Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 13, 2010 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting
All City Council Members were present

** Special Announcements - To sign or circulate Laguna Hills City Council Term Limits Petitions contact Barbara Kogerman - or Jean Bland -

PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS – Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award goes to Assist. City Manager Don White, Finance Manager Janice Reyes and Management Analyst Melissa Au-Yeung.
** Editor's note - The GFOA web site at
, states GFOA is a membership organization that a city the size of Laguna Hills can join for a base membership fee of $250. The GFOA Membership is open to anyone whose career, studies or interests involve government financial management in the United States and Canada. The fee based organization offers annual conferences, and training programs, etc., and encourages its members who meet its standards through awards including the "Distinguished Budget Presentation Award". There were 410 winners in CA. in 2008 including Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, Irvine, Lake Forest Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, and San Juan Capistrano in South Orange County.

** We add our Congratulations to Melissa who, in addition to her work on the budget, controls the audio at every city council meeting. It was often difficult to discern much of what the city council members and other speakers were saying. City Council members and other speakers often neglect to sit or stand close to the microphone, some mumble and some ramble, etc., but Melissa, who is constantly monitoring the audio, does an especially great job of bumping the volume up and down to clarify as needed for every speaker and keeping extraneous noises out. We're very grateful to her and appreciate her good work and diligence. The minutes of the meetings are edited so without adequate audio we would never know what everyone said.

15 year anniversary award to Deputy City Clerk Sandi Morgan.
* Editor's Note - Our Congratulations to Sandi who is always so helpful to citizens as well
as to the city. Sandi was the city receptionist when she started. From the city, Sandi received a certificate of appreciation and a gift certificate for a free meal at BJs.


Matt Corrigan from Saddleback Republican Assembly (SRA) introduced his group, said they are hoping to grow and announced the group will be sponsoring a peaceful Tea Party in Mission Viejo on April 15, at the corner of La Paz and Marguerite from 5:30 - 6:30 pm.

Jim Bresnan, Laguna Hills Resident from the Bella Tierra neighborhood's HOA on Indian Hill Ln. in Laguna Hills spoke on the Permit Parking issue for Bella Tierra Residents. He said that the residents of Bella Tierra, who have inadequate parking space, appreciate the on street parking permits for Indian Hill Ln. and are continuing to keep that area clean and use the additional space. He said he felt that permitting one person from another neighborhood to park in that area would be a slippery slope and residents of Bella Tierra have the most need for additional parking in that area.
* Editor's Note - The question of why the City of Laguna Hills did not bring the Bella Tierra community's parking up to city code when Bella Tierra was being converted from apartments to condos and already annexed by the city has never been fully answered by the city?

LHHS STUDENT LIAISON REPORT - by Jason Brower - In the next 2 weeks LHHS will hold its Community Outreach and Volunteer Connection Days to increase LHHS's connection with local community as well as with social activities. There will also be a wide range of curricular club and school based fund raisers coming in the next week. The annual Rummage Sale is in 2 weeks. There are less than 10 weeks of school left this year and disparity in attendance is increasing while some students are headed to IB and AP exams others are decreasing their attendance at school. In the first 6 months of this year alone failing attendance has cost LHHS $265,000, so hard lines have now been drawn against unnecessary absenteeism.

CONSENT CALENDAR *(The Consent Calendar consists of multiple items, including the Warrant Register, on which the city council votes as a whole unless an item is pulled for individual consideration )
Warrant Register = $230,499.58 includes $2,635.20 for Program Expense to Ashworth Awards and $1,300.00 for Program Expense to USA Track & Field So. CA. for the 1/2 Marathon & 5K Event on May 10.
Item 4.3 - Request for Destruction of Public Records more than 2 years old that do not affect the title to real property or liens, are not court records, are not required to be kept further by a statute and are no longer required by the city.
Item 4.4 - Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless for a Communication Facility. Staff recommends approval of the License Agreement to provide compensation for the use of city owned property. Agreement will require an annual fee of $20,400 and staff recommends an initial term or 5 years with subsequent 5 year renewals. The agreement will include a yearly increase of financial obligation based on the Consumer Price Index.
Item 4.6 - Request to Modify Permit Parking provisions on Indian Hill Lane - On March 18, 2009 the Traffic Commission recommended rules for Permit Parking Program for the benefit of the Bella Tierra Community Residents. On Feb. 23, 2010 Mr Elahi, from the Indian Creek HOA, requested that he be allowed a permit for parking along Indian Hill Lane. Staff does not propose any changes to the current program and recommends a Resolution establishing a residential permit Parking Zone on a portion of hte Westerly side of Indian Hills Lane. Most of the cost for the city will be recovered through parking permit fees and the $750 for the installation and removal of signage is in the Public Works Maintenance Budget.
Item 4.7 - Establishment of a No Parking Zone during days and hours of Street Sweeping on Santa Vittoria Dr. - No information listed in the Agenda Report for this item and no information given at the city council meeting.
Item 4.8 - Deletion of one crosswalk leg at the Intersection of Alicia Pkwy. and Hon Ave./Paseo de Alicia. A study found the crosswalk from the easterly side of the intersection from the northeasterly corner (Chevron) to the southeasterly corner (Auto Club) to be an impediment to smooth traffic flow on Alicia Pkwy and requested it's removal. City Staff recommendation is to approve the removal.
Item 4.9 - Award of contract for City Weed Abatement for $26,483.68 to Igi's Landscape Services.
Item 4.11 - Agreement with CALTRANS for Construction Assistance for La Paz Rd. intersection at I-5 is close to advertising the project for bid. Cooperative agreement obligates the city to fund $51,000 of material testing and construction oversight that would be performed by Caltrans. Staff Recommendation is that the city approve the agreement.
Item 4.12 - Application for Federal Public Assistance for Severe Winter Storm Damages - Because the Governor of CA. designated the County of Orange as a disaster area, due to severe winter storms, the city of Laguna Hills is claiming eligibility for approximately $75,000 in federal assistance for storm damages including of loss of trees, flooding, a damaged storm drain manhole, pavement on Alicia Pkwy. and a call out of emergency services to remove silt and debris from storm drain inlets.
** See more detail for most of these Items on the city web site at under City Council Agendas, the date of the city council meeting and the Item # on the agenda for item issue noted above.

ITEMS PULLED from CONSENT CALENDAR - Item 4.8 The deletion of one crosswalk leg at the Intersection of Alicia Pkwy. and Hon Ave./Paseo de Alicia was pulled by Council Member Melody Carruth. Melody asked if there would be permanent signage placed at this intersection instructing people about where to cross this street and she was assured by City Engineer Ken Rosenfield that there would be.
VOTE - Consent Calendar was Passed 5 - 0

PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARINGS - Request from CEC Entertainment, Inc to expand the hours of operation of existing Chuck E. Cheese's Restaurant at 266538 Moulton Pkwy., Ste. H

Vern Jones - Community Development Director stated Chuck E. Cheese is requesting to open one hour earlier at 9 am every morning and close one hour later at 11 pm on Fridays and Saturdays only. Staff is recommending approval for this change and there have been no complaints in 8 or 9 years.

COMMENTS - Alice Winters from CEC Entertainment, Inc. said their request for extension of hours is consistent with other Chuck E. Cheeses in the area. No other changes requested. Mayor Bressette requested a "hard change" time of 11 pm for the protection of the residents in the area above this strip mall rather than having the closing drag on after 11:00 pm. Alice responded that the doors are locked at 11 pm and no new people are admitted, but they don't kick out people who are finishing their meals and their games. Council Member Craig Scott asked why has there been a liquor license application for this Chuck E. Cheese? Alice answered that 25% of parents want beer or wine with their pizza and out of the 37 Chuck E. Cheeses in CA 34 sell beer and wine. She noted that a liquor license was a permitted use here. Mayor Bressette questioned the use of Alcohol by parents who then drive children home. Alice responded that the manager would monitor alcohol consumption and that one or two glasses of beer or wine are the usual number that is permitted by the establishment. Council Member Joel Lautenschleger added that he does not believe the closing at 11 pm needs to be a hard closing and nothing much can be heard from this establishment at the time of closing now. Vote was 5 - 0 in support of the extended hours.


6.2 - Lt. Steve Doan, Laguna Hils Chief of Police Services - 2009 Police Services Annual Report Lt Doan reported $6.4 Million this year being spent by the city for Police services with reduction of 2 positions last year.
NUMBER OF DEPUTIES - In 2009 Police Services Staff consisted of 27.97 positions, 1 Lieutenant, 1 Administrative Sergeant, 1.97 Patrol Sergeants, 2 investigators, 1 Directed Enforcement Team Deputy, 13 Patrol Deputies, 4 Traffic Deputies, 1 School Resource Officer, 2 Community Service Officers, 1 Crime prevention Specialist.
In 2009 in So. OC, Dana Point ranked highest of the 9 cities with 0.92 sworn staff per 1000 population at a per capita cost of $240, Laguna Niguel and Aliso Viejo ranked lowest with 0.52 per 1000 at a per capita cost for Laguna Niguel of $134. In Laguna Hills Deputies' beats were modified to maintain preventative patrol times and schedules were changed to accommodate staff reductions. Laguna Hills ranked 3rd in So. OC with 0.75 sworn staff per 1000 population in 2009 at a per Capita cost of $191.
2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS - 15% decrease in injury traffic collisions, 5% reduction in Violent Crimes, Implemented TAGRS graffiti tracking Pgrm., Continue Emergency Preparedness Training for Laguna Hills Residents, Received all positive feedback on the SRO at LHHS.
RESPONSE TIMES - Priority 1 Calls - include immediate danger of injury to any person - with Goal Time of less than 5 min. Response Times averaged 4:28 minutes. Priority 2 Calls - include serious crime with no immediate danger - with Goal Time of less than 12 minutes Response Times averaged 7:58 minutes. Priority 3 calls include most reports - suspects have left the scene or crimes are reported late - with Goal Time of less than 20 minutes, Response Times averaged 12:14 minutes. Priority 4 calls non-emergency, have no Goal Times and Response Times averaged 18:22 minutes.
CALLS FOR SERVICE - Police Services handled 12,804 incidents in 2009 and staff handled 13,263 incidents.
CRIME STATS - 2009 & 2008 Homicides = 0, 2009 Rape = 1 and 2008 = 0, Robbery 2009 = 16 and 2008 = 13, Aggravated Assault 2009 = 22 and 2008 = 28, Burglary 2009 = 85 and 2008 = 100, Theft 2009 = 485 and 2008 = 444, Auto Theft 2009 = 34 and 2008 = 36. Violent Crimes decreased by 5% in 2009. Property Crimes increased 4% in 2009. Notable increases included - Narcotics Arrests increased 4% in 2009, Drunk Driving Arrests increased 10% in 2009, Weapons Violation Arrests increased 43% in 2009 and Vandalism increased 59% in 2009. **Chief Doan noted that theft spiked in 2009 close to Christmas at the mall. Most of the thieves were caught and arrests have increased with the increases in crime. He also noted that not all weapons arrests were for guns, some were other types of weapons and graffiti was prevalent in the vandalism cases.
TRAFFIC SERVICES - Fatal Collisions = 1 in 2009 & 2008. Injury Collisions = 104 in 2009 and 120 in 2008, Hit/Run Collisions = 84 in 2009 and 77 in 2008, Hazardous (Moving Violation) Citations = 4,389 in 2009 and 5,244 in 2008, Non-Hazardous (includes cell phones) citations = 2,359 in 2009 and 1,936 in 2008, Restraint (Seatbelt) Violations = 100 in 2009 and 113 in 2008.
**Chief Doan noted that all deputies attend training at a Top Gun DUI (Driving Under the Influence) classes. Many of the Hit and Runs were private property collisions.
PREVENTATIVE PATROL TIME - this is a Deputy's un-obligated patrol time used for Crime Prevention after a Deputy handles all calls for services, & completes all other work. Goal is 40% for Preventative Time. Shift 1 from 5:30 am to 6:00 pm averaged 42.61% Shift 2 from 10:30 am to 9:00 pm averaged 37.35, Shift 3 from 2:00 pm to 2:30 am averaged 39.71% and Shift 4 from 6 pm to 6:30 am averaged 44.14% Preventative Patrol time. Traffic Deputies averaged 29.12% and Community Service officers averaged 33.72% Preventative Patrol time.
COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS - Neighborhood Watch expanded from 13 to 16 neighborhoods, 1 Community Emergency Preparedness Academy was completed in 2009. A daily Virtual Briefing was also held for field personnel providing daily updated crime stats, trends and relevant information for all the Deputies. Chief Doan noted that the department is working smarter to make up for the 2 deputy positions lost last year and SRO (Student Resource Officer) Ray Botta is back on the streets during the summer while school is out.
STUDENT RESOURCE OFFICER - RAY BOTTA's activity in 2009 at LHHS included 14 Felony arrests (about a 40% increase in Felony Arrests over 2008 mostly for possession of controlled substances), 25 Misdemeanors, 23 Infractions, 10 Warrants, 5 Weapons Seized (75% Decrease in weapons seized over 2008 so presence of the SRO is making a difference with less kids coming to school armed), 45 Drug Paraphernalia Items Seized compared with 12 in 2008, 5 Marijuana Seizures, 5 Alcohol Seizures, 32 Prescription Drugs Seizures - tremendous spike over 2008 in drugs and alcohol seizures, 19 Medical Aids, 205 Interventions = a 320% increase in interventions in 2009 and 19 Educational Presentations. Overall the crimes rate on campus increased. The SRO also services the Elementary Schools in Laguna Hills once a week and mainly assists with attendance issues there. Chief Doan noted that there has been all positive feedback about Officer Botta who is doing a great job.

Related to the significant increase in drug and alcohol crime at LHHS and all of the activities of the SRO, Council Member Melody Carruth asked about scheduling another Teen at Risk Program this year. Mayor Bressette made a motion to do that and the City Council unanimously requested that Chief Doan set up another Teen at Risk Program for children, parents, and other interested parties this year. The last one was held at the community center and was shared with Aliso Viejo and Laguna Niguel.

** Editor's Note - City Council Members, Craig Scott, Joel Lautenschleger and Allan Songstad voted to 3 - 2 to drop 2 deputy sheriff's deputy positions in Laguna Hills last year.

Comments: NONE


Mayor Randal Bressette announced that Mr. Joseph Carruth, Chairman of the OC Sheriff's Advisory Council and Council Member Melody Carruth's husband, did an outstanding job of organizing the 22 OC Sheriff's Dept. Annual Medal of Valor Presentation Luncheon on April 1, 2010. Laguna Hills was named Tree City USA for 2009 by Arbor Day Foundation. Community Volunteer Connection Day is this Sat. starting at 9 am with trail clean up, tree planting, etc and lunch provided to volunteers. Late night Easter Egg Hunt went well.

Saturday April 24, 9 am - 1 pm. Laguna Hills once a year Pet Clinic at the Community Center. Low cost vaccines and microchips. Licensing and Pet Adoptions from the Orange County Shelter. If your dog's license has lapsed or you failed to license your dog previously you can license your dog at this time during the Licensing Amnesty Program with no late fees or penalties. After May 15 2010, a County Animal Shelter Canvasser hired by the city of Laguna Hills will be canvassing the city for unlicensed dogs and you will receive a fine plus the cost of license fees, etc.
DOG Vaccines Rabies - $6, DHPP(DA2PP) - $15, Bordetella - $12

CAT Vaccines Rabies - $6, Purevax - $20, FVRCP - $15

Microchips Dog and Cat - $28
Licensing - Dogs, Altered - $24, $12 for Seniors 65 and over
Dogs Unaltered - $100
*** For Licensing only, all forms of payment are accepted ***
Owners need proof of a current Rabies Vaccination for all Licenses and proof of sterility for the lower license fee. If owners want to take advantage of the discounted fee, but do not have an altered pet, they will be allowed to pay the discounted price during the amnesty period and required to submit proof of sterility within 2 weeks of licensing. For more information call the county Shelter at 714-935-6848. (Apparently there is no 949 # for South County.) *** All services are on a first come first serve basis. All dogs must be on leashes. Cats must be in carriers. Pet owners must be 18 years old or older.

Council Members Lautenschleger and Songstad reported progress in SCAG and with State Senate and Assembly Bills that that infringe on city rights related to land use and taxes.

Laguna Hills Crime WatchLaguna Hills Crime Watch for the past 3 weeks go to: Hills Laguna Hills Crime, What's Happening in your Neighborhood by Alejandra Molina, Reporter, Orange County Register. Keep up with crime in Laguna Hills, where it's happening and how it might affect you. This column is continuously updated.

Information, Questions, Concerns and Comments from Watch Dog Readers -

An alert Watch Dog Reader found this item from the past related to the current effort to collect signatures for Term Limits for the Laguna Hills City Council who have been in place for nearly 20 years.

From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper -
Council's Carruth Won't Seek Reelection July 26, 1996 LEN HALL Councilwoman Melody Carruth, the first mayor of Laguna Hills, announced Thursday that she will not seek reelection in November. Carruth, 44, a member of the charter City Council when Laguna Hills incorporated in 1991, said that it is time for others to take a turn at local government. "I support term limits at all levels of government, and after 10 years of intense civic involvement, it's time to step aside and let someone else serve," Carruth said. CALIFORNIA LOCAL

* Editor's Note - We congratulate Melody Carruth who kept her word about her belief in Term Limits. Melody was off of the city council for 6 years. Songstad was off for 2 years and the rest have been on the council for 19 years since the city was incorporated in 1991.

How to Support the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills We get this question a lot but don't have an answer?? Editor's Note - On Aug. 25, 2009 in a LHCC Meeting - Council Member Craig Scott stated there was an article in the Register within the last week where it was reported that the city was trying to reconstitute the 3/5 Support Committee. He said the council has taken a very clear position that there will be no official city support by this council for the 3/5 Committee. Doesn't the city that adopted a Marine Division have duty to support them in some way or why did the City of Laguna Hills adopt them? Many other cities have done a great job of this why not this one?

OC Register News Stories and blogs

Laguna Hills term limits proposal kicks off

City manager who got car now gets performance bonus

City Manager Benefits top $170,000 November 06, 2009

City manager won't comment on $60,000 car

Laguna Hills buys its city manager a $60,000 car - in Tustin

It's the Health Insurance, Stupid

Full benefits for part-time elected officials are reasonable, mayor says

Laguna Hills City manager gets $23,000 bonus over objections

Laguna Hills City Council Members Say the Darndest Things in Public

Feb. 1, 2010 - Laguna Hills Mayor Pro-Tem. Craig Scott commented on KOCE TV that Term Limits are undemocratic and shift power to Career Bureaucrats, campaign consultants and those who have other than our best interests at heart.
Mr. Scott seems confused about this considering that a career is a field for or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement especially in public, professional, or business life and a Bureaucrat is a term that usually connotes someone within an institution of a government. Craig Scott has been a Laguna Hills City Council Member without a break for 19 years so far and is expected to run again in 2010. So, by definition he has achieved Career Bureaucrat status and he did it without Term Limits. Congratulations Mr. Scott!

Dec. 4, 2008 - LHCC Member - Craig Scott stated ".... based on what is recited here I think it is fair comment to say that Nellie Gail was not remarkable. "We did some research on this issue and if that's the best we can do, a school teacher, 2 daughters and ran the ranch until turning it over to her children, I submit that's not necessarily remarkable."
Really, Mr. Scott, would you say you are a "remarkable" city council member and how would you define that? ***Craig Scott is speaking about Nellie Gail Moulton (1878-1972) Born in Kansas in 1878, Nellie Gail spent her childhood in Nebraska and came to California with her family in 1893. Upon receiving her teaching credentials, she taught school in the state of Washington near Seattle at the turn of the century. On a summer trip to visit her family in Southern California she met Lewis Moulton whom she married in 1908. They settled on a ranch of 22,000 acres. When her husband died she ran the 22,000 acre ranch while raising 2 daughters. She was also a school teacher, and an artist. Most of her paintings appear to have been done in and around Laguna Beach. Nellie Gail Ranch, in Laguna Hills, is named for her. Be sure to see the exhibit of her "Remarkable" life in the lobby at City Hall!

June 10, 2008 - LHCC Member - Mayor Allan Songstad said - "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."
Thank you Mr. Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking " the residents with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 19 years.

On May 27, 2008 - LHCC Member Craig Scott stated, "I am on the toll road every day and I don't want the tolls to go down, I want them to stay where they are or go higher and I'm ready to pay that price and I'd prefer NOT to have others do the same."
Are there any volunteers willing to support a resolution proclaiming that the 73 Toll Road be set aside for the Exclusive Use of Laguna Hills City Council Member Craig Scott until such time that this pesky congestion problem caused by less entitled people, like the rest of us, is brought under control? Or, maybe people would like to e-mail Mr. Scott at to encourage him to broaden his perspective. He has been a Laguna Hills City Council Member for 19 years)

October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that." So true, Allan, so unfortunately true.

August 19, 1994 - LHCC Member Allan Songstad - From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper Article Collections - Orange County Focus August 19, 1994LYNN FRANEY - Laguna Hills Councilman Declines to Run for Reelection With Councilman L. Allan Songstad Jr. declining to run for reelection, at least one newcomer will gain a seat on the City Council this fall. Songstad said he never intended to run for a second council term and that he is not a "career politician." That leaves space for at least one of the challengers, Cindy Greengold, Saeid Hariri, Grant R. Marcus or Charmane Riggs.

In 2010 with 18 years on the Laguna Hills City Council we are guessing Allan changed his mind about being a "career politician" .

Reminders & Letters to the Editor
To write letters to the editor of the Orange county register newspaper: Please provide your name and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Letters of about 200 words will be given preference. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity.

You can contact all of the Laguna Hills City Council Members at: phone: 949-707-2610 fax: 949-707-2614

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