Friday, April 15, 2011
April 12, 2011 - Laguna Hills City Council Meeting
All Council Members were present
Special Announcements - You can now listen to every City Council Meeting online on the City web site at via an audio recording beginning with the March 22, 2011 meeting. Try it out and see what you think.
See the rest of March, April and May Line Up for Win-Win-Wednesdays Never Tasted so at see more under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers:
Contact the Laguna Hills City Council Members at -
Presentations and Proclamations -
Presentation from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) regarding Measure M - Online Report says Measure M is Orange County's 1/2 cent sales tax for transportation improvements that has generated $4 billion over the past 20 years. M1 expired in March and M2 started in April. Representatives from OCTA expressed their appreciation to the City for partnering with OCTA for transportation solutions.
Public Comments -
Mike Bland, Resident and Chairman of the Support Committee for the City's adopted 3/5 Marines said reported that the Team Dark horse logo for the support group is now finished and will be on the T-shirts and caps that will be for sale at the City's Memorial Day Celebration. He announced that the 3/5 is returning now from Afghanistan. One of the companies of about 350 Marines returned last night. Click on to see the story by Claire Webb in the Orange County Register. Another company is returning on Thursday and the dog handlers are coming home on Friday. The Operations Help a Hero Group and their Rack Pack with 278 volunteers went to Camp Pendleton and cleaned 342 rooms in the Marine's barracks and raised $10,000 in cash and $60,000 in donated goodies that they left in the rooms. The Hills Angels donated 40 dresses to Mariner's Church and Mariner's Church went to Camp Pendleton on Sat. an showed about 400 dresses to Marine wives for them to choose for their Welcome Home Ball. (see more detail below under How to support the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills) On Memorial Day about 6 Marines are scheduled to run and Lt. Col. Jason Morris (the 3/5 Commander) is going to attend the event and the HILLS HOTEL was gracious enough to donate rooms for the Marines for that Sunday Night May 29. He said at the last council meeting he read 2 letters from a mother of a 3/5 Darkhorse Marine and tonight he wants to introduce her and her family, Jami her husband Ken, her youngest son Ethan and her 3/5 Marine son Chad.
*** There was applause***
Jami (a proud Marine Mom) said she wanted to come and say thank you personally to each and every one of you for all that you've done to support our Darkhorse Marines. She said this was a very emotional time for them as their son is returning home and they are very glad to have him. She said they are from Illinois and found all of you on the Internet and read all of the things you have done for our Marines and it has been incredible. She said they appreciate it very much on behalf of all the 3/5 Marines and than you for all your support and all you have done.
Mayor Songstad added, "We can certainly appreciate that but the real thanks should go to Mike Bland and his committee, they're the ones who have really spearheaded this movement and have done a great job." He continued that we are just so glad the battalion and your son are back. Council Member Bressette asked Mike Bland if he could break down the numbers of school kids who helped in the barracks cleaning effort. Mike said he doesn't have the numbers but he was told a lot of the High School kids went down on to help clean the barracks and a lot of elementary school kids made banners and helped collect gift cards and other goodies. Council Member Bressette noted that the Valencia Elementary kids created welcome back door hangers like there are in hotels.
LHHS Student Liaison Report by Lyndsey Kaan
Lyndsey said she has volunteered in the past with the Rack Pack group in the past doing some cleaning and some other things and they are doing some really great stuff! Spring Break is next week. She said Thursday we have an Open House she thinks Team Dark Horse is going to be there at a table with some Marines. Also we are having a Night of the Arts where we are exploring some students art work. Tomorrow night, for entertainment, there will be a Mr. Hawks Pageant for the 10 most popular Senior Boys at LHHS featuring a swim suit, formal wear and a talent competition. Sometime next month is a masquerade. For Win-Win-Wednesday, tomorrow is the Carl's Junior on Alicia and the Lone Star Steak House. The Hawk Track Team had a meet against Trabuco this past week and won a couple personal bests, also the school is updating it's Mission Statement to get re-accredited next year. Mayor Songstad said he attended the wrestling awards last night and that team has had 24 consecutive years of being league champions and this is their 7th consecutive year for CIF championships plus they have been number 1 in the County for 5 consecutive years.
Minutes - Recommendation that the City Council Approve the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is a long delay for the public related to timely information from the city, but now there is the online audio recording.
Consent Calendar - Warrant Register = $1,590,431.54
Items of interest from the Warrant Register - City paid $1,104,928.00 to First American Title Company for Public Right of Way Acquisition - for road widening at El Toro Rd. and Avenida de la Carlota. This amount is in addition to the $716,925.00 that was awarded to the low bidder for construction at this site and to the $65,000 Construction Management fee to Bureau Veritas. Total expenses reported to date for this project = $1,886,853.00 The City reportedly agreed to pay 23991 El Toro Inc. (Chevron Station G&M Oil Company) $1.1 million ($100,000 for the land and $1 million for the property owner's expenses to rebuild. A previous report states this project will add a traffic lane on the Westerly side of Avenida de la Carlota between Paseo de Valencia and El Toro Rd to create triple left turn movements from existing lanes at the I-5/El Toro south bound off ramp onto Avenida de la Carlota and add a 3rd left turn lane from south bound Avenida de la Carlota on the east bound El Toro Rd. Fiscal Impact to the City was reported to be - $2,071,000 included in the current fiscal year capital improvement program budget paid in Grant Funds.**See below under Planning Agency Public Hearing - This Gas Station Property Owner's request to rebuild.
Citizen's Survey for 2011 - cost is $8,425.00 and it is currently being done by the University of North Texas.
Items of Interest from the Consent Calendar: **Items on the Consent Calendar are placed there by City Staff.
Item 4.3 Agreement with Laguna Woods for the joint share of the Santa Maria Ave. Reconstruction Project. Online Report of the Joint Agreement states Laguna Woods and Laguna Hills will rehabilitate and reconstruct Santa Maria Ave. Laguna Woods will be designated as the lead agency, design the project and shall obtain approval from Laguna Hills City Engineer for all facilities to be constructed in Laguna Hills. The estimated total cost for the project is $819,000.00. This will be funded through a combination of Measure M, state Proposition 1B Traffic Congestion Relief and local funds. Laguna Hills portion of the cost is estimated to be $199,500.00
Item 4.4 - Amendments to the Zoning and Subdivisions for Signs and Advertising Devices to allow the limited use of Neon and Light Emitting Diode (LED) signs subject to the approval of a Master Sign Program. See details under Zoning Text Amendment No. 3-11-1891 Laguna Hills Municipal Code Title 9 "Zoning and Subdivisions.
Item 4.6 Additional Progress Payment for Citywide Wayfinding Sign Program. Report states the total contract Price for this project with additions and changes is now stated to be $192,820.00
Item 4.8 - Budget Amendment for the La Paz Rd. widening at I-5 due to "funding changes" - Capital Improvement Budget was amended from $5,300,000 to $6 million with funding sources of: Federal STP - $4,700,000, Measure M CTFP- $1,050,000, CARITS $110,000, Measure M GMA - $100,000 and County Mitigation $40,000.
Item 4.9 Professional Services Agreement with Bucknam & Assoc. Inc. for update to Pavement Management Plan.
Because the City gets most of it's money for street maintenance from Measure M funds it must comply with Measure M regulations. The City was required to update its Pavement Management Plan for arterial highways every 2 years under the old Measure M. The renewed Measure M requires the City's Pavement Management Plan to include all streets in the City every 6 years and arterial highways every 2 intervening years, so the City's Pavement Plan must be updated before June 30, 2011 to include all City streets.
Staff requested 4 proposals for Professional Pavement Management Services to update its Pavement Management Plan and received 3. From those the City chose Bucknam & Assoc. Inc. The Fiscal Impact for the current year fiscal year is reported to be $27,850.00. The Professional Services Agreement states the total amount over 6 years "not exceeding the total maximum contract amount of $100,000." The agreement begins on the date it is signed and continues through June 30, 2017. Related to the issue of transparency the agreement states that all records from this consultant shall not be released publicly without the prior approval of the Contract Officer.
The goal of this effort is described by the Project Manager from Bucknam & Assoc. to be the establishment of achievable long term infrastructure management goals in coordination with City schedules. The Pavement Management Service will conduct pavement condition surveys for the next 6 years. Pavement Condition Index (PCI) reports will be generated for City staff to assist staff in developing the most cost effective maintenance, repair and rehabilitation strategies possible. Pavement software will generate deterioration curves for streets and those curves will be modified based on 2011 pavement conditions and a 7 year maintenance schedule will be generated.
Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar -
Item 4.4 was pulled by Council Member Bressette and Item 4.6 was pulled by Council Member Carruth. The remainder of the consent Calendar was passed as a block of items Vote was 5 - 0.
Item 4.4 - Amendments to the Zoning to allow the limited use of Neon and Light Emitting Diode (LED) signs - Council Member Bressette proposed moving this lighting out of quiet residential neighborhoods and permitting this use only in the Freeways Commercial and Village Commercial Zones. Council Member Carruth agreed. Council Members Kogerman, Songstad and Lautenschleger said there were already protections in this Zoning amendment for neighborhoods and each incidence of a request for this lighting requires the applicant to appear before the City Council under the Master Sign Program so they can look at individual circumstances. Vote was 3 - 2 in favor of the zoning amendment proposed by staff. Kogerman, Songstad and Lautenschleger were in favor, Bressette and Carruth were against.
Council Member Kogerman stated because these Council Meetings are now online audio recordings for the public it would be beneficial for the public for all votes other than 5 - 0 to be verbally announced with a report of how individual council members voted. (Editor's Note - Thank you Council Member Kogerman! We would have thought that would be common sense and/or concern for the listening audience, but however it happens it is essential to an audio recording that includes voting. It would also be a great idea to "clearly" announce the name of each speaker prior to each change of a speaker.)
Item 4.6 - Additional Progress Payment for Citywide Wayfinding Sign Program
Council Member Carruth - Expressed disappointment that an additional $30,000 in change orders had to be spent to correct apparent errors in the placing of the original signs. She said she was looking for someone to blame for this. Ken Rosenfield, City Engineer, stated some of the signs were being hit by tall trucks such as trash and tree trimming trucks so had to be replaced. He said no one could have anticipated this so the blame is collective. Council Member Kogerman stated, she was not a council member when this sign program was undertaken but those signs, approximately 60 signs, ended up costing taxpayers about $3200 a piece and she said she wondered if they were necessary in a City that is so concerned with sign blight.
Vote was 5-0 in favor of this payment. Council Member Bressette asked City Engineer Ken Rosenfield to refresh his memory on funding for this program and Ken stated $28,000 was made available from a storm water funding program. The total spent to date was reported in the staff report to be $192,820.00
Planning Agency Public Hearing -
Item 5.4.1 - Conditional use Permit request from G&M oil company to reconstruct the existing gas station and add a new 1,379 sq. ft. convenience store located at 23991 El Toro Rd. This item to recommended to be continues to the next meeting on April 26, 2011 because the applicant has not yet provided the information requested by the City to complete this report, so this is simply Public Notice to expedite the applicant's project request.
Planning Agency Adjourned
City Council Public Hearings - Administrative Reports - **These Items are authored by City Staff
Item 6.1 - Urban Village Specific Plan Amendment - Vern Jones, Community Development Director stated this is a update to the Urban Village Specific Plan that was adopted in 2009 with guesstimates and is now formally adding 117,000 sq. ft of retail space, minimum residential density of 30 - 50 units per acre and a reduction of high density residential open space to 10% to eliminate standards that discourage affordable housing. This area of Laguna Hills consists of 240 acres bounded by Paseo de Valencia on the north and west, Los Alisos on the south and I-5 on the east. Maximum building height for commercial and residential is now 75 ft, used to be 65 feet for residential, and landscape coverage areas are decreased from 25% to 15%.
Council Members Kogerman and Lautenschleger commented they were very pleased with the major density of this development being located so close to the transportation center at the Laguna Hills Mall. Council Members Kogerman and Bressette both expressed surprise that the developers who contribute to a Public Art fund also are allowed to approve the artists used for the art from that fund.
Public Comments - Coralee Newman a Laguna Woods representative from Government Solutions in Newport Beach expressed concern regarding the cumulative effect of additional noise and vehicle traffic on El Toro Rd. and Moulton Pkwy. She stressed the need for mitigation on both of these issues for the direct neighbors of this development in Laguna Woods. She said Vern Jones was very helpful and the Golden Rain Foundation sent a letter of concern to Laguna Hills. She said they are not opposing the project but will be paying attention to mitigation measures taken to protect their residents.
Council Member Carruth asked Ms. Newman if the Laguna Woods developers of the San Sebastian the massive high rise building consisting of 135 units on Paseo de Valencia near El Toro Rd. applied similar mitigation regarding additional traffic and noise to that building. Ms. Newman stated she was sure that they did meet the current noise standards considering how recently it had been built.
Carol Moore from Laguna Woods stated she also wanted to make the City Council aware of the concerns of the residents in Laguna Woods.
Vote - This Item passed 5 - 0.
Administrative Reports
7.2.1 Update of City's Bikeways, Trails & Open Space Master Plan -
Bike Paths - This update to the 2009 Updated Master Plan was required to meet eligibility requirements for State Bicycle Transportation funding. It includes a list of existing and proposed bikeways throughout the City. Trails - Name Change to Trails and Pedistrian Walkability - changes are necessary to comply with Goal M-5 of the Mobility Element of the General Plan and to be consistent with the Bicycle Transportation Plan.
An Assistant City Engineer gave a lengthy presentation of the City's 28 miles of existing Bikeways, Trails and Open Space Master Plan with extensive graphics. He said this updates the gaps and constraints in the Mobility Element of the City's General Plan adopted in 2009. Elements are Walkability, Safety and Connectivity throughout the City. It was noted that the County's standard for trail width is 10 to 16 feet.
At the end of this presentation Council Member Carruth questioned the segment of La Paz west bound between Cabot Rd. and Paseo de Valencia with a very narrow lane, no sidewalk, barely a bike trail and in a high speed area. She asked how it was possible that we didn't identify the unsafe areas. At what point to we declare unsafe areas? The Assistant City Engineer stated there is a class 2 bike lane there and if it was determined to be a hazard we could bring it to the traffic commission and address it at that time.
Council Member Kogerman said she shares Council Member Carruth's concern about safety and said she has a concern for the sidewalk on the south Side of La Paz from Cabot to Paseo de Valencia that children are using and she sees a need for more connectivity with North Laguna Hills. Council Member Bressette asked if a resident of North Laguna Hills could get to the Laguna Hills Mall on the existing trails and the answer from the Assistant City Engineer was NO.
(Editor's Note - Although it is County Property no one questioned the dangers of the Aliso Creek Trail that resident Jonathan Bromberg's reported at the March 22, 2011 City Council meeting. He spoke about the significant erosion and hazardous undermining of the bike and hiking trials that run along both sides of Aliso Creek behind the homes on Christina Court and other streets that run along the sides of the trails. He noted that he has been reporting these dangers for years and they keep getting worse but nothing is ever done. If these dangers are not going to be corrected why are the danger areas not closed and posted with signs and why are the City Council Members not representing the residents of Laguna Hills by addressing that with the County Supervisors?) You can contact the Laguna Hills City Council Members at -
Fiscal Impact to City - Costs will vary and staff will see State funds for bikeway related projects as opportunities arise.
Vote - these updates to the City Plan were approved 5 - 0 and the council members asked that the safety issues on those sections of La Paz that were noted be taken up with the Traffic Commission and greater connectivity for No. Laguna Hills be studied.
7.3.1 - Chief of Police Services - 2010 Police Services Annual Report - Year- end report highlighting significant law enforcement activity in the City.
Laguna Hills Chief Doan announced that there is another Emergency Preparedness Academy scheduled for Sept. 29, 2011. This is an 8 week course for residents. He noted that the neighborhood Watch Program has expanded to 20 neighborhoods. He stated his department has a total of 2 civilian Community Service Officers who are doing parking enforcement and 26.97 Deputies. Response times for each category of crime were all met and for Priority 1 crimes (violent crimes) the response time from dispatch to arrival was less than 5 minutes. There were no homicides in 2010. Rapes = 4, Robberies = 16, Aggravated Assaults - 16, Burglaries = 78, Thefts = 404, Auto theft = 28. Violent Crime increased by 10% in 1020, Property Crime decreased 16%, Narcotics increased 3%, Drunk Driving decreased 20%, Vandalism decreased 31%. There were 2 fatal collisions in 2010 and 1 in 2009; 79 Injuries in auto accidents in 2010, 86 in 2009; 72 hit and runs in 2010, 75 in 2009 and 337 collisions in 2010, 352 in 2009.
Council Member Kogerman asked if our Laguna Hills Deputies are out of service for some reason how is that handled - do we get a substitute and who pays and difference in salary, etc. Chief Doan responded vacant position are filled from the County with Deputies working overtime. Substitute Deputies are less productive because they don't know the City as well but the City does not incur the overtime charges. The County pays those.
Chief Doan said the new Laguna Hills Student Resources Officer (SRO) is Deputy Brian Gunsolley and he is doing a great job. Since the school year started in 2010, he has been involved in 30 criminal investigations (13 felonies), 38 non-criminal investigations, 31 parent referrals, 4 referrals to the SMART Team, 80 truancy checks, 116 seizures of contraband including 87 tobacco products, 3 knives, Marijuana Pipes, Ecstasy bracelets, Prescription Pills, 9 pre-fight interventions, 7 welfare checks, 3 probation referrals, 80 searches, and 5 runaway investigations and 7 traffic accidents on school property. Most of
this occurred at Laguna Hills High School.
Chief Doan concluded that the most frequent problems in Laguna Hills are traffic related but as it gets busier in the Summer he will need to reclassifying 1 of the 4 traffic deputies to a patrol position to fill the vacant Special Enforcement Team (SET) that used to consist of 2 deputies. He said his team achieved an 8% reduction in injury traffic collisions in 2010 although they were limping along in the traffic program related to staffing. In response to a question from Council Member Bressette he added that he will maintain with one less traffic deputy by working smarter through retaining the 3 most effective Traffic Deputies in traffic positions and assigning 1 deputy, who would be the most effective, to the SET team.
(*** Editor's Note - In the Oct 26, 2010 Laguna Hills Watch Dog, Council Member Bressette described the Special Enforcement Team (SET). He said these are sworn, full-time, gun-carrying Deputy Sheriffs. Their primary job was to have autonomy during their shift to patrol those areas of the city where there was an expectation of crime, a large party, or areas of the city that needed the extra law enforcement presence. He added they were a strong deterrent to crime. The SET deputies would also respond to emergency calls when other units were busy.)
Vote was 5-0 to receive and file this report.
7.3.2 - Designation of County Route S18 as the Orange County Deputy Sheriff's Memorial Highway -
Laguna Hills Chief Doan stated that since 1912 the following 9 OC Sheriff's Deputies have been killed in the line of Duty: Undersheriff Robert Squires (12-16-1912), Deputy Ezra Stanley (11-19-1940), Deputy Robert Schultz (4-21-1958), Deputy Mark Tonkin (10-24-1988), Deputy Darryn Robins (12-25-1993), Deputy Brad Riches (6-12-1999), Deputy Steven Parsons (6-24-2000), Sergeant Matthew Davis (9-20-2002) and Sergeant Ira Essoe (2-4-2010).
On March 14, 2011 the OC Board of Supervisors approved County Route S18 (portions of El Toro Rd. and Santiago Canyon from the Loma Ridge Emergency Operations Center access road to the terminus of El Toro Rd. at Laguna Canyon Rd) as the Orange County Deputy Sheriff's Memorial Highway. This is the only Memorial dedicated exclusively to fallen Orange County Deputy Sheriffs and there were no taxpayer dollars used for this project, it was funded by private donations. Vote to approve this passed 5 - 0
Other Business - **These Items are authored by Council Members - Nothing tonight
Matters Presented by Mayor & City Council Members
Council Member Kogerman asked the City Manager what was happening with the Coyote Problem in Laguna Hills. City Manager Channing responded at the end of last year, the city held a meeting to hear from residents regarding a significant increase in Coyote Activity with respect to their attacks in backyards on pets. The City published information about how to dissuade them from coming into yards in the last City Views and are working with the Nellie Gail HOA who has undertaken a trapping effort which was supposed to start near the end of March and will continue for another week.
(Editor's Note - That's it? What about the rest of the city? From what we hear at the LH Watch Dog this appears to be a significant city-wide problem. Also residents were all told by the City in Dec. of 2010 that this problem would definitely be agendized for a City Council Meeting but that was never done? In addition we were told by City produced experts at the Dec. 2010 meeting that the Coyote Problem is much more than Citywide and needs to be addressed in concert by all cities in the area related to widespread education to citizens regarding how to consistently respond to Coyotes to discourage them from intruding into residential areas, etc. Additionally the Nellie Gail Ranch area tried trapping in the past with no result and the City knows that.) If this is a problem for you, contact the Laguna Hills City Council Members at -
Council Member Kogerman also corrected the record from the March 22, 2011 City Council Meeting where Assistant City Manager Don White had said about the County Animal Shelter, "Even though there are only 7 days Laguna Hills contracts for an additional 10 days if needed." Council Member Kogerman noted this was incorrect information. Laguna Hills contracts for an additional 3 days at the County Shelter (7+3 =10), NOT an additional 10 days. (**Editor's note - those 3 additional days are on a "Space Available Basis Only" and space is rarely if ever available because the County Shelter is always overcrowded, also the 7 days includes the day that the pet is impounded which means that the pet usually does not arrive at the shelter until late that day - this is all information that is NOT reported publicly by the City.)
Mayor Songstad responded to Council Member Kogerman's correction of information about the County Shelter stating - they were puzzling over the high intake of animals at the Irvine Shelter until they found an article in the OC Register that explained it. He said the Irvine Animal Shelter has an arrangement with a rescue center so many of the animals in their stats were not Irvine animals but adopted from other jurisdictions and taken from as far away as Hawaii. He said that skews the numbers quite a bit. (**Editor's Note - Because Songstad failed to document the title or date of the OC Register article to which he refer's, we can't check his information but we're glad to see he's investigating something about Animal Control Services issues because in the past his investigative skills apparently failed him related to the 6 major deficits from the UC Davis/ 2006-2007 Lake Forest investigation of the County Animal Shelter that Laguna Hills citizens reported to him including:
1. The County Shelter was not using a Universal Scanner for all the different microchip IDs for pets that people are have implanted in their pets.
2. The documented criteria for selection of animals for rescue, adoption and euthanasia in the Policy and Procedure documents were inconsistent, and were often vague and incompletely articulated.)
Council Member Lautenschleger - spoke about his SCAG Meetings and their Sustainable Communities Strategy that required some cities to rework their General Plans.
Closed Session - Item -10.1 - Anticipated Litigation Conference with Legal Council.
Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday April 26, 7 pm, at City Hall. The 3 PUBLIC BUDGET WORKSHOPS have been cut to 2. The next budget session will be Tuesday, April 19 at 5 pm. This Budget Study Session will combine the CIP and Operating Budget study sessions. There will be a PUBLIC HEARING on the City Budget in June.
City Council & City Manager Report Card - Number 7 for 2011
Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests
Bressette -
Carruth -
Kogerman - A+ (A) for calling on the City Manger to respond to citizens concerned about the Coyote problem and for pointing out the need for announcements of the votes for the residents listening to the audio broadcast.
Lautenschleger -
Songstad -
City Manager - F (A) for doing nothing pro-actively for Residents about the Coyote Problem including not agendizing the matter for a City Council meeting as promised in Dec. of 2010.
Contact the Laguna Hills City Council Members at -
March 30th, was a big day in Laguna Hills. It was like Christmas-time, at least for our City Manager. That's because every March 30th, passively, without the vote of anyone, we automatically extend our City Manager's employment contract for another year. On the surface this sounds like no big deal. He's doing a good job. Why not give him another year? But are you aware that our City Council, in 2003, created an agreement that can NEVER be modified or allowed to expire, without triggering an avalanche of one-sided provisions, worth several hundred thousand dollars, for the benefit of the City Manager? Also, the one-year extension does not mean until this time next year, it means until June 30, 2013. Why would we do this? You'll have to ask Allan Songstad, who signed the agreement, as Mayor, effectively giving our City Manager a "lifetime" appointment.
Link to copy of City Manager's employment agreement
Link to copy of City Manager's compensation for Calendar Year 2010
***(Laguna Hills Watch Dog Editor's Note - When you look at this City Manager's Compensation Report Please Note there is "$0" recorded for "Auto Allowance" and NO MENTION ANYWHERE of the fact that the City/tax-payers bought a $60,000 for the Business and Personal use of the City Manager in July of 2009 but failed to report that in this Public Accounting. The cost of this Auto is not factored into this Compensation Report in any form.)
What are some of the key provisions of the City of Laguna Hills Manager's Employment Agreement?
Guarantees as much as $253,000 in "severance" payments, even if not terminated.
Automatically extends for another year, each and every year.
Contract "grace period' gives City Manager at least 15-months and as much as 27-months of notice before taking effect. During the "grace period" the City Manager can work per the terms of the existing agreement and then collect severance.
Allows the City Manager to openly look for another job if the contract is not extended.
Entitles the City Manager to severance pay at his option if the contract is not extended.
Prevents the City from acting to terminate the agreement within 6-months of a City Council election.
Guarantees the present base salary of $233,592 annually.
Guarantees cost of living adjustments if other management employees receive them.
Guarantees additional annual deferred compensation of $18,000, and increasing $1,000 per year.
Guarantees enrollment in PERS Retirement system.
Guarantees payment of the employee's contribution to the PERS plan.
Guarantees retiree health coverage if other City management employees receive such.
Guarantees full payment of health and medical insurance plans.
Pays for a $350,000 life insurance policy.
Pays for a annual executive physical examination, at a medical center of his choice.
Allows for the personal use of an automobile and all maintenance, insurance and gas.
Provides for unrestricted use of a cell phone and toll road transponder.
Pays for installation of a computer and Internet access at his residence.
Pays relocation and moving assistance when and if he ever relocates from Yorba Linda.
Moving costs include: real estate broker commissions, loan fees and closing costs.
Pays for all travel and subsistence expenses for continued professional development.
Allows 30 days or 6-weeks of paid vacation annually.
Allows unused vacation days to be cashed out, at the current rate of pay.
Allows 12 days of sick leave the first year and 12 days each year thereafter to a maximum of 60 days.
Allows unused sick days to be cashed out, at the current rate of pay.
Pays for Northwestern Mutual upgrades, in addition to standard City long-term disability and life insurance.
Pays employee's contribution to Medicare.
The present City Council has no authority to change or cancel any provision of this contract and it cannot expire, without triggering the City Manager's severance option, unless the City Manager agrees to the City Council's suggested modification. If you think this is as outrageous as I do please let your City Council members know. Unfortunately, Council Members Bressette, Carruth, Lautenschleger and Songstad all voted to approve this Resolution No. 2003-03-18-1, in 2003. While the agreement can't be changed, without giving the City Manager significant leverage in the negotiation, that doesn't mean that smart minds can't come up with a solution that is appropriate for the times. Note that Barbara Kogerman is the only new face on the Laguna Hills City Council and a likely champion of the people, but she needs help. Please email the following two City Council Members to express your concern. Randal Bressette and Melody Carruth at - These two Council Members seem to realize that, to paraphrase Bob Dylan, "the times they are a changin'." Bill Enholm
The Orange County Animal Shelter that the City Council from Laguna Hills chooses to use for it's residents was built in 1941 and has a maximum capacity of 380 dogs, 250 cats and about 50 rabbits with 30 overflow cubicles for pigs, goats, horses, etc. To say that the Shelter has a tight fit is an understatement, but it impounds between 30,000 and 40,000 animals annually. There are plans to build a new shelter in the future, but for decades, efforts to build a new shelter have always failed and a new shelter would not change the County Mentality. Pets would never be safe there. The County Animal Shelter is the largest of its kind west of the Mississippi. The Grand Jury report of June, 2008 stated The number of euthanized animals led the Grand Jury to question why the figure is so high. A large percentage of the animals euthanized was due to lack of space at the County Shelter. Animal shelters and their support is a noble cause and necessary for the residents of Laguna Hills who fear using the County Shelter for their own pets if, God forbid, they should ever get out for any reason and for any lost pets they find. This has been horrible for Laguna Hills residents for 20 years and the City Council wants to keep it that way. Kathryn
The 70 year old Orange County Animal Shelter is an embarrassment to the entire County. Orange County Supervisors have for the past 30+ years been “studying” a new shelter ….. to no avail. Tom.
There should be mandatory requirement for a microchip ID if people get back a lost dog or cat. Mr C
What Happened to Agendizing the Coyote Problem for the Public in Laguana Hills????
Speaking of Animal Control issues, the City promised us back in Dec of 2010 that they would put the Coyote danger to our pets on the Council Agenda to offer some actual solutions, etc. 22 pets were lost in my area of Laguna Hills last year and it is now Spring again when another batch of Coyotes are arriving and what has this City done so far other than drag their feet and continue to "study the problem"? This City gets another "F" for continuing to ignore citizens they hope will go away or forget about the problem the city needs to address. We will not forget at the next election and we expect better much service to citizens. Lost my Pet to a Coyote
Aliso Creek Trail Dangers to the Public
The problem of the creek erosion is not so much the encroachment on the homes as it is the danger to the hundreds of people who use the trails and bike path to exercise, walk their dogs and ride their bikes every day. As they go by the areas undercut by the creek the entire hillside has collapsed. In the past if someone went over the side they would be able to stay in control and return to the bike path. Today if someone goes over the side they will most likely be seriously injured and will end up on the rocks or in the creek some 20-30 feet below the lip of the bike path, On the other side of the creek hundreds of tons of dirt and rock have been dislodged and have been washed downstream, along with pieces of drain pipe 10-20 feet in length that now look like so many sunken submarines along the creek bed. Very Concerned Citizen
Every time I read your report of the City Council meeting and their remarks, I want to take up binge drinking. If some of these council member’s brains ever found out what their mouths were saying, they would go into shock. Do they not understand they have a image problem? They are not getting better at representing the public, they are getting worse and more arrogant and defiant. They better enjoy life now because they will be standing on the sidelines like Craig Scott was when we drove him out of office wondering “What Happened here”. Dr. J.
I am also surprised at Council Member Joel Lautenschleger's remarks about the Marines but if you notice there is a common theme to all of his remarks which is "We have done it this way for the last 20 years". He is completely intransigent to change. Resident who has known him a long time.
Back on Feb 22, the council instructed the staff to come back with a modified policy for Pumpkin City to be able to sell strawberries from fresh fruit stands in the City. It is now April, what happened to the strawberries? Several Laguna Hills Residents.
WIN WIN Wednesdays Never Tasted So Good !
Here's the lineup for - WWW Global Cuisine - Please Download your flyers to give to each restaurant to get the 20% for Win-Win-Wednesday's Safe & Sane Grad Night for LHHS at
In April - WWW Surf & Turf
April 13 Lonestar Steakhouse & Saloon & Carl’s Jr. – Alicia Pkwy @ Hon
April 20 Golden Baked Ham Café Service & Holiday Ham Orders
April 27 Hot Off the Grill – La Paz -
May - WWW Celebrates MOMs
May 4 Polly's Pies - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Mother's Day Pie Orders
May 11 Mother's Market & Kitchen - Restaurant & Juice Bar
May 18 open
May 25 Ruby's Diner - LH Mal
June - Saluting Seniors 2011
June 1 California Pizza Kitchen - LH Mall
June 8 BJ's Brewhouse & Restaurant
June 15 Elephant Bar - LH Mall
June 20 LHHS PTSA's Grad Nite Preview Night Event
June 22 Special WWW Surprise TBA
How to support the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Division Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills
Donation Checks can be made specifically to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. Non-profit corporation status is pending. e-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, for information, or about donations, etc. and the city e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/ The City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site at
Be sure to see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Great new Facebook page created by Karen Robbins at: and share it with your friends!!
HUGE THANK YOUs this month to so many Laguna Hills Residents including:
1. Valencia Elementary Outreach Service Students who made wonderful Welcome Home pennants for Laguna Hills' adopted 3/5 Marines who are returning now from Afghanistan.
2. Cindy Stanislaw and the HILLS ANGELES and Mariner's Church who joined together to donate 400 dresses to spouses/partners of the 3/5 Marines for the Welcome Home Ball.
3. Win-Win-Wednesday's Meg Gorham and Cindy Farnum and their 278 volunteers (the Rack Pack) who personally cleaned and the 3/5 Marine's barracks in Camp Pendleton and decorated them with comforting touches and warm expressions of gratitude to welcome the 3/5 home including over $10,000 in cash/monetary donations and $60,000 of donated goods to pull off their welcome home mission for the Marines. Volunteers from 12 different schools - elementary through high school and 3 colleges participated as did as many different organizations, small groups, and large and small businesses from many cities including the Marines at Camp Pendleton. This was a tremendously warmhearted collegial effort that united a very large, generous and grateful community of people.
4. Laguna Hills Police Chief Doan and his Sheriff's Deputies for their very kind and generous cash donation to Team Darkhorse for the 3/5 Marines
5. THE HILLS HOTEL who is donating rooms to the 3/5 Marines for Laguna Hills Memorial Day Marathon.
*** Also thanks to all of you who have so generously donated funds, Eli, the bomb sniffing Labrador Retriever, (to see original story click on: who was adopted by the family of a fallen 20 year old Marine, Colton Rusk, who worked with Eli and loved him in Afghanistan will be reunited with the returning 3/5 Marines for a visit soon. Watch for this story in OC Register Newspaper.
2 recent news stories about the 3/5 Marines:
News Stories and Blogs about Laguna Hills: Click on the links below to see the stories.
After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer Go to for more of this story.
No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?
Gold-plated benefits? New councilwoman just says ‘no’
OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits
O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members
Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated)
In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount.
OCREGISTER: Kenneth Frank: In defense of city managers
"Citizens, in turn, must do their part to foster civic pride. They should demand that city council and planning meetings be televised and streamed online. And they need to become involved. In Laguna Beach, we have numerous homeowners associations and environmental, business and labor groups that encourage the exchange of ideas and enhance the interactivity between residents and elected officials.
OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome
"Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."
State Controller John Chaing's Office
OC has two of state’s best-paid city managers
OC Register Editorial: City pay data belongs in daylight
Proposed California law would sanction cities that pay excessive salaries,0,4204782,email.story
* City Council Members Say the Darndest Things in Public? Memorable and surprising Public Quotes from City Council Members
June 10, 2008 - Mayor Allan Songstad said "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."
Thank you Council Member Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking " the residents with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 19 years.
October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that."
So true, Allan, so unfortunately true unless you change members of the city council.
August 19, 1994 - LHCC Member Allan Songstad - From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper Article Collections - Orange County Focus - August 19, 1994 LYNN FRANEY - Laguna Hills Councilman Declines to Run for Reelection With Councilman L. Allan Songstad Jr. declining to run for reelection, at least one newcomer will gain a seat on the City Council this fall. Songstad said he never intended to run for a second council term and that he is not a "career politician." That leaves space for at least one of the challengers, Cindy Greengold, Saeid Hariri, Grant R. Marcus or Charmane Riggs.
Now, in 2011 with 18 years on the Laguna Hills City Council we are guessing Council Member Songstad has changed his mind about being not being a "career politician."
"CRIME IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD" scroll down to "Local Maps" Click on OCSC Crime Calls in the pull down box that says "MORE" move the map to your area, and click on the crime icons for details that show calls to the OC Sheriff's Department. You can also see stats for Crime in Lake Forest & Laguna Hills on Fridays in the Saddleback Valley News that is delivered to our area. Weekly Crime reports in Laguna Hills By CLAIRE WEBB, THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER See a map of all crime calls in the city in the past 24 hours by visiting The blotter was compiled by Claire Webb and consists of selected items from the Orange County Sheriff's Department web site, is more information at (the OC Sheriff's Dept.) click on "E-Services" for the pull down menu, next click on "Sheriff's Blotter" then click "Laguna Hills" for the 7 or 30 day view. LIVE TRAFFIC MAPS Caltrans Online Traffic Maps to instantly check traffic and any incidents on the 405/5 freeways at any time of day. On the tool bar, you can hit "Change Cities," and it shows whatever you put in there - inland, San Diego,etc. Contact all of the Laguna Hills City Council Members at: phone: 949-707-2610 fax: 949-707-2614
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