Thursday, August 30, 2012
Laguna Hills Watch Dog
Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - August 28, 2012
Features Directory
** Special Announcements - For Questions, Concerns and the 20 year LAGUNA HILLS GENERAL PLAN for LAND USE, MOBILITY/CIRCULATION, CONSERVATION and OPEN SPACE, COMMUNITY SERVICES and FACILITIES, SAFETY, NOISE, and HOUSING in the City - Click on
** Candidate Web sites for Laguna Hills City Council in the 2012 November Election -
Dr. Raghu Mathur:
Mr. Andrew Blount:
*** News since the last Council Meetings - There are now 5 candidates for 2 Laguna Hills City Council Seats and incumbents Allan Songstad and Joel Lautenschleger are not running for re-election.
Candidates for the 2 Laguna Hills City Council seats are now Andrew Blount, small business owner; Raghu Mathur, Ph.D, University Administrator and Educator; Dore Gilbert, MD, Dermatologist and Army Reservist; Bill Hunt, Private Investigator and former OC Sheriff's Deputy; and AJ Djowharzadeh, small business owner.
We cannot yet find candidate web sites for Dr. Dore Gilbert or AJ Djowharzadeh. We did speak with Dr. Gilbert and we attended a scheduled meeting in Laguna Woods on August 13, 2012 to speak with Bill Hunt and hear him speak, but he did not show up and no one was able to contact him by phone. As we learn more about the candidates we will let you know. On September 21, 2012 at 7 pm many of the candidates are scheduled to speak at "Meet the Candidates Night" for SOC 912. This meeting will be at the Christian Mission Church at 27812 Forbes Rd., Ste. A in Laguna Niguel. We will also let you know more about this as we learn more.
** Citizen Alerts for future City Council Meetings will be listed on the blog site within 4 days prior to a meeting - Consider attending a meeting that interests you.
** Presentations and Proclamations - Laguna Hills High School Music Boosters Request for Oct. 13, 2012 overflow Parking for Marching Band Competition at LHHS.
** Public Comments - Update from Team Dark Horse, Report on Sgt. Abatte a 3/5 Marine who, was killed in action and awarded the Navy Cross. Update on Win Win Wednesday, Friends of Khalid M. Flimban emphasize discontent with the investigation of Khalid's death.
** LHHS Student Liaison Report - Adam Wong - alternate Amanda Jafee (No more Reports until Sept. 2012)
** Consent Calendar - Warrant Register - $2,570,907.38
** Items of Interest from the Warrant Register - None
** Items Pulled from the Warrant Register- None
** Items of interest in the Consent Calendar -
Item 4.3 - Response to the June 14, 2012 Grand Jury Report regarding Compensation Transparency - City tells Grand Jury - No need for more transparency in Laguna Hills + see more that the City does not fully disclose to taxpayers?
Item 4.6 - Adherence to the Brown Act despite State's Suspension of Transparency Requirements for Fiscal Reasons - City tells taxpayers it is committed to transparency?
Item 4.10 - School and Speed Limit Signage around Valencia Elem. School
** Items pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion - Items 4.3 and 4.6 re. Transparency were pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Council Member Kogerman
** Planning Agency/City Council -
** Planning Agency Public Hearings - Master Sign Program for El Pollo Loco to allow a 30 sq. ft. Drive Through Menu Board
** City Council Public Hearings, Administrative Reports -
**Administrative Reports - Item 7.2.1 Recommendation that the City Sell Reproductions of sections of the 3 murals in the City Hall Council Chambers through an online store to raise money for the Public Art Fund, Item 7.2.2 Report on the development of the Community Center's online Public Art Program with a virtual tour of the archive of fossil resources discovered during the construction of the Community Center, 2012 July 4th Post Event Report
** Matters Agendized and Presented by Council Members and Mayor- Recommendation that the City Council authorize the display of the 3/5 Marines Darkhorse Battalion Banner at the Laguna Hills Community Center at any time the 3/5 Marines are on deployment.
** City Council Member Comments - Please see below - and special thanks to Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services who has continued to follow up on the problem of the Oso and I-5 exit lanes confusion so it now appears that there may be a correction made to those lanes sometime in 2013.
** Closed Session - 4 Conferences with Legal Counsel regarding 4 Existing Litigations and City Manager's PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION with a public report after the council meeting has ended, if any reportable action is taken.
* City Council Members Report Card - How did they score? 3 members voted both for and against transparency???
* Information, Comments, Questions, Concerns from LH Watch Dog Readers from the previous blog post - about the Mayor, misfeasance, candidates for city council, Lautenschleger and Songstad not running for re-election, transparency and the hotel sign. PLUS Win-Win-Wednesday! - You can leave comments on the web site or send them to We do not use your name in the comments section unless you give permission.
* How to support our 3/5 Adopted Marines and Updates - Team Dark Horse is Collecting Donations Now to pay for personal care products, snacks, magazines, training manuals, playing cards and other supplies for the 3/5 Marines' next deployment in Sept. to the Middle East.
* News Stories and Blogs about Laguna Hills - find more in the OC Register online under "City-by-City News" - "Laguna Hills" and in the OC Watchdog
* City Council Members Say the Darndest Things in Public
* Crime in your Neighborhood
* Instructions for Writing a letter to the Editor of the OC Register Newspaper
Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - August 28, 2012
Council Member Randal Bressette was absent, all other council members were present
See information for Win-Win-Wednesdays under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers, Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -
PRESENTATIONS and PROCLAMATIONS - Laguna Hills High School Music Boosters Request for Parking. Andy Julian and Craig Williams are requesting that the City allow parking on Laguna Hills Drive from Paseo de Valencia to Indian Hill Lane as well as one of the Community Center's Parking lots for overflow parking on Oct. 13, 2012 because LHHS has been selected by the Western Band Association to host a marching band field show competition on the LHHS Campus. Marching Bands from all over So. CA. will be participating. There will be busses and trailers for participating bands plus overflow crowds are expected. It was decided that this request the included road closures and a paramedics team for the day required more study related to how to handle it so Mr. Julian and Mr. Williams were asked to work with Public Services Director Ken Rosenfield and Laguna Hills Chief of Police Tom Behrens to find a solution that will be considered at the next council meeting.
Mike Bland, Chairman of Team Dark Horse, the Support Committee for the 3/5 Marines adopted by the City of Laguna Hills. Mike explained that the committee just spent $1,200 to create a library for the 3/5 Marines that will travel with them on ships during their next deployment and to purchase supplies for them for their upcoming deployment. The books were purchased based upon specific recommendations from the Chaplin and the Commanding Officer of the 3/5. Mike also announced that the committee received a $1,500 donation from Vons supermarket in Laguna Niguel. Evan Gost, Board Member of Team Dark Horse applied to Vons with a request for funding for the materials for the 3/5 Marines memorial deck that was recently completed outside the chapel in Camp Pendleton. The Manager of Vons in Laguna Niguel was familiar with the 3/5 Marines and her daughter is engaged to one of the 3/5 Marines. Mike added they also received a donation of office equipment from one of his customers through Boise Building Materials. The next deployment will be next month. The 3/5 will be on 3 ships as an MEU - Marine Expeditionary Unit meaning they will be ready at all times for anything as needed.
Dick Nagle, Board Member of Team Dark Horse said he attended the Navy Cross Awards for one of the 3/5 Members that was lost in Afghanistan, Sgt. Matthew Abatte. He said he attended to represent Team Dark Horse and the City. Sgt. Abatte was awarded the Navy Cross on August 10, 2012 and the Navy Cross is 2nd only to the Congressional Medal of Honor and is given to for extreme gallantry and the risk of life in actual combat. The event for which this medal was awarded took place on Oct. 14, 2010 in Sangin, Afghanistan. Sgt. Abbate was a part of a patrol that was ambushed. Two Marines including the patrol leader and a Navy corpsman were incapacitated. Sgt. Abbate took charge, exposing himself to enemy fire as he directed the remaining squads member's fire onto the enemy until it was suppressed. The Marines were ambushed in a minefield and Sgt. Abbate personally swept the area to provide a landing zone for the medical helicopter and he also led a counter attack to secure the helicopter landing zone to ensure that the critically wounded could be evacuated by air. Sgt. Abbate was later killed in action on Dec. 2, 2010. A quote from Sgt. Abbate's Mother was very appropriate, she said, "Just today and mother thanked me for him saving her son's life". See the story about Sgt. Abbate in the OC Register Newspaper at -
Meg Gorham, Win Win Meg - said there have been some changes in Win Win Wednesday related to sharing the funds from Win Win Wed. proceeds with various LHHS on campus groups but all the funds still go to the PTSA. Win Win Wed. Sept. 12 will be at the Elephant Bar. Monday, Nov. 12 will be the Hawk Challenge. The City of Laguna Hills is asked to challenge the City of Mission Viejo and Saddleback Hosp. is asked to challenge Mission Hosp. for golf. Council Member Kogerman asked of the bulletin board at the Community Center was adequate for the needs of LHHS to assist with advertising fund raisers. Meg responded that it was but being on the City Web Site and in City Views where there is exposure to so many more people would be so much better. City Manager Channing and Mayor Carruth both expressed that there are additional schools in Laguna Hills. Meg answered that LHHS did not want a monopoly and would be glad to share with the other schools. Kogerman asked that we move ahead now with getting something done about getting this on the City's web site and ask Mr. David Reynolds Director of Community Services to get that started. Mayor Carruth responded, perhaps a report from Mr. Reynolds and deferred to City Manager Channing who responded he has been working on a way to allow for a portal for all such requests.
Mr. Billian Godsun with about 6 other people, from Friends of Khalid M. Flimban, the 26 year old man who was found dead at Vittoria Park in Laguna Hills on Jan. 6, 2012, stated they were here in July to say that they were not satisfied with the response to them from the County Sheriff's dept. related to what they believe was the murder, not suicide of their friend. they were asking for help from the City of Laguna Hills to resolve this issue. Billian said they had a meeting with the Mayor, the City Manager and the Laguna Hills Police Chief and Detective Longacre gave her report of her so called investigation. Billian expressed that related to the evidence and circumstances it makes no sense to them that this was a suicide and they are still waiting for a resolution. He said they want the case reopened and further investigation re. a possible murder. Mayor Carruth responded, that they were here 1st on June 26 and the City set up a series of meetings with the Sheriff's Dept. and were told that the case is still open. She added that the next step for them is so file a complaint for independent review. Billian and the group did not agree with the Mayor, expressed their opinion loudly and left stating that they will be back. They left a flyer-for more information contact:
LHHS STUDENT LIAISON REPORT by Adam Wong - alternate Amanda Jafee - No further reports until Sept. 2012.
CONSENT CALENDAR - Warrant Register = $2,570,907.38
Items of interest from the Warrant Register - None
Items of interest from the Consent Calendar -
Item 4.3 - City of Laguna Hills Response from Assistant City Manager Don White to Grand Jury Report dated June 14, 2012 regarding Compensation Transparency. On June 14, 2012 the OC Grand Jury released a report entitled - Transparency Breaking Up Compensation Fog-But Why Hide Pension Costs? 6/14/12.
In this report from the OC Grand Jury, the City of Laguna Hills received an A for Accessibility to the City's Compensation Report, a B+ for the City's Executive Page and a D for the City's Employee Pages.
Areas needing Improvement were noted to be Employee Pages re. Salary and Benefits and the need for Pension Costs on the Executive Page. From the June 26, 2012 Laguna Hills City Council meeting - Only Council Members Kogerman and Bressette indicated an interest in looking at making the City's online Compensation Report more transparent and informative for Citizens. Carruth, Songstad and Lautenschleger did NOT agree to look at updating the City's online Compensation Report, as suggested by the Orange County Grand Jury. Mayor Carruth commented that she thought we did fairly well on our report card this year and cited cities who did worse. (** Editor's Note - Mayor Carruth failed to cite the cities who did better including the cities of Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Laguna Woods, Placentia, and the city where the Laguna Hills City Manager lives Yorba Linda - These Cities received ALL As for their reports.)
The City of Laguna Hill's Response to the Grand Jury was:
(F2) Finding 2- Regarding Content and Clarity Ratings for their EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Page Laguna Hills received a B+ and the City of Laguna Hills' response is - The City wholly disagrees with this finding and the City's report is more detailed than that recommended by the Grand Jury and is governed by Laguna Hills Municipal Code Section 244-010.
(R2) - Recommendation 2 - The Grand Jury recommends that each of the 41 of 57 OC cities, districts and joint power authorities that were rated less than excellent for the Content and Clarity of their Executive and Elected Officials compensation costs page upgrade their Executive Compensation page and the City of Laguna Hills response is - This recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted.
(F3) Finding 3 - Regarding Content and Clarity for their EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION Page, Laguna Hills received a D and the City of Laguna Hills response is - The City wholly disagrees with this finding. The City's Public Official's Compensation Report is governed by Laguna Hills Municipal Code Section 244-010 which requires annual reporting of City Council Member and Management Employee compensation. Non management employees were excluded from the report to focus attention on what seems to be of greater public interest: elected official and management compensation. (**Editor's Note - We have neither found nor heard of anything that excludes the reporting of all employee compensation to the taxpayers in favor of reporting only Management and Council Member compensation? There is no reason, we know of, not to report both?)
(R3) Recommendation 3 - The Grand Jury recommends that the County of Orange and all Orange County cities, districts and joint power authority that were rated less then Excellent for Content and Clarity of their Employee Compensation Costs pages upgrade their Employee pages. and the City of Laguna Hills response is -This recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted
(F4) Finding 4 - Regarding Transparency of EMPLOYER PENSION CONTRIBUTION Rates - The City of Laguna Hills response is that it's employer contribution rate is plainly listed in the Public Official's Compensation Report under the section heading "CA. Public Employees Retirement System (Cal-PERS)
(R4) Recommendation 4 - The Grand Jury recommends that all Orange County cities, districts and joint power authority, as well as the County of Orange, post their employer pension annual contribution rates prominently and transparently on their web sites, and the City of Laguna Hills response is the City repeats its statement from F4 above that it's employer contribution rate is plainly listed in the Public Official's Compensation Report under the section heading "CA. Public Employees Retirement System (Cal-PERS)(**Editor's Note - If you go to the City's online Public Official's Compensation Report and scroll down to (Cal-PERS) you will find that the City pays all of the employees share of the Employee Contribution plus all of the Employer Contribution as follows : The first is the employee’s individual contribution rate, which is fixed at 7%. The City pays this portion on the employee’s behalf and this amount is included in the total compensation figures listed above.........The second component of the City’s Cal-PERS contribution is the employer rate. For Laguna Hills, the rate this year is 11.271%. So, we can see that the City of Laguna Hills pays all of the Employee and Employer Contributions which equal 18.271% for each employee to Cal-PERS but we cannot see any $ amount for that contribution, except in the City's reporting of the Cal-PERS amount they pay for City Council Members only.
Resolution # 2009-06-23-2 - describes the Cal-PERS plan as including: One year final compensation, Post-Retirement Survivor Allowance, Pre-Retirement Survivor Allowance, 1959 Survivor Benefits including 3rd level benefits, Extension of Reciprocity Rights for Elective Officers. The City also does not discuss online that it provides a PARS - Public Agency Retirement Supplement plan in addition to Cal-PERS. The City does discuss it's retiree health savings plan. It also does discuss its Vacation Buy-Out Plan and posts amounts from that plan for 6 employees if you click on "at a glance tables" under each of the 6 employees listed.
The City's online Compensation Report does Not discuss that the City will provide and pay for a medical insurance plan for all full-time employees, including elected members and their dependents. The City will provide and pay for a dental insurance plan for all full time employees, including elected members and their dependents. The City will provide and pay for a group life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance to all full-time employees on the basis of 100% of the employee's annual salary to the next highest $1000.00 increment up to a max of $200,000. The City will provide and pay for one-half of the premium for a single person for health insurance for regular part time employees.
Also the City does Not discuss online that upon termination or retirement, all employees shall be compensated at the current pay scale for their accrued vacation to a max of 320 hours. For Management Employees upon completion of 10 years of full time employment with the City, the City will make a one-time allotment of 40 hours of vacation leave to the employee's vacation leave balance. It also does not discuss that the City Manager is also authorized to create and administer a Management Incentive Program for management employees for outstanding performance ranging from 0 to 10% of annual salary at the end of each calendar year which does NOT require approval by the City Council or reporting to the City Council. City Manager also authorizes car allowances or providing a city owned or leased vehicle to eligible employees.)
(F5) Finding 5 - Regarding Inclusion of OVERTIME and ON-CALL PAY in EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION Costs. The Grand Jury Report says "Two key categories are missing from compensation cost reporting. They are overtime pay and on-call pay." - the City says it doesn't believe this necessarily needs to be reported but if a public agency does provide compensation reporting for all or a select group of it's employee's that report should include over time and on call pay. It says none of these categories apply to elected officials or management employees in Laguna Hills. (**Editor's Note -The City Fails to Say if these categories apply to non-management city employees?)
(R5) Recommendation 5 - The Grand Jury recommends that all Orange County cities, districts and joint power authority, as well as the county of Orange include overtime pay and on-call pay in compensation cost reporting on their employees' compensation pages. - The City says - This recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted, and the city repeats their statement from (F5) above. (** Editor's Note - The City again Fails to Say if these categories apply to non-management city employees?)
Item 4.4 - Development Impact Fees Annual Report from Assist. City Manager Don White - City has 3 types of development impact fees - Public Art Fees collected from all new development with a total construction cost of $250,00 or more, Traffic Mitigation Fees also generated by new development and Quimby Act Fees also generated by new development for parks and recreation. The City reports a total of $27,613 was collected for the Public Art Fees fund which brings it to a new negative balance of (- $225,037). $238,754 was collected for the Traffic Mitigation Fees Fund and transferred to the General Fund to partially reimburse it for traffic improvements constructed in advance. No fees were collected for the Quimby Acts Fees Fund.
Item 4.5 - Letter of Agreement between So. Ca. Assoc. of Governments (SCAG) and City of Laguna Hills to Participate in SCAG Geographic, Information System (GIS) Services Pgrm. from Director of Community Development, David Chantarangsu SCAG offers free technical assistance and software referred to as (GIS) or Geographic Information System and computer in exchange for land use and zoning data that is commonly reported such a construction or General Plan changes. The City has to agree to maintain it's SCAG membership at $3,000 annually. The software is sold for $2,500 and the City has the option to pay a software maintenance fee once the Agreement expires in 2015.
Recommendation - Approve and execute the Letter of Agreement.
Item 4.6 - Adherence to the Brown Act despite State's Suspension of it's Requirements for Fiscal Reasons from City Clerk., Peggy Johns. The CA State Legislature suspended state mandates in the Brown Act related to reimbursements they paid to cities to provide these mandates for transparency for the public. Included are: Preparation and posting at least 72 hours before a regular meeting of an agenda with description of each item of business to be transacted, Disclosure of and a general description of items to be discussed in closed session, Report in Open Session related to items discussed in closed session, and Public copies of certain closed session documents. The City of Laguna Hills, in this document has stated it is committed to accessibility and transparency in city operations and government in Resolution No. 2012-08-28- Affirming the City's commitment to continued compliance the Brown Act in continuing to implement all applicable requirements of the Brown Act to ensure transparent, open and responsive City Govmt.
Recommendation - Adopt the Resolution
Item 4.7 - Authorization to Purchase Police Motorcycle from Assist. City Manager Don White - $27,000 replacement for a motorcycle damaged in a traffic injury collision. The City states it does have insurance to cover the cost less a $5,000 deductible and a salvage value of about $650.
Item 4.8 - Progress Payment number 16 for La Paz Rd. widening at I-5 - $273, 554.18
Item 4.9 - Progress Payment number 1 for Turf Renovation Laguna Hills Community Ctr. and Sports Complex - $57,349.96 with a change order for $7,162.18 to accommodate the 50 x 60 infield alternate dimensions. Original Price - $74,200.00 - amended price $81,362.18.
Recommendation - Authorize the Purchase
Item 4.10 - School and Speed Limit Signage around Valencia Elem. School from Director of Public Services, Ken Rosenfield - the changes were recommended by the Traffic Commission on 7-18-2012 to meet the current standards and make the area safer for children. Fiscal impact about $2,000 from the Public Works Maintenance Budget.
Recommendation - Receive and File the report.
Item 4.11 - 16th Inner Coastal and Watershed Cleanup Day from Director of Public Services, Ken Rosenfield on September 15, 2012 from 9 am to 12 pm. More information available at the City.
Recommendation - Declare Sept. 15, 2012 Inner Coastal and Watershed Cleanup Day.
Item 4.12 - Progress Payment 1 for Citywide Pavement Rehab. Project from Director of Public Services, Ken Rosenfield - $126,883.35. Work began July 16, 2012 for Citywide repaving
Recommendation - Approve the payment
Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar - Items 4.3 and 4.6 were pulled from the Consent Calendar by Council Member Kogerman
Vote - the rest of the Consent Calendar was passed 4 - 0.
Item 4.3 - City of Laguna Hills Response from Assistant City Manager Don White to the OC Grand Jury Report dated June 14, 2012 regarding Compensation Transparency. On June 14, 2012 the OC Grand Jury released a report entitled - Transparency Breaking Up Compensation Fog-But Why Hide Pension Costs? 6/14/12.
Item 4.6 - Adherence to the Brown Act despite State's Suspension of Transparency Requirements for Fiscal Reasons - (**Editor's Note - City tells taxpayers it is committed to transparency?)
Council Member Kogerman said she could not approve the City's response in Item 4.3 related to several things - the report did not define the Findings and Recommendations from the Grand Jury or the City Ordinance quoted by the City (**Editor's note - Kogerman is correct, we had to go back to the original Grand Jury Document to define each Finding and Recommendation from the Grand Jury, above, for you to better understand, but if you look at the staff report online the Grand Jury Findings and Recommendations are not defined and the text of the City Ordinance to which the City staff report refers is also not included in their response.) Kogerman added the point of this report is compensation transparency - why hide pension costs? She said there is nothing to hide so why not improve transparency as the Grand Jury suggested? She said the public is concerned about the issue of pension costs and the ability to meet pension obligations so there is a need to give them accurate information about all the employees not just the top officials. Taxpayers should not need to file a public records request to get this information, it should be transparent. Kogerman thanked the City Manager for placing Item 4.6, affirming transparency, on the agenda and said we should deliver that.
Mayor Carruth's response, again, was that we did better here with transparency than we had done in the past and the focus was on management. City Manager Channing responded if this was what the council wanted he was willing to look at amending the City ordinance to expand the scope of this reporting to all employees at a future date. Carruth agreed with Channing. Mayor Pro-Tem Lautenschleger said he doesn't think people are interested in what all the regular employees make and their liability, etc., too much work.
Vote on Item 4.3 was 3 to 1 to pass it, No vote was Council Member Kogerman.
Vote on Item 4.6 was 4-0 to pass it.
MINUTES - The City Council Approves the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is always a significant delay for the public related to timely documentation of information but you can now watch and listen to the City Council Meetings on the City's web site at
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Item 5.4.1 - Site Development and Master Sign Program for El Pollo Loco for shopping Center on Alicia Pkwy. to allow a 30 sq. ft. Drive Through Menu Board that deviates from the 16 sq. ft max. area for one menu board in current standards in the municipal code. Staff report states El Pollo Loco says the extra room on the menu board is needed to display all of the items. Staff does not agree that is necessary.
Recommendation - Conduct a Public Hearing and deny the request
This issue was presented by Community Development Director David Chantaragnsu and discussed at length re. the use of 2 smaller 16 sq. ft. signs rather than the one 30 sq. ft sign. After much discussion Council Member Kogerman concluded that this sign is not going to be seen by anyone except the people shopping in the center and cannot be seen from the street so since it is the "National Brand" signage for El Pollo Loco why not loosen up on the code and permit it? Mayor Carruth stuck with - Can't bend the rules for you. Mayor Pro-Tem Lautenschleger added former restaurants in this center have failed so why jump through all these hoops when the sign is not visible from the street and there is a potential problem with cars backing up if there are 2 signs so permit it. Council Member Songstad - agreed with Lautenschleger with need for success in that center. The applicants from El Pollo Loco agreed to no "riders" on the sign and to make it look better with ledger stone so it was decided that the applicants should work with the Community Development Director and come back to the next council meeting with what was agreed to here for approval.
Public Comments - None
City Manager Bruce Channing reported that the Governor of CA. announced today that a pension reform agreement has been reached. A bill is being discussed as we speak. He continued that it is a good faith effort at Pension Reform and includes all but 2 of the 12 tenants that the Governor had raised as important as a part of pension reform. One of the 2 tenants Not included was to revise the composition of the PERS Board of Administration. Channing continued, our view has been that the labor groups had too much influence on that board and that there needed to be more individuals with specific skills in managing such a large pension fund sitting on that board. The other tenant not included was strictly about State Employees and their health care. Defined benefit pensions will be capped for all government employees who are hired after January 1, 2013 using a social security rate index of $110,100 for those who also collect Social Security and $132,120 for those who do not collect Social Security. He added that this needs to be approved before midnight on Friday. You can listen to all of Channing's comments online and read more at
Assistant City Manager Item 7.2.1 - Laguna Hills Civic Center Public Art Program Mural Reproductions from Assist. City Manager Don White - Recommendation that the City Sell Reproductions of the 3 murals in the Council Chambers at City Hall through an online store to raise money for the Public Art Fund which has had a negative balance for a long time including its current negative balance of (- $225,037). See Item 4.4 - Development Impact Fees Annual Report above. (**Editor's Note - We have long complained that these beautiful murals in the City Council Chambers are not "Public" art because they are locked in the council chambers, so now the public can pay to obtain reproductions of portions of this "Public" Art to enjoy in their homes and/or businesses, etc.) The City wants to sell Postcards, Posters and Giclees (fine art digital prints made on ink jet printers) ranging in price from about $8.00 for a post card package to about $500 for a 24 x 36 inch giclee. The giclees will be created as they are ordered, so there will be no back log of these that were bought with city funds.
Fiscal Impact to the City - The direct start up cost for the online store is estimated to be about $3,200 with no estimate of the cost to maintain it over time. Mayor Carruth asked if Assist. City Manager White thought there will be interest from other cities, the State of CA, Heritage Societies, Museums around the country, etc. Don White admitted that there has been no formal marketing research done on this but hopes there will be interest from places such as those.
Staff Recommendation - Offer online sales of mural reproductions.
Vote - This was Approved 4 - 0
Assistant City Manager Item 7.2.2 - Community Center Online Public Art Archive was presented by the Senior Mgmt. Analyst Melissa Au-Yeung - This will apparently be available online from the City web site and is one of the work programs approved for the current budget cycle is the development of an archive of the Community Center's Public Art Program. This program will provide anyone who is interested with a virtual tour of the Community Center online archive of the wealth of fossil resources discovered during the construction of the Community Center. No fiscal impact to the City for the development of this program was reported. The program, as presented by Melissa, is a series of interesting stories of the actual discoveries of fossils, how they were retrieved and handled and displayed, etc. and there are places to click for close-up views, etc.
Staff Recommendation - Receive and File.
Vote - 4-0 to receive and file.
Item 7.3.1 - 2012 July 4th Post Event Report from Community services Director and Deputy City Manager David Reynolds was presented by the Community Services Superintendent Dan Meehan - Staff report states a firework shell malfunction reduced the length of the show by about 7 minutes and the City received a 20% discount for that. It was estimated that more than 11,000 people attended the event. A highlight of the show was the presence of the Marines of the City's adopted 3/5 Battalion and their static display including vehicles, weapons a presentation of the nations colors and camouflage designs painted on children's faces. A color guard from Boy Scout Troop 1602 also presented the nations colors. Changes for next year include concerns from the Orange County Fire Authority related to the size of the firework shells which will now be capped at 3 inch shells. The use of 4 to 5 inch shells requires a fallout zone of 400 to 500 feet which is a concern related to the proximity of the LHHS buildings.
Fiscal Impact to the City - Original cost of the fireworks show was $24,000 and the discounted payment was $19,200. Expenditures totaled $44,372, Net costs totaled $39,113 including $4,059 in ticket sales revenue for the 2 carnival rides and $1,200 in vendor booth rentals
Staff Recommendation Receive and File Report
VOTE - 4 - 0 to receive and file the report
Item 8.1.1 by Council Member Kogerman - After a brief intro. of the Marine Corps Anthem from a cell phone, Kogerman recommended that the City Council authorize the display of the 3/5 Marines Darkhorse Battalion Banner at the Laguna Hills Community Center at any time the 3/5 Marines are on deployment. At a previous meeting, the City Council authorized the display of the City's adopted 3/5 Marines Darkhorse Battalion Banner at the Community Center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, illuminated at night until they returned, to serve as a reminder of the City's support for them and a source of comfort to the Marines and their families.
In September the City's adopted 3/5 Marines will be deployed again on 3 ships as an MEU - Marine Expeditionary Unit consisting of a command element, an infantry battalion, a helicopter squadron and a combat logistics battalion. Their mission is to provide geographic combatant commanders with a forward-deployed, rapid response force capable of conducting amphibious and maritime special operations at night or under adverse weather conditions from the sea, by surface and/or by air. Each MEU is an expeditionary quick reaction force, deployed and ready for immediate response to any crisis.
Vote was 4-0 in favor of this.
Council Member Songstad issued a caution related to the need to protect people from disruptive behavior at council meetings. He said we have measures to use and it is a violation of the Penal Code to disrupt Public Meetings. The Laguna Hills Police Chief Tom Behrens noted that we had and will continue to have a uniformed presence here as needed.
Mayor Pro-Tem Lautenschleger reported from Vector Control that there is a significant West Nile Virus problem at this time so report neglected pools and standing water, etc. He also talked about attending informative ACC-OC Meetings.
Mayor Carruth said there are meetings with Edison and SDG&E going on regarding the nuclear power plant, and asked that we don't schedule a study session here until those meetings have been concluded. She said she has letters from Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel weighing in on this controversy but she did not state what those letters said. She asked for a consensus to send a letter expressing concerns to the NRC based upon the tone of the 2 letters she received from Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel, again without stating what those letters said. (**Editor's Note- Residents may benefit from being made aware of the tone and content of letters the City is sending representing them) Carruth also said she has heard that we will have no cash toll roads within a year, no more toll collection booths so if someone is unaware of the toll roads they will receive bills or violations.
Council Member Kogerman announced that some of the residents went to San Diego to tour the Peleliu - one of the ships that will be used for the next deployment of the 3/5 Marines and it was a real thrill. She also noted that Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services has continued to follow up on the problem of the Oso and I-5 exit lanes confusion so it now appears that there may be a correction made to those lanes sometime in 2013.
Items 10.1 - 10.4 - Four Conferences with Legal Counsel regarding four Existing Litigations.
Item 10.5 - PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION - The City Manager with a public report if any reportable action was taken on matters considered during closed session.
The Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday, September 11, 2012 7 pm, at City Hall.
Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at
CITY COUNCIL and CITY MANAGER REPORT CARD - Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests:
Bressette - ABSENT
Carruth - F - Voting for Consent Calendar Item 4.6, a pledge to mandate transparency, does not ring true when this council member also voted against additional transparency in Consent Calendar Item 4.3. F - Vote against additionall transparency in Item 4.3 - response to the OC Grand Jury. F - Vote for Item 7.2.1 the Sale of Public Art - We believe "Public" Art, provided through public funds should always be made "Public", before it is marketed. P - Item 7.2.2 Community Center online Public Art Archive re. history of this area and fossils discovered during the construction of the Community Center. P - Vote for Authorizing hanging the 3/5 Marines (adopted by the City of Laguna Hills) Darkhorse Banner at City Hall each time they are deployed and leaving it in place until they return
Kogerman - P - Vote for Consent Calendar Item 4.6, a pledge to mandate transparency. P - Vote against the City's response to the OC Grand Jury Recommendations for additional transparency. A - for authoring a Citizen Friendly Item 8.1.1 and A+ - for getting item 8.1.1 passed- Authorizing hanging the 3/5 Marines (adopted by the City of Laguna Hills) Darkhorse Banner at City Hall each time they are deployed, and leaving it in place until they return and P for Voting for this item. P - Vote for Item 7.2.2 Community Center online Public Art Archive re. history of this area and fossils discovered during the construction of the Community Center. F - Vote for Item 7.2.1 the Sale of Public Art - We believe "Public" Art, provided through public funds, should always be made "Public", before it is marketed.
Lautenschleger - F - Voting for Consent Calendar Item 4.6, a pledge to mandate transparency, does not ring true when this council member also voted against additional transparency in Consent Calendar Item 4.3. F - Vote against additionall transparency in Item 4.3 - response to the OC Grand Jury. F - Vote for Item 7.2.1 the Sale of Public Art - We believe "Public" Art, provided through public funds, should always be made "Public" before it is marketed. P - Item 7.2.2 Community Center online Public Art Archive re. history of this area and fossils discovered during the construction of the Community Center. P - Vote for Authorizing hanging the 3/5 Marines (adopted by the City of Laguna Hills) Darkhorse Banner at City Hall each time they are deployed and leaving it in place until they return
Songstad - F - Voting for Consent Calendar Item 4.6, a pledge to mandate transparency, does not ring true when this council member also voted against additional transparency in Consent Calendar Item 4.3. F - Vote against additionall transparency in Item 4.3 - response to the OC Grand Jury. F - Vote for Item 7.2.1 the Sale of Public Art - We believe "Public" Art, provided through public funds, should always be made "Public", before it is marketed. P - Item 7.2.2 Community Center online Public Art Archive re. history of this area and fossils discovered during the construction of the Community Center. P - Vote for Authorizing hanging the 3/5 Marines (adopted by the City of Laguna Hills) Darkhorse Banner at City Hall each time they are deployed and leaving it in place until they return
City Manager - A for placing citizen friendly Item 4.6, a pledge to mandate transparency.
About Mayor Carruth
Anonymous said...
Carruth was itching to discredit Raghu when she got into his past relationship with the Southern California Community College district but stopped just short of crossing the line. But for the fact that more and more citizens are aware of the shenanigans by the career members of this council she would have not been so circumspect. That said...keep up the good work
Anonymous said...
What has happened to Mayor Carruth? She used to be a voice for citizens but seems to have made a radical change, why? She made it clear at the July 10 council meeting that she strongly defended Allan Songstad, and asked for a response to be made without prejudice to the Grand Jury but then took on that job herself. How is that going to work
About Orange County Grand Jury Report re. Misfeasance by Council Member Allan Songstad
Anonymous said...
Did everyone see this?
Battle lines drawn over city manager report
July 14th, 2012, 12:30 am · · posted by Betty Talbert, letters editor
Anonymous said...
Battle Lines Drawn Over City Manager Report
3 comments - One from a Political Activist, Another from the Orange County Employee Association General Manager - both agreed council members Allan Songstad and Jerry Amante misused their positions to pressure Professor Smoller, 3rd one from a Laguna Hills resident was pro Songstad.
Anonymous said...
Didn't Songstad commit the same type of misfeasance in office as cited in the Grand Jury report last night when he spoke about Bill Kogerman's employment with a political consulting firm and a million dollar award? It struck me that his comment was not on topic, had no bearing on the issue at hand and was intended solely to discredit Bill and Barbara.
I think there is to much of a similarity of intent between Songstad's comments to Dr. Doti and staff at Brandman and the comments he made last night about Bill Kogerman to let pass..In both cases his purpose is to discredit and smear his opponents from a position of authority.
Anonymous said...
The guy who spoke in defense of Songstad and asked for Barbara's resignation. He's a proud past member of the Grand Jury but did that organization a great disservice by dismissing their report about Songstad's abuse of power as not much more than poppycock.
Anonymous said...
I attended that council meeting on July 10 and I expected a much better response from councilman Songstad. There were so many holes in Songstad's response that I was embarrassed for him. He said he did this alone when the Grand Jury and all the news stories showed him doing it with the Tustin councilman and the woman from the League of Cities. He said this was not a Laguna Hills matter but he was representing Laguna Hills saying how upset the City was, on and on and on. Is it that he can't see the holes in his own argument or does he assume the citizens are not paying attention and won't see them either? I can't imagine that Carruth and Lautenschleger are going to acknowledge all those holes in their response to the Grand Jury. This whole thing plays like a really bad B movie.
Anonymous said...
If Songstad was angry at being exposed then going after the professor and the students was retaliation, but if he wanted TRUTH providing all the correct information about the compensation should have worked for him. If you haven't been transparent before you can't expect people to believe you now. Sorry Songstad but my answer to Who Do You Believe is NOT YOU.
Anonymous said...
Hope you have seen all these -
On the CA. Grand Jurors' Association web site a report is posted from NORBERTO SANTANA JR. - Voice of - Divided Laguna Hills City Council Takes Aim at Grand Jury Report
“It makes me sick,” Songstad said. “I don’t like being part of the [grand jury] recommendations.”
Songstad further urged City Council members to avoid responding to the grand jury, but City Attorney Gregory Simonian told members they were required to respond.
On the California Grand Jury News web site
Orange Co City officials abused power, grand jury says byTeri Sforza, Orange County Register staff writer
From OC Weekly Bolgs by Matt Coker
Jerry Amante, Tustin Councilman, Has Grand Jury "Misfeasance in Office" Finding Marked With Call for His Head and Hiring as a Lobbyist
Anonymous said...
Why was there no story on the July 10 Council Meeting in the Orange County Register Newspaper? The Grand Jury Report is important information for the community. I know they reported on it in the OC Watchdog but to just ignore the opinions and comments from the council members at that council meeting is doing the community a disservice.
About Transparency
Anonymous said...
Hey, Watch Dog, I believe that it's just Songstad that doesn't want transparency. Other than Kogerman, I don't hear any of the others demanding it. They've been in office way too long with way too much to hide.
Anonymous said...
Did you see this story? Laguna Niguel placing more salary info online l
"More detailed information about city employee salary and benefits will be available on the city's web site in response to an Orange County grand jury report that graded Laguna Niguel poorly. At Tuesday's meeting, city staff showed the council websites of other Orange County cities that received better grades from the grand jury. For example, Costa Mesa, which got straight A's."
You would never catch the City Staff telling the Laguna Hills City Council about other cities that got better grades, not on Channing's watch. It's good to see there are some cities that pay attention to Grand Jury Reports and respond appropriately. When Laguna Hills response is always NO to increasing transparency one has to wonder what more they have to hide.
Anonymous said...
I thought this would be of interest to you. I hope the City Council continues to publish agendas, etc. because according to this Brown Act Suspension, they will not have to do so. See Below.
Concerns have been raised because the California Legislature suspended the Brown Act (claiming it will save $96 million over the next three years). The suspension means that boards no longer need to (i) post meeting agendas, (ii) include a description of items to be discussed in closed session, and (iii) disclose what occurred in closed-session meetings.
What impact does this have on homeowner associations? None. The Brown Act applies to governmental agencies not common interest developments. HOAs are governed by the Davis-Stirling Open Meeting Act, which has not been suspended. Association boards are still required to post agendas and report what occurs in executive session meetings. Boards affected by the legislature's suspension of the Brown Act are county boards, school district boards, water boards and city councils.
COMMENT: I can think of better ways for California to balance its budget. Hiding behind closed doors is not one of them
About the Hills Hotel Sign
Anonymous said...
I would also like to congratulate council member Bressette for his reconsideration of the Hills Hotel sign in changing the number of times a day the message on the sign can change from 5 to 12. I can't imagine that changing the message on a sign either 5 or 12 times per 24 hours would cause any traffic problems and it is to Mr. Bressette's credit that he reconsidered, admitted an error in judgement and corrected it. I never hear of any of the other long term council members doing the same. It appears they believe they are incapable of ever making an error. I am also very proud of council member Kogerman who is doing exactly what we elected her to do which is obviously very unpopular with Songstad, Lautenschleger and Carruth. For Kogerman it takes a lot of courage and character to expose long term problems that others have fought to hide for so long and to try to make changes. For Bressette it takes courage and character to reconsider his opinions and to support at least some of the changes from Kogerman. Hope to see him supporting Kogerman more in the future.
About Songstad and Lautenschleger not running for re-election
Anonymous said...
Did you see this in the Orange County Register? Hooray!! It's about time!
Published: Aug. 3, 2012 Updated: 8:53 p.m.
Anonymous said...
Found the on-line info on Songstad & Lautenschlager withdrawal...not really that informative. Wonder if we'll ever know what the real motives were? Regarding Dore Gilbert I would suggest that perhaps the most effective description of Gilbert would be "the Status Quo candidate".
Kogerman responds to announcement - August 6, 2012
Songstad, Lautenschlegger to give up Laguna Hills City Council seats
Note: On Thursday, Aug. 2, long-time Laguna Hills City Council members L. Allan Songstad and Joel Lautenschleger announced that they will not seek re-election in November.
Council Member Barbara Kogerman has issued the following statement:
“As long-term Council members Songstad and Lautenschlegger transition from the Laguna Hills City Council, the entire community and I can thank them for the roles they played helping launch the city 21 years ago, guiding its development and overseeing the completion of the Community Center.
I also applaud them for their decision to limit their tenure in the spirit of term limits, particularly at this time when critical issues dominate the attention of the Laguna Hills City Council, including compensation abuses, lack of transparency and erosion of civility. These are issues that are best served by a fresh approach with comprehensive reform.
Now it’s time for our Laguna Hills residents to determine the candidates who can best chart the city’s future. As we approach the election in November I am urging your support for two candidates I believe will most effectively carry out reform in senior management compensation, business development and improved services for seniors, youth and animal owners-- Dr. Raghu Mathur and Mr. Andrew Blount. They have my enthusiastic endorsement.”
Council Member Barbara Kogerman, author of Laguna Hills’ term limits ordinance, was elected to City Council in 2010 on a platform of compensation reform and transparency.
Anonymous said...
Quote from councilman Lautenschleger in the OC Register 8/3 -"Laguna Hills has benefitted greatly since incorporation and I am confident the people will select someone dedicated to continue the mission we have established and to lead with the same commitment to do what is best for all our residents," he said. Besides misspelling "benefitted" Lautenschleger got the whole message wrong. This is a great opportunity for Laguna Hills Residents to elect people who will benefit residents, by telling them the truth, and listening to them rather than believing that the council members "know what is best for all our residents". We've had 21 years of those who believed they knew it all and kept our residents in the dark.
Anonymous said...
It's interesting to note that as of Aug. 7 there are no comments on the Aug. 3 story about Lautenschleger and Songstad not running for reelection. No one, other then themselves, congratulating them on a job well done. It was a good decision for them to leave before they were voted out.
Anonymous said...
Aren't politics interesting. Bill Hunt has the endorsement of Craig Scott (Laguna Hills City Council Member who was defeated in 2010) and one of Bill's priority's is: advocate that future city employees enroll in 401k’s rather than expensive public retirement systems. Craig Scott assisted the Laguna Hills City Manager as a Labor Negotiator year after year and we now know about the over the top contract the City Manager has plus Bill Hunt would have had a Defined Benefits Plan that guarantees a monthly retirement benefit as an Orange County Deputy Sheriff, not a 401k. Hunt also has the endorsement of Songstad and Lautenschleger who voted for less transparency and supported the City Managers big salary and benefits so how does he make sense of all these things, I sure can't.
** WIN WIN Wednesday is an ongoing series of restaurant fundraisers that allow the Laguna Hills High School PTSA to fund many worthwhile programs such as "EVERY 15 MINUTES" (a vividly realistic drunk driving prevention presentation), the Award Winning "I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE" program and the SAFE and SOBER all night "GRAD NIGHT" that keeps our kids not only safe but in Laguna Hills and on campus continuing a 23 year tradition that makes us HAWK Proud! ** For Weekly Flyers & Schedule go to our web site at and please be sure to "LIKE US" on Facebook!
** Bring the WWW!! flyer to these participating restaurants on these dates and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the LHHS PTSA and you can now get durable and attractive business card size Win-Win-Wednesday Fan and Supporter Cards that contain all the info. for W-W-Wed on one side including how to subscribe to W-W-Wednesday to get your flyers, dates and Restaurant Information sent to you weekly on Wednesdays and the other side of the card will serve as a universal flyer, if you forget to bring a flyer. You can sign up for an e-blast at to have the weekly schedule and flyers for Win-Win-Wednesdays e-mailed to you.
September 5 - Powell's Sweet Shoppe (Aliso Viejo)
September 19 - Buffalo Wild Wings (Lake Forest)
September 26 - Corner Bakery (Laguna Niguel)
October 10 - On the Border (Aliso Viejo)
October 24 - Chipotle (Laguna Niguel)
October 31 - Mountain Mike's Pizza (Laguna Hills)
November 7 - Five Guys Burgers (Mission Viejo)
November 14 - Wine Works For Everyone (Mission Viejo)
**Don't forget to see our "WWW Everyday - Alpha Cleaners, Golden Baked Hams and ToGO's on our web site. Bring the flyers for these everyday partners and Support the businesses that support us! Sneak Peek at GRAD NIGHT Preview Nite event: Wednesday, June 13th, with our delicious participating restaurant sponsors.
** HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION - Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills
*** Team Dark Horse is Collecting Donations Now to pay for personal care products, snacks, magazines, training manuals, playing cards and other supplies for the 3/5 Marines for their next deployment in Sept. to the Middle East. They will all be leaving on a ship and he noted that if the committee can get the items they need before the Marines deploy the items can go in boxes on the ship with the Marines/Sailors so Team Dark Horse Committee can save a lot of money on Postage.
Donation checks can be made specifically to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, etc. The city's e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/ City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site by clicking on this link -
**Go to the Team Dark Horse web site at to see how your donations are helping, and see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Facebook page by clicking on this link - Team Darkhorse/132765660119128
** NEWS STORIES AND BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS: Click on the links below to see the stories.
City officials abused power, grand jury says July 6th, 2012, 1:22 am · · posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer
Reader's weigh in: OC lacks will to battle 'shadow governments' Fred Smoller has been thinking about how to make local governments more efficient and accountable for some time.
City among worst for alcohol fueled crashes
Fullerton and Laguna Hills had the worst rates of crashes that involved underage drinkers
Read more at:
New Reports with 2011 Statistics for the 70 year old Orange County Animal Shelter that Laguna Hills still uses for it's citizens
Fewer Animals Killed at OC animal shelter in 2011
Total euthanasia rate of 53%. Fewer were killed in 2011 because fewer were impounded at the County Animal Shelter in 2011. January 31, 2012 Teri Sfzora
Three out of four cats still don't leave shelter alive Teri Sforza OC Watchdog
Kill Rate for Cats at the OC Animal Shelter in 2011 was 74% and only 17% adopted, down from 19% in 2010
Euthanasia Rate Stuck at Nearly 50% at O.C. Animal Care County Shelter finally admits killing animal for space in this story.
Fred Smoller,The Brandman University Professor of Public Administration, "who offended the power elite" when his Master's Degree students won awards assisting Council Member Kogerman to research the total compensation of City Managers in Orange County has just resigned from his post. Why did this happen? - Click on
Which city council makes the most money?
LA Times: Laguna Hills City Manager Salary,0,1126677.story
In O.C., city pay can be steep, but it’s not ‘abusive’ June 20th, 2011
June 9, 2011 ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY REPORT - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities
City manager says compensation is fair
Political rebel faces an uphill battle
Councilwoman: Public pay report inaccurate, self serving
OC Watchdog Lavish health benefits slashed in Laguna Hills, Tustin
After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer Click on for more of this story.
No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?
Gold-plated benefits? New councilwoman just says ‘no’
OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits
O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members
Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount."
OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."
** CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SAY the DARNDEST THINGS IN PUBLIC! - Memorable and surprising Public Quotes from City Council Members
February 14, 2012 - Mayor Pro-Tem Lautenschleger said, about concerns from grandparents regarding exhaust fumes from Alicia Pkwy. blowing onto the sports field at the Community Center - "The prevailing wind is always off the ocean blowing East so it's blowing from the soccer fields onto Alicia and across that way."
Another fact checking problem. The Santa Ana Winds which are most common from
October through March blow from the East to the West - from Alicia Pkwy. and Paseo de Valencia right on to that sports field.
November 27, 2011 - Regarding the ordinance establishing parks as “Child Safety Zones, Council Member Joel Lautenschleger stated, “Let's make one thing perfectly clear, there have been no sex crimes against children in the City since we incorporated."
Should have done some fact checking before speaking so boldly, Mr. Lautenschleger.
According to information from the OC Sheriff's Dept. there have been 32 child molests in Laguna Hills in the past 11 years. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.
January 10, 2012 - Council Member Songstad said, "I find it interesting that we are in a discussion where we are being asked to provide less information rather than more information, I thought transparency was all about providing more information."
To clarify for Council Member Songstad "Transparency" is not simply an amount of information - Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Transparency) - free from pretense or deceit, easily detected or seen through, obvious, readily understood, characterized by visibility or accessibility of information. Wikipedia (Transparency Behavior) - Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. All organizations have a transparency culture, but few have a culture of transparency, i.e., a culture of being aware of transparency and incorporating it routinely into how things are done.
October 11, 2011 - Regarding Intent to Vacate Public Service Easements (Tree Pockets) along Paseo de Valencia and between Alicia and La Paz. Mayor Songstad concluded with, "Alright its been moved and seconded. Everybody understand what the action is here? We're setting a public hearing, blah, blah, blah. All in favor"
June 10, 2008- Mayor Allan Songstad said "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."
Thank you Mayor Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking " the residents with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 20 years.
October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that."
So true, Allan, so unfortunately true unless you change members of the city council.
**CRIME IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - For a roundup of Laguna Hills police calls check the Saddleback Valley News every Friday or click on You can contact the Sheriff's Dispatch at 949-425-1800.
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