Friday, September 27, 2013

**UPDATE - Tuesday Oct. 1, 2013 -  This Saturday's Walk With the Mayor (on Saturday, Oct. 5) will take the Avila Trail, former site of the Avila Adobe built in 1842.  We will meet at 9am in the parking lot next to Wendys on Alicia at the 5 Freeway. We'll follow the Avila Trail to Paseo de Valencia, turn right, then follow the Aliso Creek Trail north.  We'll then head north then turn right away from the sidewalk, turn right on the connector trail, pass over Aliso Creek, then left on the Avila Trail back to the trailhead.
Laguna Hills Watch Dog
Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - September 24, 2013

** Please Consider Attending a Council Meeting to express your opinion on items of interest to you or just to observe.  Citizen Alerts/HEADLINES for future City Council Meetings will be listed on this blog site within 4 days prior to a meeting.


** The City's sound system was not working during this meeting so there is no online audio or video, as of 9-25-13, for this meeting.

** We want to say how sorry we are about the death of Officer Jon Coutchie, a 41-year-old Laguna Beach police officer was killed on duty last Saturday night.  He graduated from Laguna Hills High School in 1989 and was selected as a motor officer in March 2013.  We recognize that being a motor officer is dangerous work done to protect all of us on our streets and our hearts and prayers go out to Officer Coutchie's family and friends and to his wonderful girlfriend, Tara Young, who is also a 1989 LHHS grad. and family friend.,0,4851837.story

GET FIT and ENJOY the TRAILS OF LAGUNA HILLS - Mayor Launches Saturday Morning Walks

Continuing her Saturday morning tradition of meeting with residents, Laguna Hills Mayor Barbara Kogerman is launching a Walk with the Mayor” program meeting every SaturdayWalkers can meet the Mayor at 9 a.m. this Saturday, Sept. 28, in front of the Community Center at Alicia and Paseo de Valencia in Laguna Hills. Mayor Kogerman said, “Our first walk will be brief due to an unexpected commitment but participants will be welcome to continue on their own.”

Kogerman’s Saturday morning walks promote the City’s Get Fit Campaign. Participants will be visiting a different trail each week and getting fit while having a captive audience with the Mayor.  Participants should bring water, wear comfortable shoes and use plenty of sunscreen. Dogs on a leash (with doggie bags) are welcome.  We’ll also pick up trash along the way.  “Fresh air and exercise, pleasant scenery, good conversation, and sprucing up our trails – what better way to spend a Saturday morning?” Kogerman asks.

To learn more about the City’s trails download the City’s new interactive app via the smart phone’s app store by typing Laguna Hills in the search bar to install the app.  Go to “Places,” then tap on “Trails” to find a map and directions.  Or visit the City’s web site at  Go to “Departments,” tap on ”Community Parks,” and use the interactive map (not available on iPads).  Check the City’s calendar of events for each week’s walk site.

** YOU CAN LISTEN TO YOUR MAYOR, Barbara Kogerman. ON FM RADIO- KSBR (88.50). 
Interviews  with Mayor Kogerman by Dawn Kamber of Saddleback Community College's FM radio station will be played in 30-second spots, every hour and half-hour from 6 am through 9 am on the day of and two days after each council meeting. The regular programming is easy-listening jazz.

Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - FEATURES DIRECTORY

** Closed Session - None
** The City of Laguna Hills opened and closed this City Council Meeting, led by Mayor Kogerman, paying their respects to Laguna Beach Police Officer, Jon Coutchie. Mayor Kogerman told us " A HAWK has Fallen" noting that Jon was a Laguna Hills High School 1989 graduate. Our Laguna Hills Chief of Police, Lt. Tom Behrens paid tribute to Jon and Karin Caputo, a long term friend from High School, presented a dynamic verbal portrait of Jon that left all of us who had not met Jon wishing we had been fortunate enough to know him.,0,4851837.story
** Presentations and Proclamations:
Item 1.1 -  Report from Laguna Hills High School Student Liaison Kerstyn Gonzales for the 2013 Fall Semester. CLUB RUSH , COLLEGE NIGHT, WELCOME BACK LUAU, HOMECOMING DANCE, SPORTS, JOIN the LHHS PTSA, Subscribe to HAWK HAPPENINGS. and *** WIN-WIN-EVERYDAY with EVERYDAY PARTNERS
Item 1.2 - Fire Prevention Week

** Public Comments:  None
** Consent Calendar - Warrant Register - $771,237.09
** Items of Interest from the Warrant Register- None
** Items of Interest from the Consent Calendar:
Item 4.3 - Claim Against the City for $175,000
Item 4.4 - Rejection of BID Protests, Waiver of minor BID irregularities and Award of
Contract for the La Paz Open Space Improvements to the apparently low bidder Environmental Construction, Inc for $1,073,627.85.
Item 4.5 - Bicycle Corridor Improvement Program Funding Application
** Items Pulled from the Warrant Register pulled for discussion - None
** Items pulled from the Consent Calendar pulled for discussion - Iterms 4.4 and 4.5
** City Council/Planning Agency Public Hearings -
Item 5.5.1 -  Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Permit to make Courtyard Renovations and to construct a pool and Fitness Center at THE HILLS HOTEL was tabled.
** City Council Public Hearings -
Item 6.1 - Zone Change and zoning Text Amendment to Title 9 of the Laguna Hills Municipal Code to establish and Hospitality Overlay Zone was tabled.
** Administrative Reports:
Item 7.2.1 - PUBLIC COMMENT on the Initial Study for the I-5 widening project from State Route 73 to El Toro Rd. See highlights from the discussion below to see how this I-5 freeway widening could affect you and your property, and Be Sure You Don't miss your chance to get more information and comment next time around especially if you live near the construction areas or are in need of a sound wall.
** From the August 27, 2013 LAGUNA HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - Still no explanation to the taxpayers from Assistant City Manager Don White for why the City of Laguna Hills paid an additional $46,117.00 on August 27, 2013 for fiscal year 2012-13 to OC Animal Control after Don told us we were not going to pay anymore this fiscal year and had a $28,000 credit going into the 4th quarter?  His lack of an explanation brings up additional questions related to why the City would pay any bills without knowing if they are correct?
** Matters Agendized and Presented by Council Members and Mayor- None
** City Council Member Comments - About: Notices of Power Outages that don't happen for businesses, Problems with new stop signs and cross walk at Gallup Park, Books from Team Dark Horse, Sat. Morning Walk with the Mayor, League of Cities Conference Report.
** City Council Members Report Card - How did they score?
** Information, Comments, Questions, Concerns from LH Watch Dog Readers from the previous blog post  ABOUT: City Manager Channing's offer to pay a portion of the "employee portion" of his PERS Retirement Benefit:   Assist. City Manager's failure to explain to the taxpayers why the City is paying more money to the County Shelter after he told us there was no more to pay this fiscal year and there was a $28.000 credit.

** You can place comments in the "COMMENTS" section at the bottom of this blog report and see comments there from others and you can send comments to   Your name will not be used in the comments section unless you give permission.

** HOW TO SUPPORT OUR 3/5 ADOPTED MARINES and UPDATES FROM - TEAM DARK HORSE - ***  The new Commanding Officer of the 3/5 Marines, Lt. Col. Robert Rice and Sargent Major Ruiz will attend the Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting and tell us about the Commanding Officer's  vision for the 3/5 and what the 3/5 will be doing for the next 2 years.
*** The gently used dress collection was a huge success thanks to all of who donated your dresses to the Marines for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball!
Plus - See 2 special messages to Laguna Hills from 3/5 Marines, Wounded Warrior Capt. Cameron West and Corporal Travis Haggerty.
** NEWS STORIES and BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS - find more in the OC Register online under "City-by-City News" - "Laguna Hills" and in the OC Watchdog
** FIND the CRIME IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - Look at Crime Reports for your Neighborhood at OC Sheriff's Blotter- You can contact the Sheriff's Dispatch by phone at 949-425-1800

Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - September 24, 2013
Council Member Dore Gilbert was absent, all others were present
Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -

CLOSED SESSION - None  **Congratulations to Mayor Barbara Kogerman, and the new Council Members who changed the order of the council meetings to place "Closed Sessions" 1st rather than last on the Agenda. This increases transparency for Laguna Hills Citizens and allows for Public Comments as well as a report to the citizens, from each Closed Session, during the regular time period for City Council Meetings.

Mayor Kogerman said Laguna Beach Police Motor Officer, Jon Coutchie, who was killed over the weekend felt like one of our own because so many here know and love him. She introduced our Laguna Hills Police Chief,  Lt. Tom Behrens who paid tribute to Jon and Karin Caputo, a long time friend from Laguna Hills High School, who presented a dynamic verbal portrait of Jon that left all of us who had not met Jon wishing we had been fortunate enough to know him. She noted there were other friends of Jon in the audience.  
Karin Caputo, Laguna Hills Resident and wife of Mike Caputo who is on the Laguna Hills Traffic Commission.  Karin said Jon had been one of her dearest friends for 25+ years, since her freshman year at LHHS. He was a varsity athlete, water polo player, and wrestler.  He was tall, good looking and strong and everybody who knew him loved him. She said she was lucky to be his friend and loved him too. She added that Jon spent 4 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was 30 years old when 9-11 happened and he joined the Special Ops. Army Rangers.  He fought hard there and lost a lot of his friends. He joined the police force when he returned and has been there ever since. Karin said she was so proud of him and she went on some ride-a-longs with him in Laguna Beach that included some fast chases and arrests.  He was fearless, selfless and a strong, amazing, good man. She added she wanted people to know that he was a hero that was young with a full life ahead of him. He would not want people talking about him on facebook because he was so private, but he did so much good. He gave to a Boys and Girls Fund and would buy for multiple children, but never did anything for recognition, just from the goodness of his heart. She showed a photo of Jon and said she was blessed to call him her friend. She added it's tragic that he isn't here anymore but he did what he loved, helping people.  She said she hoped everyone says a prayer for him and his family.

Laguna Hills Police Chief,  Lt. Tom Behrens explained that Motor Officer Jon , 42 years old, was involved in an on duty traffic collision when pursuing a suspected reckless driver. He said he didn't know Jon personally but Jon had been with the Laguna Beach police dept. for the past 5 years, but spoke with a close friend in the Laguna Beach PD and was told that Jon was a terrific guy, the kind of guy that made everybody smile and a good hard working cop who loved his family, his country and loved to work at the beach. He said in honor of Jon's sacrifice for the public the Police are all wearing black bands over their badges and are flying their flags at half staff.

Mayor Kogerman thanked the speakers and everyone clapped for them.  Mayor Kogerman added that the LHHS student Liaison is learning tonight that sometime you have to follow things that are tough to follow.


Item 1.1 - LHHS Student Liaison Report from Kerstyn Gonzales:
Kerstyn offered her condolences for Officer Coutchie and announced that CLUB RUSH began on Sept. 23 and runs through Friday, Sept. 27. This gives students the opportunity to see what the different LHHS clubs have to offer. Make sure that you take a look at all these great opportunities to get involved.  If anyone is interested in starting a club, go  to the ASB office for information ASAP. The 3rd annual COLLEGE NIGHT on Oct. 8, is a great opportunity to meet and get information from over representatives from over 140 colleges and universities. Learn about admissions, financial aid and on-campus housing.  Baja Fresh will be selling food and drinks.  The LHHS Choir Music Dept. is having a WELCOME BACK LUAU at LHHS on Saturday, Sept. 28 from 5 to 9 pm. There will be  entertainment from Le Polynesia Cultural Performers and authentic Hawaiian Cuisine from Nalu's Island Grill.  Tickets are $25 each and are on sale at LHHS's 1st 2 football games. There are no tickets at the door.  The HOMECOMING DANCE is on Oct. 12. 

SPORTS:  Junior Boy's Cross Country won the division 3 Junior Boy's Race. The Varsity Football Team had a win at Northwood and lost against Foothill.  Girl's Volleyball had a great win this week.  Water Polo had their first game today.

JOIN the LHHS PTSA. - You can submit a  Membership Form and payment to the LHHS Front Desk.  PTSA General Assembly Meetings are scheduled for the following days: October 14th (come meet the new principal from 6:30-7:00), December 9th, January 13th, February 10th, March 10th, April 14th, May 12 and June 3rd.  All meetings are at 7:00pm in the MPR.  PTSA is looking for committee chair people.  If you are interested, contact Karen Heffernan at 949-547-4066 or   For more information on PTSA and all its wonderful programs, visit the LHHS PTSA Website.
** To learn what is happening at LHHS now and all year long - Subscribe to Hawk Happenings at:   This is a free e-mail subscription.  GO HAWKS!!

** WIN WIN Everyday Partners is a fundraising project of the Laguna Hills High School PTSA.  Please support our local Everyday Partners and in return, they will donate a portion of their proceeds to the LHHS PTSA. This all year long fund raising effort helps the Laguna Hills High School PTSA fund many worthwhile programs such as "EVERY 15 MINUTES" (a vividly realistic drunk driving prevention presentation), the award winning "I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE" program and the "SAFE and SOBER all night "GRAD NIGHT" that keeps our kids not only safe but in Laguna Hills and on campus continuing a 23 year tradition that makes us HAWK Proud!  See our "WWW Everyday Partners" - Alpha Cleaners, Golden Baked Hams, ToGO's, Subway, Supercuts, and Latte Da Bagelry & Grill on our web site at   Go to "Every Day Partners" and click on the name of the business to download flyers to take with you to these Every Day Partners and Support The Businesses That Support Us!

Item 1.2 - Proclamation - Fire Prevention Week -  From the Staff Report - The Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) would greatly appreciate the support of the City of Laguna Hills in proclaiming October 6 – 12, 2013, as “Fire Prevention Week.” This year’s theme focuses on public attention that cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires in the United States where fire departments responded to more than 156,000 annually between 2007 and 2011. An Open House will be held at OCFA Fire Station 22 on October 5, 2013, from 9 AM to 2 PM to kick off Fire Prevention Week. To wrap up the week, their Regional Fire Operations & Training Center (RFOTC) will also host an Open House on October 12, 2013, from 10 AM to 3 PM, which is located at 1 Fire Authority Road, in the City of Irvine. Battalion Chief Art Nevarez from the Orange County Fire Authority was present at the council meeting to receive the Proclamation.
***The Fire Authority said they will install smoke alarms, at no charge, for people who can't do that themselves and make a request for the installation to be done for them by calling the OC Fire Authority Headquarters or going to the fire station.    ** The City Presented the OC Fire Authority with a Proclamation declaring Oct. 6 to 12 Fire Prevention Week throughout the City.


Item 4.2 - Warrant Register  - $771,237.09
** Items of Interest from the Warrant Register: None

** Items of Interest from the Consent Calendar: Mayor Kogerman announced that - FOR ALL FUTURE MEETINGS THE MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETINGS WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE CONSENT CALENDAY TO SPEED THINGS ALONG AND MAKE MEETINGS MORE EFFICIENT!  The Minutes of the last meeting on Sept. 10, 2013 were corrected by Mayor Kogerman to reflect that the City's letter in support of the proposed renovation of the Saddleback College Athletic Stadium, as explained by Mayor Pro-Tem Blount.  Blount stated, The Minutes say that we're not in favor of a bond issue, but we never had a discussion of whether or not we were in favor of a bond issue, the discussion was this letter shouldn't be used to show favor for a bond issue. That's an entirely different discussion.    

Item 4.3 - Claim Against the City for $175,000 re. Auto Accident at the intersection of Moulton Pkwy and Nellie Gail Rd. Staff Recommendation is that the City Council reject the claim.

Item 4.4 - Rejection of BID Protests, Waiver of minor BID irregularities and Award of Contract for the La Paz Open Space Improvements to the apparently low bidder - Environmental Construction, Inc for $1,073,627.85.  Staff report states 12 bids were received.

Item 4.5 - Bicycle Corridor Improvement Program Funding Application
Staff Recommendation that the city council approve the Grant Application for the Bicycle Corridor Improvement Program and Adopt a Resolution authorizing and application for funds under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st century Federal Transportation Act for the La Paz Open Space Bikeway Project.  Project cost is estimated to be $777,000 and a 20% match is a requirement of the $155,400 required from the City's General Fund for this project budgeted in the "future" category.

** Items of pulled from the Consent Calendar for Discussion

Item 4.4 was pulled by staff and Council Member Bressette. Item 4.5 was pulled by Mayor Kogerman.  The rest of the Consent Calendar was passed by a Vote of 4 - 0.

Item 4.4 - Discussion resulted in a color correction for the color of the horse corral by Council Member Carruth who preferred a specific shade of light beige to dark green, at the remodeled shopping center at Moulton and La Paz.

Item 4.5 - Mayor Kogerman pulled this item to state that she was happy to see that we were applying for this Grant and thanked Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services.

VOTE Items 4.4 and 4.5 were both passed 4 - 0


Item 5.5.1 -  Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Permit to make Courtyard Renovations and to construct a pool and Fitness Center at THE HILLS HOTEL
Staff recommends that the Planning Agency table this item to allow time for preparation of a Conditional Use Permit that will accompany this project. The Conditional Use Permit included in the existing project is strictly to allow for shared parking to occur between the hotel and its accessory uses. After researching the entitlement history of The Hills Hotel,
staff has determined that a Conditional Use Permit is also necessary to permit expansion of a legal non-conforming use. 
*** This item was tabled by staff for corrections to the item and will return at a future council meeting under a slightly different title.
VOTE - 4-0 to table this item.


Item 6.1 - Zone Change and zoning Text Amendment to Title 9 of the Laguna Hills Municipal Code to establish and Hospitality Overlay Zone.
Staff recommends that the City Council table this item to allow time for preparation of a General Plan Amendment that will accompany this project. Staff will re-circulate public hearing notices for this item when a public hearing date has been determined.
*** This item was  tabled by staff for corrections to the item and will return at a future council meeting under a slightly different title.
VOTE - 4-0 to table this item.


Item 7.2.1 - PUBLIC COMMENT on the Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment for the I-5 widening project from State Route 73 to El Toro Rd.

Staff recommends that the City Council table this item to allow time for preparation of a
General Plan Amendment that will accompany this project. Staff will re-circulate public

SUMMARY: The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), in cooperation with Caltrans District 12, has prepared a Project Report and subject Environmental Document to evaluate the impacts of three alternatives to widening Interstate 5 in south Orange County to reduce traffic congestion within this corridor. The environmental document is currently in the public review phase which will close on October 7, 2013.  While there are short term and long term impacts upon Laguna Hills, the lead agency, Caltrans, has determined that the impacts are not significant. The I-5 widening project, if approved, will likely be in the form of Alternative Two, the addition of one general purpose travel lane in each direction and other improvements, and would be primarily funded through the use of Measure M-2 funds with construction estimated to occur between 2018 and 2022. Staff will prepare and submit written comments as so directed by the City Council on any community concerns that are identified upon the review of the Environmental Document.

** No one from the public asked questions or commented at this meeting. The issues discussed mainly involved the area of the City surrounding the construction area and the issues of sound walls. Because there were no questions from the public, staff took questions only from Council Members to discuss in more depth and to submit to Caltrans for answers*** Written comments must be submitted to Caltrans by October 7, 2013, so if members of the public have anything to say they can contact the City quickly for questions and more information.

** Editor's Note - This discussion was exceptionally long and dry as evidenced by one person who remarked, "Just put a gun to my head" and Council Member Carruth who, during the discussion of sound walls, began referring to "atmospheric conditions and pollution".  Our guess is that she may have been thinking of TV's "The Dome" and how that might protect her from the rest of this discussion.  However, mercifully this time, this issue was presented by Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services, who did an excellent job of explaining it slowly, methodically and thoroughly in a manner that was as understandable as it could possibly be considering the enormous quantity of information.  If you live near the construction area or in an area where you believe a sound wall is required do attend a discussion of this issue so that you can better understand it
All the
Public Outreach Opportunities listed in the staff report are now over but stay in touch with the City web site and/or call/e-mail the City for opportunities for information and Public Input prior to Oct. 7, 2013, for future information regarding this project.  You can see more detailed information including maps on the city web site at  by looking under the Agenda for this city council meeting date and clicking on this item in the agenda and then clicking on all the staff reports that appear to the off to the side.  

Project Highlights from the discussion and from the Staff Report were:

La Paz Road
· Reconstruct the La Paz Road interchange, allowing for seven lanes under the structure (three through plus dedicated right turn in the eastbound (EB) direction and two through plus dedicated right turn in the westbound (WB) direction).
· Provide three through lanes on EB La Paz Road from Cabot Road to SB on-ramp.
· Convert the dedicated right turn lane from EB La Paz Road to Cabot Road to shared
through/right, provide dual left turn lanes from WB La Paz Road to Cabot Road
· Provide 5 ft shoulders, 7 ft sidewalks in both directions, 4 ft bicycle lanes in both

Los Alisos Boulevard
· Replace the Los Alisos Boulevard overcrossing structure, allowing for six future lanes on
the structure (three through lanes in each direction, as shown in the MPAH) with
shoulders and median, 17 ft shoulders (to allow for future third lane), and 6 ft sidewalks
in both directions.

Avenida de la Carlota
· Realign Avenida de la Carlota and modify the cross-section to accommodate widening of
I-5 mainline.

Potential Right-of-Way Acquisitions
· La Paz Road:
- Partial acquisition and TCE – 76 Gas Station
- Avenida de Carlota
- Partial acquisition and TCE – Laguna Hills Mall
Freeway Shifts
· In the La Paz Road interchange area, mainline will be shifted easterly to achieve
standard vertical clearance and allow all lanes to remain open during construction. New
La Paz Road bridge will be two-span structure.
· In the El Toro Road interchange area, I-5 mainline will be shifted westerly to minimize
right-of-way impacts.


The Environmental Document provides a listing of impacts that the project is expected to cause. There are some impacts in Laguna Hills.  Staff has highlighted the most likely impacts of interest:

The Los Alisos Boulevard Overcrossing will be demolished and reconstructed as a six-lane wide bridge consistent with the Master Plan of Arterial Highways in order to allow for a correction in the geometrics of the mainline freeway alignment to current standards.


The most significant impact from the project is the result of noise. The noise impacts have been modeled and evaluated for mitigation. Some of the noise impacts are being mitigated and some are not being mitigated based upon State and Federal Protocols. The noise impacts and their mitigations are based upon the following Protocols.
1. A noise impact occurs upon a residential property when the noise level approaches or exceeds 67 dbA.
2. For a sound wall to be considered “reasonable,” the wall, at a given height, must
reduce the noise level by at least 5 dbA and at least one benefitted receptor must
receive a 7 dbA noise reduction.

3. For a sound wall to be considered “feasible,” the cost for the sound wall cannot
exceed $55,000 per benefited property.

The noise studies are based upon both short term and long term noise measurements
taken in the community which are then used to calibrate the sound model. The sound
model projects the future noise condition at the selected horizon year and estimated traffic

As a result of this work, one new sound wall was determined to be reasonable and feasible in the residential area along La Suen, - Sound Wall #115.

Existing Sound Wall No. 7 in the residential area along Cajon will be reconstructed due to the freeway widening and remain at its current height.

One existing sound wall which was considered for additional height and length was NOT determined to be feasible and will remain as is in the residential area along El Dorado, Sound Wall #121.

Sound walls along Aliso Creek and Christina Court, Sound Wall Nos. 159 and 171, were NOT found to be reasonable or feasible.


In addition to the noise impacts, the next most significant impact that will be apparent to Laguna Hills residents is the traffic impact caused by detours and lane closures. These impacts will mostly be mitigated through a traffic control management program appropriate for the project. Should the design of this project proceed, staff will participate in project and construction planning to identify opportunities to reduce short term impacts on the community.

The I-5 widening project, if approved, will likely be in the form of (Alternative Two) the addition of one general purpose travel lane in each direction, and would be primarily funded through the use of Measure M-2 funds with construction estimated to occur between 2018 and 2022.

** Staff continues to evaluate the Environmental Document and project’s impacts, in
particular the noise study and its results, and expects to be able to raise questions and concerns about these impacts and submit written comments to Caltrans by October 7, 2013.

** Ken Rosenfield, Director of Community Development also mentioned that there would propbably be some changes related to water flow in certain creeks.

Some of Questions/Comments from Council Members for Caltrans were directed to Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services :

1 - asked if the County of Orange could impose conditions prior to the taking of County Parkway areas for this project for further protection for some of these areas related to sound walls.  Ken answered the County could negotiate.
2 - asked if there was protection for parkland areas including creek bed and areas with active sports. Ken answered areas would likely need to be very pristine locations
3 - asked for the justification for changing the standards for the approval of sound wall construction. Ken answered the bigger picture here is resource allegation.
4 - asked why noise effects on wildlife not be a consideration related to an environmental study.  Ken answered noise is not in the criteria for impact on wildlife. 
5. - asked why there was a 24 hour sound monitor in the freeway center shopping area in Mission Viejo on the freeway picking up changes in atmospheric conditions.  Ken said his expectations is that the sound monitors in that area were to calibrate a model, but not to pick up particular measurements.
6 - asked about a wall that she thought was approved off of Chrisanta in Mission Viejo.  Ken answered that he did not study the walls in Mission Viejo. 
7 - asked again about Aliso Creek environmental impacts.  Ken said that area is considered a "blue line stream" so will be of Federal Interest therefore all the appropriate agencies are expected to  comment.
8 - asked Jason Lui, representing environmental aspects of the study, about the noise impact of light and glare on wildlife Jason answered both the long and short term noise receptors were used to calibrate noise model. The long term measures changes in noise on a 24 hour term basis.  Carruth asked if atmospheric conditions were factored in. Jason responded, No, atmospheric conditions are never in there. Carruth asked about protecting residents from particulates coming off of the freeway causing heath problems.  Jason answered that is probably more of an air quality issue. In terms of noise he referred to what Ken had explained earlier.
9 - asked if the walls could have some landscape features to assist in preventing graffiti. Ken answered, yes we could request that. There are maintenance standards from Caltrans so this may obstruct parts of the walls that need maintenance.
10 - asked if the bridge could be designed without a shelf area underneath where a homeless population can reside.  Ken said he doesn't know if that can be done.
11 -  asked related to changes in how a decision is made to construct a wall you mentioned that was a decision made by Caltrans years ago in anticipation of the high cost of these additional lanes and changes, changed their requirements so who made that decision for these new standards OCTA or Caltrans.  Ken answered it is not OCTA but will have to find out. Mr Lui answered these are Federal Standards and are updated every few years. Carruth asked if the changes are based on cost and Mr. Lui said he didn't know.

1 - asked about the Los Alisos Bridge and the Aliso Creek area with the deterioration of the bike trails - report talks about the construction of a bridge superstructure which would allow for a 14 foot minimum vertical fence over the bikeway so could we ask that when they are working with this bikeway could we ask the County to request that the wall there be re-built to help shore up the trail.  Ken responded we can add that comment.
2 - asked if one of the sound walls in the area would reflect sound back toward The Hills Hotel which when the pool and spa are added will qualify as a 4 Star Hotel with considerable revenue to the City so she would like this question added for Caltrans.  Ken answered he did not know, but commercial properties don't qualify for noise attenuation.
3 - suggested there are some construction materials that dampen the reflection of sound from sound walls and she would prefer that these be used but would still be in favor of the sound walls if those materials couldn't be used.
4 - asked if impacts listed on Aliso and Oso Creeks were considered temporary or permanent related to construction activities impacting the flood plain values and water quality and changes in water service elevations exceeding increases allowed by the National Flood Insurance Program. Ken answered that mitigations are proposed for these factors. For example if a wall is built and the natural water course is changed there will have to be a replacement for the impact so the CA. Dept. of Fish and Game and the State Dept of Fish and Wildlife might become involved, as happened when we built the community center, so OCTA and Caltrans will have to replace that somewhere else - by creating another wetlands, etc. of the size that is determined.  They also have to look at drainage issues and structures down stream, etc. Ken answered No when asked if we were looking at creating flood conditions.
5 - asked if the City was working with Oakbrook Village and the Laguna Hills Mall developers related to a wall along Carlotta in Laguna Hills that would affect them. Ken said, to the best of his knowledge they are aware of these walls. He added that Oakbrook Village has already been entitled by the City so our opportunity to require them to take County impacts from this project are past but the impacts there are minor. Laguna Hills Mall has been told about this and of the need to comply with their impacts or anticipate their impacts and adjust as needed.

1 - asked if a noise barrier is important to the City in a specific area, could the city be a partner in funding it's construction.   Ken said the short term answer is yes, but the long term difficulty related to the wall  to which Bressette is referring is that the location of the wall could require the building of a separate structure adjacent to it that would vastly increase the cost. Bressette asked if we could just add money to Caltrans for the additional construction that may be needed.  Ken answered, No due to additional future liability for Caltrans.
2 - asked if sound barrier 159 is so important that it could be a deal killer for us what is our mechanism to file suit again the EIR?   City Attorney Simonian responded that would be the proper vehicle to proceed. Ken responded that comments need to be on record so the the appropriate administrative remedies are fully accessed and exhausted.  Once comments are made we allow time for response and if we aren't satisfied we consult the city attorney.

*** SOUND BARRIER # 159 to which Council Member Bressette and May Pro-Tem Blount are referring are referring and Sound Barrier 171 are both along  Aliso Creek and Christina Court and both were NOT found to be reasonable or feasible.

1 - said he has a huge concern with sound wall number 159 as well. He noted that so much effort has gone into having a Bat biologist and only working so many months and on and on but  we have a huge section of property that would certainly have a significant environmental impact on it yet we can't seem to get much action on it.

Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services pointed out that where sound walls are approved for construction, 100% of the neighbors in the covered area must agree to the construction to get the wall. For example, if someone in the middle of where the sound wall was to be constructed did not agree there would be no construction. The only exception would be for people on the very end of the wall, if they don't want it the wall would stop there, but the rest would be constructed. OCTA and the city can reach out to residents to better inform them of the merits of a sound wall if there is not agreement.  Ken also told us that noise effects on wild life are not taken into account by Caltrans.

*** Ken also pointed out that there is another study re. how to improve the El Toro
interchange. It is not a part of this project and may or may not catch up with this project. The current thinking is that it will eventually catch up and also be built towards the end of the 2018-2022 time frame

VOTE was 4 -0  in favor of preparing and submiting written comments to Caltrans re. this report.



Mayor Pro-Tem Blount asked for some staff time related to the Big 5 Shopping Center. He said over the last 45 days they've had 2 notices that went to the tenants in that center telling them the power was gong to be out on certain days. These notices are required to be 30 day notices but were more like 10 days and businesses, such as the dental office, canceled all their patients for that day and then another notice was sent and they canceled clients again and again the power didn't go out. He asked if staff could figure out what to do about this.

Council Member Carruth thanked Lt Behrens and the Border Officers who have been at Nellie Gail Rd. and Gallup related to the new stop signs and cross walk.  People believe they are safe in a cross walk but education is needed.  She asked Ken Rosenfield if it's possible to get some kind of flashing device to post well in front of the stop signs to draw attention to them, at least until people realize the stop signs are there. Ken answered No that is no longer a County approved device.  He said there are stop ahead legends and signs posted and very visible but can look into maybe a pre-advance warning sign.

Mayor Pro-Tem Blount said he has been watching that intersection at Gallup and Nellie Gail Rd. and the Right Turn from Gallup onto Nellie Gail is a suggestion rather than a stop at this time, so we do need something more at this point.

Mayor Kogerman said:
1 -  these wonderful books "Warrior's In Their Own Words" were just presented to the City Council Members by Mr. Bland.  ** Editor's Note - Team Dark Horse thanks Cheryl Cohen of Newport Coast for these beautiful books and DVDs. Cheryl was the Photographer for the portraits in these books and she put them together for her LOOC (Lives Out Of Combat) Foundation that aids wounded warriors, their families and the families of the warriors killed in action.   

2 - she will be starting a Saturday Morning Walk with the Mayor this Saturday and invites her fellow council members to join her. She said normally we'll be meeting from 9 to 11:00 am and will go to a different trail each Saturday.  This Sat. we'll be starting at the Community Center and taking the Alicia Loop. We'll have a designated trash picker upper and fresh air and talk informally.  She said this time the walk will be cut short because she has a funeral to attend 3 - she and Mayor Pro-Tem Blount went to League of Cities Annual Conference and put together a report that tells about the experience.   There were 2 Resolutions passed about Water Bonds Funds and Public Safety Realignment.   Water Bonds is asking the State to provide adequate funding and prioritize water bonds to assist local government in water conservation.  The Public Safety Realignment is asking for various strategies  dealing with the State's transfer of prisoners and probationers into local government responsibility without adequate constitutionally provided funding.

** Mayor Kogerman said we are closing this meeting in memory of our fallen Laguna Hills resident and Laguna Beach Officer Jon Coutchie.

The Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - 7 pm, at City Hall
Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at
** In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in City Council meetings, you should contact the office of the City Clerk at (949) 707‑2635. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting.


Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests:

P -  for vote in  favor of preparing and submiting written comments re. the Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment for the I-5 widening project from State Route 73 to El Toro Rd.

P -  for vote in  favor of preparing and submiting written comments re. the Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment for the I-5 widening project from State Route 73 to El Toro Rd.

P -  for vote in  favor of preparing and submiting written comments re. the Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment for the I-5 widening project from State Route 73 to El Toro Rd.

Gilbert -  ABSENT

P -  for vote in  favor of preparing and submiting written comments re. the Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment for the I-5 widening project from State Route 73 to El Toro Rd.

City Manager - ABSENT

** INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers since the last council meetingABOUT: The City Manager's offer to pay some of his "Employee portion" of his PERS Retirement Benefit;    Assist. City Manager's failure to explain to the taxpayers why the City is paying more money to the County Shelter after he told us there was no more to pay this fiscal year and there was a $28.000 credit.

ABOUT: City Manager Channing's offer to pay a portion of the "employee portion" of his PERS Retirement Benefit.

Anonymous said...
Just read the story about Channing agreeing to pay the "employee portion of his benefit" toward one of his retirement plans, PERS.  Laguna Hills management to begin paying toward retirement
If Channing was concerned, as he says in the OC Register story, for his management staff why didn't he volunteer on his own to do this. Why did he wait to be asked by 2 city council members and why even then did he only "verbally" agree rather than change the applicable term for this in his contract with the city? Congratulations to Blount and Kogerman for working this out so that other city management would be paid but no kudos to Channing. He doesn't appear to understand real concern, sacrifice or support for others.

Anonymous said...
What the City Manager is doing is keeping his options open incase he needs to use the same bargaining power on the City Council in another 2 years and getting a raise for himself.

Anonymous said...
Might be a good idea to give some positive feedback to somebody like Channing any time he makes an attempt to move in a positive direction.

ABOUT:  Assist. City Manager's failure to explain to the taxpayers why the City is paying more money to the County Shelter after he told us there was no more to pay this fiscal year and there was a $28.000 credit.

Anonymous said...
I'm guessing the reason we didn't hear from Don White at the last council meeting was because it's taking him a long time to come up with a believable response. Isn't it bad enough that we're paying more for bad county animal shelter services than for good local services. How much lower can the city take pet owners and why all the hostility to pet owners?  Don't council members realize that pet owners are also voters? There is nothing in this city for pet owners. We don't have a dog park or a good animal shelter. We don't even have the immunization clinic that we used to have once a year anymore. What happened to that?

** HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION adopted by the City of Laguna Hills

Team Dark Horse says THANK YOU, **BE SURE TO GO TO THE TEAM DARK HORSE web site at  to SEE HOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE HELPING, see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Face book page by clicking on this link -  Donation checks can be made to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653 or anyone can now donate via PayPal on the web site at  The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, etc.

***  The new Commanding Officer of the 3/5 Marines, adopted by the City of Laguna Hills - Lt. Col. Robert Rice and Sargent Major Ruiz will attend the Oct. 8, 2013 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting and tell us about the Commanding Officer's  vision for the 3/5 and what the 3/5 will be doing for the next 2 years.

** The gently used dresses collection for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball was a huge success thanks to all of you who advertised for us, who donated your dresses and to Teresa Bonutto who collected the dresses and took them to Camp Pendleton.  At last count there were about 200 dresses!!!

Please see 2 very special messages below from Wounded Warrior Capt. Cameron West, who lost his right leg and the sight in his right eye while serving with the 3/5 in Sangin, and Corporal Travis Haggerty, who runs in our Memorial Day race every year carrying an American Flag containing the names of all the 3/5 Marines lost in Afghanistan during their deployment in 2010 and does such a wonderful job of expressing thanks from all of us.  In 2010, the 3/5 Marines DarkHorse Battalion lost 25 Marines during that deployment.

Capt. Cameron West said:  About the 2013 Laguna Hills' Memorial Day Event,  “Last night after all the festivities and the day came to a close, I thought to myself that there was nowhere else I would rather have been on this Memorial Day.  And that’s a pretty big deal thinking of all the family and friends that I could have been with, but I realized for that day Laguna Hills took their place, and did a fine job doing it."

Corporal Haggerty said:  Mr. Bland,  I would like to thank you for yesterday and all the things that Team Darkhorse and Laguna Hills made possible for memorial day. Every time we see the people interacting with all the Marines and truly taking time to remember our fallen brothers is a honor. A success would be a understatement for how yesterday went. All of you have done so much for our battalion, and even more for our Gold Star families and wounded warriors, and we can not thank you enough for taking care of our brothers. Again, everything that all of you have done and the efforts that you have put forth do not go unnoticed.   Thank you and Semper Fi,    Corporal Haggerty

Please Click on the links below to see the stories.
Opinion: Release Grand Jury Transcripts on OC City Manager Salaries
VOICE of OC - Community Editorial: Brandman Transcripts Should Be Released, Comment by Professor Fred Smoller 9-5-13
LA Times - The Use of Government Influence On a Private Educational Institution 7/5/12,0,7321736.story
** Letter to the Editor from Laguna Hills City Council Member Andrew Blount -Tiered billing schemes for water not fair  -
Laguna Hills looks to mall sale to spur town-center plans by Megan Nicolai
Robbins:Supporting Team Dark Horse, by Karen Robbins, March 8, 2013 The Orange County Register
Latest Update on the Orange County Animal Shelter in the OC Register Newspaper - The 54 percent overall death rate was pretty much the same as 2011
Distinguished Budget Award’ more about good looks than financial health January 17, 2013 - OC Watchdog by Keegan Kyle,  
Resident's Resolutions for Laguna Hills, Lake Forest at
Laguna Hills Needs an Identity of its Own at
Ka-chinghe sound of a city manager being fired - just click on
Grand Jury gets last laugh on "Shadowy" pension costs - Orange County Register OC Watchdog - Oct. 8, 2012
City officials abused power, grand jury says July 6th, 2012, 1:22 am · posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer
City among worst for alcohol fueled crashes
Fullerton and Laguna Hills had the worst rates of crashes that involved underage drinkers
Read more at:
New Reports with 2011 Statistics for the 70 year old Orange County Animal Shelter that Laguna Hills still uses for it's citizens
Total euthanasia rate of 53%. Sforza OC Watchdog Kill Rate for Cats at the OC Animal Shelter in 2011 was 74% and only 17% adopted. Euthanasia Rate Stuck at Nearly 50% at O.C. Animal Care County Shelter finally admits killing animal for space.
Fred Smoller,The Brandman University Professor of Public Administration, "who offended the power elite" when his Master's Degree students won awards assisting Council Member Kogerman to research the total compensation of City Managers in Orange County has just resigned from his post. Why did this happen? - Click on Which city council makes the most money?
LA Times: Laguna Hills City Manager Salary,0,1126677.story
June 9, 2011 ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY REPORT - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities
City manager says compensation is fair
After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer Click on for more of this story.
No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?
OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits
O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members
Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount."
OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."

** FIND the CRIME IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - For a roundup of Laguna Hills police calls check Sheriff's Blotter information - County of Orange at:  then choose city and either a 7 day view or a 30 day view.  The Sheriff's Blotter enables residents to know what activity is occurring in their communities. A regular review of the calls in your area and the year-to-date crime statistics, at the bottom of each page in the OCSD Patrol Areas section, will provide you an accurate view of law enforcement activity in your community. It will also show you Official Radio Codes. You can contact the Sheriff's Dispatch by phone at 949-425-1800.
** You can also check the Saddleback Valley News every Friday for some of the police calls.

** WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the Orange County Register Newspaper - e-mail to    Please provide your name, city and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Letters of about 200 words or videos of 30-seconds each will be given preference. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Laguna Hills Watch Dog - HEADLINES/ ITEMS OF INTEREST for the Tuesday, September 24, 2013 LAGUNA HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - 7 PM at City Hall

** Consider Attending a Council Meeting to express your opinion on items of interest to you or just to observe.  Citizen Alerts/HEADLINES for future City Council Meetings will be listed on this blog site within 4 days prior to a meeting.


GET FIT and ENJOY the TRAILS OF LAGUNA HILLS - Mayor Launches Saturday Morning Walks

Continuing her Saturday morning tradition of meeting with residents, Laguna Hills Mayor Barbara Kogerman is launching a “Walk with the Mayor” program meeting every Saturday.  Walkers can meet the Mayor at 9 a.m. this Saturday, Sept. 28, in front of the Community Center at Alicia and Paseo de Valencia in Laguna Hills.

Kogerman’s Saturday morning walks promote the City’s Get Fit Campaign. Participants will be visiting a different trail each week and getting fit while having a captive audience with the Mayor.  Kogerman said, “Our first walk will be brief due to an unexpected commitment but participants will be welcome to continue on their own.”  We’ll complete the loop at a leisurely pace, and have everyone back at the Community Center by 11:00. 

Participants should bring water, wear comfortable shoes and use plenty of sunscreen. Dogs on a leash (with doggie bags) are welcome.  We’ll also pick up trash along the way.  “Fresh air and exercise, pleasant scenery, good conversation, and sprucing up our trails – what better way to spend a Saturday morning?” Kogerman asks.

To learn more about the City’s trails download the City’s new interactive app via the smart phone’s app store by typing Laguna Hills in the search bar to install the app.  Go to “Places,” then tap on “Trails” to find a map and directions.  Or visit the City’s web site at  Go to “Departments,” tap on ”Community Parks,” and use the interactive map (not available on iPads).  Check the City’s calendar of events for each week’s walk site.

** YOU CAN LISTEN TO YOUR MAYOR, Barbara Kogerman. ON FM RADIO- KSBR (88.50). 
Interviews  with Mayor Kogerman by Dawn Kamber of Saddleback Community College's FM radio station will be played in 30-second spots, every hour and half-hour from 6 am through 9 am on the day of and two days after each council meeting. The regular programming is easy-listening jazz.

** WIN-WIN-EVERYDAY  See our "WWW Everyday Partners - Alpha Cleaners, Golden Baked Hams, ToGO's, Subway, Supercuts, Latte Da Bagelry & Grill on our web site at:   Bring the flyers for these everyday partners and Support the businesses that support LHHS!



Item 1.1 - Report from Laguna Hills High School Student Liaison Kerstyn Gonzales for the 2013 Fall Semester
Item 1.2 - Fire Prevention Week

Items of Interest from the Warrant Register - None

Items of interest from the Consent Calendar:

Item 4.3 - Claim Against the City for $175,000

Item 4.4 -  Award of Contract for the La Paz Open Space Improvements to the apparently low bidder - Environmental Construction, Inc for $1,073,627.85. 
Item 4.5 - Bicycle Corridor Improvement Program Funding Application

Item 5.5.1 - Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Permit to make Courtyard Renovations and to construct a pool and Fitness Center at THE HILLS HOTEL

Item 6.1 - Zone Change and zoning Text Amendment to Title 9 of the Laguna Hills Municipal Code to establish and Hospitality Overlay Zone.

Item 7.2.1 - PUBLIC COMMENT on the Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment for the I-5 widening project from State Route 73 to El Toro Rd.

** From the August 27, 2013 LAGUNA HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - We are still waiting to hear why the City of Laguna Hills paid an additional $46,117.00 on August 27, 2013 for fiscal year 2012-13 to OC Animal Control after we were told by Assistant City Manager Don White on April 16, 2013 that this year the City is not going to pay anything for Animal Care Services because the canvassing has shifted that burden to the residents related to a significant increase in revenue for the City related to license fees, in addition to usual fines and other fees, etc. He said the City still has a $28,000 credit going into the 4th quarter


** Information, Comments, Questions, Concerns from LH Watch Dog Readers from the previous blog post

ABOUT: The City Manager's offer to pay some of his "Employee portion" of his PERS Retirement Benefit 

ABOUT:  Assist. City Manager's failure to explain to the taxpayers why the City is paying more money to the County Shelter after he told us there was no more to pay this fiscal year and there was a $28,000 credit.

** The 3/5 Marines adopted by the City of Laguna Hills

Team Dark Horse says THANK YOU, **BE SURE TO GO TO THE TEAM DARK HORSE web site at to SEE HOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE HELPING. Team Dark Horse now has PayPal online, in addition to its mailing address, and see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Face book page by clicking on this link -

**The Marine Corps Birthday Ball is coming up for our City's adopted 3/5 Marines.  Do you have gently used ball gowns, prom dresses, or formal wear taking up space? Team Dark Horse will be happy to take them off your hands!!  For the wives of young and enlisted Marines, the cost of an appropriate dress can be prohibitive.  That's where you, and Team Dark Horse come in.  We will be collecting gently used formal wear up through September 21st in a collection box at the Nellie Gail Ranch HOA office.   ** Any questions please contact Karen Robbins at

***  The new Commanding Officer of the 3/5 Marines, adopted by the City of Laguna Hills - Lt. Col. Robert Rice and Sargent Major Ruiz will attend the Oct. 8, 2013 Laguna Hills City Council Meeting and tell us about the Commanding Officer's  vision for the 3/5 and what the 3/5 will be doing for the next 2 years.