Laguna Hills Watch Dog - HEADLINES/ ITEMS OF POSSIBLE INTEREST for the Tuesday, March 12, 2013 LAGUNA HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - 7 PM at City Hall
** Consider Attending a Council Meeting to express your opinion on items of interest to you or just to observe.
** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS - What's On You're Mind? Meet with your Mayor, Barbara Kogerman, and Share your Questions/Concerns over a no-host coffee, bagel or breakfast at Latte Da Bagelry and Grill on the northeast corner of Alicia Pkwy. and Paseo de Valencia at 25461 Alicia Pkwy. Across PDV from the Laguna Hills Community Center. Meet the Mayor Every Saturday 9 am to 11 am in February and March. Each Saturday, through the end of March, "Meet the Mayor" will continue to be at Latte Da Bagelry and Grill from 9 to 11 am for good conversation and good food. Come on out and Meet the Mayor, it's a great way to Build Community!!
** Community Builder Meg Gorham assisted the Mayor last Saturday while the Mayor performed another civic duty. This Saturday, March 9, New Council Member Dore Gilbert will be joining Mayor Kogerman.
** YOU CAN ALSO LISTEN TO YOUR MAYOR, Barbara Kogerman. ON FM RADIO- KSBR (88.50). She is being interviewed the day before and the day after each City Council Meeting by Dawn Kamber of Saddleback Community College's FM radio station. The interviews will be played in 30-second spots, every hour and half-hour from 6 am through 9 am on the day of and two days after the council meetings. Their regular programming throughout this time is easy-listening jazz.
The 2nd and Last LAGUNA HILLS GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE WORKSHOP will be held on Thursday, May 9, 2013. It will establish the City’s housing goals and policies covering the period between 2014 and 2021. Residents and other stakeholders interested in housing-related matters affecting the city are invited to attend the public workshops hosted by the City of Laguna Hills Community Development Department. For more information, contact Julie Molloy, Senior Planner at 949-707-2671 or
Item 1.1 - LHHS Student Liaison Report from Amanda Jafee - alternate Kerstyn Gonzales
Item 1.2 - Certificates of Recognition for significant accomplishments made by athletes at Laguna Hills High School were presented to the Laguna Hills High School Championship Girls Tennis Team.
Item 1.3 - Laguna Hills 3/5 Marine Support Committee Update by Mike Bland who will read a very special Thank You letter from a 3/5 Marine to the City and all the wonderful supporters!!
2. Minutes from the Feb. 19, 2013 City Council Study Session/Workshop are now posted on the City web site at: See what changes the from previous years were.
3. CONSENT CALENDAR Items of interest -
Item 4.3 - Progress Payment for La Paz Rd. widening at I-5
Item 4.4 - Lease Agreement with Dentist Koorosh Hosn, DDS for Suite 230 at City Hall
4. WARRANT REGISTER = $241,829.37
Items of Interest from Warrant Register - None
Item 5.4.1 - A request to subdivide the Cabot Town Center Property into 4 parcels at 25214-25272 Cabot Rd. in the Freeway Commercial Zone District. ** At the Feb. 26 Council meeting, staff recommended continuing this item to the March 12, 2013 Council Meeting to allow additional time to consult with the applicant. Staff recommends continuing this item again to the March 26 council meeting fro the same reason stated previously.
Item 7.2.1 - Preparation for the April 2, City Council Budget Strategy Session. In a series of meetings each Council Member will submit his/her favorite Major Plans for consideration by all of the council members. Council Members will then rate all the Major Plans proposed by Council Members, Management Staff, and City Commissions to move plans forward to the Budget Process.
Item 7.3.1 - 1st reading of an ordinance of the Laguna Hills Municipal Code establishing dates, times and location of city council regular meetings to move the start time for CLOSED SESSION Meetings to 6 pm, prior to city council meetings, instead of after city council meetings.
8. CITY CLERK - Unscheduled Parks and Rec. Commission Vacancy
Item 7.4.1 - Recommendation that city council select a date for interviews to fill the unscheduled Parks and Rec. Commission Vacancy or review all current and new applications and appoint an individual to fill the vacancy. ** There are 14 applications from 12 people who have been interviewed plus 2 new applicants.
** Information, Comments, Questions, Concerns from LH Watch Dog Readers from the previous blog post - ABOUT: More Attention to Need for Transparency - from the Mayor, 3 Minute Limit for Council Member Comments , Hitching Rail and Watering Tank at La Paz and Moulton Shopping Center
** Win-Win-Wednesday Schedule - Check the Win-Win-Wednesday web site at to find the current hosts and download flyers to take to the eating establishments.
March 13 - California Pizza Kitchen (LH Mall) - all day
March 20 - Lulu's French Creperie (LH) - all day
March 27 - Chick fil-A (LH) - all day
April 3 - Spring Break TBD - all day
April 10 - Mangia Bene Cuchina (LN) Laguna Niguel - all day
April 17 - Deemer's American Grill (LN) - all day
April 24 - Fuddrucker's (LF) - all day
**Don't forget to see the "WWW Everyday Partners - Alpha Cleaners, Golden Baked Hams and ToGo's on our web site. Bring the flyers for these everyday partners and Support the businesses that support us!
The 3/5 Marines adopted by the City of Laguna Hills
Team Dark Horse says THANK YOU, **BE SURE TO GO TO THE TEAM DARK HORSE web site at to SEE HOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE HELPING, Team Dark Horse and now has PayPal online, in addition to its mailing address, and see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Face book page by clicking on this link - address for donations. ***This week one of the 3/5 Marines wrote a very special thank you letter to the City and all the wonderful supporters.
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