Thursday, December 10, 2009

Laguna Hills City Council Meeting 12-08-09

FEATURES: New Mayor for 2010 sworn in, Comments from incoming and outgoing Mayors plus State of the City update.
** Presentations and Proclamations - Presentation and request for financial support for LHHS PTSA for "Every 15 Minutes" drinking and driving Program for Juniors and Seniors.
** Public Comments - Question from candidate for City Council in 2010, Barbara Kogerman, re. Planned Destruction of Public Records
** LHHS Student Liaison Report from Lisa Mc Corkell -
** Consent Calendar - List of City Council appointments of themselves to various agencies and committees and list of City Council appointments, under State Law, of citizens to Parks and Rec. and Traffic Commissions
** Items Removed from Consent Calendar - Refunds for Traffic Citations?
** City Council Public Hearings - 2 parcels located at the NE corner of Moulton and La Paz Rd
** Planning Agency Report and Public Hearing - NONE
** Administrative Reports - City is considering refinancing it's $17,650,000 debt which currently bears 4.5% interest.
** Other Business - None
** Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members -
** CLOSED SESSION - 3rd Closed Session for consideration of salary and benefits for the City Manager. There will be No Belt Tightening for this City Manager!
* Crime Watch Laguna Hills Report - in the Orange County Register Newspaper* Information,
* Questions, Concerns and Comments from Watch Dog Readers - Laguna Hills City Council Member Melody Carruth has called for Amendments to the City Manager's contract to plug Gaping Loopholes!!!
* How to Support the Adopted 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division
- Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills – UPDATE - We now have Holiday Collection boxes in City Hall and in the Community Center so everyone can drop off new unwrapped items for children and adults of the 3/5 Marine Battalion Marine Families through Dec. 21, 2009. Please help to make this Holiday Season a great one for our Adopted Marines!!! See more info. below.
* OC Register News Stories and blogs

* City Council Members Say the Darndest Things in Public - Memorable Quotes from City Council Members
* Reminders & Directions for - OC Register Newspaper Letters to the Editor,
* Contact information for the Laguna Hills City Council
12/08/09 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting
All City Council Members were present

Remarks of Outgoing Mayor, Election of 2010 Mayor Randal Bressette, Resolution and Plaque presented to outgoing Mayor, Remarks of New Mayor, Election of New Mayor Pro Tempore - Craig Scott.

Outgoing Mayor Joel Lautenschleger's Remarks - Joel pointed to this last year as "the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression" and stressed how well the city has done fiscally especially related to the State Government. The city implemented a new 2 year budget. He said this city has one of the lowest administrative costs in the county on a per capita basis. He said this city has not grown into a bloated bureaucracy with needless commissions and needless committees. Related to safety Joel said that in Laguna Hills there are 5.68 deputies per 10,000 residents and is a safe city. He referred to refurbishment of some commercial centers as well. He added high praise for the small staff that services the city. He closed by saying that the city is in an excellent position due to it's leadership, forward thinking, hard work, shared vision, setting policies that are not based on special interests or regions, but principle centered leadership and sound decision making. Joel repeatedly referred to the process of creating the new City General Plan over the past 2 years. He said he saw a common theme developing and it was that people kept saying, "We like it the way it is" and they did not want anything to deteriorate.

Joel actually attended only one of the Public Meetings for the General Plan Update process (the Laguna Hills Watch Dog attended all the meetings) and what people frequently said on this subject was they did not want the Open Space and the Small Town Feeling to change for Laguna Hills.

Incoming Mayor Randal Bressette stated - Over the past 18 years the accomplishments have been impressive and the failures few and inconsequential. No time for complacency now. Creating a sense of community was and is essential. Designing and building the Community Center and Sports Park was one of the first major accomplishments and is the center of Laguna Hills' Culture and Sports. Must continue important relationship with school, high level of safety and fiscal responsibility. Can't bloat government or make poor financial decisions, must continue to work to retain existing business and attract new businesses. Need to keep an eye on Sacramento related to preventing them from taking city revenues. Looking forward to Urban Village Plan, waste management and recycling program and electricity and water conservation. Need to encourage water districts to improve our access to reclaimed water. City approved a 2009-2011 Capital Improvement Budget of over $14,000,000. La Paz widening at interstate 5 is the most important and expensive project at $5.3 million and must be monitored to be sure it is on time and on budget. City will be re-surfacing Laguna Hills Drive between Moulton Pkwy. and Paseo de Valencia. Funds from a federal Grant of $650 million primarily fund this project. Soccer fields are in poor repair and need work. Need more transparency and higher technology for communication in city government so looking into costs for publishing Staff Reports on line and web casting city council meetings. Need to develop a closer relationship with and provide greater benefits to our Adopted Marine Corps Unit. Look at safer smoke free environments and improve ability to enforce regulations there. At city council meetings members of city council and citizens must be treated with respect and follow the rules of decorum.

PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS – Presentation and request for financial support for LHHS PTSA’s “Every 15 Minutes” Program. Presentation from LHHS PTSA President Delores Winchell, Principal Sean Boulton and Assist. Principal Jake Haley

The LHHS PTSA in conjunction with the CHP are engaged in the State of CA. Office of Traffic Safety's "Every 15 Minutes" Program. This is a 2 day program, held on campus with focus on Juniors and Seniors to challenge them to think about dangers of drinking and driving. This statewide effort is funded by a State of CA. grant. The PTSA is requesting $2,500 in additional finances to support other program expenses not covered by the grant.
They also asked that Laguna Hills Dr. next to the High School be closed from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm on one of the days of the presentation to enhance the realism of this exercise that involved the 'Walking Dead" from a car crash, the expressions of grief for the lost students by friends and family, etc. Complete program costs are reported to be about $17,000. A Grant from the State picks up $10,000, PTSA is asking for $2,500 from the city council, plus the closing of Laguna Hills Drive for several hours, the PTSA is contributing $1000 and some businesses are contributing as well.

The speakers from the school all had high compliments for the Student Resources Officer (SRO) Ray Botta and told the council how much better the school environment has been since he arrived. They also noted his welcome sense of humor.

City Council agreed to the $2,500 donation to this project and will look further into the pros and cons of closing of Laguna Hills Drive. Staff report on that to follow.

LHHS Student Liaison Report - from Lisa Mc Corkell - Lisa thanked the city council for their help with the "Every 15 Minutes Program". Tomorrow is a late start day, Next Friday ASB Winner's Assembly and the next Friday is the last day of school before Winter Break. Returning to school on January 4, 2010. Last Friday HAWKS football team lost 27 - 24 to La Mirada. Drama is presenting the Nightmare Before Christmas on Dec. 16 at 7:00. Holiday music concert in Laguna Woods this Friday. On Dec. 15 annual student teacher basketball game at lunch and proceeds will go to the American Diabetes Association.

PUBLIC COMMENTS - Laguna Hills Citizen and Candidate for City Council in 2010, Barbara Kogerman asked about the Destruction of Records Request in the Consent Calendar. She stated there is an issue of transparency related to no way of knowing what records are going to be destroyed after 2 years time so need clarification on that issue. She asked, if is this something done every year or will there still be access to council members voting records, spending decisions, salary, wages and benefits information and other such matters and will those records be available if this motion passes?

Mayor Randal Bressette - Thank you.

Laguna Hills Citizen and Candidate for City Council in 2010 Barbara Kogerman - Is there an answer?

Mayor Randal Bressette - I will allow the answer tonight but the issue is Public Comments, not Public Discussion, so if you'll have a seat, I'll see if I can get you an answer.

Laguna Hills Citizen and Candidate for City Council in 2010 Barbara Kogerman -Well, then I will proceed with Public Comments. If there is no answer and because there is no availability of the items this could be an issue of timing that you might consider destroying documents that I have been and will be researching over the next year. Council Members have not faced a serious re-election challenge in nearly 2 decades until now, so now is not the time to prevent me or any other candidate from performing an effective forensic examination of how this council has spent tax payer dollars over the past decade and absolutely for the past 5 years. So, 2 years of documents is insufficient for judging any council members historic voting records. In the name of transparency please don't hide the voting records, be open and accountable. I strongly urge you to reconsider your 2 year plan and consider a 5 year period during which these valuable documents can be made available.

City Clerk Peggy Johns - The documents are listed in the binder in the back of the room. They comply with our destruction schedule and all the documents are dated for destruction within 3 to 5 years. Don't believe there are any records on there that have to do with elections.

Laguna Hills Citizen and Candidate for City Council in 2010 Barbara Kogerman - Do they have to do with council voting Records?

Mayor Randal Bressette - Do we keep our Minutes and Agendas indefinitely?

City Clerk Peggy Johns - Yes

Mayor Randal Bressette - So, our records are available to the general public.

Laguna Hills Citizen and Candidate for city council in 2010 Barbara Kogerman - Thank you for that clarification.

Consent Calendar *(The Consent Calendar consists of multiple items, including the Warrant Register, on which the city council votes as a whole unless an item is pulled for individual consideration )

4.2 - The Warrant Register this time was $271,778.03

4.3 - Request for the Destruction of Records more than 2 years old, not required to be kept by a statute, etc. consisting of Accounts Payable Vendor Records, Daily Cash and General Receipts, Agendas 2006, Civil Case Files, Salaries Wages and Benefits, Compensation Plans, Temporary Permits, Certified Payroll, Landfill Recovery Facilities, etc.

4.4 - Presentation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. For the audit of 2008-09 the City’s Auditor’s reported no material weaknesses in the city’s internal control structure. The CPA firm of Moss, Levy & Hartzheim rendered an unqualified opinion on the 2008/09 financial statements according to the city’s extended agenda report. There was no opinion from the CPA firm on the effectiveness of the city’s internal control over financial reporting. The report stated the CPA firm did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting considered to be material weaknesses but did note other (unnamed) matters that they reported to the management of the City of Laguna Hills in a separate letter dated Nov.1, 2009.

4.5 - Annual Review of Investment Policies and Delegation of Investment Authority to the City Treasurer
State Law requires an Annual Review of this. Staff is still in the process of completing a comprehensive update to the investment policies and will present its recommendation revisions to the city council early next year. The current annual delegation of investment authority expires on Dec. 31, 2009, so staff is recommending a Resolution to extend this delegation through the end of 2010. Current policies to remain the same, except a proposed increase in the percentage of funds that may be invested with the State Treasurer. This increased is proposed to be from 75% to 85%.

4.6 - City Council's Appointments of themselves to Various Agencies/Committees
Audit Committee – Channing, Bressette, and Lautenschleger
Civic Center Mgmt. Committee – Bressette, Songstad, Channing White
Claims Committee – Scott, Channing, White
OC Council of Governments – Songstad and Bressette
SCAG – Songstad and Bressette
Transportation Corridor Agency – Lautenschleger and Songstad
Coastal Greenbelt Authority – Carruth
Laguna Canyon Foundation – Carruth
OC Vector Control District - Carruth
Orange Emergency Management Organization – Chief of Police
OC Fire Authority - Scott and Lautenschleger

4.7 - Affirmation of Local Appointments List for Commissions and Committees – In Accordance with State Law the city council must prepare and post a Local Appointments List prior to Dec. 31, 2009 to tap the largely untapped reservoir of talent existing among the citizenry of the State of California.
Parks and Recreation Commission – Larry Bertino, Daniel Cooper, Mark Jones, Carol Meyers, Jack Noenickx
Traffic Commission – Bob Ashe-Everest, Pamela Dow, Rick Frazier, Donald Froelich, Timothy Hillis

4.8 - Flood Mgmt. Municipal Code Regulations Amended and Restated.

4.9 - Addition to Municipal Code related to Landscape Water Efficiency – Adoption of Countywide Model

4.10 - Amendment and Restatement of Municipal Code relating to Landscaping Standards and Guidelines.

4.11 - Ordinance for Removal of Encroachments from Public Right of Way

4.12 - Filing of Application for State of CA. Energy Commission’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant.

4.13 - Cooperative Agreement between the City of Laguna Hills, the City of Aliso Viejo and the OC Transportation Authority for installation of Traffic Signal Interconnect Conduit and Communications Media in support of the Alicia Pkwy. Traffic Light Synchronization project. Estimated cost $53,900. Traffic Light Signal at Alicia Pkwy. and Holly Oak Dr. to be included in the Alicia Pkwy synch. Program. This work to be done in conjunction with the larger Alicia Pkwy Traffic Light Synch. Pgrm. Environmental clearance, right of way, design and engineering will be paid by City of LH and is not reimbursable by OCTA

4.14 - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between OC Transportation Authority, cities of Aliso Viejo, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, RSM and the State of CA to synchronize traffic lights along an 11 mile length of Alicia Pkwy. Including 41 intersections with traffic signals.

4.15 - Professional Services Agreement with Hogle-Ireland, Inc. for Planning Services
Fiscal Impact about $20,000 to augment the General Planning Services identified in the 2009-11 budget including implementation of the Urban Village Specific Plan and general consultant assistance as needed.
VOTE on items in the Consent Calendar not removed - 5 to 0 approved.

Items Removed from the Consent Calendar - Craig Scott- Item 4.9, Melody Carruth- Item 4.2,

Council Member Craig Scott - stated for reasons he won't repeat he opposes the Municipal Code related to Landscape Water Efficiency.
VOTE - Item 4.9 was approved 4 - 1 No vote was Council Member Craig Scott

Council Member Melody Carruth - Questioning an item from the Warrant Register - A list of 8 or 9 refunds for Vehicle Citations. She asked for an explanation for this item.

Laguna Hills Police Chief Doan answered that he could state historically those refunds are usually from people who disputed their traffic citations and won. People have to post the fine first so if they win, the money they posted is returned. There have been no changes in enforcement practices.

Council Member Melody Carruth last question from Warrant Register, to Mr. David Reynolds, is regarding a cost for Sharps compliance?

Deputy City Manager, Community Services David Reynolds answered
the amount posted there is the cost for the company to provide us with the sharps containers that residents use for the disposal of sharps waste. Residents get the containers at the pharmacies and take the containers back to the pharmacies when they are filled.
VOTE - Item 4.2 approved 5 - 0

City Council Public Hearings

A Resolution approving 2 minor Technical Revisions to the Housing Element of the General Plan including inserting a commercial underutilized sites table to the Housing Element and amending item H-9 of Appendix A (Residential Units) of the 2009 LH General Plan. This is so that the Housing Element will be certified by HCD
VOTE - Passed 5 - 0

Approval of Final Parcel Map - Public Hearing for 2 parcels located at the NE corner of Moulton and La Paz Rd. Creating 2 parcels from an 11 acre site. 8 acres to remain open space. Council Member Melody Carruth noted that this 3 acre parcel was being prepared through this initial action for a sale in the future and asked if money made from the sale of this land could be restricted to a fund for future open space landscape improvements in that same area so the residents would benefit from this sale. City Attorney Greg Simonian answered that where the money from any future sale of this land goes could not be determined at this stage of the process, but could be determined at a later stage if and when it is put up for sale.
Staff Recommendation - approve the map and sign the final map.
VOTE - Staff Recommendation approved 4 - 0. Lautenschleger recused himself because he lives in the area near this parcel of land.

Planning Agency - Nothing

Administrative Reports

City Manager Bruce Channing stated the City Manager’s 2009 Year End Report was completed and is available for anyone who wants to read it.

Mayor Randal Bressette asked that the City Manager's report be placed on the city web site. VOTE was 5 - 0 in favor.

Refunding Certificates of Participation 2010 Refinancing Project/Laguna Hills Public Improvement Corporation Special Meeting -

Assistant City Manager Don White - stated that over the past 2 years the city has taken a number of important measures to deal with the recession and its impact on the budget in addition to the personnel reorganization and other budget cuts this past Spring including raising various fees and they continue to look for ways to cut costs.

The City has an outstanding debt in the form of Certificates of Participation for the 2001 Community Center Financing Project and the 2003 Laguna Hills Civic Center Renovation Project. Periodic Reviews indicate if these can be refinanced resulting in lower payments, This opportunity may present over the next several months and could save up to a total of $1,1717,618 in interest costs over the term of the debt. The city issued $19,000,000 in Certificates of Participation to refinance the then outstanding Certificates of participation issued to fund the construction of the Community Center and Sports Complex in 2001. The 2001 Certificates are currently outstanding in the amount of $13,200,000, bear interest at 4.5% and mature in 2024. To refinance will require the city to pay a redemption premium of 2% on the 2001 certificates. This redemption premium drops to 1% on or after Dec. 1, 2010 and to 0% after Dec. 1, 2011. In 2003 the city issued $5,660,000 in Certificates of Participation to finance construction improvements for the Civic Center. Those Certificates are outstanding in the amount of $4,450,000, bear interest at 4.5 %, and mature on June 1, 2024. There is no redemption premium on the 2003 certificates.
VOTE - Unanimous in favor of the refinance

Laguna Hills Public Improvement Corporation

Meeting was turned over to the Laguna Hills Public Improvement Corporation (PIC) to authorize the execution of lease financing documents in connection with the offering and sale of Certificates of Participation. This Public Improvement Corporation consists of Laguna Hills City Council Members. Council Member Joel Lautenschleger called the Corporation to order, and there was a unanimous vote was in favor of the refinance. PIC adjourned and back to City Council meeting.

Public services Director/City Engineer, Ken Rosenfield - Adoption of the 2009 OC Transportation Authority Commuter Bikeways Strategic Plan as the City's Bicycle Transportation Plan. - Commuter Bikeways Strategic Plan (CBSP) is the Regional Planning Document that identifies existing and proposed bikeways in Orange County. Inventory was taken of existing bikeways and prioritization of proposed bikeways was based upon input from local jurisdictions, the public, and connectivity to transit and regional destinations. A complete copy of the CBSP is available on the OCTA web site. Staff Recommendation if that the city council adopt the OCTA CBSP as the City Bicycle Transportation Plan in order for the city to qualify for State Bicycle Transportation Funding. There was a speaker from OCTA.
VOTE - the staff recommendation was adopted Unanimously.

Other Business - NONE

Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members

Mayor Randal Bressette - Thanked the Recreation Staff for a great Breakfast with Santa.

CLOSED SESSION - Public Employee Performance Evaluation - the City Manager & Conference with Negotiator Joel Lautenschleger - Consideration of Compensation for City Manager with Recommendation that the City Council takes such action as it so determines.

Council Members Joel Lautenschleger Craig Scott, Allan Songstad and Mayor Randal Bressette "so determined" that the City Manager will receive his Maximum Bonus for 2009 which is 10% of his salary ($23,000+) despite the economy and the City Manager's own calls for "Belt tightening for the city in this tough economy". Only Council Member Melody Carruth voted against the City Manager's bonus.
**There were reportedly no additional benefits or salary increases given to the city manager at this meeting but stay tuned, we will continue to monitor this and keep you informed. Outgoing Mayor Joel Lautenschleger negotiated this generous benefit for the City Manager, and in his outgoing Mayor's statements (above), pointed to this last year as the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.
** We have learned through a Public Records Request that the money to pay for the City Manager's new $60,000 car is not in the city budget and remember those "8 Secret Goals" the city manager reportedly had to meet to receive his bonus last year, no mention of any goals this year, but we did learn that most of the goals he does meet appear in the City Manager's End of the Year Report. Look for that on the city web site.
Adjournment until January 12, 2010
Laguna Hills Crime Watch
Laguna Hills Crime Watch for the past 3 weeks go to: Hills Laguna Hills Crime, What's Happening in your Neighborhood by Alejandra Molina, Reporter, Orange County Register. Keep up with crime in Laguna Hills, where it's happening and how it might affect you. This column is continuously updated.
Information, Questions, Concerns and Comments from Watch Dog Readers
Laguna Hills City Council Member Melody Carruth has called for the following
Amendments to the City Manager's Contract to plug Gaping Loopholes

Council Member Carruth states: This is the third year I have asked for amendments to the city manager contract. Listed are a few of the contract provisions which should be changed:

1. Limit city manager travel paid for by city to the US.

2. Cap the bonus amount awarded by the city council to the city manager(currently the city manager contract calls for 10% of base salary which means the bonus amount increases every year as his salary increases). He has been awarded a bonus every year.

3. Eliminate "open-ended" contract provision for city manager car. Limit car purchase to set amount determined by city council and require city council approval before purchase. Under the current contract, Mr. Channing may purchase any car without council approval. The $60,000 controversial car purchase was revealed to the council during a routine Warrant Register item on the consent calendar. I was not told of the purchase-not consulted, nor asked. It was not in the budget-it was not a budget discussion. Because it is a provision in the contract, the city manager is not required to get a vote from the council before purchasing a car...any car.

The City of Laguna Hills' Biennial Budget for Fiscal Year 2009/10 – 2010/11 contains a section called Rating Results for Proposed 2009-11 Major Plans. The City Council Members vote for their favorite plans, some months ago, using a scale of 0 (lowest rating) to 2 (highest rating) These are ratings voted by the Laguna Hills City Council Members on some of the Proposed Major Plans:
Web Streaming City Council Meetings – Carruth, Lautenschleger and Songstad each voted 2, Bresette and Scott each voted 0.
Laguna Coast Wilderness Park (Nix Nature Center) Grant Application – Carruth voted 2, Lautenschleger and Bressette each voted 1, Scott and Songstad each voted 0.
Conduct a Study of increasing the Transient Occupancy Tax – Carruth voted 0, all of the other 4 each voted 2.
How to Support the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division
Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills

Council Member Carruth has told us that there are 2 Holiday Collection Boxes now set up for the 3/5 Marine Battalion Families. One box is at City Hall and the other at the Community Center. There have been requests from some residents to adopt individual Marine families rather than deposit gifts in the collection boxes. If you wish to adopt an Individual family you can leave a message for Council Member Melody Carruth at or (949) 707-2610. Ms. Carruth is obtaining a list of names and ages of specific families for Holiday giving through a community outreach person.
If you wish to deposit gifts in the collection boxes, at City Hall and the Community Center those gifts can include new unwrapped toys, games and puzzles, and books, movie tickets, i-pod downloads, DVDs and CDs for all ages. Ms. Carruth reports that some families need the basics of laundry soap, paper towels, and food. Gift cards for all ages need to be given directly to City Staff for placement in envelopes, rather than being put in the collection boxes where they could become lost or misplaced, due to their small size. Gifts can be contributed through Dec. 21, 2009. Please help make this a happy Holiday Season for Laguna Hills Adopted Marines.
OC Register News Stories and blogs

City Manager Benefits top $170,000 November 06, 2009

It's the Health Insurance, Stupid

Full benefits for part-time elected officials are reasonable, mayor says

Laguna Hills buys its city manager a $60,000 car - in Tustin

Checkpoint nets 14 people in Laguna Hills

Woman mauled by 3 bull mastiffs sues county, city

Laguna Hills makes cuts to two-year budget

Remember to visit the page when you've got something to share with the community.
Laguna Hills a good place to live, survey says -

Laguna Hills Report Recommends Pet License Outreach. It also says shelters aren't crowded enough for spay, neuter program.

Laguna Hills City manager gets $23,000 bonus over objections

Senior Center in Laguna Hills Suffers financially - Officials of the nonprofit are angry that the city has never provided money, despite the services provided to its residents.
Laguna Hills City Council Members Say the Darndest Things in Public
Dec. 4, 2008 - LHCC Member - Craig Scott stated ".... based on what is recited here I think it is fair comment to say that Nellie Gail was not remarkable. "We did some research on this issue and if that's the best we can do, a school teacher, 2 daughters and ran the ranch until turning it over to her children, I submit that's not necessarily remarkable."

Really, Well, Mr. Scott, would you say you are a "remarkable" city council member and how would you define that? ***Craig Scott is speaking about Nellie Gail Moulton (1878-1972) who was born in Irving, KS on Dec. 8, 1878. Nellie Gail spent her childhood in Nebraska and came to California with her family in 1893. Upon receiving her teaching credentials, she taught school in the state of Washington near Seattle at the turn of the century. On one of her summer trips to visit her family in southern California she met Lewis Moulton whom she married in 1908. The couple settled on a ranch of 22,000 acres. When her husband died she ran the 22,000 acre ranch while raising 2 daughters. She was also a school teacher, and an artist. Most of her paintings appear to have been done in and around Laguna Beach. Nellie Gail Ranch, in Laguna Hills, is named for her. Be sure to see the exhibit of her Remarkable life at City Hall!

June 10, 2008 - LHCC Member - Mayor Allan Songstad said - "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."

Thank you Mr. Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking us" with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 18 years.

On May 27, 2008 - LHCC Member Craig Scott stated, "I am on the toll road every day and I don't want the tolls to go down, I want them to stay where they are or go higher and I'm ready to pay that price and I'd prefer NOT to have others do the same."

Are there any volunteers willing to support a resolution proclaiming that the 73 Toll Road be set aside for the Exclusive Use of Laguna Hills City Council Member Craig Scott until such time that this pesky congestion problem caused by less entitled people, like the rest of us, is brought under control? OR - maybe people would like to e-mail Mr. Scott at to encourage him to broaden his perspective. He has been a Laguna Hills City Council Member for 18 years)

March 11, 2008 - Don White, Assist. City Manager stated Laguna Hills rejected a proposal from Mission Viejo to share their animal shelter in 2005 due to increased expense and "unknown and serious contractual problems that exposed the city's budget to unknown and uncontrollable cost increases and expenditures".

So, Don if the contractual problems are "unknown" how do you know they are serious and uncontrollable? Laguna Niguel has had the same contract that was presented to Laguna Hills with the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter for more than 10 years and in 2008 Aliso Viejo joined the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter so none of this has been a problem for them? October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that." So true, Allan, so unfortunately true.
Reminders & Letters to the Editor
To write letters to the editor of the Orange county register newspaper: Please provide your name and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Letters of about 200 words will be given preference. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity.

You can contact all of the Laguna Hills City Council Members at: phone: 949-707-2610 fax: 949-707-2614If you no longer wish to receive the Laguna Hills Watch Dog, click reply and print the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line with your first and last name and you will be removed from our list.


Anonymous said...

How does someone find a copy of the speed zone surveys for the city?

Jean Bland, et al., Citizens of Laguna Hills said...

For copies of speed zone surveys of the city you could go to City Hall and fill out a Records Request for copies of records asking for speed zone surveys for the city or call the City Engineer Ken Rosenfield's office for more information at 949-707-2650