Wednesday, October 28, 2009


** Presentations and Proclamations - Desalination Plant for South Orange County?
** Public Comments -
** LHHS Student Liaison Report - Report from Lisa Mc Corkell
** Consent Calendar - Warrant Register this time is $622,796.02, - $4737.50 paid to Faubel Public Affairs for City Views Publication
4th Quarter Financial and Treasurer's Report - City Reserves are about $11.5 million, with an 8% decline in the General Fund Revenue and Claims Settlements against the city increased 29.8% in 2009.
The Civic Center Management Committee Report - 17% Vacancy rate at Civic Center.
Orange County Taxi Administration Pgrm. Regulations Revision
** Items removed from Consent Calendar - 1
** City Council Public Hearings - NONE
** Planning Agency Report - NONE
** Administrative Reports -
** City Manager's Report - NONE
** Assistant City Manager's Report - NONE
* Public Hearing for San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board - Request from staff that the city designate a member to make public comments at the NPDES forth term permit Public Hearing but city manager says Regional Board will not listen to anything that the players in this region have to say.
** Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members - Bash before the Clash, H1N1 County info. & Dealing with CALPERS and Possible Constitutional Convention
** Closed Session - NONE
* Crime Watch Laguna Hills Report - see it in the Orange County Register Newspaper * Information, Questions, Concerns and Comments from Watch Dog Readers - City of Laguna Hills held Dog License Amnesty Day on 10/3/09 because it says it's losing about $200,000 a year in revenues for unlicensed dogs, but does not know how many new dog licenses were issued on 10/3/09?
10/27/09 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting
All City Council Members were present.


Desalination Plant for South Orange County?

Presentation by Scott Maloni from Poseidon Resources a private company home based in Stamford Connecticut has a desalination plant in Carlsbad, CA. co-located with the San Diego Gas and Electric Plant and is planning one in Huntington Beach co-located with the AES Power Plant on Pacific Coast Highway. It would use the existing infrastructure of the AES Power Plant to access seawater and purify 50 million gallons a day of drinking water for South OC residents. It has been approved by the City of Huntington Beach who also certified the Environmental Impact Report, and issued the Coastal Development Permit and the Conditional Use Permit for this project. The project is pending review by State Lands Commission and CA. Coastal Commission. Application has been made for permits from both of these agencies and hearings are expected in late 2009 or early 2010.

This project would decrease reliance on imported water and support Moulton Niguel Water District and El Toro Water District. It will use the Reverse Osmosis process to purify sea water. No tax dollars to be used in development of this approximately $350 million privately funded project. Moulton Niguel Water District has signed a letter of intent to purchase 4,000 acre feet of water per year from Poseidon which is enough water to supply 8,000 families of 4 for one year. El Toro Water District signed a letter of intent to purchase 3,000 acre feet per year. Endorsements have been received from Orange County State Senators and Assembly Members, the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the OC Business Council and the OC Tax Payers Assoc.

The State Water Plan has reportedly identified a need for 500,000 acre feet of desalinated water by 2030. Poseidon will reportedly produce 56,000 acre feet of pure drinking water exclusively for Orange County every year. This is about 50 million gallons per day or about 8% of Orange County's water supply, enough for about 300,000 residents. The project is expected to create more than 2,000 construction jobs, 18 permanent jobs and an estimated 322 indirect jobs. Planning and construction costs are estimated to be about $350 million. Literature from the project says the water quality will be higher than imported water. The water from this plant is expected to be no more expensive than imported water and the plant should be operational by the year 2013. There are approximately 1000 desal plants now in operation all over the world.

Council Member Melody Carruth asked if there were any environmental objections and Mr. Maloni responded that there are some objections from people and groups who do not like the co-location with power plants who use sea water as cooling technology called once through cooling. They are pushing for desal plants to use a different type of technology to access seawater. He noted there are 4 reasons for co-locating with a power plant which are 1 - the need for an industrial zoned location, 2 -the need to be close to the ocean, 3 - the need to use the infrastructure of the power plant to get the pure water to the water districts and 4 - the desal plant uses water already taken from the ocean by the power plant to cool their generators, converts that discharge water to pure water, then mixes their salty residue with the plants discharge water to dilute the salt content of the discharge water. It takes 2 gallons of seawater to make one gallon of drinking water.

This Construction and Operation of this Project was supported 5 - 0


LHHS Student Liaison Report - from Lisa Mc Corkell - Nov. 2 is a staff development day so No School that day. Last Saturday had the Homecoming Dance and won homecoming football game 45 to 7 against University. Oct. 28 at 7:00 is Fall Choir Concert, first concert of the year, Friday Oct. 30 at 7:00 is the first Comedy Sports Home Match, on Nov. 9 there is the 13th annual Hawk Challenge Event Fund Raiser - a dinner, auction and golf tournament to raise money for the school. There will also be a helicopter ball drop and the ball that goes into the hole wins $2,500. Call LHHS for additional information.

Consent Calendar *(The Consent Calendar consists of multiple items on which the city council votes as a whole unless an item is pulled for individual consideration)

The Warrant Register for this period = $622,796.02 The City Views Publication with Winter Activity Guide = $4737.50 paid to Faubel Public Affairs.

The 4th Quarter Financial and Treasurer's Report - The unaudited results of the 4th Quarter FY 2008-09 Report states the city's accumulated reserves are about $11.5 million and the city's total managed cash and investments of $9,750,930 are invested in authorized securities.
Public Safety Budget states for FY 2008-09 $6,327,542 spent to date
Claims Settlements increased 29.8% in 2009 were $90,875 for 2008-09 - up from $70,000 in 2007-08.
There was an 8% decline in the General Fund Revenue with $3.7 million excess in funding used ($26.5 million) over funding sources ($22.8 million).

Orange County Taxi Administration Pgrm. Regulations Revision - Steering Committee Revisions for protection of Health, Safety and Welfare of persons utilizing Taxicab services noted that fares effective May 24, 2008 are $2.95 for the 1st 1/4 mile, 65 cents for each additional 1/4 mile and $30 per hour wait time. No extra charge for additional passengers.

The Civic Center Management Committee Report - reported the city's income from the civic center was $176,000 for the past year with higher vacancies than it had in the past quarter. It noted 2 vacancies with no current prospects Suites 100 and 205 and there will be a 3rd vacancy on Nov. 1 - Suite 300. These combined vacancies will produce a vacancy rate of 17%. Within 12 months the leases will expire on suites 200, 201, 220, and 304. Staff is reportedly applying for stimulus money to replace air conditioning units and offering 1/2 off of first 6 months rent on 5 year leases with current asking rate of $2.55/sq. ft. Report stated budget will be in good shape as long as Suites 200 and 300 remain leased.

Items Removed from the Consent Calendar - 1

Orange County Taxi Administration Pgrm. Regulations Revision was removed by Council Member Melody Carruth who expressed concern about smoking in taxies, the poor condition of the interior of some taxies, and a problem reported to her of some taxi businesses apparently being run from home in residential communities. She asked if the taxi drivers all received background checks for criminal records. She also asked
when would be the appropriate time to make suggestions regarding the regulation of Taxis?

Lt. Steve Doan, Chief of Police for Laguna Hills answered in lieu of the appropriate staff resource person who was absent. Chief Doan stated our Administrative Sergeant Dave Harrington sits on both the Safety Committee and the Steering Committee representing the City of Laguna Hills. They meet on a bi-monthly basis and we can carry your comments, suggestions, etc. to those committees. Chief Doan stated he will check about the smoking and the condition of the interiors of cabs. He noted background checks are done for licensed cab drivers through required finger printing. He also stated that again he will check but does not think that licensed taxicab services can be run out of residential homes.

The Consent Calendar passed 5 - 0

Planning Agency Issues and Public Hearings -NONE
Administrative Reports

Public Services Director, City Engineer Ken Rosenfield Presented information on the Public Hearing for San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board and a request from staff that the city designate one of its members to make Public Comments at the NPDES Forth Term Storm Water Permit for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Public Hearing on November 18, 2009 at 9:AM at the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Office in San Diego. Concerns were noted regarding working toward elimination of irrigation runoff, and discharges requiring an investigation within 2 days, etc.
About this San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board meeting, City Manager, Bruce Channing stated on 10/13/09 - " The San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board is in the process of circulating a new draft, a permit for the San Diego Watershed Region, that we are in. Not surprisingly it is an extremely Draconian permit in its present form. One that is viewed by all of the agencies as virtually unattainable, and also beyond what would be considered reasonably best management practices and/or reasonable, practicable or whatever that term is that they use as far as being something we could actually do. I made the remark to the individual that was presenting that based on the way it's being promoted by the water quality district that it would be easiest, perhaps least expensive if we could just figure out how catch the rain before it hits the ground, so it could be returned to another source other than our storm drains because that's what they are hoping we can accomplish with the level of water quality." "The matter will be set for hearing, here fairly soon, requests are being made for elected officials in the region to attend and speak on the issue. It is expected that the County will appeal it after the hearing, because it's not thought that the Regional Board will not listen to anything that the players in this region have to say."

City Council Member Randall Bressette was assigned to attend this San Diego Water Meeting. Mayor Joel Lautenschleger will be busy that day. Council Member Bressette said he is very interested in this and is pleased to be the representative to this meeting.

Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members

Mayor Joel Lautenschleger stated "Bash Before the Clash" to be held on November 6 - a Tri Tip Steak Barbeque with the Mayor being the cook. Go to the web site for Laguna Hills High School to get tickets for this to support the sports program.

Council Member Melody Carruth stated she attended the Orange County Health Care presentation that was focused on the H1N1 virus and seasonal flu viruses as well. She said the County was well prepared on this issue dispensing education and information to the public about this. She advised the Orange County Health Care web site has information on H1N1 vaccine clinic days, & hours and who qualifies for a vaccine, etc.
She also noted that the Vector Control leaders are focused on addressing CALPERS Pension Reform with changes related to retirement at a later age, reduced formulas for pensions, and changes would be applied to future service only.

Council Member Alan Songstad
stated he is member of City/County School Board Task Force on State Governments Reform and assisted in developing guiding principles organizations could use to evaluate reform proposals. These guidelines were created and adopted by the State League of Cities and other organizations that then reviewed reform proposals. Since then State League has filed 2 measures to protect local revenues. California Forward (that studies reform of State Governments) is also going to sponsor some Initiative Proposals and they are projecting that there could be as many as 29 propositions that deal with State Governments. Alan states he forgot his notes but continues that the most serious proposal for a Constitutional Convention is from the Bay Area Council (similar to the OC Business Council) and he stated he was excited about their proposal. They will have 2 Initiatives - 1 to call a Constitutional Convention and the 2nd is the criteria for the calling of a Constitutional Convention. They will not be addressing taxes,
and they have a specific plan for selecting delegates for a Constitutional Convention. Some states have regularly scheduled Constitutional Conventions, he suggest maybe CA. should have that as well. He also stated SCAG assigned him to a committee that he wanted to be on that deals with SB 375 - Senate Bill 375: Redesigning Communities to Reduce Greenhouse Gases .
Laguna Hills Crime Watch =============================== Laguna Hills Crime Watch for the past 3 weeks go to: Hills Laguna Hills Crime, What's Happening in your Neighborhood by Alejandra Molina, Reporter, Orange County Register. Keep up with crime in Laguna Hills, where it's happening and how it might affect you. This column is continuously updated.
Information, Questions, Concerns and Comments from Watch Dog Readers
The City of Laguna Hills held a Dog Licensing Amnesty Day on 10/3/09 because the city says it is losing an estimated $200,000 a year in revenue for unlicensed dogs in the city. The city council stated they will hire a canvasser from the county to go door to door finding the unlicensed dogs in 2010 if people don't license their dogs during the Licensing Amnesty periods, but when the LH Watch Dog asked how many new licenses were issued on 10/3/09 the city replied it does not have that information? The OC Register newspaper said about 36 licenses were sold on 10/3/09. Editor, Laguna Hills Watch Dog

Re: Woman mauled by 3 bull mastiffs sues county, city
In the November 2010 city council race, please remember what the incumbents have provided us for animal control services. An example of these services are documented in an agenda item dated March 19, 2008 for the city of Aliso Viejo. According to the document, one county field officer covers Service Area 6 which includes Laguna Hills and this one officer is responsible for 196 square miles. If our city leaders had chosen to contract with Mission Viejo, “the Mission Viejo proposal would provide field officers covering 42 square miles.” Our leaders set us up for an accident waiting to happen with the cheapest, minimal service they could contract for, meanwhile splurging on a bonus during the recession for the city manager and art work in the council chambers. When Aliso Viejo City Council was spending their time getting better animal care services to protect their citizens, the Laguna Hills city council sent out in March of 2008 the City Views Newsletter - with a full page titled “Animal Services Enhanced.” What did we get? - “Reading with Fido”. - Valerie

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