Laguna Hills Watch Dog
HEADLINES/ ITEMS OF POSSIBLE INTEREST for the Tuesday, November 13, 2012, Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - 7 PM at City Hall
** Consider Attending a Council Meeting to express your opinion on items of interest to you or just to observe.
** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS - The Counting of votes for Laguna Hills City Council continues and we are reporting them every night after 5 pm on the Laguna Hills Watch Dog Web site - (see the Wed.Nov 27, 2012 blog report for new totals - just below this report), but Congratulations to Andrew Blount and Dr. Dore Gilbert, who appear to be our 2 new Laguna Hills City Council Members.
1. PRESENTATIONS and PROCLAMATIONS - LHHS Student Liaison Report - Adam Wong - alternate Amanda Jafee
2. CONSENT CALENDAR Items of interest -
Item 4.3 - 2012-13 Budget Amendment - Staff Request for the City Council to approve a $25,000 amendment to the 2012-13 Civic Center Budget for their campaign to lease Suite 100 at City Hall. Staff report states the City would be also required to make a significant upfront capital investment to $334,838 to $358,240 to lease this space.
Item 4.5 - Request for Grant of a Waterline Easement for a Recycled Waterline to the El Toro Water District at VEEH Ranch Park to install recycled water lines for irrigation use in North Laguna Hills and Laguna Woods
Item 4.6 - Request for Authorization to file a Grant Application with the State Dept. of Resources, Recycling and Recovery for Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Funding
3. CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARINGS: Item 6.3.1 - A request from Laguna Hills Investment Company to Redevelop OAKBROOK VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER located at 24231-24391 Avenida de la Carlota. The Re-development Plan, to be built in 2 phases, would include up to 489 residential units in multistory residential buildings. A total of 148,530 sq. ft. of the existing commercial building area would be demolished to accommodate the new construction of 289 residential units and 23,974 sq. ft. of retail space under phase 1. Phase 2 would include up to an additional 200 residential rental units and 58,500 feet of new retail space. Under phase 2 total retail space would be reduced to 125,000 sq ft. The residential rental units with be 1 and 2 bedroom with square footages of 700 to 1,100 sq. ft. The residential building would be up to 5 stories high and include tower elements.
4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - Item 7.2.1 - Web site Community Bulletin Board - Staff recommendation that the city council authorize staff to develop a community bulletin board on the City's web site for the posting of non-commercial messages to promote community events and activities in accordance with administrative policies.
5. MATTERS AGENDIZED AND PRESENTED BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND MAYOR - Item 8.1.1 - From Council Member Bressette - Drowning Prevention Information Program
Item 10.1 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - City Manager Channing and Assist. City Manager White with the Employee Organization - Laguna Hills City Employees Association.
Item 10.2 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency Negotiator John Goss, Labor Representative for unrepresented employee - City Manager Channing regarding Terms and Condidtions of Employment.
Item 10.3 - Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Regarding the Annual Performance Evaluation of City Manager Channing.
The 3/5 Marines adopted by the City of Laguna Hills
Team Dark Horse Baby Shower for 23 Marine Expectant Mothers whose husbands are currently deployed on ships to the Middle East was a great success and Team Dark Horse is Collecting Donations now for an Early Christmas Party for Gifts and Toys for the families of the Deployed Marines. Collection Boxes have been placed at:
Laguna Hills City Hall and Community Center,
Total Wine (in LH where the old Circuit City used to be),
Nellie Gail Ranch HOA Club House and Equestrian Center,
Laguna Hills Mall,
Players Sports Tavern (in LH corner of Moulton and Ridge Route).
** Toys and gift donations need to be unwrapped, please, and there will be 300 children - 100 children are 2 years old or under and the rest range up through teenagers.
** Win-Win-Wednesday Schedule - Check the WWWednesday web site at to find the current hosts and download flyers to take to the eating establishments.
November 14 - Wine Works For Everyone (Mission Viejo) - all day
November 21 - Polly's Pies (Laguna Woods) - all day (+ Pies for Marine Families in cooperation with Teen Darkhorse at LHHS.)
November 28 - El Pollo Loco (LH) - all day
December 5 - Ruby's (LH) - all day
December 12 - BJ's Brewhouse (LH) - all day
December 19 - Cafe Rio (LF) - all day
December 26 - Golden Baked Ham (LH) - all day everyday!
CONGRATULATIONS TO WIN-WIN-WEDNESDAY FOR THEIR SUCCESS - THEY ARE BOOKED THROUGH THE END OF THE YEAR!!! Way To Go Win-Win- Meg and all the others who worked to make this project such a success! Huge Thank Yous also go out to all the participating eating establishments and to all the W-W-Wed. Supporters who all Win-Win by helping our schools and our businesses through enjoying delicious meals on Wednesdays.
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