Saturday, January 5, 2013

Laguna Hills Watch Dog - HEADLINES/ ITEMS OF POSSIBLE INTEREST for the Tuesday, January 8, 2013 LAGUNA HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - 7 PM at City Hall

** Consider Attending a Council Meeting to express your opinion on items of interest to you or just to observe.

** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS REPORT CARDS - How did they score?  - Laguna Hills Watch Dog's City Council and City Manager Report Card Scores for the Year 2012 will be published with the January 8, 2013 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting Report. There were significant changes related to the Citizen Friendly scores of some council members.


Item 1.1 - Laguna Hills Sheriff's Deputy of the Year goes to Deputy Brian Gunsolley who is the Student Resource Officer (SRO) for Laguna Hills' schools.
Item 1.2 - LHHS Student Liaison Report from Adam Wong
Item 1.3 - A Presentation on LHHS Spanish Immersion Program plus and award for the teacher. Item 1.4 - Presentation on the I-5 Project between El Toro and the SR-73

2. CONSENT CALENDAR Items of interest - None

3. WARRANT REGISTER Items of Interest - $18,402.93 to Faubel Public Affairs for the Winter Edition of "CITY VIEWS" plus $2,500 for Postage for CITY VIEWS = $20,902.93

4. CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARINGS - Item 5.4.1 - Request for Conditional Use Permit for Leasing of Commercial space for Exercise Facilities on Cabot Rd.  Online Report States that after circulating the Public Hearing Notice for this project, staff determined that the applicant's proposal does not require a Conditional Use Permit application and staff recommends termination of this application.

5.  CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS - Item 6.1 - City's Application for Block Grant Funds for Improvements at the Florence Sylvester Senior Center for 2013.

6.  ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - Item 7.2.1 - Discussion of what to include to draw more people to Laguna Hills' Earth Day Event for 2013

7.  MATTERS AGENDIZED and PRESENTED by COUNCIL MEMBERS and MAYOR - Item 8.1.1 *** For everyone who had applied for or is considering applying for a position on the City's Parks and Recreation Commission or on the Traffic Commission there will be a discussion  of a Postponement of Interviews and Re-advertisement for these City's Parks and Rec. and Traffic Commission Openings.

8.  CLOSED SESSION - Item 10.1 - Another Public Employee Performance Evaluation - City Manager Session.

** Information, Comments, Questions, Concerns from LH Watch Dog Readers from the previous blog post - ABOUT:  Carruth's "True Market Forces" speech;  Belly to Belly with Blount ;  Giving Private Information in Public;  Trust in City Government;  Kogerman as Mayor;  Building Community;  Laguna Hills' Trash Hauler and Political Campaigns

** The 3/5 Marines adopted by the City of Laguna Hills
Team Dark Horse says THANK YOU,  **BE SURE TO GO TO THE TEAM DARK HORSE web site at to SEE HOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE HELPING, Team Dark Horse now has PayPal online here in addition to its mailing address for donations and see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Face book page by clicking on this link -
address for donations.

** Win-Win-Wednesday Schedule - Check the WWWednesday web site at to find the current hosts and download flyers to take to the eating establishments.

January 9 - Cool Beans - all day
January 16 - Chili's (Aliso Viejo) - all day
January 23 - Daphne's (Aliso Viejo) - all day

**Don't forget to see the "WWW Everyday Partners - Alpha Cleaners, Golden Baked Hams and ToGO's on our web site. Bring the flyers for these everyday partners and Support the businesses that support us!

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