City Council Meetings are now recorded in Video and Audio on the City Web Site. - Continue to see information for Win-Win -Wednesdays under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers,
HEADLINE - ** New Story today - Fred Smoller,The Brandman University Professor of Public Administration, "who offended the power elite" when his Master's Degree students won awards assisting Council Member Kogerman to research the total compensation of City Managers in Orange County has just resigned from his post. Why did this happen? - Click on -http://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2011/10/12/professor-who-offended-power-elite-resigns-post/109833/
An Emergy Preparedness Plan from the City that didn't work? Will Laguna Hills City Manager agree to Negotiate his Employment Contract with taxpayer paid labor negotiator - no word about that yet? Would you like to Invite a Laguna Hills Adopted 3/5 Marine or Marine family for Thanksgiving?
An Anniversary Award of a Certificate of Recognition and a gift was presented to Bob Hufnagle, Assistant Building Official/Senior Building Inspector, by Mayor Songstad, for 10 years of service to the City of Laguna Hills. Congratulations to Mr. Hufnagle! ** See more about Mr. Hufnagle under Matters Presented by Mayor and Council Members - below
Recognition of Ms. Carol Meyers, Parks and Recreations Commissioner, for her outstanding service to the City. Ms. Meyers, who has devoted a great deal of her time to the City, is relocating near Kansas City to be closer to her family. Carol served on the General Plan Advisory Committee for the City's General Plan Update in addition to serving as Vice Chair and Chair on the Parks and Rec. Commission and she helped design Beckenham Park and added the play equipment that has attracted lots of children to make this park so active. Congratulations Carol and we will miss you!
Proclamation of Fire Prevention Week Oct. 9 - Oct. 15, 201. National Fire Protection Association designates one week each year as Fire Prevention Week to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. This year's these is "Protect Your Family from Fire." Ron Roberts was present to receive the Proclamation. Ron invited the public to stop by fire station #22, at 24001 Paseo de Valencia, next Saturday, Oct. 15, from 10 am to 3 pm for an Open House.
PUBLIC COMMENTS - Dwayne Cave, Representative from San Diego Gas and Electric recalled that we had a major power outage on Sept. 8, 2011 involving all of So. CA, the Imperial Valley, Arizona and parts of Mexico. He said each quarter SDG&E employees train for emergency situations at their Emergency Operations Center. He noted power was restored to all within 12 hours. He said they are still looking for the causes and that process may take 6 months. He said this event was an eye opening experience for many people for a real emergency. He answered Council Member Lautenschleger that it is normal for the San Onofre Nuclear Power station to automatically shut down as a safety precaution in a situation such as this. He noted that power went out in Also Hills again last Sunday night and returned by about 1:00 in the morning. He said they are still working on a circuit there and replacing some cable to correct the problem. Council Member Bressette said his neighborhood in Aliso Hills looks forward to having their wires replaced so this doesn't happy as often in the future. Bressette asked the City Manager if the City Tweeted to the people who has signed up for that service during the large power outage in Sept.? Channing's response was "Not to my knowledge" because the City's best Tweeter was out on leave. (Editor's Note - Since apparently there is no 2nd best tweeter at the City who could have helped perhaps the City should rethink that service?)
LHHS STUDENT LIAISON REPORT by Kylie West (alternate Jeena Bonutto). - Home Coming is next week and the big Home Coming Football Game (The Bash Before the Clash) is a week from this Friday against San Juan Hills. LHHS football team undefeated 5 - 0. Also there is Spirit Week next week with all the students dressing up all crazy. Brown and Gold day on Friday with more crazy dressing. On Nov. 3 - 5, the LHHS Drama Program presents The Curious Savage. Tickets for this are at www.LHHSdrama.com Back to School Night is this Thursday. Red Ribbon Week is coming up Oct. 24-28 - the whole school gets involved with this. The WASC accreditation meetings continue and accreditation is good for 6 years. The last accreditation is expiring for LHHS in 2012. Council Member Kogerman noted that accreditation for 6 years speaks very well for LHHS.
Win Win Wednesday this Wednesday Oct. 12 from 4 to 9:30 is Habit Burger (Lake Forest) at El Toro and Rockfield and next week Wed. Oct. 19 is Villa Roma (Laguna Hills) - 11 am to 9 pm La Paz and McIntyre. Wed. Oct. 26 will be On the Border (Aliso Viejo) and will be the first Hawk Alumni mixer, inviting any and all Hawk Alumni/Families to come between 11 am and 9 pm with special encouragement to come between 5 - 7 pm for happy hour because On the Boarder is also giving a portion of the alcohol proceeds to the LHHS PTSA.
The HAWK CHALLANGE Golf Tournament held at the El Niguel Golf Course on November 14 is the single major annual fundraiser event for LHHS PTSA. For information and tickets go to - lhhshawkchallenge@gmail.com . The contact is Deborah Aufill. The tournament needs more golfers at this point. The early bird registration price is $199 including breakfast, lunch, dinner, cart, 18 holes and more. After 10/25 the prices climbs to $225. Non-golfers are invited to the dinner for $50 pre-paid. There is also the 1500 golf balls dropped from a helicopter that could win you $2000 if the ball you pay $10 for falls into the hole.
MINUTES - Recommendation that the City Council Approve the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is a long delay for the public related to timely documentation of information from the city.
CONSENT CALENDAR - Warrant Register = $251,906.04
Items of interest from the Warrant Register - None
Items of Interest from the Consent Calendar: **Items on the Consent Calendar are placed there by City Staff:
Item 4.3 Management Agreement with Essex Realty Management, Inc. for Property Management Services of the Laguna Hills Community Center - an approximately 48,000 sq. ft. project. Essex has managed the Laguna Hills City Hall since Sept. of 2001. City Staff Report says Essex is currently managing the Community Center and staff is pleased with the job they have done. Staff's report says maintenance and repair oversight duties of the Community Center were assigned to the Community Services Coordinator who resigned in July to 2011 and rather than replace that position they say the cost for outsourcing the service to Essex's services can be covered by the personnel cost savings from the vacancy left by the Community Services Coordinator. Essex's scope of work will include the hiring and firing and supervision of all service vendors including HVAC, Lighting, Pest Control , Facility Maintenance, Elevator Maintenance and Repair, Floor Maintenance and Window Washing. Essex will provide monthly accounting reports to the City and regular inspections will be performed to address and maintenance or repair needs.
Proposed agreement will begin Oct. 15, 2011 and the annual cost will be $39,000, billed to the City monthly at a flat monthly fee of $3,250 per month. Staff report says the vacated position of the Community Services Coordinator is a personnel savings of $108,000. The Management Agreement under Construction Services states, if Essex is requested to provide Capital Improvement Services Essex would charge a fee of 5% of total capital costs for any job over $2000 and Under Construction Management the agreement states Essex would be paid 5% up to the first $100,000 of improvement cost and 3% on any amounts greater than $100,000 with no fee if the improvement cost is less than $5000 per occurence. If the City chose to hire any of Essex's employees the City would pay $20,000 per employee. Essex will also be seperately compensated for Vendor 1099 forms, Tax Packages, Audits and Quarterly Accounting Report (after sale of Property).
Staff Recommendation - Authorize the Contract
VOTE - Consent Calendar passed 5 - 0
Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar for Discussion - None
Planning Agency Public Comments - None
7.1 - Orange County Peace Officer's Memorial - Request for funds for a new Peace Officer's Memorial presented by City Manager Channing. Staff report says the old memorial, created in 1986 and designed to last for 20 years, is no longer sustainable and a new memorial is to be designed and located at the OC Sheriff's Training Facility in Tustin. Some features will be bronze statues, eternal flame, reflection pools, fountains 3 walls of plaques and names of fallen heroes and those to be added in the future, and a history wall. Staff Recommendation - Authorize request for $7,500. Vote - Passed 5 - 0
7.2- Intent to Vacate Public Service Easements (Tree Pockets) along the SW side of Paseo de Valencia and between Alicia and La Paz. Staff says these areas are no longer of any use to the City so recommends this action for approx. 21 tree pockets about 5 feet wide and 6 feet deep at Sunburst and Alisal Avenues. Residents are requesting a waiver of the $1,500 processing fee for the public service easement vacation processing. This is a 2 step process to notify and then to hold a public hearing. Fiscal Impact to the City about $1,500 of staff time cost. Per Ken Rosenfield, City Engineer/Director of Public Services - Public Hearing to be Nov. 8, 2011 prior to vacating these easements that will become property of the homeowners in "as is" condition. Staff Recommendation - Declare intent to vacate and set a public hearing.
Mayor Pro Tem Carruth inquired about placement of additional screening material to hide inconsistencies in the block walls where these pockets are. Ken Rosenfield noted there could be a problem if homeowners allow these gaps to fill with weeds and trash and noted it might be about $1000 to patch each gap in the larger block wall where the tree pockets were. Council Member Kogerman asked if there were any low interest loans available to homeowners to rebuild gaps in block walls and she asked if homeowners involved were generally approving of this plan to vacate? City Manager Channing stated the application period for money/block grant funds this year has closed but we could look at the next cycle and see if there is any possibility. Ken Rosenfield noted the City has had no response from the homeowners who were all mailed packages about this on Friday (Oct. 7). (Editor's Note - Whoops, Monday, Oct. 10 was a holiday for the post office so today, Tues. Oct. 11, would probably be the first day those homeowners might receive their packages.) Rosenfield continued that there will be publications about this and a follow-up letter about the public hearing.
Mayor Songstad concluded with, "Alright its been moved and seconded. Everybody understand what the action is here? We're setting a public hearing, blah, blah, blah. All in favor" (**Editor's Note - As one member of the audience in the council chambers questioningly repeated to me - "Nothing says I care like "Blah, Blah, Blah." This quote may not be a winning sound bite for Songstad's 2012 re-election campaign but perhaps we now understand why he so often can't be heard by the audience?)
Vote was 5 - 0 in favor of a Public Hearing.
OTHER BUSINESS - **These Items are authored Council Members. The council member who authors an item here also does all of the research for that item - None
Council Member Bressette stated October 22, Saturday, is our next low cost pet clinic so has staff considered putting notices in the parks to assist with informing pet owners who are dog walkers and other ways to advertise the event. City Manager Channing responded a post card is being mailed to all licensed pet owners in the City. They should have that in advance of the event and the City is putting advertising on Facebook. Bressette continued that Fire Prevention Week is also a great opportunity for people to assess their needs for batteries in the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms that are required to be in homes, the batteries in flashlights, check for viable candles for use in power outages, and be prepared just in case San Diego Gas and Electric pulls the plug again.
Council Member Kogerman said she wanted to add that she read a stack of evaluations of Bob Hufnagle, Assistant Building Official/Senior Building Inspector, who was honored tonight for 10 years of service to the City, and 99% of them were not just positive but extremely positive.
Mayor Pro Tem Carruth agreed with Kogerman's comments about Mr. Hufnagle and added that she will really miss Carol Meyers and her committed service to the City for so many activities.
Public Comments - Carol Meyers, who was honored for her service to the City tonight, stated that she's lived here for 21 years and it has been a joy and pleasure to work with everyone at the City. She said she thinks we have a great city and council meetings are really boring because everything runs so well.
CITY COUNCIL and CITY MANAGER REPORT CARD - Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests.
Bressette - Nothing for council members this time
Carruth -
Kogerman -
Lautenschleger -
Songstad -
City Manager - F - Public Comments re San Diego Gas and Electric Power Outage - It is poor planning by any standard to have an Emergency Preparedness Program through the city for tweeting residents in situations such as the recent power outage and then have no one to do the tweeting and no back up. F - Item 7.2 Send information to citizens in a timely manner so they will have time to respond prior to a City meeting that concerns them. P - Item 4.3 - Probably a good taxpayer savings idea to outsource the management of the City's Community Center
WIN WIN Wednesday! - Make it a habit! - Here's the lineup for - WWW Global Cuisine - Please Download your flyers to give to each restaurant to get the % for Win-Win-Wednesday's Safe & Sane Grad Night for LHHS. **** Don't forget to Download your Fundraiser Flyer to present to the eating establishment at http://www.winwinwednesdays.com//
October 12 - Habit Burger (LF) - to be announced El Toro and Rockfield
**Don't forget to "LIKE" us on Facebook and help spread the word - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Win-Win-Wednesdays/188686554512301?ref=ts
Rancho Santa Margarita Repeats as Safest City
The FBI’s 2010 Uniform Crime Report has listed the City of Rancho Santa Margarita as the safest city in the State of California for cities with a population greater than 20,000 residents. This is the tenth consecutive year Rancho Santa Margarita has been identified as one of the safest communities in Orange County and the State.
Regarding Miscellaneous
Anonymous said... Now i’m glad that I noticed this site, exactly the suitable information wanted!
Anonymous said... Summary of Last Laguna Hills City Council Meeting
7:00 Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
City Employees in attendance outnumber spectators 3:1. Why are they all there? Must be 2:1 Comp Time.
If a tree falls in a LH City Council meeting does anyone hear it?
Report from Laguna Hills High School Liaison
Is this a Kiwanis Meeting?
Consent Calendar
Cutting check to CalTrans for $1MM, can't influence what trees they plant.
Tough luck if Hills Hotel disappears.
Does Ken Rosenfield really need to address the Mayor and Council like royalty?
Coyote Response Efforts One expert recommends don't pet them.
Another expert recommends do pet them.
Trapping works. Luckily no animal rights activists in attendance.
Vacancy in Parks Commission
Mayor Songstad points out resignee is moving to be closer to family and "that's a good thing"
1-year Recreation Class Study
Since increasing non-resident fees, attendance is down.
Could be the economy or maybe the classes suck?
Why do we subsidize non-resident attendance at classes that compete with local business?
Establish "Safe Zones" for children in City Parks
Orange County DA wants Laguna Hills to mirror OC ordinance and make Registered Sex Offenders get written approval from Sheriff before hanging out in parks and playing on the swing sets.
This should be a "no brainer". Wrong
Barbara Kogerman's idea = Songstad and Lautenwhatever hate it.
Melody Caruth wants a global solution.
Allan Songstad wants to know how this will impact Ladera Ranch(?)
Randy "do the right thing" Bressette wants to pass it.
Even convicted felons won't let child molesters play in their park. 1-hour later - is this really controversial? But Registered Sex Offenders have rights too?
Did I wander into a ACLU meeting by accident?
Maybe coyotes can be trained to eat Registered Sex Offenders?
New Business
Apparently Melody Caruth got a traffic ticket on Oso - much concern about lane markings.
Note to self - don't take Oso exit.
Does Ken Rosenfield really need to address the Mayor and Council like royalty?
City Manager's Employment Agreement Enholm is finally allowed to speak.
No one cares.
Allan Songstad apparently failed Dale Carnegie, but his head sure is shiny.
9:00 meeting adjourned.
HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION - Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills - Donation checks can be made specifically to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at 35bland@gmail.com with questions, suggestions, etc. The city's e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/5-support@ci.laguna-hills.ca.us City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site by clicking on this link - http://www.ci.laguna-hills.ca.us/
NEWS STORIES AND BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS: Click on the links below to see the stories.
Which city council makes the most money? http://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2011/07/11/which-city-council-makes-the-most-money/88311/#comment-169311
LA Times: Laguna Hills City Manager Salary http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-oc-salaries-20110621,0,1126677.story
In O.C., city pay can be steep, but it’s not ‘abusive’ June 20th, 2011 http://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2011/06/20/in-o-c-city-pay-can-be-excessive-but-its-not-abusive/85631/#comment-165059
June 9, 2011 ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY REPORT - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities http://www.ocgrandjury.org/pdfs/comp-study-oc-cities/Compensation-Study-of-Orange-County-Cities.pdf
City manager says compensation is fair http://www.ocregister.com/news/city-303264-channing-compensation.html
Political rebel faces an uphill battlehttp://www.ocregister.com/news/city-303262-kogerman-channing.html
Councilwoman: Public pay report inaccurate, self servinghttp://www.ocregister.com/news/city-299908-report-council.html
OC Watchdog Lavish health benefits slashed in Laguna Hills, Tustin http://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2011/05/12/lavish-health-benefits-slashed-in-laguna-hills-tustin/82833/
After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writerhttp://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2011/03/21/after-attacks-city-manager-compensation-sleuths-win-state-award/78545/#comment-139633
Click on http://www.publicceo.com/ for more of this story.
No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?http://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2011/02/09/no-more-60000-suvs-for-city-manager/75030/
Gold-plated benefits? New councilwoman just says ‘no’ http://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2011/01/18/gold-plated-benefits-new-councilwoman-just-says-no/72532/
OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits http://www.ocregister.com/news/city-282972-benefits-council.html
O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members http://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2010/12/06/oc-cities-lavished-health-benefits-on-council-members/69544/
Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) http://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2010/12/02/who-has-the-best-paid-city-council-incalifornia/69418/ In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount."
OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome http://www.ocregister.com/opinion/elected-276253-city-syndrome.html "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."
CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SAY the DARNDEST THINGS IN PUBLIC! Memorable and surprising Public Quotes from City Council Members
June 10, 2008- Mayor Allan Songstad said "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."
Thank you Mayor Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking " the residents with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 19 years.
October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that."
So true, Allan, so unfortunately true unless you change members of the city council.
August 19, 1994 - LHCC Member Allan Songstad - From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper Article Collections - Orange County Focus - August 19, 1994 LYNN FRANEY - Laguna Hills Councilman Declines to Run for Reelection With Councilman L. Allan Songstad Jr. declining to run for reelection, at least one newcomer will gain a seat on the City Council this fall. Songstad said he never intended to run for a second council term and that he is not a "career politician." That leaves space for at least one of the challengers, Cindy Greengold, Saeid Hariri, Grant R. Marcus or Charmane Riggs.
Now, in 2011 with 18 years on the Laguna Hills City Council we are guessing Council Member Songstad has changed his mind about being not being a "career politician."
For a roundup of Laguna Hills police calls check the Saddleback Valley News every Friday or click on: www.ocregister.com/news/saddleback .
WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the Orange County Register Newspaper
Letters to the Editor: E-mail to letters@ocregister.com Please provide your name, city and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Letters of about 200 words will be given preference. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity.