just "same o'l, same o'l" and frankly I'm not amused.

Anonymous said - 2012 is a very important election year....We need to replace the old guard...What drives me nutty is that Lautenschleger is mayor pro tem. Should have been BK.

Anonymous said - Great report……these people never cease to amaze me. What happened to “Common Sense”?

Anonymous said - I applaud Bressette for sometimes breaking ranks with the other long term "we can only do the way we have done if for 20 years" group on the council, and for acknowledging that it doesn't take a genius to do that job, but I don't appreciate his snippy comment of "I'll second this just to vote no." I remember him saying that before and it strikes a very sour note. It just doesn't need to be said.

Anonymous said - We seriously need 2 new Laguna Hills City Councilmembers this year. I strongly suggest a combination of elementary school teachers and Miss Mannners. If this situation was not "reality" for Laguna Hills I would guess it was material for a bad comedy routine. Mayor Songstad set goals for himself as Mayor in Dec. of 2010 but never referred to them again. Where was he in elementary school when the rest of us learned the basic premise of goal setting is that goals are set as yardsticks to be measured at a later date? He just sets but never measures?! 

He topped that by dropping the worst bomb a politician could drop in Orange County. He said that if we don't continue to pay the highest compensation in all of Orange County for our top city management we could, take a breath here, become "Mediocre"! Ahhhhhhhhh!! As if that wasn't enough to get him re-elected in 2012, he then nominated his long time playmate, Joel Lautenschleger for Mayor Pro-Tem, emphasizing that newcomers will not be allowed to play in his sandbox. This is the long term mentality he wants us to embrace to save ourselves from mediocrity. Where are those elementary school teachers in Laguna Hills? We need you now!
Anonymous said - I am back in Illinois now reading local news. Can you imagine the City of Laguna Hills offering grants for qualifying residents to fix up their homes? I can't! Good idea though. for-property-improvement.html

Anonymous said - Regarding the Tree Pockets deeded from the City of Laguna Hills to the residents along the SW side of Paseo de Valencia and between Alicia and La Paz. - From the Oct 11, 2011 City Council Meeting.
This stuff the City Council is doing is so unbelievable - like the mailing of the package to the Residents for the City to Vacate the land with so little time to respond!  What I don't understand is why they didn't take care of that slope for so many years. It's gotten uglier year by year. Those euc trees are all dying and they've continued to remove the trees leaving the block wall areas exposed. This is such a main part of a view of the city and they are going to give it to the residents who probably will just let it go. I don't get it! I bet they'll have to pay more property taxes for it too.
If I were a resident living off Kennington and backing to the creek area between Beckenham and Los Alisos, I would be extremely concerned about the rapid erosion of the land on the south side of the creek. Over the last couple of years it has lost a minimum of 5 feet. At this rate, if they do not concrete this area in or add massive rocks, they will have to worry about their homes!!

Anonymous said re. a Community Bulletin Board - The city council can't think of a way to set up a Community Bulletin Board at the Community Center so that residents can communicate with other residents for free about what's happening in the community?

And they refuse to even discuss moving the items that are of interest to citizens up from last on city council agendas. Are they that afraid of the Citizens having any kind of voice in their own community? I've had enough of this attitude, this needs to change.

WIN WIN Wednesdays!! is an ongoing series of restaurant fundraisers, a project of the Laguna Hills High School PTSA. Students, their families and members of the general community dine out for a great meals, and in return the restaurants donate a percentage of their proceeds to the LHHS PTSA. It's good for us AND it's good for local restaurants, hence the concept of WIN-WIN.

Year long fundraising projects like Win-Win Wednesdays allow the PTSA to fund many worthwhile programs such as "Every 15 Minutes" (a vividly realistic drunk driving prevention presentation), the Award Winning "I Can Make a Difference" program and the Safe and Sober all night "Grad Night" party that Keeps our kids not only safe but in Laguna Hills and on campus continuing a 23 year tradition that makes us HAWK Proud! ** Don't forget to Download your Fundraiser Flyers to present to the eating establishments at the LHHS web site until the W-W-Wednesday site is repaired. T
here are also some flyers at:

January 18 - Cafe' Rio (Lake Forest) 6-8pm only ** No flyer needed for a 20% donation
January 25 - Deemer's American Grill (Laguna Niguel) 11am-9pm ** Bring the flyer**
** "LIKE" us on Facebook to help spread the word and Don't forget our "WWW Everyday" Partners like Its a Grind Coffee House, Alpha Cleaners and Golden Baked Hams. Bring the flyers for these everyday partners and Support the businesses that support us!

HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION - Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills - Donation checks can be made specifically to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, etc. The city's e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/ City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site by clicking on this link -

Please see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Facebook page by clicking on this link - and share it with your friends!!

** Don't miss the very compelling Stories from Jane Wayne Day - Local Citizens Living as Marines for a day at Camp Pendleton, by Karen Robbins at

NEWS STORIES AND BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS: Click on the links below to see the stories.

Fred Smoller,The Brandman University Professor of Public Administration, "who offended the power elite" when his Master's Degree students won awards assisting Council Member Kogerman to research the total compensation of City Managers in Orange County has just resigned from his post. Why did this happen? - Click on 

Which city council makes the most money?

LA Times: Laguna Hills City Manager Salary,0,1126677.story

In O.C., city pay can be steep, but it’s not ‘abusive’ June 20th, 2011

June 9, 2011 ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY REPORT - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities

City manager says compensation is fair

Political rebel faces an uphill battle  

Councilwoman: Public pay report inaccurate, self serving

OC Watchdog Lavish health benefits slashed in Laguna Hills, Tustin

After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer
Click on for more of this story.

No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?

Gold-plated benefits? New councilwoman just says ‘no’

OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits

O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members

Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount."

OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."

CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SAY the DARNDEST THINGS IN PUBLIC! - Memorable and surprising Public Quotes from City Council Members

January 10, 2012 - Council Member Songstad said, "I find it interesting that we are in a discussion where we are being asked to provide less information rather than more information, I thought transparency was all about providing more information."

To clarify for Council Member Songstad "Transparency" is not simply an amount of information it is clarity of information - Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Transparency) - free from pretense or deceit, easily detected or seen through, obvious, readily understood, characterized by visibility or accessibility of information. Wikipedia (Transparency Behavior) - Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. All organizations have a transparency culture, but few have a culture of transparency, i.e., a culture of being aware of transparency and incorporating it routinely into how things are done.

November 27, 2011 - Regarding the ordinance establishing parks as “Child Safety Zones, Council Member Joel Lautenschleger stated, “Let's make one thing perfectly clear, there have been no sex crimes against children in the City since we incorporated."

You should have done some fact checking before speaking so boldly, Mr. Lautenschleger.  According to information from the OC Sheriff's Dept. there have been 32 child molests in Laguna Hills in the past 11 years. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.

June 10, 2008- Mayor Allan Songstad said "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."

Thank you Mayor Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking " the residents with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 19 years.

October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that."

So true, Allan, so unfortunately true unless you change members of the city council.

August 19, 1994 - LHCC Member Allan Songstad - From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper Article Collections - Orange County Focus - August 19, 1994 LYNN FRANEY - Laguna Hills Councilman Declines to Run for Reelection With Councilman L. Allan Songstad Jr. declining to run for reelection, at least one newcomer will gain a seat on the City Council this fall. Songstad said he never intended to run for a second council term and that he is not a "career politician." That leaves space for at least one of the challengers, Cindy Greengold, Saeid Hariri, Grant R. Marcus or Charmane Riggs.

Now, in 2012 with 19 years on the Laguna Hills City Council we are guessing Council Member Songstad has changed his mind about being not being a "career politician."

For a roundup of Laguna Hills police calls check the Saddleback Valley News every Friday or click on -

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