Sunday, September 1, 2013

Laguna Hills Watch Dog
Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - August 27, 2013

*** Update - We are doing an update because we have received an unusually high number of e-mails in a brief period of time with comments from people who read a story in the LA Times Newspaper today entitled - Fallout from report on O.C. City Officials' salaries still rankles.  The link to this story is:,0,7321736.story
This is regarding the 2012 Grand Jury Report - The Use of Government Influence On a Private Educational Institution 7/5/12  * Please see comments section at the bottom of this blog to read comments and/or to leave a comment.

What's On Your Mind? Meet with your Mayor, Barbara Kogerman, and Share your Questions/Concerns on Saturday Mornings has been suspended until September but should be back in Sept. in the Southern Part of the City.  We will keep you posted.

** YOU CAN LISTEN TO YOUR MAYOR, Barbara Kogerman. ON FM RADIO- KSBR (88.50). She is being interviewed the day before and the day after each City Council Meeting by Dawn Kamber of Saddleback Community College's FM radio station. The interviews will be played in 30-second spots, every hour and half-hour from 6 am through 9 am on the day of and two days after the council meetings. Their regular programming throughout this time is easy-listening jazz.

** Please Consider Attending a Council Meeting to express your opinion on items of interest to you or just to observe.  Citizen Alerts/HEADLINES for future City Council Meetings will be listed on this blog site within 4 days prior to a meeting.

Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - FEATURES DIRECTORY

** Closed Session - None
** Presentations and Proclamations:
10 Year Anniversary Award for Nancy Gaggioli;  Certificate of Recognition for KIDS KONNECTED;  Certificate of Recognition of Crossline Community Church; and SDG@E Summer Readiness Program Presentation with information on rate increases and what you can do.
LHHS Student Liaison Report from Kerstyn Gonzales coming in the Fall -
** Public Comments:
Steve Epstein requested the removal of a City tree
June Lopez - Director of the Moulton Niguel Water District
Cheree Behringer was grateful the council saw how important it was to keep equestrian feel and safety of the shopping experience at re-modeled center on Moulton/La Paz.
** Consent Calendar - Warrant Register - $2,292,471.20
** Items of Interest from the Consent Calendar:
Item 4.3 - Progress payment for Civic Center Improvements
Item 4.4 - Progress Payment and change order for Citywide Pavement Rehab.
Item 4.5 - Approve 3 year Lease for Suite 220 at City Hall
Item 4.6 - Acceptance/Adoption of the 2012 So. OC Integrated Regional Water Mgmt. Plan.
Item 4.7 - 17th Annual Intercoastal and Watershed Cleanup Day
Item 4.8 - Development of IMPACT FEES - Public Art Fund continues in the Red.
Item 4.9  - Approval and Implementation of  "50/70" Little League Baseball Field at Cabot Park.
Item 4.10 - 1st/Final Payment for Water Quality Improvement Catch Basins
Item 4.11 - July 4 - Post Event Report
Item 4.12 - Response to the Orange County Grand Jury Report re. Equal Opportunity Employment
** Items of Interest from the Warrant Register - $46,117.00 in Payments to the Orange County Animal Shelter AFTER  Asst. City Manager Don White told us on April 16, 2013 there would be no more payments this year?? ** Editor's Note with additional information on Per Capita costs for the County Shelter vs the Mission Viejo and Laguna Beach Animal Shelters + an 8-28-13 news story about poor services from the Orange County Animal Shelter.
** Items Pulled from the Warrant Register for discussionThe 2 payments totaling $46,117.00 to the County Shelter were pulled by Council Member Bressette
** Items pulled from the Consent Calendar pulled for discussion - Items 4.9 and 4.11 were pulled by Council Member Bressette.
** City Council/Planning Agency Public Hearings - Item 5.4 -  Request to move Judi’s Laguna Pet Spa from Moulton La Paz center (now The Village at Nellie Gail Ranch) to the Western Country Plaza shopping at the corner of Moulton and Oso Parkway.
** City Council Public Hearings - None
** Administrative Reports:
Item 7.1.1 - Continuation of Request for Increases in Salary and Benefits for Management, Confidential and Part time Employees of the City of Laguna Hills including the City Manager and Assist. City Manager. * Near the end of this 2 1/2  hour discussion City Manager Channing gets personal with the city council regarding their attitude toward any increase for him.
Item 7.1.2 - Request to spend $25,000 for a Consultant and a Police Services Study to compare LH Police Services with 9 other cities in OC.
Item 7.3 - Evaluation of Holiday Banner Program
Item 7.4.1 - 2013 Memorial Day Race Post Event Report including a Resolution authorizing Community assistance Funding for the 3/5 Marine Support Committee.
** Matters Agendized and Presented by Council Members and Mayor- None
** City Council Member Comments -
Mayor Pro-Tem Blount discovered you can't get to the fabulous new trail area near LaPaz and Moulton on foot from Nellie Gail
Council Member Carruth talked about  Nellie Gail Emergency Preparedness Expo.
Mayor Kogerman about a great letter from the city for residents needing work permits, the National Night Out at the Community Center and the Nellie Gail  Emergency Preparedness Expo for all the residents of the City.
** City Council Members Report Card - How did they score?
** Information, Comments, Questions, Concerns from LH Watch Dog Readers from the previous blog post  ABOUT: City Manager Boundaries, Contract Questions and Compensation;  Special  Message to Laguna Hills Residents with Pets re. Poor Services + Higher Cost for County Animal Shelter;  San Juan gets new Dog Park and Lake Forest following, but nothing for Laguna Hills?Comments on Manure clean up plus Safety issues re. horse corral to be located at new shopping center on Moulton/La Paz;  4th of July fireworks failure;  Notable Stories from other publications - Tiered billing schemes for water not fair,  Water and Sewer Districts in County Awash in CashCity Leaders we'd just as soon not hear from the rest of 2013.

** You can place comments in the "COMMENTS" section at the bottom of this blog report and see comments there from others and you can send comments to   Your name will not be used in the comments section unless you give permission

** HOW TO SUPPORT OUR 3/5 ADOPTED MARINES and UPDATES FROM - TEAM DARK HORSE - ** See 2 special messages to Laguna Hills below from 3/5 Marines, Wounded Warrior Capt. Cameron West and Corporal Travis Haggerty, after an extraordinary Laguna Hills Memorial Day this year and be sure to attend the City's 4th of July Celebration to see the Marines and their equipment and talk with them.
** NEWS STORIES and BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS - find more in the OC Register online under "City-by-City News" - "Laguna Hills" and in the OC Watchdog
** FIND the CRIME IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - Look at Crime Reports for your Neighborhood at OC Sheriff's Blotter-
You can contact the Sheriff's Dispatch by phone at 949-425-1800.


Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - August 27, 2013
All Council Members were present

Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -

CLOSED SESSION - None  **Congratulations to Mayor Barbara Kogerman, who suggested this "Closed Session" change, and to the new Council Members who changed the order of the council meetings to place "Closed Sessions" 1st rather than last on the Agenda. This significantly increases transparency for Laguna Hills Citizens and allows for Public Comments as well as a report to the citizens, from each Closed Session, during the regular time period for City Council Meetings.


Item 1.1 - 10 Year Anniversary Award for Laguna Hills City Receptionist/Cashier, Nancy Gaggioli, who was presented with a Certificate of recognition and a clock by Mayor Kogerman.  Nancy was first hired as a part time clerical “floater” on April 15, 2002; she was promoted to her present position as full time Receptionist/Cashier on August 25, 2003.  Mayor Kogerman noted that Nancy is asked a lot of questions by visitors to City Hall and asked what some of the most interesting questions were?  Nancy giggled and responded probably the most interesting question she had been asked was, "Are the Fireworks going to be inside or outside this year?"  Mayor Kogerman responded that's an important question and everyone laughed and clapped.

Item 1.2 - Certificate of Recognition for KIDS KONNECTED, a Non-Profit Organization for 20 years of service to the community. Kids Konnected was founded twenty years ago to provide friendship,understanding, education, and support for kids and teens who have a parent with cancer or have lost a parent with cancer. Laguna Hills has been home to Kids Konnected corporate offices for the past 19 years, serving our community by providing a compassionate and caring environment through support groups, summer camps, education, bereavement workshops, and fun events. The City of Laguna Hills  recognized Kids Konnected for their 20-year milestone by presenting a Certificate of Recognition, from Mayor Kogerman, to Executive Director Jackie Leeman, and Youth leaders from Kids Konnected.  A Youth Leader named Kylie, who said she has been involved with Kids Konnected for 3 years, had a little trouble holding back tears when she spoke about how much this group meant to her and had helped her when her mother had cancer. She talked about how grateful she was that this group gave her their Teddy Bear Package, was a 2nd family to her, got her involved going to group, and enabled her to go to summer camp. She then became involved as a volunteer and a youth leader with this group to help other kids feel as happy as she did when she received help. There was a lot of applause for Kylie and Kids Konnected.

Item 1.3 - Certificate of Recognition of Crossline Community Church was presented to Executive Pastor Greg Munck for providing many important services and events to the community, such as the Crossline Church Food  Pantry, Soul Surfin TVBS (Total Vacation Bible Sensation) attended by over 800 kids from the community, the Big Ring Century Ride with 100-, 62- and 20-mile Orange County road bike courses, with proceeds benefitting the poor in Malawi, Africa, through the Crossline Missions partner World Vision and FaithQuest, Helicopter Easter Egg Drop, and their annual Christmas Festival.  Mayor Kogerman announced that every Sunday and Wednesday from 10:00 to 1:00 and every Thursday Night from 6:00 to 8:00 pm they operate a Community Food Pantry open to everyone. They also are known for their annual helicopter egg drop and parachuting Easter Bunny.  Their 2nd annual community egg drop this year was attended by more than 6000 people. Mayor Kogerman said that what caught her eye this year was that in June they participated in big road bike ride with the proceeds benefiting the poor in Africa. Again, there was enthusiastic applause.

Item 1.4 - SDG@E Summer Readiness Program and Increased Rates Presentation from Duane Cave, External Relations Manager, Orange County. Duane presented an overview of San Onofre being off line permanently and the recent CPUC Rate Case completion. Go to the City of Laguna Hills web site and click on this Agenda Item for additional information.  SDG@E is asking publicly (at the end of August 2013 which has, so far, been a cooler summer than expected) for help in conserving energy for a predicted hot summer.  He noted that in 2012 they completed the "Sunrise Power Link" a transmission line that ran from the Imperial Valley into the San Diego service territory that brings 1000 megawatts for renewable energy into the service territory. Also completed several transmission projects throughout the service territory to move electricity from one location to another. He added that peak demand is usually end of August and into Sept. 

Suggestions for Energy Conservation were:
Use your USE DAY REWARDS by signing up to reducing your use from 11 am to 6 pm and sign up for alerts. For more information   Several Changes in rates this year beginning September 1, 2013 will affect 25% of customers in Tiers 3 and 4.     
Tiered Rate Structure  - Customers who use more electricity are charged more per kilowatt hour related to the tier system.  Tier one is 15 cents per kilowatt hour, Tier 2 is 17 cents per kWh, Tier 3 is 27 cents per kWh and Tier 4 is 29 cents per kWh, but these rates are going to increase.  He explained that back in 2001, during the energy crisis, the State Legislature froze Tiers 1 and 2 so all rate increases go to Tier 3 and 4 customers.  Mayor Kogerman added that Tier 1 and 2 customers are not all high income users, many of which are high income people who live along the coast so have significantly less energy use. Mr. Cave confirmed that and added that many of those people are now being subsidized by Tier 3 and 4 people who carry the burden of the increases as we go forward. Small business customers bills will go up 11 to 18% as well as people with pool pumps.  He added that anyone with a  single speed pool pump should change to a pump with a variable speed to save money.

What is included in an electric bill? -  48% is commodity - the pass through of electricity to the customer; about 46% for distribution and transmission charges; 4% for Public Purpose Programs such as CARE Pgrm. for low income and this also funds the Rebates; 2% is basically "other".

Reasons for Rate Increases  - General Rate Case Cost this year is for the Smart Reliable Grid that will help SDG&E manage the renewable resources and help customers manage there electric bills with Smart Meters. Costs for safety related to replacing wood transmission poles with steel poles to resist fire and costs for weather stations to help manage the system. Costs for higher insurance related to wild fires, Cost for Employee healthcare, Costs for Greenhouse gas/Environmental Laws, Cost of renewable contracts by the year 2020 to replace nuclear power, Costs for DWR Replacement Contracts (Water Resources), and Transmission, Distribution and Commodity costs. He added that Assembly Bill, AB 327, that he said he hopes will turn the rate structure from the State Legislature back over to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).

Council Member Carruth asked about legal challenges related to tiered rates/CA. Proposition 218 and savings for the utilities related to solar power plus why are all the rebates for solar installation gone through SDG&E for So. OC?  Mr. Cave responded he does not expect legal challenges and he believed that the law suit in San Juan Capistrano was more over bond purchases etc. than the tiered rates.  Related to solar power, Mr. Cave said they don't have to provide generation for solar customers and SDG&E has more solar customers per capita than any other utility, including a dept. that works closely with solar installers. He added that the Rebates come through the State so they are limited funds. Re new construction, Mr. Cave said SDG&E doesn't tell developers what to put in but encourage solar installations.
Mayor Pro-Tem Andrew Blount explained that SDG&E and Edison are not Governmental Institutions so not subject to Proposition 218.  He added that his elect. bill would be going up by just about the amount he is paid to serve on the City Council and thanked Mr. Cave for his information. 
** In 2006, the California Supreme Court ruled that the provisions of Proposition 218 apply to local water, refuse and sewer charges. This meant that a local jurisdiction cannot charge one group of water, refuse or sewer ratepayers in order to subsidize the fees of another group of water, refuse or sewer users.,_Voter_Approval_Required_Before_Local_Tax_Increases_(1996)

What can you and your family do to help?  Conservation/Energy Tips -
Manage your own account with the tools provided on "My Account" on the SDG&E web site to look at what you are using and adjust accordingly. Turn off unneeded lights, computers and appliances. Close blinds, shades or drapes during the hottest part of the day.  Replace old light bulbs with CFLs or LEDFilter pools and spas in the early morning or after sundown. Use smart strips and reduce vampire loads (unplugging unused charging devices). Sign up for
SDG@E Summer Saver AC loan cycling program to reduce your bills and get a credit. If CAISO officials call a Flex Alerts - Turn off Un-needed Lights, Use electrical appliances after 6 pm, Adjust your A/C to 78 or higher

Council Member Carruth asked if there is anything SDG&E can do to convince Edison that stock/shareholders should bare some of the burden from the costs for the failure of the San Onfre Nuclear Generating Station. Mr. Cave answered SDG&E will not be telling them what to do with their share holders but SDG&E is suing Mitsubishi for some funds to assist their rate payers.

LHHS Student Liaison Report from LHHS -  will continue during the LHHS Fall Semester with our student liaison Kerstyn Gonzales  ** To learn what is happening at LHHS now and all year long - Subscribe to Hawk Happenings at:  This is a free e-mail subscription.

** WIN WIN Wednesdays!! - the on-going series of restaurant fundraisers that is a project of the Laguna Hills High School PTSA.  Everyone can eat at these great local restaurants on Wednesdays and in return, they donate a portion of the proceeds to the LHHS PTSA. It’s good for us AND it’s good for the local restaurant community. This all year long fund raising effort allows the Laguna Hills High School PTSA to fund many worthwhile programs such as "EVERY 15 MINUTES" (a vividly realistic drunk driving prevention presentation), the award winning "I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE" program and the "SAFE and SOBER all night "GRAD NIGHT" that keeps our kids not only safe but in Laguna Hills and on campus continuing a 23 year tradition that makes us HAWK Proud!  **For Weekly Flyers and Schedules go to our web site at: and please be sure to"LIKE US" on Facebook"!

** Keep taking those Win-Win-Wednesday flyers to the participating restaurants on the dates shown below to raise money for more projects such as the classroom projectors, and the State of the Art Language Lab to give LHHS students an international edge in the world and in our community. You can now get durable and attractive business card size Win-Win-Wednesday Fan and Supporter Cards that contain all the info. for W-W-Wed. on one side including how to subscribe to W-W-Wednesday to get your flyers, dates and Restaurant Information sent to you weekly on Wednesdays and the other side of the card will serve as a universal flyer, if you forget to bring a flyer. You can sign up for an e-blast at  to have the weekly schedule and flyers for Win-Win-Wednesdays e-mailed to you.
WWW!! Weekly Events.  **Don't forget to see our "WWW Everyday Partners - Alpha Cleaners, Golden Baked Hams, ToGO's, Subway, Supercuts, Latte Da Bagelry & Grill on our web site  Bring the flyers for these everyday partners and Support the businesses that support us!


Steve Epstein, Laguna Hills Resident requested the removal of a City tree at 25252 Mawson Dr. related to damage to private property from the tree's roots. He said he had been talking with Ken Rosenfield, City Director of Public Services on this and was referred to the City Council for approval.  He said city has 3 reasons for tree removal - Tree is diseased or declining,  tree is damaging the side walk and not receptive to preventive pruning, or tree roots are a threat to private property.  He said this tree has moved into the sidewalk, and no way to treat the roots. He said Jan and Ken both said the tree is not appropriate for the parkway, but they can't remove it right now.  Since all agree that this tree will be removed, he suggested sooner rather than later related to the logic of why wait for more damage to occur. Council Member Bressette asked that staff agendize this for the near future. Steve said neighbors agree with removal of the tree.

June Lopez - Director of the Moulton Niguel Water District thanked the City Council for working with them during the recent waterline break in the Via Lomas area.  Mayor Pro-Tem Andrew Blount said the water district staff handled this problem very well.

Cheree Behringer, Laguna Hills Resident said she is a resident of Nellie Gail, a member of the Traffic/Trail Committee of Nellie Gail, and they are eagerly awaiting the 3 way stop sign for Gallup Park and the Yield Lines, LED Signals, etc. She said she is hoping that all would be accomplished by the one year anniversary of starting this.  The committee will be reconvened soon related to additional crossing concerns.  She said she is also on the committee that met with Ken Rosenfield and Dick Fisher discussing the beautiful designs of the shops in the Nellie Gail and wanted to personally thank the city council for understanding that Nellie Gail is a unique neighborhood with its 25 miles of trails and the equestrians.  She added they are grateful that the council saw how important it was to uphold the decision to keep the equestrian feel and safety of the shopping experience and not caving in to the developer's economic issues. She thanked the council and concluded with we're really looking forward to a beautiful shopping mall and not a typical strip mall.  Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services, said that the 3 way stop sign should be in place within the next 2 weeks if not sooner.  The flashing beacons are on order and should arrive in the next few weeks.

Item 4.2 - Warrant Register  - $2,292,471.20
Item 4.3 - Progress payment for Civic Center Improvements, carpet and flooring - $104,985.82 to G&S Carpet Mills.
Item 4.4 - Progress Payment and change order for Citywide Pavement Rehab. $17,166.25 to All American Asphalt
Item 4.5 - Approve 3 year Lease for Suite 220 at City Hall
Item 4.6 - Acceptance and Adoption of the 2012 South OC Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.  - The 2005 plan was subsequently adopted, accepted and/or supported by the City Councils and Boards of all participating agencies.  In order to meet new guidelines for Proposition 84 (Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality, and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006) and seek grant funding under this funding program, the IRWMP had to be updated. The Executive Committee approved the updated IRWMP on July 18, 2013. It is recommended that the City Council accept and adopt the 2013 IRWMP. The updated 2013 IRWMP retains nearly all of the original information assembled in the previous version with appropriate updates and includes enhancements that have been set out in the guidelines regarding Flood Management and Climate Change. - **See complete details of this report on the City web site under the "Agenda" for this meeting.
Item 4.7 - 17th Annual Intercoastal and Watershed Cleanup DaySaturday, September 21, 2013 from 9 am to 12 noon at the Laguna Hills Community Center. The City is requesting Volunteers, Community Groups, Residents and Families to attend and assist in the Clean-Up. For More Information: 949-707-2657 or   Volunteer Groups can pre-register at or visit  This event brings together residents and volunteers to increase water quality awareness and to pick up trash and debris within the Aliso Creek watershed. The City of Laguna Hills staff proposes to organize volunteers and direct efforts to clean up the City Wetlands along Alicia Parkway, from Via Lomas to Laguna Court, and the Southern California Edison open space and trail behind the High School from Alicia Parkway to Indian Hill Lane.
Item 4.8 - Development of IMPACT FEES - 3 types of Fees paid to the City by Developers on new development. Public Art Fees, Traffic Mitigation Fees, and Quimby Act. The Public Art Fund continues to have a negative balance which is currently $245,214. New fees collected will be used to re-imburse the General Fund.
Item 4.9  - Approval and Implementation of the design of a "50/70" Little League Baseball Field at Cabot Park.  Laguna Hills Little League requested a baseball field on which to practice and pay  games for the Intermediate Division (11 to 13 year olds)  which required the "46/60" field to be converted to a larger "50/70" field. The City Council approved this request. Fiscal Impact is reported to be $7,200 for conversion of this field.
Item 4.10 - 1st and Final Payment to G2 Construction for Water Quality Improvement Catch Basins - $66,832.50
Item 4.11 - July 4 Post Event Report - A firework shell malfunction in this year's show caused the Fire Marshall to terminate the show less than five minutes after it had started. Expenditures for the 2013 Fourth of July Celebration totaled $24,535, which accounts for the full refund of the fireworks deposit. The adopted budget for FY 2013-2014 includes $53,750 for the City’s 2013 Fourth of July Celebration event. Expenditures for the 2013 Fourth of July Celebration totaled $24,535 which does not include the total cost of the fireworks show. Net costs for the event totaled $18,809, which accounts for $4,426 in ticket sales revenue and $1,300 in vendor booth rentals revenue. A nominal expense may be added to the overall total for SVUSD clean-up efforts of firework debris in areas that City staff could not access (e.g. roof areas). This expense is not currently represented in the figures presented in this staff report.
Item 4.12 - Response to the Orange County Grand Jury Report dated June 27, 2013 entitled "The Goal of Equal Employment Opportunity: No Victims." 2012-29013 All responding cities in Orange County have documented processes to manage EEO complaints (notification, investigation and resolution).County HRSD recently implemented procedures to define a clear and concise process for the receipt, investigation and resolution of EEO complaints/incidents. See details on the City web site under the Agenda for this meeting.

** Items Pulled from the Warrant Register for Discussion:  Item 4.2 - $46,117.00 in payments to the Orange County Animal Shelter - One for $10,547.00 for Jan - March, 2013 recorded on page 6 and another payment for $35,570.00 for April - June, 2013 recorded on page 11, AFTER  Asst. City Manager Don White told us on April 16, 2013 there would be no more payments this year??  This was pulled from the Warrant Register by Council Member Bressette.
** Editor's Note - This $46,117.00 payment to the County Animal Shelter is quite a surprise for Laguna Hills taxpayers because at the April 16, 2013 Laguna Hills City Council Study Session, under the topic of old Old Major Plans, Laguna Hills Assist. City Manager Don White acknowledged that this year the City is not going to pay anything for Animal Care Services because the canvassing has shifted that burden to the residents related to a significant increase in revenue for the City related to license fees, in addition to usual fines and other fees, etc.  Don White also  said the City still has a $28,000 credit going into the 4th quarter.   SO, WHAT HAPPENED?  
Council Member Bressette asked Assist. City Manager Don White about these payments White's answer was that the County does bill us for Animal Care Services, we did not make any payments in the 1st 2 quarters of last fiscal year. You can see on page 6 under prepaid warrants there is a payment of $10, 547.00 for Jan - March, that's the third quarter of the 2012-13 fiscal year, and then under the regular warrant register on page 11 there is a payment of $35,570.00, that's for April through June, which is the 4th quarter of the 1213 fiscal year. White continued - I have not looked at the details of the billing, I can do that and get back to the city council but again it is based strictly on usage so the amount of field service calls and also animal charge days at the shelter. (** Don White's answer very effectively repeats the information from our question but fails to answer our question - Why is our City is being billed after Don told us in 2013 that the City is not going to pay anything for the rest of the year and that we had a $28,000 credit going into the 4th quarter?  Council Member Bressette said he was interested to know the why the big difference between the 2 amounts billed and Mayor Kogerman said, in April, at our workshop, it was suggest that we had a credit with the County of some $28,000 so as part of that response, I'd like to know if we are talking about the total here plus another $28,000, so are we really talking about $73,00 or how those numbers all work out?  She asked if we have approval to have that on the Agenda at the next meeting, then we'll have a full report on that. Item 4.2 was then passed.
(** Hopefully someone at the city does look at bills before they are paid and one would think Don White should have been especially interested in these bills knowing he was the one who stated twice that the City wouldn't be making any more payments to the County Shelter this year and once that we had a $28,000 credit from the County?)

** LAGUNA WOODS in 2012-13 paid $86,000 with a population of 16,192 = Per Capita Cost of $5.31 with the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter.
ALISO VIEJO in 2011-2012 paid their 23.6% share (according to their percentage of population -49,025) of the combined total charges of $1,780,658 for all 3 cities that share the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter (Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo and Aliso Viejo)  Aliso Viejo = Per Capita Cost of $8.57
LAGUNA NIGUEL in 2011-12 costs to the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter also = Per Capita Cost of $8.57
MISSION VIEJO in 2011-12 costs to the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter also = Per Capita Cost of $8.57
LAGUNA HILLS in 2011-12 paid $276,902 with a population of 30,344 = Per Capita Cost of $9.13 to the Orange County Animal Shelter

*** Regarding Poor services at the County Animal Shelter,  be sure to new OC Register Story at:
Mickadeit: Dog-license issues fill voice mail - This story reports people are being erroneously billed for dog licenses for dead pets even after reporting that the pets have died and/or after paying license fees, plus notice of unpaid bills ultimately reaches credit reporting agencies.

** Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar for Discussion:
Mayor Pro-Tem Blount noted the $56,000 for our water usage for the months of June and July and asked what tier we are in and asked for a copy of the bill.  Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services responded we have over 100 accounts with Moulton Niguel Water district do to vast landscaping areas and most of them (over 80%) are in the basic tiers 1 and 2, but can go to the 2nd tier easily during hot summer months plus there are some isolated locations that sometimes hit tier 3 and very occasionally even a tier 4.  We review those locations and do what we can to reduce that usage. He added there is no tier system for the reclaimed water and the cost is 10% less per unit for recycled water.

Item 4.9 - Approval and Implementation of  "50/70" Little League Baseball Field at Cabot Park, Council Member Bressette asked if Little League was consulted and agreed with this? Ken Rosnefield told him that Little League had agreed.

Item 4.11 - July 4 - July 4 Post Event Report was also pulled from the Consent Calendar by Council Member Bressette and the remainder of the consent calendar was passed.  Council Member Bressette suggested a great source of information for next year would be the OC Fire Authority that is trying to get a feel for what happens State wide with fireworks. 
Item 4.9 and 4.11 were both passed.


Item 5.4 Administrative Reports - Conditional Use Permit- A Request to Operate a pet Grooming Business at 27001 Moulton Pkwy., Stite A116
SUMMARY: The Applicant, owner/ operator Paola Anderson, is requesting approval to relocate her existing pet grooming facility, Judi’s Laguna Pet Spa, Inc., to 27001 Moulton Parkway, Suite A116, in the Community Commercial (CC) zoning district. Laguna Pet Spa grooms dogs and cats of all breeds, and performs services such as bathing, hair cutting, and nail clipping. Veterinary and boarding services are not offered. A pet grooming facility is a permitted use within the CC zone, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit.  Judi’s Laguna Pet Spa has been located in Laguna Hills since it was originally established in 1984 at Alicia Valencia Shopping Center. In 1992, the business moved to its current location in the Moulton La Paz center (now the Village at Nellie Gail Ranch) where it has operated as a successful business for over twenty years. With its current lease expiring, the business has opted to move half a mile south to the Western Country Plaza shopping center.  Western Country Plaza is located at the southwest corner of Moulton Parkway and Oso Parkway. A total of 22 public hearing notices were mailed to surrounding property owners within a 300’ radius of the subject site. To date, no comments have been received.
Staff Recommendation - Approve the Conditional Use permit.
VOTE - This was approved 5 - 0 with no signage issues.


ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS -  Presented by the City Manager
**This matter was continued from the last city council meeting on July 9, 2013.
** The term "Confidential" was noted during the discussion, in response to a question from Mayor Pro-Tem Blount, to be only 1 City Employee who is non-management but has access to privileged information such as personnel records, so is not represented by the Employee Association.

Total personnel costs budgeted for 2013-14 are $4,681,742.00.  Staff has analyzed the fiscal impact of the proposed Resolution, along with known salary adjustments for all employees, and insurance premium changes. If the City Council votes to support staff’s recommendation (Scenario 4), the total projected personnel costs for the City for 2013-14 is $4,672,000.00 which is almost $10,000 below budget. For fiscal year 2014-15, the impact is projected to be about $25,000 below budget.  ** You can see all the details on the city web site Under Supporting Materials for this Agenda Item 7.1.1

City Manager Channing stated we heard at the last meeting (July 9, 2013) that you wanted to know:
1. What the thoughts would be if  the terms and conditions of this (Salary and Benefits) Resolution Management, Confidential and Part Time Employees were designed in the manner as the contract with the Represented/None Mgmt. Employees earlier in the year.
2. You wanted to see what the impact would be from using all the cities in the county as comparative cities rather than just the 17 cities chosen for the last salary and benefits study.
3. You asked how it would affect this proposal if a lesser Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) adjustment at 1.4% in the first year was made for all of the ranges.
4.  You wanted to be certain that whatever was approved overall you did not want total compensation for employees exceeding about 26 to 27% of the total operating budget.  
** Editor's Note - ** City Manager Channing neglected to mention 2 questions from the council at the end of last meeting, on July 9, 2013 regarding:
1.  Management Sharing of the PERS Contribution and Sharing of Health Care Costs
2.  Every Member of the Staff to be compensated fairly
Question re Cost Sharing for PERS and for Health Care is included in the scenarios below.

The City Council was presented with the 4 scenarios below by the City Manager and Scenario #4 was recommended. 
We cannot report all the detail on the discussion that lasted 2 1/2 hours but present highlights and we would be remiss if we did not say that the City Council Members considered this matter thoroughly and were cordial to one another at all times throughout this entire discussion.  .  *If you want to hear the entire discussion you can do that on the city web site audio of this meeting.

Scenario 1 (even though it was rejected at the last meeting) is presented here for purposes of comparison with the other scenarios. 
· Management and confidential employees receive a 3.5% salary increase effective July 1, 2013 and another 3.5% salary increase effective July 1, 2014.· Management and confidential employees would begin to share in future increases in medical insurance premiums starting January 1, 2014. The cost sharing arrangement is proposed to be identical to the one agreed to in the MOU with the LHCEA with cost increases in premiums being shared 50-50 between the City and employees, including elected members, up to a maximum of 4% annually for employees and elected members.
· Current management and confidential employees would not participate in any PERS (The Major retirement Plan for City Employees)  cost sharing, but any newly hired or promoted employee would be required to immediately pay the full 7% employee portion of the PERS contribution. The City Council discussed this proposal at length and made a number of comments. It should be noted that the only comment about which there appeared to be a consensus of the Council was the desire for management and confidential employees to participate in PERS cost sharing in the same manner as the represented employees. Staff has incorporated the City Council’s collective comments into the following three new scenarios for the Council’s consideration.   ** Per City Manager Channing - Cost to the City of about $68.000 for this Scenario for the next 2 years.

Scenario 2 essentially treats management and confidential employees the same as represented employees, but the contract for the Represented Employees is for 3 years and consideration for Mgmt, Confidential and Part Time Employees is for 2 years.
· Salary increases shall be based on a market survey of Orange County cities for 2013 and in May of 2014.  Employees shall be compensated at 5% above the Orange County cities’ average for each classification. Increases shall not be less than 3.5% but may be as high as 5% depending on the results of the survey.
· In 2013-14, employees shall pay 0.75% toward the City’s normal cost rate of its pension program with PERS. This amount will increase to 1.5% on July 1, 2014.
· City will pay the lower of the PPO and HMO premiums for employees and dependents and will split cost increases beginning January 1, 2014, 50-50 up to a maximum of 4% for employees in any given year.  ** Per City Manager Channing - Cost to the City of about $72.000 for this plan for the next 2 years.

Scenario 3 has the same PERS and Medical insurance cost sharing arrangements as Scenario 2, but changes the salary adjustments based on the suggestion made by Mayor Kogerman at the July 9th meeting. All employees covered by the Resolution (including the City Manager and the Assistant City Manager) will receive a 1.4% Cost-Of-Living Adjustment effective July 1, 2013 and up to a 3.5% COLA effective July 1, 2014 as determined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County area. ** Per City Manager Channing - Cost to the City  would be a savings in the 1st year and an increase in the 2nd year to a total of just under $17,000 for this plan.

Scenario 4 is a hybrid of Scenarios 2 and 3. For fiscal year 2013-2014, those employees earning less than 105% of the average of all the Orange County cities' will have their current salary ranges adjusted to be at 105% of the County average. All employee ranges will then also be adjusted by an additional 1.4% COLA to reach the recommended 2013-14 salary range. With the exception of the Deputy City Manager/Community Services Director, because all other employees would be limited to a maximum increase of 5%, not all employees would receive an immediate adjustment to the top of their range. ** Channing added that under this plan we would look to the employees to begin contributing to their retirement plan of 0.75% in the 1st year and 1.5% in the 2nd year and employees would begin to share the cost increases for their Health Care Premiums.  ** Per City Manager Channing - Cost to the City of a little more than $22.000 in the 1st year and about $47,000 in the 2nd year for this plan. 

**This is being proposed as an "across the board" increase for all management employees, which would include the City Manager and the Assistant City Manager.


Mayor Pro-Tem Blount asked the City Manager and Council for the history of reason for the 105% (5% above County Average Salary range for City of Laguna Hills Employees)  Council Member Carruth explained that in 1991 - 1993 when the city was started it was economically well off, the Mall was doing very well then and the population of the city was small.  The sales tax revenue was as great as the property tax revenue, so the council thought it was appropriate to pay 5% above the County average, but times have changed and now the sales tax revenue is just a fraction of the property tax revenue.  Council Member Bressette added that the objective of the 5% over County average pay for employees was to attract and retain quality employees, which he feels was accomplished and in the beginning we were a wealthy city. City Manager Channing added it was important for a small primarily contract city to have a highly efficient staff of working department heads with little turnover so he suggested the 5% above the County Average compensation to get by with no Personnel Dept. and no Personnel Services Manager. Now Property Taxes are the main source of revenue for the City.

Mayor Kogerman and Council Member Carruth argued that the 5% above comparator agencies compensation standard does not apply to Management.  City Manager Channing responded that including Management in the 5% above comparator wages has been the historic practice of the City and that raises for management have fallen behind in the last 5 years. He added that removing the reference to compensation for Mgmt. being 5% above the average in scenario 4 could be stricken from the scenario and the scenario brought back again at the next council meeting.  He further explained that everybody does not get paid at the top of 5% above the County Average, but that is the top end of the range. The process is that a new employee starts at the bottom end of the range and based upon there performance, can move up to the top end of the range. Mayor Pro-Tem Blount said one thing that concerns him is with City Manager Channing's Contract, the idea that we give an increase to all management that automatically flows to Channing.  He said to Channing, I believe that removes some of the latitude that we have as managers because we are supposed to manage you.  He noted that at the last meeting on July 9 his big concern was that we treat everybody fairly and asked does scenario 4 get closest to that?   City Manager Channing responded that scenario 2 gets closest to that and next would be scenario 4. Blount continued that he believes the council should set the ideology for compensation, but doesn't like to see it broken down into how much for which individual employee.  Council Member Bressette asked, If we wanted to eliminate that "flow through" to "Contract" employees such as the City Manager and Assist. City Manager in Scenario 4 could we do that through changes to the last paragraph ?  City Manager Channing explained that the COLA adjustment that if the city council gives any "across the board increase" the same amount would apply to the City Manager and the Assistant City Manager.  He added that eliminating the paragraph about approving across the board increases would result in reduction in salaries for all management employees. 
Council Member Gilbert stated the importance to him of keeping  total compensation within the historic 26 to 27% percent of the City's Operating Budget.  Mayor Kogerman noted that in the Employee Compensation Study done a few years ago with comparator cities salaries weren't so different but benefits were. Here we are talking about salary only For a couple of our manager's the gas for their cars is 100% paid for. This less visible compensation is considerable, so we need to remember that our Manager's are being compensated by more than just these salary range numbers. 

** Editor's Note - What was being discussed here is that Total Compensation is Not being discussed for City Management. For instance in addition to the plethora of benefits awarded by the City to the City Manager in his Contract, he is entitled to receive cost of living adjustment increases approved for all management employees. It is also stated in his contract states that he does not have to pay for any of his Health Ins. Benefit or his Retirement Benefit, so again it is doubtful that the City Manager would have to contribute to those unless he agreed to do so. Go to or if that doesn't work for you, go to the city's web site at . On the face page, click on and Forms Documents and Maps then click on City Manager and on City Manager Employment Agreement and Corresponding Resolutions. There is some uncertainty here related to the councils ability to exclude the City Manager from receiving benefits awarded to other management employees unless the City Manager agrees to be excluded.

EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY MANAGER whose total compensation was noted to be $358,746 including a salary of $234,944City Manager Channing's employment agreement states under 5. Salary, C. Channing shall be entitled to receive cost-of-living adjustments or any similar annual across-the-board increases that the City Council determines in its discretion to approve for all management employees.
You will also find all the other benefits the City Manager receives as part of his total compensation, that are not included in this compensation discussion, including 7. Pension, A. City agrees to enroll Channing as a member of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) in the PERS plan selected by the City in its sole discretion. City shall pay for City's portion and Channing's portion of the contribution to the plan. B. City shall also provide Channing with the same PARS and ICMA-RHS retiree health coverage as set forth in the City Resolutions affecting other management employees. 
Under 8. Health and Medical Benefits Insurance:  A - City shall provide Channing with the same health and medical benefits plan or plans which are provided other City employees, and shall pay that portion of the employee and dependent rate or premium as is determined by the City Council for all City employees. B. To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium is not approved by the City council for all City employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City, plus applicable income taxes on that amount.  At the end of this agreement is a clause that states  20. Entire Agreement:  This Agreement represents the entire agreement between parties and supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between parties with respect to the employment of Channing by the City...21. Modifications: Any Modifications to this Agreement shall be effective only if in writing and signed by both of the parties hereto.

For the Assistant City Manager go to  or go to the city's web site at . On the face page, click on and Forms Documents and Maps then click on City Manager and on Assistant City Manager Employment Agreement.
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER  whose 2012 total compensation was noted to be $265,758 including a salary of $194,456 - terms and conditions of Assistant City Manager's employment, including additional employment benefits of Assistant City Manager not specifically provided for in this Employment Agreement, shall be governed by City's personnel policies and procedures, including but not limited to City's Annual Salary Resolution (See, Resolution No. 2007-06-12-2), governing management employees salaries and benefits as amended from time to time to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement. In the even of an such inconsistency or conflict, the provisions of the Agreement shall govern.

There were numerous motions and substitute motions throughout the discussion. Council Member Gilbert made a motion to accept Scenario # 4.  Council Member Bressette objected to the pass through to the City Manager and requested a paragraph stating, "It is the City Council's goal that management be compensated at 5% above the Orange County City's Average for each classification as economic issues and budgetary concerns allow", which captures the intent but leaves us an out. Mayor Kogerman seconded that motion and asked to remove the one "Confidential" Employee and treat her the same as the represented employees because she is not management. City Attorney Simonian advised that  changing this classification for this employee would need to be researched.  Council Member Carruth mentioned that this should not be further enhancing the City Manager's contract. City Attorney Simonian advised that removing the paragraph in question and substituting the language from Bressette, would change this to a 1 year, rather than 2 year, contract so the Resolution language would need to be revised and come back to the council at another time. More suggestions were made and considered. Council Member Gilbert suggested that the council is assuming they need to cover all bases because the City Manager has no common sense and can't adjust to consider bad economic times as needed.  Mayor Kogerman made the point that the City Manager is compensated at 107% already and that another Mgmt.employee is only at 87%.  It was suggested by Council Member Carruth that the council go into closed session and appoint negotiators, etc.  Mayor Pro-tem Blount added that the council has already spent about 25 hours on this including City Attorney fees for that time.  Scenario 4's cost is about $22,000 for the 1st year, so we are adding to that cost by continuing to spend this much time on it. Further discussion revealed more problems and complications and more time spent related to additional options.  Council Member Gilbert added that looking at spending more time and attorney fees dragging this out doesn't make economic sense, unless there is a philosophical point that we will not compensate somebody. 
Council Member Bressette made a suggestion why not take Scenario # 4 as the base, make it a 1 year contract, bring every salary range to 105% of the Orange County Cities Average, eliminate the COLA, come back and discuss the Confidential Employee's treatmentMayor Kogerman suggested that the person (City Manager) who is already at 107% salary range would stay at that level.  Mayor Pro-Tem Blount confirmed that all increases will take place retroactive to July 1, 2013 and suggested they all look at the scenario they most agree with and proceed from there. Council Member Gilbert said PERS and Medical Ins. Cost Sharing is important to him and staying in 27% range of total Operating Budget. 

City Manager Channing concluded that the direction from the council, so far, is recommending that everybody be moved to 105% salary range, but don't add the COLA, and do add employee contributions to PERS and the increase in Health Care Costs. Channing said that at least 3 if not 4 mgmt. employees would be taking a net loss in pay in the next year with this recommendation because the increase in Health Care plus the contribution to PERS is greater than the additional 1.4% COLA.   Mayor Kogerman argued there would be only minor adjustments for the City Manager, Assist. City Manager and the one Confidential Employee. The others will be gaining. Channing said he would have to re-calculate but there could be a lossMayor Kogerman announced she was just told the "Confidential" Employee was retiring in December so no further need to make changes for her.  A Motion to approve Scenario #4 failed 2 to 3. No Votes were Kogerman, Bressette and Carruth. Council Member Bressette suggested going line by line down the document to reach consensusCouncil Member Gilbert argued against giving up Management Employee contributions to Health Ins. Increases and Retirement, as this contribution has been so long in coming, has significant impact on our budget and giving it up sends a negative message to Non-management employees, plus there is no guarantee that we will get that next year. Mayor Kogerman responded this was to prevent anyone getting a salary cut.  Mayor Pro-Tem Blount said he was very uncomfortable telling non-management employees that they have to pay for PERs and Health Care but Management does not.  Council Members Carruth and Bressette were both in favor of pushing the contributions to PERS and Health Care off for a year. Mayor Kogerman added she can't believe she is saying this but she too is in favor of pushing the contributions to Health Care and Retirement out a year to avoid any decreases in pay.

Mayor Pro-Tem Blount suggested approve Scenario 4 tonight with caveat of 105% with 1.4% COLA added into the 105% for one year and this is a goal but not policy. Refer back to staff for a new resolution reflecting this at the next meeting. During the discussion that followed re City Manager Channing contributed, "I think you ought to be a little more straight forward on what your're trying to get to when you say 106.4%.  Why don't you just say it the way you mean it?  I think you're trying purposefully to avoid giving the City Manager any kind of a Cost of Living Adjustment.  Believe me I'm fine with that. If that's the goal, lets get it over with and move on. Your're wasting a lot of time."  Blount argued, that his understanding, as the maker of the motion, is that's not what it does.  Channing countered with, "Yes, it is, ask the maker."  Blount continued I am the maker, correct me if I am wrong.  My understanding as the maker of the motion is that we have an across the board increase to raise salaries to 105% and we give the 1.48%, whether we put it in with the 105% or not it's the same number. Channing continued, "The nuance changes the impact.  And I think that was the intent of the people who are supporting it, which is fine." "Believe me, I'm not gonna die if I don't get a 1.4%" Blount said Well then,  I withdraw the motion, because I think it's wrong to treat employee's differently. it's a bad thing to do.  Channing responded, "The message has already been communicated, I don't think you need to worry about the details anymore."  Kogerman, You're talking about 105%, the City Manager doesn't share in that but everybody gets 1/4% in addition.  Blount responded the City Manager, just like the rest of our employees should be at 105%.  Kogerman, he's at 107% right now Blount - Then he doesn't share because he should be at the range.  Channing, You gotta be careful the way you say it so you know what your're getting. I think I understood quite well what you were trying to get to. You don't want to give and across the board cost of living adjustment. You want to get everybody at 105%. Blount- My motion is withdrawn, my goal is to get a Cost of Living Adjustment, my understanding was incorrect, that what I proposed would get us to that.  Kogerman is what you mean 105% and in addition everyone gets 1.4%? Blount - Yes, and added he did not know there was a difference and said thank you for the information. This is a tiny city and need to treat all employees equally. We re-arrange salaries to 105% and give every the 1.4% COLA. It's scenario # 4 with for 1 year. Kogerman- Scenario 4 caps any adjustment at 7.5% so we need to remove that.  We strike the paragraph at the bottom of that list and substitute language from Bressette that says we pay 105% when feasible. Also strike the 7.5% max so we are doing the same 105% for everyone plus 1.4% Cost Of Living Adjustment.
Final Motion was for direction to the staff to return with an agreement for 105% for everyone with language that says the City pays 5% above the county average when feasible plus a 1.4% COLA for everyone this time. This is for one year, and includes removal of the 7.5% salary cap to allow the low end salaries can be brought up to 105%. * There was no mention, in the summation of the final motion, of any Management Contribution to the PERS Retirement Plan or to their Health Ins. Benefits so we asked Mayor Kogerman who told us contributions to PERS and to Health Ins. are included in the recommendations they sent to staff.  
VOTE was in favor of the Final Motion 3 to 2 with Gilbert-Yes, Kogerman-Yes, Blount-Yes,  Bressette-No, Carruth-No 

In order to provide a context for understanding staffing levels in Laguna Hills, the City wishes to retain the services of a qualified consultant to compare Laguna Hills with the following contract and in-house police departments:· Aliso Viejo
· Lake Forest
· Laguna Niguel
· Mission Viejo
· Rancho Santa Margarita
· San Juan Capistrano
· Brea
· Cypress
· Tustin
2. A comprehensive comparison with the above nine cities will include the following areas using appropriate measurements and analytics to ensure apples-to-apples comparisons (to the extent the data is readily available on these points):
a. land area
b. road miles
c. signalized intersections
d. developed land (residential vs. commercial)
e. demographic data
f. housing data (owner vs. rental) (single family vs. multi-family)
g. overall general fund revenue and expenditures
h. expenditures and revenues related to police services activities
i. police staffing levels, including sworn and non-sworn, motors, special
enforcement, patrol, investigations, supervision, etc.
j. crime rates
k. calls for service
l. arrests
m. clearance rates
The budget allocates $25,000 for the proposed study.
Present a final report to the City Council tentatively scheduled for February 11, 2014.
The Assistant City Manager, Don White presented this item and requested that 2 members of the City Council sit on an ad hoc committee to evaluate proposals and make recommendations.  Council Member Carruth asked if language could be added to this proposal to include shared administrative services out of neighboring cities. White responded that kind of language is included.
VOTE - The motion for the Study was passed 5 - 0
VOTE - in favor of appointing an ad hoc committee was also passed 5 - 0

SUMMARY: A Major Plan to be completed during the 2013-2015 Biennial Budget period is the evaluation of the Holiday Banner Program. This Program, which previously funded the installation of winter holiday banners and spring patriotic banners along all arterial highways, was placed on hiatus during the recent recessionary economic period. The City Council has directed staff to evaluate this Program for potential renewal into a future budget cycle. Staff has prepared a preliminary review of the Banner Program and has identified several issues that need to be addressed before a final recommendation can be presented to the City Council. Individual Council member comments during the Budget Study Session also reflected an affinity for patriotic banners and/or military unit specific banners. To fully evaluate this Program, staff recommends this matter be referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission to include input from the “3/5 Marine Support Committee” and other interested parties.
Fiscal Impact - Fiscal Impact to be considered related to recommendation.
Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services suggested this matter be referred to the Parks and Recreations Committee to include the 3/5 Marines Support Committee and will return to the City Council in about 4 to 6 mos.   VOTE - This item was passed 5-0

SUMMARY - The 15th annual City of Laguna Hills Memorial Day Half Marathon, 10K and 5K, honoring the USMC Dark Horse Battalion took place on Monday, May 27, 2013. Three thousand, four hundred  runners (3,400) participated in the event. A number of the 3/5 Battalion Marines ran in the half marathon again this year, which along with the 5K and 10K, was led from the start line by a USMC Humvee and Grand Marshall Cpl. Josue Barron. A highlight of the community expo for 2013 was the presence of the Marines from the 3/5 Battalion along with a number of static displays. Total 2013 event expenditures, including staff time, were $172,866 and event revenues totaled $177,229. At its November 22, 2011, meeting, the City Council selected a pledge formula of $3 per paid 5K, 10K, and half marathon participant for the continued funding assistance to the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Division Support Committee (3/5 Marine Support Committee). Based on this pledge formula, $9,456 may be provided to the 3/5 Marine Support Committee by the adoption of the attached community assistance funding resolution.

Dan Meehan, Community Services Superintendent presented this report and added that there were 640 more participants in this event than were registered in the 2012.
Staff Recommendation was to authorize the funding to the 3/5 Marines Support Committee. Council Member Gilbert noted that he participated in that even and it was such a special day. Tremendous amount of work and excellent job. Mayor Kogerman said it was an amazing day and added that the 3/5 Marines also spent from their budget, $6,651 paying the fees for Marines who were running in the race as well as for a reception for them the night before, etc. and they did an amazing amount of work in addition to their costs to help bring the numbers up in addition to the arrangement with CHASE Bank and with Ashley Furniture.  She added that she recently met a gentleman who served in Viet Nam and returned about 10 years before her husband (Bill Kogerman) did and he has a genuine hero and has written some books. She said when she told him what we were doing for the Marines he was astonished, almost brought tears to his eyes because it was so different from his experience after Viet Nam when he had tomatoes and eggs thrown at him while he was pushing a wounded man in a wheelchair. He had 4 purple hearts and a horrible experience. How we are embracing our Marines is unique, not just to So.Orange County but evidently in this country as well. We are really proud of what we have impowered our committee to do.

MATTERS AGENDIZED AND PRESENTED BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND MAYOR - Mayor Kogerman announced that Announced that the council members received letters from OCTA asking for a representative to serve on their long range transportation plan to help engage citizens to update the Long Range Transportation Plan. There are 2 meetings one in Sept and the other in March. She asked for a volunteer from the City Council. Council Member Carruth volunteered.


Mayor Pro-Tem Blount said he and Council Member Carruth took a field trip to the trail area, near the remodeled shopping center on Moulton and La Paz, that is soon to be landscaped and noted that if you're walking there from Nellie Gail really can't get to the fabulous trail area so it's not quite what they hoped it would be related to access. He suggested that in the future there could be a discussion related to some kind of stop light, or enhancing the tunnel or something to provide folks with a way to get to this new trail area.    

Council Member Carruth - Noted that OC FIre Authority was at the Nellie Gail Emergency Preparedness Expo. at Gallup Park, 3/5 was there with a booth as well as Law Enforcement. She said this was an effort by Nellie Gail to really connect the neighbors and residents of Nellie Gail and provide greater information about Emergency Preparedness and focus residents on knowing their neighbors and how to be prepared. The organized Ham Radio Operators were there as well. She said the turnout was a little bit light but they are very much interested in having a Community Expo. perhaps in April during our Earth Day

Mayor Kogerman - Announced she and her husband are installing solar on their house so she received a letter from  Mr. David Chantarangsu, Laguna Hills Director of Community Development. She said it was a wonderful letter that goes out to everyone getting a work permit with all kinds of guidance, etc. and is a marvelous letter. She added she was out of town so missed the National Night Out for the City so asked if any other council members had comments. No one did. She also commended the people who presented Nellie Gail's Emergency Preparedness Expo for all the residents of the City. They did a great Job.
The meeting ended at 11:10 PM.

The Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday,  September 10, 2013 - 7 pm, at City Hall Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at
** In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in City Council meetings, you should contact the office of the City Clerk at (949) 707‑2635. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting.

CITY COUNCIL and CITY MANAGER REPORT CARD  Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests:

P - for vote for the relocation of Judi's Laguna Pet Spa
P - for vote for the POLICE SERVICES STUDY that includes possible sharing of services with other cities.
P - for vote for EVALUATION OF HOLIDAY BANNE PROGRAM being sent to the Parks and Recreations Committee

Bressette -
P - for vote for the relocation of Judi's Laguna Pet Spa
- for vote for the POLICE SERVICES STUDY that includes possible sharing of services with other cities.
P - for vote for EVALUATION OF HOLIDAY BANNE PROGRAM being sent to the Parks and Recreations Committee

Carruth - 
P - for vote for the relocation of Judi's Laguna Pet Spa
P - for vote for the POLICE SERVICES STUDY that includes possible sharing of services with other cities.
- for vote for EVALUATION OF HOLIDAY BANNE PROGRAM being sent to the Parks and Recreations Committee

Gilbert -
P - for vote for the relocation of Judi's Laguna Pet Spa
P - for vote for the POLICE SERVICES STUDY that includes possible sharing of services with other cities.
P - for vote for EVALUATION OF HOLIDAY BANNE PROGRAM being sent to the Parks and Recreations Committee

Kogerman -
P - for vote for the relocation of Judi's Laguna Pet Spa
P - for vote for the POLICE SERVICES STUDY that includes possible sharing of services with other cities.
P - for vote for EVALUATION OF HOLIDAY BANNE PROGRAM being sent to the Parks and Recreations Committee

City Manager -
F -  for staff not being aware of reason for $46,117.00 in Payments to the Orange County Animal Shelter,  AFTER  Assistant City Manager Don White told us on April 16, 2013 there would be no more payments this year.
F - for making it personal re. compensation for Management Staff related to City Manager already being compensated beyond the top range for the City.  The City Manager should not be doubling down from benefits to other staff, when he has a contract with the City for his salary and benefits.

** INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers since the last council meeting:

ABOUT: City Manager Boundaries, Contract Questions and Compensation;   Last Message to Laguna Hills Residents re. Poor Services + High Price for County Animal Shelter;   San Juan gets new Dog Park and Lake Forest following, but nothing for Laguna Hills?;   Comments on Manure clean up plus Safety issues re. horse corral to be located at shopping center on Moulton/La Paz;    4th of July fireworks failure;   Notable Stories from other publications - Tiered billing schemes for water not fair,  Water and Sewer Districts in County Awash in Cash,  City Leaders we'd just as soon not hear from the rest of 2013:

ABOUT: Setting Boundaries for the City Manager, questions about his contract with the City and his compensation

Anonymous said...
How does the city council expect this city manager to treat staff "fairly" when he has no boundaries for himself? He contributes nothing to his own retirement plan and nothing to his health care plan for himself and his family and the list goes on. He's double dipping with all the compensation afforded to him by his very plush contract with the city that he has successfully resisted all requests from the council for him to modify and in addition he fully benefits himself from the additional compensation he is requesting for the rest of the city management staff. All that and he is questioning the council members about "cherry picking"? Why is he tolerated much less still employed? Surely it would be cheaper and wiser for the city to get rid of him than to knowingly keep him as their grossly overcompensated chief of staff for such a small city. I thought I was voting for new council members who understood this. Council Member Carruth was correct in saying We don't want to have to deal with overcompensation in the future as we have had to do in the past with the City Manager, but if she and Bressette had been paying attention for the past 22 years perhaps we wouldn't be in this mess now. Is this city council paying attention? If Channing stays he should not receive any additional compensation or benefits, and if he doesn't like that he can always choose to leave.

Anonymous said...
Has anyone read the city manager's contract with the City of Laguna Hills? If not be sure to see it at There's a clause in his contract that says he shall be entitled to receive cost of living adjustments or any similar annual across the board increases that the City Council determines in its discretion to approve for all management employees. This is in addition to annual raises and bonuses as well as a great many other benefits from taxpayers including no contribution from Channing to any of the several retirement benefit plans he was literally given. What I didn't see in that contract is how the taxpayers are protected from Channing?

Anonymous said...
2 choices with taxpayer money, either permanently reign in that city manager to recover some of our long history of overpayment or get rid of him. What has he done that has been exceptional enough to warrant that kind of contract or make him the highest paid city manager in Orange County?

Anonymous said...
When you look back at how long it took to get any meaningful shopping center remodeling done in this small city, certainly including the Laguna Hills Mall, and at the fact that we have no big box stores at all in the city, to assist our economy it's difficult to see how this city manager earned the compensation he received in the past related to city manager's of other, more prosperous nearby cities. Hopefully the new city council will not make that mistake again. If they are waiting for him to retire they should be sure he earns now what he was paid in the past with no additional compensation. Disgusted taxpayer

Anonymous said...
I just read that Disney is no longer providing cars for their execs. so why does a small city like Laguna HIlls provide one for the Assist. City Manager? Fuel costs to and from work and for city business is plenty. We don't pay taxes to provide plush benefits for City Manager and Assist. City Manager. That needs to end. Take the "over the top" away from top management and pay everyone fairly.

ABOUT:  Last Message to Laguna Hills Residents on Continued Poor Services and High Price for the County Animal Shelter from a long time LH Citizen who has recently moved away.

Valerie Bromberg said...
This will be my last comment on this sight as a Laguna Hills resident. My husband and I have lived in Laguna Hills for 33 years and are moving to Maui. Crazy! 
The Brombergs along with the Blands campaigned for Mayor Kogerman in 2010, so some of you may have had us at your doorstep back then asking you to sign the petition for term limits and requesting that you vote for now Mayor Barbara. True to her word, Barbara this year requested that a committee be formed to reinvestigate the possibility of better animal shelter services. Four citizens researched current shelter services and costs as well as looking for possible new services.

What we found for current shelter services was sadly surprising. We have one animal control officer south of the Y. That officer covers about 196 square miles. To put it in perspective, the coverage for many surrounding cities is one officer for every 42 square miles. The justification for such minimal services has always been cost. Do citizens really want to pay for better services? It turns out we already do pay, we just don’t receive the good shelter service.

We pay $9 per capita and surrounding cities with better services pay about $8. The difference is that the service in surrounding cities is mostly paid by the cities. In Laguna Hills, the lion’s share of the cost is covered by its citizens in fees and fines.
Other cities have provided better animal care services once they incorporated. Please keep questioning why our city government continues to contract with the county animal shelter.
Valerie Bromberg,  July 19, 2013

ABOUT: City of San Juan Resident get new Dog Park and Lake Forest looking to do the same but nothing for Laguna Hills

Anonymous said...
Did everyone see this? From Supervisor Pat Bates 5th District Report 7-2-13

San Juan Capistrano Dog Park Grand Opening. Dr. Joe Cortese Dog Park, named after a beloved local veterinarian, is a 2.5-acre site in the San Juan Capistrano’s Northwest Open Space, located at 30291 Camino Capistrano. The park is a result of the 1990 voter approved Open Space Bond effort. The dog park welcomes small and large dogs and features picnic tables, benches, and an access ramp for people with disabilities. The area will include drinking fountains for both people and pooches.
The ribbon cutting will be Saturday, August 17 at 10:00 a.m. and the event runs until 1:00 p.m., which includes exhibit booths, demonstrations, goodie bags for dogs, dog photos for purchase, and hot dogs!  All dogs must be on a leash for the ribbon cutting/event activities.
Lake Forest is also getting a dog park so that leaves Laguna Hills again standing alone, as the only city in this entire area with nothing at all for dog owners. What is wrong with this city that charges dog owners more for the worst Animal Shelter Services available, gives us no dog park and nothing at all for people with pets. We need to get rid of the anti-pet council members. This is ridiculous.

ABOUT:  Comments on Manure clean up and Safety issues related to the horse corral to be located at the remodeled shopping center on Moulton/La Paz

Anonymous said...
I just had to comment on Council Member Melody Carruth's remark that equestrians would clean up horse manure just as dog owners do. CM Carruth is obviously not familiar with horses or equestrians or management of a situation such as a horse corral at a shopping center. If she wants that corral to be used by equestrians she needs to know there will need to be some management from the City and/or the shopping center. This LA Times story reveals the problems related to that expectation - Horse Manure Spurs Controversy on O.C. Trails
As anyone can imagine:
1. It would be difficult to carry a shovel and a rake as well as large trash bags on a saddle for manure clean up, so clean up on trails is NOT usually done.
2. Horse poop is MUCH bigger than dog poop so you can't just bag it up easily.
3. Receptacles for horse manure would need to be provided, maintained, and emptied on a regular basis.

Anonymous  said...
I think the real question here is why did the city council decide about constructing a horse corral at the remodeled shopping center on La Paz and Moulton without consulting the developer to work out mutually agreeable plans? Wouldn't a Planning Commission have paid more attention to this issue and been more thorough? This plan, or lack of planning, leaves equestrians caught in the middle.

Anonymous said...
I've been riding horses in Nellie Gail for 20 years and as far as I know there are no rules about cleaning up after horses on the trails here. There are rules about cleaning up at the equestrian center. If the city wants clean up at the shopping center, they better post the rules and make sure they supply all the materials needed. Who did they consult about this?

Anonymous said...
Do the equestrians in Nellie Gail realize that it's the city taxpayers not the developer, who are paying, for the corral at the remodeled shopping center on Moulton and La Paz. Seems to be some confusion about that??

Anonymous said...
Just wanted to say I'm a long time equestrian in Laguna Hills and I would not take my horse to a busy shopping center anywhere, and never leave my horse in a shopping center corral. Regardless of any clean up problems, I love my horse so would not expose her to a situation like that. Anyone encouraging people to do that doesn't know horses and is taking ridiculous risks to promote a shopping center. Hopefully people will have more sense and keep their horses safe at home at a stable or on the horse trails. I also read that a resident said she would now be able to walk her dogs to the grocery store at the Moulton/La Paz shopping center to get both exercise and groceries? Dogs aren't allowed in grocery stores and I didn't read anything about a dog corral?  I am hoping people will skip all the hype and use good sense.

ABOUT: City's 4th of July fireworks failure

Anonymous said...
Thank you for letting us know all the details of what happened with the fireworks display. It was disappointing but does appear that the city handled it well and put the safety of the public first.

Anonymous said...
Just wanted to say I agree with ending the fireworks display in favor of safety. That show must go on stuff is fine for theater but not for this type of entertainment.

Anonymous  said...
Absolutely right to chose safety over entertainment but I think this fireworks company has had enough chances.

Anonymous said...
Always safety first.

Anonymous  said...
Did you see in the Register that the fireworks company refunded the money Laguna Hills spent on fireworks---SJC, too. Personally I would have preferred to read that Channing had gotten the boot.

ABOUT:  Notable Stories from other Publications:  Tiered billing schemes for water not fair;  Water and Sewer Districts in County Awash in Cash;  City Leaders we'd just as soon not hear from the rest of 2013 

Laguna Hills Council Member Andrew Blount said...
** Aug. 25, 2013, Letter to the Editor from Laguna Hills City Council Member Andrew Blount re. Tiered billing schemes for water not fair

Anonymous said...
From the OC Register Newspaper Sunday, Aug.4,2008 Water and Sewer Districts in County Awash in Cash by Teri Sforza OC Watchdog
An OC Watchdog analysis of 17 water and sewer districts in OC found that the districts had cash cushions averaging 128 percent. Moulton-Niguel,Costa Mesa and South Coast water districts all between 179 and 176 percent.

Anonymous said...
From "navelgazing" 10 Orange County "City Leaders" We'd Just as Soon Not Hear from the Rest of 2013
By Matt Coker Thu., Jan. 3 2013 at 6:15 AM
The aforementioned grand jury report blasted Amante and Laguna Hills City Councilman L. Allan Songstad Jr., who were serving together as officers of the Orange County division of the League of California Cities and the break-away Association of California Cities-Orange County, for marching into Chapman University President James Doti's office seeking the head of Fred Smoller, director of the public administration graduate program at Brandman University, a Chapman school for working professionals. Smoller had loaned Barbara Kogerman, then running for a Laguna Hills council seat, two graduate students for project comparing city manager/administrator salaries and bonuses across Southern California. They discovered the Laguna Hills manager, for a city with a population shy of 32,000, was earning more than $460,000 in total annual compensation, the highest among OC's city administrators, including those serving municipalities with more than triple the population. The Kogerman project would later be expanded upon by journalists who exposed bloated packages for administrators in the tiny cities of Bell, Vernon and elsewhere. Fortunately, Songstad did not seek releection, and Kogerman is now the mayor.

** HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION adopted by the City of Laguna Hills

Team Dark Horse says THANK YOU, **BE SURE TO GO TO THE TEAM DARK HORSE web site at  to SEE HOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE HELPING, see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Face book page by clicking on this link -  Donation checks can be made to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653 or anyone can now donate via PayPal on the web site at  The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, etc.

7-5-13 - Msg. from Mike Bland, Chairman of Team Dark Horse, the Support Group for the 3/5 Marines adopted by the City of Laguna Hills, re. Laguna Hills July 4th 2013 Celebration.
"We were honored to have not only the new 3/5 Commanding Officer, Lt. Col. Robert Rice, but the new 5th Regiment Commanding Officer, Col. Jason Bohm at our City's 4th of July Event.  In attendance with them was the new family readiness officer, Brenda, the new XO, Major Bland Allen.  All brought their families to the event and we had many more of the 3/5 members and family join us too.  This was really something special for us that Rice and Bohn took time off to meet us and see what Laguna Hills was all about.  I know now, we will not have any difficulties in continuing to grow our relationships with the 3/5.  Col. Bohn wanted to make sure I knew this was the only support group event that both he and Rice were attending on the 4th, so that made us feel very special."

Please see 2 very special messages below from Wounded Warrior Capt. Cameron West, who lost his right leg and the sight in his right eye while serving with the 3/5 in Sangin, and Corporal Travis Haggerty, who runs in our Memorial Day race every year carrying an American Flag containing the names of all the 3/5 Marines lost in Afghanistan during their deployment in 2010 and does such a wonderful job of expressing thanks from all of us.  In 2010, the 3/5 Marines DarkHorse Battalion lost 25 Marines during that deployment.

Capt. Cameron West, said about the 2013 Laguna Hills' Memorial Day Event,  “Last night after all the festivities and the day came to a close, I thought to myself that there was nowhere else I would rather have been on this Memorial Day.  And that’s a pretty big deal thinking of all the family and friends that I could have been with, but I realized for that day Laguna Hills took their place, and did a fine job doing it."

Mr. Bland,  I would like to thank you for yesterday and all the things that Team Darkhorse and Laguna Hills made possible for memorial day. Every time we see the people interacting with all the Marines and truly taking time to remember our fallen brothers is a honor. A success would be a understatement for how yesterday went. All of you have done so much for our battalion, and even more for our Gold Star families and wounded warriors, and we can not thank you enough for taking care of our brothers. Again, everything that all of you have done and the efforts that you have put forth do not go unnoticed.   Thank you and Semper Fi,    Corporal Haggerty

** Correction to a our 8-25-13 entitled - NELLIE GAIL RANCH EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE LAUNCHED FIRST COMMUNITY EXPO on August 24, 2013 for all Laguna Hills Residents.  The Laguna Hills Watch Dog received this message from Navy Corpsman Manny Gonzalez through the Team Dark Horse face book page via Karen Robbins on 8-26-13.
Emmanuel Gonzalez 7:22pm Aug 26 
I am contacting you to request for you to take down the article "Baptism by fire". I am mentioned in the article and what is said is wrong. I did treat a casualty after being injured myself but he did not survive. The Marine passed away and I do not want people to think I did something I didn't. I would greatly appreciate it. 

We apologize to Manny Gonzalez and to the 2 Corpsmen Martin Chavez and Louis Huerta as well as to Ms. Karen Robbins for our error, as the source for this item in Karen's story and our story, in assuming that this Marine's life was saved.  We are so sorry to learn that ultimately this Marine's life was lost but we thank Manny and honor him for his scrupulous honesty and his heroic effort to save this Marine's life. Jean Bland, Laguna Hills Watch Dog, 8-27-13.

Please Click on the links below to see the stories.

** Letter to the Editor from Laguna Hills City Council Member Andrew Blount -Tiered billing schemes for water not fair  -
Laguna Hills looks to mall sale to spur town-center plans by Megan Nicolai
Robbins:Supporting Team Dark Horse, by Karen Robbins, March 8, 2013 The Orange County Register
Latest Update on the Orange County Animal Shelter in the OC Register Newspaper - The 54 percent overall death rate was pretty much the same as 2011
Distinguished Budget Award’ more about good looks than financial health January 17, 2013 - OC Watchdog by Keegan Kyle,  
Resident's Resolutions for Laguna Hills, Lake Forest at
Laguna Hills Needs an Identity of its Own at
Ka-chinghe sound of a city manager being fired - just click on
Grand Jury gets last laugh on "Shadowy" pension costs - Orange County Register OC Watchdog - Oct. 8, 2012
City officials abused power, grand jury says July 6th, 2012, 1:22 am · posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer
City among worst for alcohol fueled crashes
Fullerton and Laguna Hills had the worst rates of crashes that involved underage drinkers
Read more at:
New Reports with 2011 Statistics for the 70 year old Orange County Animal Shelter that Laguna Hills still uses for it's citizens
Total euthanasia rate of 53%. Sforza OC Watchdog Kill Rate for Cats at the OC Animal Shelter in 2011 was 74% and only 17% adopted. Euthanasia Rate Stuck at Nearly 50% at O.C. Animal Care County Shelter finally admits killing animal for space.
Fred Smoller,The Brandman University Professor of Public Administration, "who offended the power elite" when his Master's Degree students won awards assisting Council Member Kogerman to research the total compensation of City Managers in Orange County has just resigned from his post. Why did this happen? - Click on Which city council makes the most money?
LA Times: Laguna Hills City Manager Salary,0,1126677.story
June 9, 2011 ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY REPORT - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities
City manager says compensation is fair
After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer Click on for more of this story.
No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?
OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits
O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members
Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount."
OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."

** FIND the CRIME IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - For a roundup of Laguna Hills police calls check Sheriff's Blotter information - County of Orange at: then choose city and either a 7 day view or a 30 day view.
The Sheriff's Blotter enables residents to know what activity is occurring in their communities. A regular review of the calls in your area and the year-to-date crime statistics, at the bottom of each page in the OCSD Patrol Areas section, will provide you an accurate view of law enforcement activity in your community. It will also show you Official Radio Codes. You can contact the Sheriff's Dispatch by phone at 949-425-1800.
** You can also check the Saddleback Valley News every Friday for some of the police calls.

** WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the Orange County Register Newspaper - E-mail to   Please provide your name, city and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Letters of about 200 words or videos of 30-seconds each will be given preference. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity.


Anonymous said...

Did you see this in today's LA Times?
Fallout from report on O.C. city officials' salaries still rankles -,0,7321736.story
"Songstad said he and Amante made it clear to Doti that Kogerman's report would make it difficult for Brandman public administration students to get hired in the county." "It just seemed self evident," Songstad said."

Anonymous said...,0,7321736.story
Look at this in the LATimes today It says:
The Tustin and Laguna Hills city councils voted to ignore the grand jury's recommendations, including the suggestion of ethics training. Songstad called the panel's report "stupid" and "misguided.

Anonymous said...

Did you see this today in the LA Times?
"Channing insisted that Kogerman's crew had exaggerated, and figures later posted on the state controller's website placed his compensation at $380,054. Still, a grand jury report later agreed that Channing was the highest-paid city manager in the county and said his compensation "exceeds levels in other comparably sized cities both inside and outside of Orange County.

"The day Kogerman's report was released, Smoller said, an angry Channing demanded to meet with the students and wanted their email addresses and phone numbers.

Smoller refused, but he agreed with Channing on one thing: The title page had credited the report to the graduate students and carried the Brandman seal, seemingly giving it the university's imprimatur. Smoller called Kogerman and insisted she remove the university's name, which she did.,0,7321736.story

Anonymous said...,0,7321736.story
Take a good look at this. It appears the Thugs may not have won. Ask Everyone who sees this story to write a letter to the Editor of the LA Times Newspaper or the Orange County Register Newspaper and request that the Grand Jury transcripts about this matter be released to the Public. We need the all the information about this. The Public needs to know the whole truth about the 2012 Grand Jury Report - The Use of Government Influence On a Private Educational Institution 7/5/12

Anonymous said...

I don't get the LA Times but a friend sent me this story - There's NO DOUBT in my mind that Channing shouldn't get another penny from this city. Let him try to go somewhere else if another city would want him with this reputation and the fact that for the last 20 years he's never done anything beyond managing this one little city that paid suspiciously him such a ridiculously high wage.,0,7321736.story

Anonymous said...,0,7321736.story

Interesting article. S.

Anonymous said...

VERY interesting. And that good ol boy network is sickening. Those students that gathered info and then was not able to get jobs in the OC because of Songstad and friend, were women. Corruption lives in LH. So there are at least 3 reasonable new council members. The CM serves at the pleasure of the council and can be canned. Guessed he worked a sweetheart deal about that too. If I were on the council I would make his life hell. He would get publicly rebuked and made to fill out reports constantly. Also compensation can be drastically reduced at the time to renew his contract which should be annually. This is criminal. Don White has demonstrated he is not fit for his job as well. It's always amusing to see what happens at that council. Good stuff on what happened with the county animal shelter contract.

Anonymous said...

Why won't the Grand Jury release the records for their report? There have been too many questions about this report for too long. The public deserves to know the details.

Anonymous said...

Valerie is right, we should not be with the OC Animal Shelter. This city has played the residents to get cheaper costs for the city and they never cared about the services. 2014 is an election year, let's get some candidates that will correct that problem. This city is hostile to pet owners and that needs to stop. Dog Owner in LH

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, taking a cue from Mayor Pro-Tem Blount, we checked out the accessibility on foot from Nellie Gail Ranch to the new shopping area on Moulton and La Paz and found that Mayor Pro-Tem Blount was correct. The tunnel, under La Paz appears too be not readily accessible to hikers, so the closest choices for crossing La Paz to get to the new shopping area are at La Paz and Moulton to the west and at La Paz and Aliso Hills to the east. Both of these intersections have traffic lights and crosswalks, but considering the high speed traffic on La Paz, may not be safe areas to cross and certainly not a great choice for potential grocery shoppers. It appears that Aliso Hills residents will be the major beneficiaries of this project, via the trials, so, one wonders why name of the Center is "The Village at Nellie Gail Ranch". Why not name it for the location where it is actually located "The Village at Aliso Hills"?

Anonymous said...

What a mess with the City Manager. I do think they should ask for daily reports. Do a bit of micromanaging. Also ask for his expense reports and in the interest of full disclosure, disclose them. I have to wonder about the conflict of interest if any councilmember is suspected to have assisted him to negotiate his last contract that we all have to live with. This should be on the agenda every meeting and discussed in open session. Also might just be a way out of his contract. I would tell him since his employee White did such a crap job explaining what the heck you are getting charged for with animal services that you want full disclosure from HIM, after all, the buck stops right at the CM's lap. Then I would like to know what action was taken against White for being so unprepared at that meeting (that would be a closed session matter). This may reflect on his ability to manage others. If I had to put up with this, I would want a daily diary of his activities and explain the unusual request is rooted in his performance as a CM.

Anonymous said...

I agree with writing a letter to send to the The LA Times and the OC Register, or whatever it takes to get the details of this thing made public. Those two women deserve, not only jobs, but respect from the public as well as from government entities who do want have and maintain a reputation of being honest and transparent. What these political thugs have done to those women for reporting "public" documents is way over the line of decency and worse yet this story reports that, about these women not being able to find government jobs, Songstad said, "It just seemed self evident". That statement says a lot about the degree of corruption politicians believe is inherent and acceptable in what they do. Hiring these women would be a giant step forward for any government entity that seeks to have, maintain and be recognized for a public record of honesty and transparency. Could it be that there aren't any government entities in that category? Beyond that, the Professor who is teaching public administration should have the academic freedom to teach in the "real world". This has to be one of the great lessons for his students related to how the real world of government works and it needs to be thoroughly understood before students enter that world or that world needs to change.

Jean Bland, et al., Citizens of Laguna Hills said...

Editorial Comment - Part 1
Related to comments we have been receiving regarding the recent LA Times' Story entitled Fallout from report on O.C. city officials' salaries still rankles , I wondered what had happened to "ETHICS" being taught as part of the curriculum for degree programs of all types in colleges and universities. I looked first at Brandman's online information for their Master of Public Administration, Local Government Program. As a part of their Master of Public Administration Program, in which the 2 women in this story were enrolled, Brandman's web site stated about it's Ethics Component - "Ethics: Apply ethical reasoning strategy to public administration case study.",

To confirm the definition of "Case Study" I checked and found - A Case Study is a Documented study of a specific real-life situation or imagined scenario, used as a training tool in businesss schools and firms. Students or trainees are required to analyze the prescribed cases and present their interpretations or solutions, supported by the line of reasoning employed and assumptions made.

From Colorado State University at I found - Case study research excels at bringing us to an understanding of a complex issue or object and can extend experience or add strength to what is already known through previous research. The steps used in a case study were noted to be:
Determine and define the research questions
Select the cases and determine data gathering and analysis techniques
Prepare to collect the data
Collect data in the field
Evaluate and analyze the data
Prepare the report
Next I wondered how "Ethics" could be taught without the academic freedom to do a case study using Public Data collected from local governments and to prepare, analyze and report it accurately. I would have thought that if this type of report was incorrect, ethical expectations would be that the complaining party would:
1. Show proof clearly illustrating errors in the report and setting forth specific corrections, or
2. Issue a statement that they had learned from this case study of Total Compensation for City Managers in Orange County, CA. and admitted that their city manager was the highest paid city manager in the county with a explanation for why that is true or
3. Admitted that this fact about their City Manager had previously eluded them, and provide justification for it.
4. Admitted that this fact about their City Manager had previously eluded them, apologize for it and correct it.

Jean Bland, et al., Citizens of Laguna Hills said...

Editorial Comment - Part 2
Instead, what has been reported here and by the OC Grand Jury is that offended city leaders complained to the President of the University asking that the college withdraw any university support for this study and the story noted that "Songstad said he and Amante made it clear to Doti that Kogerman's report would make it difficult for Brandman public administration students to get hired in the county. "It just seemed self evident," Songstad said." "Later the Tustin and Laguna Hills city councils voted to ignore the OC Grand Jury's recommendations, including the suggestion of ethics training," "Songstad called the panel's report "stupid" and "misguided". In addition, "In fall 2011, Brandman's chancellor, Gary Brahm, met with the Assn. of California Cities-Orange County over a proposal that the university sponsor a training program for newly elected council members. The group decided not to go through with it."

So although the two women, grad. students, involved in this case study won awards for being ethical, honest and valid from OC Supervisor Shawn Nelson and recognition from others in the State Government, and the OC Grand Jury report agreed that Channing was the highest-paid city manager in the county and said his compensation "exceeds levels in other comparably sized cities both inside and outside of Orange County," the long term lesson learned from this story appears to be that political power trumps ethical reasoning related to the two women grad students not being able to find work in the county and the resignation in protest of their Professor, Dr. Smoller. What kind of message is that for future leaders, and in this case taxpayers, and what kind of incentive does this provide for city and other leaders to improve methods of Public Administration in the future? If there is no incentive there would be no reason to continue to have an Ethics component in a Public Administration Program, but if there is a university that is willing to step up and employ the ethics that they teach there might still be hope.

Anonymous said...

Good comment, Jean. Instead of pointing out any perceived errors in Kogerman's report, Lautenschlager and others kept saying, "The numbers are all wrong - with never any details whatsoever pointing out any "wrong" numbers - all of which came directly from the city itself. So telling, that instead of applauding the daylighting of previously obscure data the public is entitled to know, which clearly serves the public interest, they took it as self-evident that no one would hire those engaged in such revelations.

Anonymous said...

Voice of OC

Community Editorial: Brandman Transcripts Should Be Released
Comment by Professor Fred Smoller 9-5-13

Professor Smoller asks that those who criticized the report also join the effort to daylight the grand jury transcripts so we can find out the truth. If the grand jury does sloppy work, we need to know it... If on the other hand the independent volunteers who serve on the grand jury do honest and comprehensive work that serves the public interest...then those who feel they are above the law and their enablers should be called out.

See the entire story at:

Anonymous said...

Still another story about the Grand Jury Transcripts - PUBLIC - Opinion: Release Grand Jury Transcripts on OC City Manager Salaries