All Council Members were present except Randal Bressette
*** City Council Meetings are now recorded in Video and Audio on the City Web Site. - Continue to see information for Win-Win -Wednesdays under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers: Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -
HEADLINE - Requests for Donations of Baby Shower items for the City's adopted 3/5 Marines, and for the City to allow postings on a Community Bulletin Board for Announcement of Activities of City Community Group Activities, LHHS Drama Department presents "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee", musical comedy - Thursday, Sept. 22 through Sept 24.
Mike Bland, Committee Chairperson for the City's Adopted 3/5 Marines - a happy occasion coming up - There will be a baby shower, tentatively scheduled for the 1st of October for a number of 3/5 Marine families. The 3/5 returned from Afghanistan in April and babies are expected in a few months. He asked if he could place a collection box at the community center for anyone wishing to donate baby items to help the families. He said he would collect the items daily so this would not be a burden for the staff. City Council was unanimous in approving the placement of a collection box at the Community Center.
Meg Gorham, Win Win Wednesday organizer and spokesperson said LHHS Grad night was a huge success and Win Win Wednesdays continued throughout the summer which brought in about $3000 = about $2500 in cash plus $500 in in-kind gift cards. She said she served last year on the LHHS PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Assoc.) Board as an alumni advisor. She expressed that she wanted to encourage more LHHS Alumni students, teachers and parents of alumni of LHHS to participate. She explained that PTSA is the sponsor and parent group for Grad Night and Win Win Wednesday so all proceeds/contributions go to directly to PTSA and are used for Every 15 Minutes, I Can Make a Difference Conference, Grad Night, Red Ribbon Week, and all the other great projects. So Win Win Wednesday continues with a once a month focus on a particular food establishment as an alumni event and PTSA has morphed into Parent Teacher Student and Alumni Assoc.
Meg noted that W-W-Wednesdays is now on Facebook at but the big challange is still getting the word out to more people. She asked the City Council Members to reconsider putting more of the "Community" back into the Community Center through allowing flyers to be posted there to announce/promote Win Win Wed. from the "heart of the community" which should be the Community Center or help by placing information online in a community bulletin board through the City web site as the Saddleback Valley Unified School District has done. Mayor Songstad's response was that Community Services Superintendent Dan Meehan can look into this request.
LHHS STUDENT LIAISON REPORT by Kylie West (alternate Jeena Bonutto). - Welcome to Kylie - this is the 1st Student Liaison Report from LHHS for this semester.
Kylie said this Friday is the first home football game against Northwood High School and following that is the 1st dance of the school year with a theme of anything to do with the Ocean, so students will be dressing up as sea creatures which should be a lot of fun.
After that is the annual Club Rush - an entire week where clubs can advertise and students can sign up. Kylie is Co-President, with a good friend, of one of the clubs this year. The La Crosse Team won the 2011 Summer League Championship. Also, the Hawk Technology Fund started at LHHS donated 25 lap tops and the school now has a second computer lab. due to the generous donations. Kylie offered donations information for this program to the Council Members if they were interested. Kylie also explained that WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) is doing an Accreditation Visit for LHHS that has been scheduled for 2-26 to 2/29/2011.
Kylie reminded the Council that the annual HAWK Challenge Golf Tournament and Dinner Social Event will be held at the El Niguel Country Club on Monday, Nov. 14, which is exciting and to which all the Council Members are invited. An Additional Added Attraction is The Laguna Hills High School drama department's production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, a contemporary musical comedy. Come enjoy this show produced by two alumnae students and support the drama department beginning Thursday, Sept. 22 through Sept 24. Tickets are available at the door.
MINUTES - Recommendation that the City Council Approve the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is a long delay for the public related to timely documentation of information from the city.
CONSENT CALENDAR - Warrant Register = $319,870.55
Items of interest from the Warrant Register - None
Items of Interest from the Consent Calendar: **Items on the Consent Calendar are placed there by City Staff:
4.3 Records Retention Management - Destruction of City Records that are more than 2 years old, do not affect the title to real property or liens thereon, are not court records, are not required to be dept further by a statute and are no longer required by the City.
4.4 Request to waive fees for processing the vacation of a public service easement (tree pockets) along the west side of Paseo de Valencia between Alicia Pkwy. and La Paz. - Staff says these areas are no longer of any use to the City so recommends this action for approx. 21 tree pockets about 5 feet wide and 6 feet deep at Sunburst and Alisal Avenues. Residents are requesting a waiver of the $1,500 processing fee for the public service easement vacation processing. This is a 2 stop process to notify and then to hold a public hearing. Fiscal Impact to the City about $1,500 of staff time cost.
VOTE - Consent Calendar Passed 4 - 0
Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar for Discussion - NONE
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - 5.4.1 - Changed Plan Request by AT&T for expand the existing wireless communications facility located at 25131 Costeau St. - This issue was heard at the August 23 City Council Meeting where it was not approved related to a request by Council Member Carruth for shrubs to be planted under and around the Canary Island Pine tree. This is notification to the Council that consultation with a landscape architect will take more time so this is expected to be presented at the Sept. 27th council meeting.
VOTE - This item was continued.
Kylie reminded the Council that the annual HAWK Challenge Golf Tournament and Dinner Social Event will be held at the El Niguel Country Club on Monday, Nov. 14, which is exciting and to which all the Council Members are invited. An Additional Added Attraction is The Laguna Hills High School drama department's production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, a contemporary musical comedy. Come enjoy this show produced by two alumnae students and support the drama department beginning Thursday, Sept. 22 through Sept 24. Tickets are available at the door.
MINUTES - Recommendation that the City Council Approve the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is a long delay for the public related to timely documentation of information from the city.
CONSENT CALENDAR - Warrant Register = $319,870.55
Items of interest from the Warrant Register - None
Items of Interest from the Consent Calendar: **Items on the Consent Calendar are placed there by City Staff:
4.3 Records Retention Management - Destruction of City Records that are more than 2 years old, do not affect the title to real property or liens thereon, are not court records, are not required to be dept further by a statute and are no longer required by the City.
4.4 Request to waive fees for processing the vacation of a public service easement (tree pockets) along the west side of Paseo de Valencia between Alicia Pkwy. and La Paz. - Staff says these areas are no longer of any use to the City so recommends this action for approx. 21 tree pockets about 5 feet wide and 6 feet deep at Sunburst and Alisal Avenues. Residents are requesting a waiver of the $1,500 processing fee for the public service easement vacation processing. This is a 2 stop process to notify and then to hold a public hearing. Fiscal Impact to the City about $1,500 of staff time cost.
VOTE - Consent Calendar Passed 4 - 0
Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar for Discussion - NONE
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - 5.4.1 - Changed Plan Request by AT&T for expand the existing wireless communications facility located at 25131 Costeau St. - This issue was heard at the August 23 City Council Meeting where it was not approved related to a request by Council Member Carruth for shrubs to be planted under and around the Canary Island Pine tree. This is notification to the Council that consultation with a landscape architect will take more time so this is expected to be presented at the Sept. 27th council meeting.
VOTE - This item was continued.
Planning Agency Public Comments - None
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - 7.1 - Report from City Manager - None
OTHER BUSINESS - **These Items are authored by Council Members - None
Council Member Kogerman said she saw a notice went out to replace Vern Jones, the Community Development Director who is retiring. She said it was reported that the person hired will have an integral role in the City's economic development. She said she knows that Community Development Director Jones, City Manager Channing and Assist. City Manager White have extensive backgrounds in economic development so will this be a change, will there be an additional role for Mr. Jones replacement in economic development? City Manager Channing responded - "Yes, We've always considered the Community Development Director's position to be integrally involved in our economic development activity so that's why we cited it there in the job flyer." Kogerman asked in this economic environment that the City Manager take a "special look" at that aspect of the credentials of applicants. Channing responded, "I certainly concur, that's why I put it in the job flyer here."
Council Member Kogerman - the City Council passed an amendment, that did not make it into the agenda, to commemorate Constitution Week - Sept.17- 23, so she wanted to call this to the attention of the public related to becoming more familiar with the Constitution. She displayed a wallet sized Constitution that can be carried in a purse or pocket.
Council Member Lautenschleger - Just a reminder that this Sat. is Watershed Clean Up Day beginning at 9 am and the Community Center for all those who wish to participate in the clean up of the City to help prevent debris from reaching the Ocean.
CLOSED SESSION – 10.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
The Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday September 27, 7 pm, at City Hall. Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -
Council Member Kogerman said she saw a notice went out to replace Vern Jones, the Community Development Director who is retiring. She said it was reported that the person hired will have an integral role in the City's economic development. She said she knows that Community Development Director Jones, City Manager Channing and Assist. City Manager White have extensive backgrounds in economic development so will this be a change, will there be an additional role for Mr. Jones replacement in economic development? City Manager Channing responded - "Yes, We've always considered the Community Development Director's position to be integrally involved in our economic development activity so that's why we cited it there in the job flyer." Kogerman asked in this economic environment that the City Manager take a "special look" at that aspect of the credentials of applicants. Channing responded, "I certainly concur, that's why I put it in the job flyer here."
Council Member Kogerman - the City Council passed an amendment, that did not make it into the agenda, to commemorate Constitution Week - Sept.17- 23, so she wanted to call this to the attention of the public related to becoming more familiar with the Constitution. She displayed a wallet sized Constitution that can be carried in a purse or pocket.
Council Member Lautenschleger - Just a reminder that this Sat. is Watershed Clean Up Day beginning at 9 am and the Community Center for all those who wish to participate in the clean up of the City to help prevent debris from reaching the Ocean.
CLOSED SESSION – 10.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
The Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday September 27, 7 pm, at City Hall. Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -
CITY COUNCIL and CITY MANAGER REPORT CARD - Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests.
*** No Voting Issues at this meeting ***
Bressette -
Carruth -
Kogerman -
Lautenschleger -
Songstad -
City Manager -
Interesting talk on the Coyotes. I don't think people will stand for any fines for so called "feeding" them, and why punish people for a situation that is not going to change. Other States just shoot the things and that's that. No fines, no punishments, no money for state workers. One person stated that you can't reduce the population or move them so the best thing to do is have the Cities feed them and maybe then they will leave pets and children alone. They should give it a try. Thanks for all the hard work on this info!
I would really like the City Council to address the problem we have in Nellie Gail with coyotes!! I have several neighbors and friends who have lost loved pets to coyote attacks. We lost our beloved dog Tuesday evening to a coyote who was with a pack and my husband chased them while they had our dog in their mouth. We never found her and my family is heart broken!!!! My son searched for 2 days all along the trails looking for some sign of her so we could bury her!!! THIS NEEDS TO BE TAKEN CARE OF!!!!! How many people have to lose their pets before you all will take notice!!! I want answers, I have friends that have gone to meetings and had been promised something would change. WE NEED HELP!! I have two other dogs and I don’t want to lose them to our backyard preditors!!!
Been following comments on the blog. I see the problem with the old guard. Love to know how many dogs and cats they all own? Not much love for animals expressed. Noticed a $75,000 expenditure approved by Aliso Viejo for, I guess, their part of a $400,000 cattery expansion. Sounds like the Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Aliso Viejo partnership is the right idea? Our decision makers seem to think it is fine to throw the animals in chain link cages, for as long as it takes until they can legally kill them. The money we'd save on paying our management appropriately could fund a proper Animal Shelter. Go to Laguna Hills High School and ask the kids what they want to be when they grow up and almost every girl student wants to be a vet. Tell me it wouldn't be a great learning experience to have a state of the art shelter, with a lot of volunteer participation. Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Laguna Hills should partner on much more. I consider all of them to be my City. They are all equally convenient to Nellie Gail and share common destinies. Sometime you should check out Victoria Gardens, which is Rancho Cucamonga's mall. This is what the City needs to have the vision to push for with the Laguna Hills mall. It is all outside and creates a fake City Center of old feel. It creates a logical place to eat, drink and shop.
I'm sure the Grand Jury will not be fooled by the response from Laguna Hills to its question about why the compensation of the Laguna Hills City Manager and Assistant City Manager exceeded levels in other comparably sized cities inside and outside of Orange County. I hope Citizens were not fooled either considering that Laguna Hills never answered that question but responded that all the compensation studies done by all the other agencies, including the Grand Jury, were wrong and only the one paid for by Laguna Hills was correct. Even though 2 of their own council members disagreed the other 3 council members, the city manager and the assistant city manager stuck with their story. That's a hard sell even for those spin masters. A special thank you to Councilmembers Kogerman and Bressette for standing their ground and not caving on their principles just to "allow the city to be in agreement". Disgusted in Laguna Hills
I used to be a City Manager and have been reading your blog. Regarding the City Manager and Assistant City Manager's bloated compensations, the only reason city councils bloat compensations of top management to this extent is to permanently buy off their support. That way council majority members can ensure that the City is run their way while having much less to do related to running it and can use their positions to promote themselves and their businesses.
I heard a citizen ask last night if the council would change it's mind so she could put an ad for a fund raiser for the High School on a community bulletin board at the community center. WHAT?! Why would the council not allow "community" events and fund raisers to be placed on a "community" bulletin board? What is their idea of "Community"? Kathryn
WIN WIN Wednesday! - Make it a habit! - Here's the lineup for - WWW Global Cuisine - Please Download your flyers to give to each restaurant to get the % for Win-Win-Wednesday's Safe & Sane Grad Night for LHHS. **** Don't forget to Download your Fundraiser Flyer to present to the eating establishment at
September 21 - Chili's (AV) - 11 am to 9 pm Aliso Viejo Towne Center
September 28 - Baja Fresh (LH) - 10:30 am to 9 pm Moulton and La Paz
October 5 - Pei Wei Asian Diner (LF) - 10 am to 11 pm El Toro and Rockfield
October 12 - Habit Burger (LF) - to be announced El Toro and Rockfield
CITY COUNCIL and CITY MANAGER REPORT CARD - Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests.
*** No Voting Issues at this meeting ***
Bressette -
Carruth -
Kogerman -
Lautenschleger -
Songstad -
City Manager -
Interesting talk on the Coyotes. I don't think people will stand for any fines for so called "feeding" them, and why punish people for a situation that is not going to change. Other States just shoot the things and that's that. No fines, no punishments, no money for state workers. One person stated that you can't reduce the population or move them so the best thing to do is have the Cities feed them and maybe then they will leave pets and children alone. They should give it a try. Thanks for all the hard work on this info!
I would really like the City Council to address the problem we have in Nellie Gail with coyotes!! I have several neighbors and friends who have lost loved pets to coyote attacks. We lost our beloved dog Tuesday evening to a coyote who was with a pack and my husband chased them while they had our dog in their mouth. We never found her and my family is heart broken!!!! My son searched for 2 days all along the trails looking for some sign of her so we could bury her!!! THIS NEEDS TO BE TAKEN CARE OF!!!!! How many people have to lose their pets before you all will take notice!!! I want answers, I have friends that have gone to meetings and had been promised something would change. WE NEED HELP!! I have two other dogs and I don’t want to lose them to our backyard preditors!!!
Been following comments on the blog. I see the problem with the old guard. Love to know how many dogs and cats they all own? Not much love for animals expressed. Noticed a $75,000 expenditure approved by Aliso Viejo for, I guess, their part of a $400,000 cattery expansion. Sounds like the Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Aliso Viejo partnership is the right idea? Our decision makers seem to think it is fine to throw the animals in chain link cages, for as long as it takes until they can legally kill them. The money we'd save on paying our management appropriately could fund a proper Animal Shelter. Go to Laguna Hills High School and ask the kids what they want to be when they grow up and almost every girl student wants to be a vet. Tell me it wouldn't be a great learning experience to have a state of the art shelter, with a lot of volunteer participation. Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Laguna Hills should partner on much more. I consider all of them to be my City. They are all equally convenient to Nellie Gail and share common destinies. Sometime you should check out Victoria Gardens, which is Rancho Cucamonga's mall. This is what the City needs to have the vision to push for with the Laguna Hills mall. It is all outside and creates a fake City Center of old feel. It creates a logical place to eat, drink and shop.
I'm sure the Grand Jury will not be fooled by the response from Laguna Hills to its question about why the compensation of the Laguna Hills City Manager and Assistant City Manager exceeded levels in other comparably sized cities inside and outside of Orange County. I hope Citizens were not fooled either considering that Laguna Hills never answered that question but responded that all the compensation studies done by all the other agencies, including the Grand Jury, were wrong and only the one paid for by Laguna Hills was correct. Even though 2 of their own council members disagreed the other 3 council members, the city manager and the assistant city manager stuck with their story. That's a hard sell even for those spin masters. A special thank you to Councilmembers Kogerman and Bressette for standing their ground and not caving on their principles just to "allow the city to be in agreement". Disgusted in Laguna Hills
I used to be a City Manager and have been reading your blog. Regarding the City Manager and Assistant City Manager's bloated compensations, the only reason city councils bloat compensations of top management to this extent is to permanently buy off their support. That way council majority members can ensure that the City is run their way while having much less to do related to running it and can use their positions to promote themselves and their businesses.
I heard a citizen ask last night if the council would change it's mind so she could put an ad for a fund raiser for the High School on a community bulletin board at the community center. WHAT?! Why would the council not allow "community" events and fund raisers to be placed on a "community" bulletin board? What is their idea of "Community"? Kathryn
WIN WIN Wednesday! - Make it a habit! - Here's the lineup for - WWW Global Cuisine - Please Download your flyers to give to each restaurant to get the % for Win-Win-Wednesday's Safe & Sane Grad Night for LHHS. **** Don't forget to Download your Fundraiser Flyer to present to the eating establishment at
September 21 - Chili's (AV) - 11 am to 9 pm Aliso Viejo Towne Center
September 28 - Baja Fresh (LH) - 10:30 am to 9 pm Moulton and La Paz
October 5 - Pei Wei Asian Diner (LF) - 10 am to 11 pm El Toro and Rockfield
October 12 - Habit Burger (LF) - to be announced El Toro and Rockfield
October 19 - Villa Roma (LH) - 11 am to 9 pm La Paz and McIntyre
October 26 - On the Border (AV) 11 am to 9 pm Aliso Viejo Towne Center
**Don't forget to "LIKE" us on Facebook and help spread the word -
HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION - Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills - Donation checks can be made specifically to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, etc. The city's e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/ City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site by clicking on this link -
Please see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Facebook page by clicking on this link - and share it with your friends!!
*** Please contribute baby items to the collection box at the Laguna Hills Community Center for the Oct. 1 Baby Shower for the the City's Adopted 3/5 Marines.***
NEWS STORIES AND BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS: Click on the links below to see the stories.
LAGUNA HILLS CITY WORKERS: 12 PERCENT UNDERPAID?**Don't forget to "LIKE" us on Facebook and help spread the word -
HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION - Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills - Donation checks can be made specifically to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, etc. The city's e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/ City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site by clicking on this link -
Please see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Facebook page by clicking on this link - and share it with your friends!!
*** Please contribute baby items to the collection box at the Laguna Hills Community Center for the Oct. 1 Baby Shower for the the City's Adopted 3/5 Marines.***
NEWS STORIES AND BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS: Click on the links below to see the stories.
City-happy O.C. spends tens of millions on execs
Do O.C. cities pay more than others in Golden State?
Which city council makes the most money?
LA Times: Laguna Hills City Manager Salary,0,1126677.story
In O.C., city pay can be steep, but it’s not ‘abusive’ June 20th, 2011
June 9, 2011 ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY REPORT - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities
City manager says compensation is fair
Political rebel faces an uphill battle
Councilwoman: Public pay report inaccurate, self serving
OC Watchdog Lavish health benefits slashed in Laguna Hills, Tustin
After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer
Click on for more of this story.
No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?
Gold-plated benefits? New councilwoman just says ‘no’
OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits
O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members
Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount."
OCREGISTER: Kenneth Frank: In defense of city managers "Citizens, in turn, must do their part to foster civic pride. They should demand that city council and planning meetings be televised and streamed online. And they need to become involved. In Laguna Beach, we have numerous homeowners associations and environmental, business and labor groups that encourage the exchange of ideas and enhance the interactivity between residents and elected officials.
OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."
OC has two of state’s best-paid city managers
CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SAY the DARNDEST THINGS IN PUBLIC! Memorable and surprising Public Quotes from City Council Members
June 10, 2008 - Mayor Allan Songstad said "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."
Thank you Mayor Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking " the residents with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 19 years.
October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that."
So true, Allan, so unfortunately true unless you change members of the city council.
August 19, 1994 - LHCC Member Allan Songstad - From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper Article Collections - Orange County Focus - August 19, 1994 LYNN FRANEY - Laguna Hills Councilman Declines to Run for Reelection With Councilman L. Allan Songstad Jr. declining to run for reelection, at least one newcomer will gain a seat on the City Council this fall. Songstad said he never intended to run for a second council term and that he is not a "career politician." That leaves space for at least one of the challengers, Cindy Greengold, Saeid Hariri, Grant R. Marcus or Charmane Riggs.
Now, in 2011 with 18 years on the Laguna Hills City Council we are guessing Council Member Songstad has changed his mind about being not being a "career politician."
For a roundup of Laguna Hills police calls check the Saddleback Valley News every Friday or click on: and go to - for more.
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Letters to the Editor: E-mail to Please provide your name, city and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Letters of about 200 words will be given preference. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity.
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brinkka2011 says: Informative post, Im now one of your feed followers
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