Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Old Medications Drop Off Point for So. OC

*** At last, South Orange County finally has a medication drop off station that can be used more than one day a year, for pill form medications only, for all residents!!  Residents can now drop off old pill form medications Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm!!


Aliso Viejo Substation Medication Drop Off  http://ocsd.org/news/detailsNewsID=2255&TargetID=88

The overwhelming majority of households today have unused medications that are either being stored in medicine cabinets or disposed of improperly. The proper disposal of unused, expired, or unwanted pharmaceuticals is a growing public health concern. This excess of medications in our homes creates significant opportunities for unintentional poisonings, illegal distribution, substance misuse or abuse, and environmental contamination. The Orange County Sheriff’s Department has created an opportunity to dispose of medications in a safe and secure way through the Aliso Viejo drop off location. This medication drop off is located at the Aliso Viejo Sub Station, and accepts the disposal of medication Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. They accept all kinds of pill form medication but unfortunately will not accept liquids, needles, or syringes. Please help keep your home and community safe by disposing of pharmaceuticals in a designated drop off location.

Drop Off your old Medication at:
Aliso Viejo Sheriff's Sub Station
11 Journey, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
M-F 8am-5pm