Friday, September 28, 2012

Laguna Hills Watch Dog
Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - September 25, 2012

Features Directory

** Special Announcements - For Questions, Concerns and the 20 year LAGUNA HILLS GENERAL PLAN for LAND USE, MOBILITY/CIRCULATION, CONSERVATION and OPEN SPACE, COMMUNITY SERVICES and FACILITIES, SAFETY, NOISE, and HOUSING in the City - Click on

** Candidates we endorse for Laguna Hills City Council in the 2012 November Election are:
Andrew Blount - Small Business owner
Raghu Mathur, Ph.D - University Administrator and Educator

** We encourage you to check the candidate's web sites for endorsements from current and previous long term Laguna Hills City Council members who have clear records of voting against transparency and accountability and we hope you will make a decision to Vote in Favor of Maximum Transparency and Accountability in our city.

Other Candidates are:
AJ Djowharzadeh, Small Business Owner.
Dore Gilbert, MD,
Dermatologist and Army Reservist
Bill Hunt. Private Investigator, former OC Sheriff's Deputy and Illustrator - Website:

** Please Remember that the candidates of your choice need your help. Please contact them through their web sites and do your best to assist them in any way you can. Some possibilities are:
1. Request their Yard Sign to post in your yard,
2. Help them walk door to door to speak with voters in the city, or just in your neighborhood
3. Help them raise funds through your donations and through Meet and Greet the Candidate opportunities in your home
4. Endorse them on their web sites
5. Tell your friends about them

** Citizen Alerts for future City Council Meetings will be listed on the blog site within 4 days prior to a meeting - Consider attending a meeting that interests you.

** Presentations and Proclamations - None
** Public Comments - Update on the 3/5 Marines adopted by the City of Laguna Hills,
** LHHS Student Liaison Report - Adam Wong - alternate Amanda Jafee - School of the Year Academic Award for LHHS!
** Consent Calendar - Warrant Register - $2,214,770.16
** Items of Interest from the Warrant Register - None
** Items Pulled from the Warrant Register- None
** Items of interest in the Consent Calendar -
Item 4.2 - Approval of the Warrant Register in the amount of $2,214,770.16
Item 4.3 - Authorization to advertise for bids for the Community Center Building Refurbishment
Item 4.4 - Progress Payment # 2 for Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project
** Items pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion - None
** Planning Agency/City Council Public Hearings - Item 5.4 - Conditional use permit request for H2O Partners, LLC to operate an indoor Trampoline Park at 23251 Avenida de la Carlota.
**Administrative Reports - City Manger's explanation of Closed Session Negotiations with the Laguna Hills' Employee's Association.
** Matters Agendized and Presented by Council Members and Mayor- Item 8.1 - City's answer from Mayor Carruth and Mayor-Pro-Tem Lautenschleger to the OC Grand Jury's July 5, 2012 Report - Use of Government Influence on a Private Educational Institution.  4 of the 5  Laguna Hills City Council Candidates spoke in "PUBLIC COMMENTS" in addition to other people including one of the students who assisted in collecting stats for the City Manager's Compensation Report. **Editorial - 3 Grand Jury Strikes for Laguna Hills.
** City Council Member Comments - An award for our City Clerk, Peggy Johns and 2 new stores open.
** Closed Session - Item 10.1 - Another session re. the Public Employee Performance Evaluation of the City ManagerItem 10.2 - Conference with Labor Negotiators and The Laguna Hills City Employees Association City Employee Organization -**MORE PUBLIC COMMENTS - 3 Laguna Hills City Council Candidates speak out on this issue.
** City Council Members Report Card - How did they score?
* Information, Comments, Questions, Concerns from LH Watch Dog Readers from the previous blog post about: The Candidates for Laguna Hills City Council,  City Views, City Manager's Compensation and Contract, plus Win-Win-Wednesday's Schedule of Restaurants.   You can place comments in the comment section at the bottom of the LHWD blog site or send your comments to Your name is never used in the comments section unless you give permission.
* How to support our 3/5 Adopted Marines and Updates - Team Dark Horse is Collecting Donations Now to pay for personal care products, snacks, magazines, training manuals, playing cards books, exercise equipment and other supplies for the 3/5 Marines' deployed on ships to the Middle East.
* News Stories and Blogs about Laguna Hills - find more in the OC Register online under "City-by-City News" - "Laguna Hills" and in the OC Watchdog
* City Council Members Say the Darndest Things in Public
* Crime in your Neighborhood
* Instructions for Writing a letter to the Editor of the OC Register Newspaper

Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - September 25, 2012
All Council Members were present
See information for Win-Win-Wednesdays under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers, Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -



Mike Bland, Chairman of Team Darkhorse, Support Committee for the 3/5 Marines adopted by the City of Laguna Hills thanked Community Services Dept. Officials David Reynolds and Dan Meehan, for hanging the Marines Banner on the Community Center and placing one page handouts at the Community Center desk explaining why the 3/5 Marines' Banner is hanging again. He said the Marines' Chaplin and the Family Readiness Officer both asked for a photo of the banner so they could place it on their 3/5 Facebook page. He said that banner means a lot to the Marines. He explained that the 3/5 Marines deployed on 3 Navy ships Monday, Sept 17, for 6 to 7 months in the Middle East. He and Team Dark Horse Committee Members Evan Gost, and Teresa Bonutto attended the Deployment Send Off Event at the base on Sept. 16, where approximately 1200 Marines/Sailors and their families said goodbye, and were able to visit with Marines and family they had met over the last few years.

He reported that 6 days before the Marines were deployed, he received an e-mail from their Family Readiness Officer, Kim Reese, stating she had received a request from the Marines for exercise equipment on the ship. They needed 3 medicine balls, rubber coated dumbbells (10- 55lbs) and 2-Olympic barbells. He noted that two days later, Team Dark Horse delivered the requested equipment and Lt. Col. Griffin, and the 3/5 Chaplain Pickering both thanked them and told them how useful and important this equipment was to the Marines. He said a Lt. also thanked us and said he was the one who had requested the exercise equipment from the US Navy but was told NO, due lack of funds. Mike said Chaplain Pickering thanked the committee again for the donated books for a 3/5 library on the ships.

Mike expressed big thank yous for the $1,500 check from Vons grocery store in Laguna Niguel to Dark Horse Committee Member, Evan Gost, for initiating this donation process and to the Vons employees group and their Store Manager who donated. He concluded with the 3/5 is having their next baby shower on Oct 13th and said Team Dark Horse will be donating door prizes and gift cards for the event. (Mayor Carruth asked him to wrap it up) so he concluded that he received a note from the 3/5 Commanding Officer stating: "Darkhorse Friends and Supporters - On behalf of the Battalion, I wanted to take a moment to express out gratitude for the deck that you made possible behind our command post. Not only has it become a comfortable and convenient spot for Marines and Sailors to relax but it is also a lasting memorial to the Fallen Heroes of the unit. As you know, without your generosity this special place would not have been possible. Again, to all out friends in Laguna Hills, and every one who contributed to our very own Darkhorse deck, thank you very much. Great to see so many Laguna Hills friends on Sunday." He also announced great new ad that will be placed by the Team Darkhorse Committee for the City's Memorial Day Race next year.

LHHS STUDENT LIAISON REPORT by Adam Wong - alternate Amanda Jafee

Adam reported that LHHS received the School Of The Year Award for Academic Excellence in Washington DC on Monday Sept. 10 by the International Spanish Academy (ISA). The ISA is run by the Spanish Government and sponsors programs in all Spanish speaking countries including the Spanish Immersion Program in LHHS. The award was present by the Spanish Ambassador Ramón Gil-Casares and was televised in Spain. Only one high school in the USA was given this prestigious award which includes $5,000 cash, $10,000 toward materials and provides for one teacher to study at the foundation in Spain. The LHHS teacher who leads the Spanish Immersion Program was honored by the Society. The Spanish Immersion Program at LHHS is technically the best one in the United States.

In Sports, the Lady HAWKS Cross Country Team ranks 3rd in CIF and 6th in the State. Two new records at the Woodbridge and Costa Mesa Invitationals - Senior Captain Elena Jones led the HAWKS to a 3rd place team finish and a school record breaking team time of 1 hour, 31 minutes and 45 seconds, so are now the fastest team in LHHS history.

In Student News - Club Rush is happening right now inviting and the freshmen and new faces at LHHS to join in all the clubs and festivities for the entire year. The LHHS Band Music Program is having a great fund raiser - "Cash for Shoes." Bring unwanted shoes to the LHHS Music Room, for one more week, and the Cash for Shoes Program donates money to the Music Program and the shoes to people in countries who need them.
Win-Win Wednesday Report - September 26 - Corner Bakery (Laguna Niguel) click on Corner Bakery on La Paz Rd and October 3 - Pic Up Stix on Alicia and Pacific Parkway - click on Pick Up Stix
Council Member Kogerman asked that the City Council schedule a presentation for the LHHS Spanish Program that is exemplary.

CONSENT CALENDAR - Warrant Register = $2,214,770.16
Items of interest from the Warrant Register - None

Items of interest from the Consent Calendar -
Item 4.2 - Approval of the Warrant Register in the amount of $2,214,770.16

Item 4.3 - Authorization for advertise for bids for the Community Center Building Refurbishment, including painting inside and out, replacing of concrete wall caps, carpet, wall fabrics and papers,etc. Building was dedicated Recommendation that the city council approve the plans and specifications for the 11 year old community center that was dedicated on June 26, 2002 for building refurbishment and authorize the direct purchase of wall caps from Quickcrete Corporation. The refurbishment project budget is $200,000
Item 4.4 - Progress Payment # 2 of $1,177,371.79 for Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project.
Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar - NONE
Vote - Consent Calendar was approved by consensus.

MINUTES - The City Council Approves the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is always a significant delay for the public related to timely documentation of information but you can now watch and listen to the City Council Meetings on the City's web site at


Item 5.4 - Conditional use permit request for H20 Partners, LLC to operate an indoor Trampoline Park at 23251 Avenida de la Carlota.

Staff Recommendation - Conduct a Public Hearing and approve the conditional use permit.  Project is for BigAir Trampoline Park an indoor entertainment park to include open play, dodge ball, aerobatics, fitness/training classes, parties and events, food, non-alcoholic drinks, and more in a 25,613 sq. ft. building located at the North end of Furniture Row. Staff report states BigAir will have employees on-staff trained in CPR and First Aid. Staff report states 269 public hearing notices were mailed to surrounding property owners and business owners within a 300 foot radius. Staff says this will bring recreational use to a building that has struggled to hold a tenant for several years and recommends approval.
Public Comments - Mr. Hunter, the applicant for H20 Partners spoke and advised the council that he agreed to the 22 conditions from the City and advised that this business will bring 56 jobs to the city.
VOTE - The item was passed 5-0.

(**Editor's Note - There was much confusion for Laguna Hills Residents over the weekend about an Agenda Item that is of significant interest to many residents Laguna Hills - See "CITY OF LAGUNA HILLS NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF THE PLANNING AGENCY AND CITY COUNCIL" at: This Document from the City states that on Sept. 25, 2012 the Planning Agency/City Council will consider an application from the Fritz Duda Company to REDEVELOP the OAKBROOK VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER INCLUDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF 293 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS. IT STATES THE TIME AND DATE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING IS SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 - AT 7 PM in the City Council Chamber ALL INTERESTED PERSONS WILL BE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON THIS ITEM IN THE PUBLIC HEARING. This document also states the agenda report for this item will be available Friday afternoon, Sept. 21, 2012 and a copy may be obtained from the City Clerk's Dept.  There was apparently a glitch in the City's computer system from Friday through Sunday, so this item was not available to the Public on the City web site. Thank you to OC Register Reporter Chris Boucly who clarified this for us in "Our Towns: South" on Tues. Sept. 25 stating that this item was postponed because the planning application isn't ready.)

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - City Manager Channing spoke about the 2nd Closed Session Labor Negotiations with the Laguna Hills City Employees Association, scheduled after the conclusion of tonight's City Council Meeting. He said this is a new paradigm for us re. method of determining wages, hours and working conditions for non-management employees, but not necessarily a change in the employee/employer relationship. 1st discussion related to this occurred in November 2011. In Feb. 2012 the council adopted a resolution that implemented Chapter 10, Division 4, Tier 1 of the government code of the State of CA. relative to employee/employer relations. It established the Rules and Regulations re. the form of communications between the City and it's represented employees. That resolution designated the City Manager or his designee to be the labor negotiator representing the City Council. He noted that he and Assist. City Manager White will be advising the City Council, in Closed Sessions, of the terms and conditions proposed for what will amount to the first formal contract between the City and it's Represented Employees. The Council will then have the responsibility of reviewing that information and calculations of the full cost of that proposal compared with the current cost in the salaries and benefits resolution adopted by the Council in June of last year.

He went on to describe the methods used by cities in the process of labor negotiations. He said was the most common process is the one established by this City. He said one significant variable is the designated Labor Negotiator, large Cities often use the Human Resources Directors, Full time Labor Relations Employees, and City Attorneys. Some cities chose to use outside negotiators - typically an Attorney, smaller cities chose to use the city manager as their negotiator. He stressed that in all instances the city manager receives his/her direction from the City Council and is not empowered to either propose or approve any deal contemplated in the negotiation process. That authority remains entirely with the City Council and the final contract must be adopted by the council in an open meeting. He continued that hiring an outside negotiator can be an expensive proposition and he estimated $20,000 to $30,000 depending upon the length of negotiations.
(**Editor's Note - The City of Laguna Hills taxpayers recently paid more than $23,000 for 8 months of Closed Session outside labor negotiatior time for the City Manager's Contract that resulted in no report to the taxpayers other than - Negotiations have concluded.)

Channing added that this could also signal to the employees that the City is taking a divergent approach in it's philosophy, and if not handled adequately this could lead to considerable acrimony and unneeded labor strife.  He continued that he does not think that's the intention of this city council and doesn't think the labor discussions will be difficult related to achieving a mutually agreeable outcome. He went on to say that the total % of the City's Operating Budget for the Represented Employees is about 17%. He said that hasn't changed in almost 10 years.
(**Editor's Note -  We have learned that the % of the City's Operating Budget for all employees, management and non-management depends upon what the City Council chooses to include as compensation in that percentage number. In addition to the
Cal-PERs Retirement Plan for which the city pays both the Employee and Employer's contributions (From the Laguna Hills Watch Dog - August 5, 2008) - the City also pays the entire contribution for PARS - Public Agency Retirement Services an additional Retirement Plan for employees that it rarely, if ever is mentioned.  A recent story in the OC Register Watchdog states the June 2011 Tally for City of Laguna Hills for unpaid leave time is $346,527 see

Council Member Kogerman asked for the City Council to daylight proposals from the Employees Association and the negotiations process for the public so that both the council and the public have the time and opportunity to carefully consider all proposals and counter proposals. She said she did not want to hide behind a closed session in an issue that is the public's business. She added that before considering any proposals we should slow down and consider a transparent Meet and Confer Process. She described a process of the City receiving a proposal and placing it on the Agenda for the Public to see so that they can provide input to the council. Next the City should provide a public financial analysis of fiscal impact of the proposal for all to consider. She noted that she would prefer an outside auditor for the financial analysis and in the third step the City should present it's counter proposal with a financial analysis of it's own proposal, if any, on the Agenda for the Public to see and comment on. Then the negotiations could begin.

Kogerman stressed the need for a slow down and a process. She reminded the council that in 42 days we will have 2 new council members and 4 of the 5 candidates have stated to her that they favor the COIN ordinance and she noted that she would prefer an independent outside negotiator to represent the City's interest rather than a negotiator from the City's Management team. This is to assure that the City's negotiator will be free of any self interest since the wages and benefits negotiated for employees often flow to the management team. She said she is not willing to enter into any negotiations until a process has been determined and adopted by the City Council. She added that she will not enter any negotiations that will bind a future City Council to decisions of a lame duck city council. She suggested that the council hear what is presented in this closed session but take no action at this time.

(**Editor's Note see COIN Explanation at Published : Sept. 11, 2012 Updated: 5:25 p.m. - Editorial: COIN flips balance of power in Costa Mesa. COIN provides for an independent negotiator to handle contract talks and an independent auditor, who will report to the public on the fiscal effects of any contract proposal. COIN also gives the public much-needed time – 30 days and two council meetings before any vote may take place – to independently evaluate any union contract pending before the city council.)

Mayor Carruth responded - this is not technically up for discussion so said we will go on to Item 8.1 and come back to this before the closed session. Carruth also told Kogerman you voted in February to appoint Mr. Channing and Mr. White as labor negotiators so what's happened?  She added, "I know we have an election here stirring up the community but you voted to appoint Mr. Channing and Mr. White as the labor negotiators."  Kogerman asked if she could respond now and Carruth told her to just think about that and we will come back to it and moved on to Item 8.1 the Grand Jury Report Response.


Item 8.1 - Recommendation that the city council receive a report from the council appointed sub-committee, authorize the mayor to sign the letter of response to the Grand Jury's July 5, 2012 report regarding The Use of Government Influence on a Private Educational Institution, and submit the response to the Presiding Judge of the Orange County Superior Court as required by State Law.

The response recommended by Mayor MelodyCarruth and Mayor Pro-Tem Joel Lautenschleger states that the city disagrees wholly with all Findings and will not implement any of the Grand Jury's Recommendations because they are "not warranted and not reasonable."

Their reasoning was that: the matters are "not related to the operations of the city"; actions are "not under the control of the city" and should have been directed to the Orange County branch of the League of Cities; the report is "vague and ambiguous with inferences, conjectures and innuendoes and possibly protected by the First Amendment - free speech.

Mayor Carruth began by stating that the Grand Jury Report involves both Kogerman and Songstad and asked that they both recuse themselves from the discussion and the voting. Council Member Kogerman asked for the opinion of the City Attorney related to her not being able to vote. City Attorney Greg Simonian responded he was not aware of any legal conflict of interest for either Council Member Kogerman or Songstad to participate in the discussions, it is up to the discretion of those council members re. their participation. Mayor Carruth then announced that the conclusion from the committee meeting (the committee being Mayor Carruth and Mayor-Pro-Tem Lautenschleger) was that the Grand Jury Report was directed to the entity. The Report does not relate to the City of Laguna Hills. The Grand Jury Findings and Recommendations have nothing to do with the City of Laguna Hills.

(**Editor's Note - According to the Grand Jury Report - on pages 4-5 of the Grand Jury Report it states that On Wed. May 19, 2010, at a publicly funded non-profit corporation meeting, a past President and current director of the non-profit who was also a current councilman from Laguna Hills brought the attention of the Board to the subject of the City Manager's Compensation and discussed that the City where the election is taking place is extremely upset and the councilman and current director "suggested that a response is necessary in a significant fashion". In page 10 of the OC Grand Jury Report under "Analysis" - "From the wording used in these communications, it appeared that the city councilman from Laguna Hills, CA. was influencing certain actions of the professor in that some of the exact language that was used in the professor's letter was the same as that which was communicated by the councilman."
The "undue influence" cited by the Grand Jury appears to be politically based and Songstad's political influence appears to be based upon 19 years of being a Laguna Hills City Council Member.)


John Bosch, Laguna Hills Resident advised proceeding carefully before introducing this response to the Grand Jury that is a revered and important institution. When the Grand Jury speaks citizens are compelled to accept the report as the product of people of good, ethical, and moral character whose sole purpose is to investigate claims of both criminal and civil offenses committed. After a thorough investigation they have to decided there is enough evidence to support those claims. Such a claim was filed against Mr. Songstad which initiated that process. Relevant e-mails and correspondence were considered as well as sworn testimony. The conclusion was there was enough evidence to cite Mr. Songstad with misfeasance in office. And the Laguna Hills Council response is that there is nothing to it. It was a political hit piece and a free speech issue. It has nothing to do with this city. The Grand Jury should mind their own business.

He continued - So we have 3 points of view here - the Grand Jury's, your's, Madam Mayor, and mine. The councilman from Tustin, Mr. Songstad and many on this council believe the Grand Jury Report is vague, ambiguous, with inferences, conjectures and innuendos and I agree.  While in my humble opinion compelling arguments are made to support the charge of misfeasance, I think you are right to have hoped for more evidentiary information. That said, you may disagree with the report but to dismiss it as not warranted and unreasonable. It is an insult to the Grand Jury and unacceptable with maybe an unintended consequence of drawing even more attention to the issues of this City. It also doesn't speak well of long seated council members (Mayor Carruth asked Mr. Bosh to wrap it up) to have come up with this response when one of your own is called to account, to denegrade the work of the Grand Jury.  He concluded he thought it would be wise to request the transcripts of sworn testimony given by Mr. Songstad and Mr. Amante be unsealed but to refuse to do this will certainly cause some to suspect that you fear what those transcripts may show. He added to Mr. Songstad, Is this what you want be remembered for, will this be your legacy as a council member? He was interrupted again by Mayor Carruth and addressed her with, Madam Mayor, do the right thing, you don't get a do over on this. Do it for your long time friend and colleague, Mr. Songstad.

Valerie Bromberg, Laguna Hills Resident said according to page 12 of the Grand Jury Report entitled the Use of Government Influence on a Private Educational Institution the Orange County Grand Jury requires responses. It has made 3 recommended responses based on its findings. Each of these responses is not directed toward one individual that acted on his own behalf.  Each response is aimed at our entire city council and for that matter all future members of the council. For example, the first recommendation (from the Grand Jury) to our city council requests action be taken to prevent future acts of misfeasance. (**Editor's Note - Prevention is an important point see - D.A. gets new staff to focus on Public Integrity - Sept. 25, 201

She continued, During a League of Cities meeting one city manager said, in reference to the City Managers' Compensation Report, 'there is a need to be cautious about how to approach and avoid making this issue bigger", but instead 2 city council members and a city official thought they were powerful enough to make the report go away through bullying and intimidation because of their city positions. Instead, what started in May of 2009, by a private citizen continues to make headlines.

She added, I ask the council to make recommendations that will send a message that this kind of action will not be tolerated by our city againBut you won't. Just like the council member focused on by the Grand Jury, you will respond that these events have nothing to do with our city. Perhaps only one of you will vote otherwise. Very soon we citizens will be voting for new city council members, it would be helpful to the voters to know how each candidate would have voted on this issue an to get an understanding of how they will perform on this council. We must choose wisely in replacing the open positions on our city council to make sure our leaders don't continue to go down this road we've seen all to often set in place by career council members. (**Editor's Note - 4 of the 5 candidates for 2012 City Council Seats attended this council meeting and all 4 spoke on this issue - Blount, Mathur, Djowharzadeh and Gilbert - see below)

Janice Voshall said I was one of the interns that went to the university that helped in the research study. (**Editor's Note - She is referring to the Orange County City Manager's Compensation Study of 2012) Free Speech is being thrown around as the reason that the tax funded organization went into a private university and exercised its political influence, so I am curious if free speech is so important to Mr. Songstad and Mr. Amante, I don't know why they have these efforts to destroy a professor and 2 student's livelyhoods.  All the research that was completed had public records to back up all of the findings. It's very disturbing to see how those with power manipulate and crush those who may question them and with this misuse of power, checks and balances are lost and academic freedom is threatened. So, I'd just like the council to consider that.
Council Member Bressette asked Ms. Voshall - Can you tell me approximately hours you contributed to Mrs. Kogerman's campaign 2 years ago? 
Janice answered about 120.  After Dr. Mathur spoke, Janice Voshall returned to the podium to state she just wanted to clarify regarding the question about how many hours she spent on the campaign.  She said she guessed that was a set up question because she got 3 university credits for this "research project", just to clarify.

Blair Shoot said I have to go home to my children tonight and I have to say that the men I am standing here before, who are empowered by me as a citizen to exercise my will have decided to do that for their own personal political gain. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the Grand Jury didn't do that. Maybe that's not what happened. Maybe they were in the pocket of the honorable Kogerman. Then, why haven't you as a body asked for an investigation?  If I had a Grand Jury, as a citizen out there, this rogue, why are you people not very upset?  Where's my representation?  Where's the anger, why hasn't the new Grand Jury been asked to investigate this?  So we're just gonna ignore this. Do you think the power given to you by me, a citizen, and you decided to use it in disgrace? I'm disappointed, this is not the job you're elected for. If there's an inappropriate nature to what these students put together, a candidate deciding they should go after an issue, go after in public the way they did, but to go in closed door sessions to intimidate this is just very disappointing. This shows me the mettle of this city council, this shows who they really are and to ignore this Grand Jury and say that they don't matter and say that the will of the system doesn't matter. This is incredible, I'm disappointed, very much so.

Andrew Blount, Candidate for 2012 City Council said I too am disappointed in the response. It's bothersome to me. There's one thing that we can all agree on. I've read the Grand Jury Report 4 or 5 times and I've gotten to know most everybody here on the council. And that is that Grand Jury Report was not only vague, it was ambiguous and gosh, we've all drawn the inference that Councilmen Songstad was listed in the report and it doesn't even have his name. There's lots of "may haves" there's lots of "could haves" and that sort of stuff, but I don't believe that us as a city or you as a city council can draw any conclusions based upon the lack of evidence that is presented in that report. I believe that going to the Grand Jury and saying gosh, it doesn't have anything to do with our city will do a great disservice to our residents, to council member Kogerman and also professionally to council member Songstad. I believe the only appropriate response is to go back to the Grand Jury, and it is a new Grand Jury, so who knows if they'll even take it or not, to ask them to clear up the vagueness, and innuendoes and ask if there is evidence, which councilman Songstad clearly stated in our last meeting there isn't, they should bring forth that evidence in order to present it to us so that then the city council could make an appropriate decision as to what to do with the Grand Jury Report.

AJ Djowharzadeh, Candidate for 2012 City Council said I tell myself and my children every morning that we all have to strive to be Christ like in every decision we make. We don't know the details and it's sad when I see what's happening to the city that I've learned to love, being a resident here 19 years and when I'm in one of those seats everything is going to be discussed with the public, every 3 months I will report to the people so none of these things happen again. If there is anything to this Grand Jury Report, we all should know in detail. I want to thank you all for your service and when I wear the uniform I don't ask if someone's Democrat or Republican and I want to ask you the same thing that we are all residents and we elect the people to represent us and I don't think it's good that there's a struggle for dominance whether it's this side or that side. Thank you.

Dr. Raghu Mathur, Candidate for 2012 City Council said city council candidate Barbara Kogerman, in 2012, requested data on the total compensation of City Managers.  In the name of transparency, that led to a comprehensive study of the total compensation of City Managers in Orange County. The judgement resulted in 3 admonishments to the City Council from the OC Grand Jury. This is not a city council record for which I, as a citizen of Laguna Hills, can be proud.  I have questions about the meeting between Mr. Songstand and Mr. Amante with the Chapman University President Dr. Jim Doti.  As I understand the purpose of the meeting was to introduce Ms. Lacy Kelly to the President, but I'm wondering did you have, Mr. Songstad, a marked copy of the comprehensive compensation study in hand and if so was the compensation study discussed with the President of the university?  And if so specifically, what did you say about the study, the students and the Professor, Dr. Smoller?  Mr. Songstad, as a Laguna Hills City Councilman, and in the name of transparency and good ethical government voters from the City of Laguna Hills and I ought to know the answers to these questions.

He continued - The Grand Jury made a recommendation re. the need for ethics training for City Council Members and I see nothing about that in the response. Does this mean that you are rejecting the call for ethics in local government in Laguna Hills?  Your lack of response to the Grand Jury basically tells them to pound sand. This is a troubling lesson for the Laguna Hills High School students who attend the council meetings regularly. Your response says the matter was not city related. My response is actions of City Council Members doing business with City Member Organizations is City Business. To your reference about actions not under "City Control", my response it Mr. Songstad was acting as council member appointed by this council to join the League of Cities board. (Mayor Carruth asked Dr. Mathur to wrap it up)  Dr. Mathur continued with - All the more reason for an effort to get the Grand Jury Transcripts releasedFree speech, what about right of academic freedom of speech for the students and Professor Smoller?  Both were threatened with loss of job opportunities.  The City proposes a whitewash and abdication of responsibility. Do you want to fill 2 vacancies on the city council with people who think this is acceptable? Any candidate who does is not interested in true transparency and accountability. 

Dr. Dore Gilbert, Candidate for 2012 City Council said he did not come to speak on this issue tonight but the last meeting he was at, this poison percolated up again, and we've spent over 30 minutes now talking about an issue, that for this city council is going to disappear in a couple of months regardless of what you do. You are going to have 2 new city council members and if this kind of conversation continues by candidates or city council all it's going to do is lead to more mistrust and more petty personal attacks rather than having directional conversations about what it's gonna take for this city to move forward with the real problems that it has, financial problems. I mean it's well managed, but these are the kinds of things that we're going to face in the years to come and if you have candidates pitted again each other over these personal attacks, I can tell you after serving for 25 years on the school board that will only continue once these newly elected members take their oath and there's no guarantee that we will have Mrs. Kogerman's group or you'll have myself and somebody else elected because if you have one of each then you're going to have a real problem. He continued by saying Raghu, I hope you understand that because I will only have trust in people who I think do not have personal vendettas, political is different but I don't think personal is tolerable.
(**Editor's Note -  Dr. Gilbert, your remark to Dr. Mathur sounds personal, would you like to explain?  We interviewed Dr. Gilbert and liked him very much as a person but he told us he had not been paying attention to City Government in Laguna Hills, had not been attending council meetings and told us he chose to run for City Council this time only after learning he would not have to oppose his long time friends who were leaving the city council.  Those are all admirable qualities in a friend, but we have been paying attention and have been attending city council meeting for many years and in our opinion what is needed on this city council are council members whose primary allegiance is to the Laguna Hills' taxpayers and businesses.  We have had council members who have kept us in the dark and hoped problems would disappear.  What we need are council members who are leaders, actively seeking to correct problems and to set examples of higher standards for future city council members, especially related to the continued Lack of Transparency, Lack of Accountability and a Citation for Unethical Behavior.  As Ms.Valerie Bromberg said in her comments above, set a standard to prevent future acts of misfeasance and other similar problems. 
** Prevention is important - The OC Register Story below highlights the need to add 7 staff positions to the Orange County District Attorney's Office due to the growing number of complaints and investigations of crimes involving people holding public office.  See - D.A. gets new staff to focus on Public Integrity - Sept. 25, 2012

WE STRONGLY ENDORSE RAGHU MATHUR AND ANDREW BLOUNT for LAGUNA HILLS CITY COUNCIL because after thoroughly questioning both Dr. Mathur and Mr. Blount on the issues, we believe they have the needed experience to serve, the dedication to being fiscally conservative, the dedication to serving residents and businesses, a genuine interest in our schools and NO TIES to bind them to previous council policies of lack of Transparency and Accountability for taxpayers. Perhaps, most importantly, they have pledged to proactively listen to residents and businesses

After public speakers and Council Member Kogerman stated their opposition to the City's response to the Grand Jury Report, (that it was sent to the wrong entity) and called for further investigation including the release of the Grand Jury transcripts for this case, Mayor Carruth concluded, again, that the Grand Jury Report ought to be directed to the Orange County Division League of CitiesCouncil Member Bressette brought up the subject of "Operations" of the City and requested that a few of the lines in the response letter re. inferences, conjectures and innuendoes be removed and Carruth and Lautenschleger agreed. 

Council Member Songstad rresponded he expected Dr. Mathur would attempt to politicize this issue, but was disappointed Mr. Blount would try to do the same. He then repeated the reading aloud of a story from the Orange County Register Newspaper that was a portion of his defense re. this issue from the Laguna Hills City Council Meeting of July 10, 2012.  Rather than re-print that story again here you can read it in it's entirety this at:  - Doti tells all in flap over city compensation survey - posted on August 3rd, 2010.  You can read the entire July 10, 2012 report of Council Member Songstad's defense of his actions in the July 10, 2012 Laguna Hills Watch Dog Blog or listen to it online on the city web site. This time he added this news story was available to the Grand Jury so how they came to their conclusion, I don't know.

Council Member Kogerman commented that a person should not be able to vote on his own censure, she suggested that if the City is questioning a bias on the part of the Grand Jury the City should ask for an investigation and if they feel the Grand Jury got it wrong, they should ask for the records to be unsealed to see how and why they got it wrong. This response to the Grand Jury is insulting and embarrassing to the City. This is not something that can just be dismissed as Freedom of speech vs. coercion. This is like Nixon saying the tapes will exonerate me but we can't release the tapes.

Mayor Carruth responded this issue has had enough attention and we need to put it behind us and she attributed all the excitement about this report to campaigning for elections Council Member Bressette said the Grand Jury Report was directed to the whole council and they all should under go ethics training but he had no part in this so that's why he support's the City's letter of response.

VOTE - Carruth, Lautenschleger and Bressette voted to approve and send the letter, Songstad Abstained and Kogerman voted against the letter.
(**Editor's Note - The City of Laguna Hills has been cited by 3 Orange County Grand Jury Reports in the last 13 months. The City's response to all 3 reports was that the City disagrees. Please see below. So, it appears there are 3 STRIKES, so far, and Voters Will Decide WHO IS OUT? - Please see documentation of the 3 Grand Jury reports below.

If you believe the City of Laguna Hills is Always Right and the Orange County Grand Jury is always wrong and want more of the same, perhaps you should vote for candidates who are endorsed by previous and outgoing city council members.

If you believe Transparency for Taxpayers and Accountability for the Actions of City Council Members need to be a reality in this City, we suggest you vote for Andrew Blount and Raghu Mathur, candidates with NO TIES to previous and outgoing city council members.)

1. Orange County Grand Jury Report # 1 published 6/9/11 - COMPENSATION STUDY OF ORANGE COUNTY CITIES 6/9/11

The Grand Jury gave the City of Laguna Hills a Transparency rating of C for content, D for clarity and B for Accessibility.

Grand Jury findings for Laguna Hills were: F.4 - Public Disclosure of Municipal Compensation levels is widely inconsistent ranging from good to non-existent. F.6 - The Compensation of the City Manager and Assistant City Manager/Finance Director in the City of Laguna Hills exceeds levels in other comparably sized cities inside and outside of Orange County. F.7 - There is currently no disclosure of written employment contracts on the majority of cities' web sites.

Laguna Hills Response was - that they wholly disagreed with the Grand Jury Report based in part on a comparison between the Grand Jury Report and City's Compensation Study from Ralph Anderson and Assoc. The City reviewed their entire Ralph Anderson Study at length in their response suggesting that the Grand Jury's Study was fundamentally flawed so was not a Valid Study.

Council Members Lautenschleger, Songstad and Carruth defended the City Staff response to the Grand Jury Study.  Council Members Kogerman and Bressette re-confirmed the "flawed status" of the City's Ralph Anderson Compensation Study and declined to vote for the City's Response to the Grand Jury, and Council Member Kogerman filed her own minority response.

2. Orange County Grand Jury Report # 2 published on 6/14/12 entitled TRANSPARENCY BREAKING UP COMPENSATION FOG-BUT WHY HIDE PENSION COSTS? 6/14/12,

This time the OC Grand Jury, gave the City of Laguna Hills a rating of B+ for the Executive Page and a D for Employee Pages A for Accessibility

Grand Jury Findings for Laguna Hills were: Areas needing improvement were: - Employee Pages for Salary and Benefits and Executive Page need Pension Costs.

Laguna Hills Response - Council Members Carruth, Songstad and Lautenschleger did NOT agree to look at updating the City's online Compensation Report, as suggested by the Orange County Grand Jury
Only Council Members Kogerman and Bressette indicated an interest in looking at making the City's online Compensation Report more transparent and informative for Citizens

3. Orange County Grand Jury Report # 3 published on 7/5/12 entitled "USE OF GOVERNMENTAL INFLUENCE ON A PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION" 7/5/12 -

Grand Jury Findings for Laguna Hills were: the Grand Jury cited a Laguna Hills City Council Member for Misfeasance for his USE OF GOVERNMENTAL INFLUENCE ON A PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION.
Laguna Hills Response - was from Mayor Carruth and Mayor-Pro-Tem Lautenschleger who said they wholly disagreed with the findings, and the Grand Jury's recommendations are misdirected. They claimed that these matters were not related to the operations of the city and not under the control of the city so should have been directed to the OC League of Cities and they say the council members actions may have been protected by the First Amendment.)


Mayor Carruth noted that our city clerk, Peggy Johns, was sworn in as the new President of the City Clerk's Association for Southern CA.  Congratulations to Peggy!!  Also, 2 new businesses opened in the City Chase Bank and the Athena Beauty College that works with LHHS and Saddleback college related to career training.


Item 10.1 - Another session re. the Public Employee Performance Evaluation of the City Manager.

Item 10.2 - Conference with Labor Negotiators Bruce Channing, City Manager, and Don White, Assist. City Manager with The Laguna Hills City Employees Association City Employee Organization.

Item 10.2 - Conference with Labor Negotiators Bruce Channing, City Manager, and Don White, Assist. City Manager with The Laguna Hills City Employees Association City Employee Organization.

(**Editor's Note - We signed up to be contacted if there was anything to announce after the closed session. We were contacted by the City and were told that there was nothing to announce from the closed session.)

Public Comments -

Dr. Dore Gilbert, Candidate for 2012 City Council said he is a 31 year resident and said re. the negotiations that are going to take place with our new Association, deep down I wish you would do it so the candlelight vigils will not take place in front of my house, but in reality you are going to have 2 new faces that are going to have to share the responsibility of these negotiations and I agree that there is no rush to get this over with before the election, because whoever the new council folks are going to be I think they should have an opportunity to have input in terms of how the negotiations are going to proceed.  The openness, however you want it, the terms, because if I'm elected I'm going to have to buy into whatever is decided. So, I would suggest you take time with this issue so the new council people will have an opportunity to have input and therefore own the negotiations process.

Andrew Blount, Candidate for 2012 City Council said - A few minutes ago, Mr. Songstad, you mentioned my name in the same sentence as "political gain".  I don't appreciate that.  The sentiments of my comments were that I too would like to see this put to rest. I don't believe the approach we have in the letter is the best way to put it to rest. I'd like to sincerely see it behind us and I truly believe that our response doesn't do you the service that you should have.  My apologies if you took it wrong, I certainly didn't mean to say anything that was offensive.  With regard to item 10.2  In 42 days there will be an  election with 2 members stepping down from the council and I'm certain that the new members would like to have some input on these negotiations.

Dr. Raghu Mathur, Candidate for 2012 City Council said the public expects and demands total openness and transparency in decisions at City Hall especially with hard earned taxpayer dollars and employee negotiations.  There is already a lot of concern about the compensation level of the City Manager let's not make that more complicated by any hasty conclusion of negotiations with the employee group just before the election. I'd like to assure the City Employees that they need not be concerned about the negotiations as their good work should always be respected, recognized and rewarded.  After the elections I expected the relations between the City and the Employees Association should remain as good as they are now or perhaps even better. I strongly support the concept of total openness in negotiations. As part of transparent practices, the public has a right to know the details of the Employee Associations's proposal and it's financial implications as well as the details of the City's counter proposal and it's financial implications.  Negotiations should occur with the assistance of an outside negotiator and an outside auditor to build public trust. Such transparency is essential considering the current debt at the National Level and increasing bankruptcies at the City level. (Mayor Carruth asked him to wrap it up) He continued with the word COIN was mentioned meaning developing more civic openness in negotiations. The more openness we can have at the council level the more trust we can develop. 

The Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday, October 9, 2012 7 pm, at City Hall.
Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at

CITY COUNCIL and CITY MANAGER REPORT CARD - Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests:

Bressette - F for voting for the City's Response to the Grand Jury that stated the Grand Jury Report should not have been directed to this City. P for voting for the new business.

Carruth - F for creating a Grand Jury Response that denies all responsibility by Laguna Hills.  F for voting for the City's Response to the Grand Jury that stated the Grand Jury Report should not have been directed to this City. P for voting for the new business.

KogermanP for voting against the City's Response to the Grand Jury that stated the Grand Jury Report should not have been directed to this City. P for voting for the new business.

Lautenschleger - F for creating a Grand Jury Response that denies all responsibility by Laguna Hills.  F for voting for the City's Response to the Grand Jury that stated the Grand Jury Report should not have been directed to this City. P for voting for the new business.

SongstadP for voting for the new business.

City Manager -  Nothing



Anonymous said... Hunt’s Hypocrisy: A Menagerie of Special Favors and the ‘Code of Silence’  Posted by Republican Willie Brown on September 25, 2012

Anonymous said... Sheriff’s candidate Hunt aided guns-case defense

Anonymous said...Support new candidates who support the call for more ethical behavior Not those who support the business as usual "not our problem" mentality shown in the response?  Ask yourself are you with the voters who want ethical governance or the outgoing incumbents who think their kind of behavior is acceptable? If you support the voters, why are you endorsed by the outgoing incumbents?


Anonymous said... What did you think about the latest edition of City Views using taxpayer money to tout "Big Economic Success" for the City?  That story failed to mention significant issues for residents surrounding their pronouncement of success, such as the hundreds of apartments going into Oakbrook Village which will bring the total number of apartments in that one area to 700 increasing congestion and traffic issues such as the need to widen nearby streets. It chose to focus on a few small businesses in the area and chose to eliminate any reference to the struggling businesses who are begging for a few more small tenant signs on their monument boards to let people know what businesses are in their centers. If they won't report both sides of issues they should not be using taxpayer money for this publication. I will not be voting in 2012 for candidates supported by long term council members who have failed the transparency test and continue to shamelessly use taxpayer money to publicize themselves.


Anonymous said... It's hard to believe that old issue of the City Manager and his exorbitant compensation and contract have not been taken care of by now. We hear a lot about the council members who were angry that this information became public but nothing from those same council members about correcting the problem. Obviously there has not been the will to do anything about that among the old guard council members. We need new council members who will take care of that and do it ASAP.

** WIN WIN Wednesday is an ongoing series of restaurant fundraisers that allow the Laguna Hills High School PTSA to fund many worthwhile programs such as "EVERY 15 MINUTES" (a vividly realistic drunk driving prevention presentation), the Award Winning "I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE" program and the SAFE and SOBER all night "GRAD NIGHT" that keeps our kids not only safe but in Laguna Hills and on campus continuing a 23 year tradition that makes us HAWK Proud! ** For Weekly Flyers & Schedule go to our web site at and please be sure to "LIKE US" on Facebook!

** Bring the WWW!! flyer to these participating restaurants on these dates and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the LHHS PTSA and you can now get durable and attractive business card size Win-Win-Wednesday Fan and Supporter Cards that contain all the info. for W-W-Wed on one side including how to subscribe to W-W-Wednesday to get your flyers, dates and Restaurant Information sent to you weekly on Wednesdays and the other side of the card will serve as a universal flyer, if you forget to bring a flyer. You can sign up for an e-blast at to have the weekly schedule and flyers for Win-Win-Wednesdays e-mailed to you.

October 3 - Pic Up Stix click on Pick Up Stix - all day
October 10 - On the Border (Aliso Viejo) - all day
October 17, - Flamingo's Mexican Grill and Bar (Laguna Hills) click on Flamingo's Mexican - all day
October 24 - Chipotle (Laguna Niguel) - ** (Only 4 pm to 7 pm)
October 31 - Mountain Mike's Pizza (Laguna Hills) - all day
November 7 - Five Guys Burgers (Mission Viejo) - all day
November 14 - Wine Works For Everyone (Mission Viejo) - all day
November 21 - Polly's Pies (Laguna Woods) - all day ( + Pies for Marine Families in cooperation with Teen Darkhorse at LHHS.)
November 28 - El Pollo Loco (LH) - all day
December 5 - Ruby's (LH) - all day
December 12 - BJ's Brewhouse (LH) - all day
December 19, Cafe Rio (LF) - all day
December 26 - Golden Baked Ham (LH) - all day everyday

**Don't forget to see our "WWW Everyday - Alpha Cleaners, Golden Baked Hams and ToGO's on our web site. Bring the flyers for these everyday partners and Support the businesses that support us! Sneak Peek at GRAD NIGHT Preview Nite event: Wednesday, June 13th, with our delicious participating restaurant sponsors.

** HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION - Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills

*** Team Dark Horse is Collecting donations now to pay for personal care products, snacks, magazines, training manuals, playing cards books, exercise equipment and other supplies for the 3/5 Marines who are deployment on 3 ships to the Middle East.

The 3/5 Marines - received much needed office furniture - 9 desks, 3 file cabinets, and 2 conference tables to be used by the Family Readiness Officer and in the 3/5 offices. This office furniture was donated by Reliable Wholesale Lumber, Inc. Team Dark Horse, the 3/5 Support group in Laguna Hills are very grateful to Reliable for their generous donation and to all the supporters who have contributed over the years. Vons Grocery Store in Laguna Niguel also donated $1,500 to help pay for the deck built by the Team Dark Horse Committee at the Marine Base in Camp Pendleton.

Donation checks can be made specifically to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, etc. The city's e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/ City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site by clicking on this link -

**Be sure to Go to the Team Dark Horse web site at to see how your donations are helping, and see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Facebook page by clicking on this link -

 ** NEWS STORIES AND BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS: Click on the links below to see the stories.
City officials abused power, grand jury says July 6th, 2012, 1:22 am · · posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer
Reader's weigh in: OC lacks will to battle 'shadow governments' Fred Smoller has been thinking about how to make local governments more efficient and accountable for some time.
City among worst for alcohol fueled crashes
Fullerton and Laguna Hills had the worst rates of crashes that involved underage drinkers
Read more at:
New Reports with 2011 Statistics for the 70 year old Orange County Animal Shelter that Laguna Hills still uses for it's citizens
Fewer Animals Killed at OC animal shelter in 2011
Total euthanasia rate of 53%. Fewer were killed in 2011 because fewer were impounded at the County Animal Shelter in 2011. January 31, 2012 Teri Sfzora
Three out of four cats still don't leave shelter alive Teri Sforza OC Watchdog
Kill Rate for Cats at the OC Animal Shelter in 2011 was 74% and only 17% adopted, down from 19% in 2010
Euthanasia Rate Stuck at Nearly 50% at O.C. Animal Care County Shelter finally admits killing animal for space in this story.
Fred Smoller,The Brandman University Professor of Public Administration, "who offended the power elite" when his Master's Degree students won awards assisting Council Member Kogerman to research the total compensation of City Managers in Orange County has just resigned from his post. Why did this happen? - Click on
Which city council makes the most money?
LA Times: Laguna Hills City Manager Salary,0,1126677.story
In O.C., city pay can be steep, but it’s not ‘abusive’ June 20th, 2011
June 9, 2011 ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY REPORT - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities
City manager says compensation is fair
Political rebel faces an uphill battle
Councilwoman: Public pay report inaccurate, self serving
OC Watchdog Lavish health benefits slashed in Laguna Hills, Tustin
After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer Click on for more of this story.
No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?
Gold-plated benefits? New councilwoman just says ‘no’
OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits
O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members
Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount."
OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."

** CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SAY the DARNDEST THINGS IN PUBLIC! - Memorable and surprising Public Quotes from City Council Members

February 14, 2012 - Mayor Pro-Tem Lautenschleger said, about concerns from grandparents regarding exhaust fumes from Alicia Pkwy. blowing onto the sports field at the Community Center - "The prevailing wind is always off the ocean blowing East so it's blowing from the soccer fields onto Alicia and across that way."
Another fact checking problem - The Santa Ana Winds which are most common from
October through March blow from the East to the West - from Alicia Pkwy. and Paseo de Valencia right on to that sports field.

November 27, 2011 - Regarding the ordinance establishing parks as “Child Safety Zones, Council Member Joel Lautenschleger stated, “Let's make one thing perfectly clear, there have been no sex crimes against children in the City since we incorporated."
Should have done some fact checking before speaking so boldly, Mr. Lautenschleger.

According to information from the OC Sheriff's Dept. there have been 32 child molests in Laguna Hills in the past 11 years. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.

January 10, 2012 - Council Member Songstad said, "I find it interesting that we are in a discussion where we are being asked to provide less information rather than more information, I thought transparency was all about providing more information."
To clarify for Council Member Songstad "Transparency" is not simply an amount of information - Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Transparency) - free from pretense or deceit, easily detected or seen through, obvious, readily understood, characterized by visibility or accessibility of information. Wikipedia (Transparency Behavior) - Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. All organizations have a transparency culture, but few have a culture of transparency, i.e., a culture of being aware of transparency and incorporating it routinely into how things are done.

October 11, 2011 - Regarding Intent to Vacate Public Service Easements (Tree Pockets) along Paseo de Valencia and between Alicia and La Paz. Mayor Songstad concluded with, "Alright its been moved and seconded. Everybody understand what the action is here? We're setting a public hearing, blah, blah, blah. All in favor"

June 10, 2008- Mayor Allan Songstad said "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."
Thank you Mayor Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking " the residents with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 20 years.

October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that."
So true, Allan, so unfortunately true unless you change members of the city council.

** CRIME IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - For a roundup of Laguna Hills police calls check the Saddleback Valley News every Friday or click on -   You can contact the Sheriff's Dispatch at 949-425-1800.

** WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the Orange County Register Newspaper Letters to the Editor: E-mail to Please provide your name, city of residence and phone number (phone numbers will not be published). Letters of 200 words will be given preference.  Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity. 


Anonymous said...

We must get honest knowledgable folks running our local county state and national government. It is our country and they work for us they are our employees and must do their jobs or be replaced. Clint Eastwood said it so well!!! Back to "We the People".

Anonymous said...

When Ms. Janice Voshall took the speakers stand at Tuesday night's City Council meeting little did she know she was about to be subjected, yet again, to abuse from a Laguna Hills councilman. "Can you tell me approximately how many hours you contributed to Mrs. Kogerman's campaign Randy Bressette asked. Thinking the question was how many hours of research Ms. Voshall did, she answered 120…The undisputed fact is Ms. Voshall didn't work for Barbara Kogerman's campaign..Instead, she and another student earned college credit for the 120 hours they spent doing the research used in council woman's Barbara Kogerman's report, and Bressette and Carruth and Lautenschleger and Songstad all know that!

Reasonable people can disagree. Citizens who opposed the councils response to the Grand Jury took to the podium and made their disagreements known. None were mean spirited or disrespectful. Then Bressette, ever the political opportunist, went to the gutter to discredit and destroy Ms. Voshall…..again. Why? Simply to prove to the old guard he's a team player.

Ms Voshall's reputation and career should be above the petty politics often on display in our chamber and as such if Bressette misspoke, he needs to publicly apologize and set the record straight.

John Bosch

Anonymous said...

If they have nothing to hide, then they should support having the transcripts released. Only then can we find out the truth. Songstad is the past president of the ACCOC I believe.

Anonymous said...

Here is another reason why we don't want an added bike lane heading south on Paseo de Valencia.
Making the car lanes smaller and adding a bike lane on top of it will only add to more accidents.
We get at least one accident a week it seems on Paseo de Valencia down from Sunset Place.
We have a nice greenbelt with a bike path for bikers now. Why should we and they risk their lives to ride on the street

Anonymous said...

From OC Political - A right of center blog covering local, statewide and national politics.
Posted by Republican Willie Brown on September 25, 2012
Hunt’s Hypocrisy: A Menagerie of Special Favors and the ‘Code of Silence’
Sep 25, 2012 ... The bottom line: Electing Bill Hunt to the Laguna Hills City Council will mean one thing – opening up all the scandals and disgraceful behavior ...

Anonymous said...

Did any of those long term city council members thoroughly vet Bill Hunt before they endorsed him and if so what were they thinking? I took a look at the web site for his illustrations at and there is no doubt that he is a talented illustrator, but the content of the illustrations would, from my perspective, be very inappropriate for the community coming from a city council member. Hunt absolutely has a right to freedom of speech including his illustrations and I as a voter have a right to decide the standards I wish to be upheld by members of our city council. For me, This is just not an acceptable image for our city.