Laguna Hills Watch DogLaguna Hills City Council Meeting - April 24, 2012
Features Directory
** Special Announcements - For Questions about what's happening now in the City of Laguna Hills related to LAND USE, MOBILITY/CIRCULATION, CONSERVATION and OPEN SPACE, COMMUNITY SERVICES and FACILITIES, SAFETY, NOISE, and HOUSING Click on to see the entire text of the LAGUNA HILLS GENERAL PLAN for 20 years.
** Citizen Alerts for future City Council Meetings will be listed on the blog site within 4 days prior to a meeting - Consider attending a meeting that interests you.
** Presentations and Proclamations - None
** Public Comments - On the Moulton La Paz Commercial Center Remodel and Win Win Wednesday*
* LHHS Student Liaison Report Jeena Bonutto, alternate Adam Wong - Annual Casino Night at the Community Center; Physical Exams at school for athletes - Nurses and Physician Volunteers being sought, MR. HAWK Competition, The Spring Musical, Swap Meet
**Consent Calendar - Warrant Register - $1,068,699.96
** Items of Interest from the Warrant Register - $2,500 for Coyote Control Pgrm. for March 12, $700 to Faubel Public Affairs for 2012 Summer City Views
** Items Pulled from the Warrant Register- None
** Items of interest in the Consent Calendar - Item 4.3 - Progress payment La Paz Rd widening at I-5 + $61,000 in change orders, Item 4.4 - Weed Abatement Program is your property on the City's List? Item 4.5 - 2nd call for projects for the Measure M2 Environmental Cleanup Pgrm. to protect beaches and waterways from urban runoff, Item 4.6 - Authorization for bids for citywide pavement rehabilitation project- Is your street on the schedule?
** Items pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion - Item 4.6
** Planning Agency and Planning Agency Public Comments for any issues not listed on the agenda - None
** Planning Agency Public Hearings - Adding Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities to the Laguna Hills Municipal Code - this item was incorrectly distributed as a Planning Agency Item and will return to the City Council Meeting on May 8, 2012.
** City Council Public Hearings and Public Comments - Item 6.3.1 - Request for Conditional Use Permit (CIP) to Remodel and expand the Moulton La Paz Shopping Center- Why were Residents who objected to some design elements suddenly shut down when the Developer agreed to additional changes?
** Administrative Reports - Item 7.2.1 - Project Selection for State-local Partnership Funding through the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Submit application for OCTA - unsafe sidewalk beside Valencia School was NOT selected as a project - Assist. City Manager Don White said this City's accent is on PRODUCT not PROCESS but is it? Item 7.2.2 - Request to advertise for bids for every 2 year Turf Renovation on at the Community Center and Sports Complex. Item 7.2.3 - Unsafe La Paz Sidewalk adjacent to Valencia Elem. School - staff report - Do Council Members see this as a serious safety issue, what can be done and when?
** Matters Agendized and Presented by Council Members - Council Member Kogerman's Agenda Item pulled by the City Manager
** City Council Member Comments - Mayor Carruth - City's Earth Day report, Council Member Kogerman - Saturday April 28 is National Prescription Medication Take Back Day and Comment on her Agenda Item being pulled by the City Manager
** Closed Session - No session scheduled this time with Labor Negotiator Daniel Cassidy, re. the City Manager's Terms and Conditions of Employment. These sessions have been ongoing for 7 mos. (since Sept 27, 2011) with No Public Progress Report??
** City Council Members Report Card - How did they score?
* Information, Comments, Questions, Concerns from LH Watch Dog Readers from the previous blog post including Win-Win-Wednesday's schedule
* How to support our 3/5 Adopted Marines and Updates -
* News Stories and Blogs about Laguna Hills - find more in the OC Register online under "City-by-City News" - "Laguna Hills".
* City Council Members Say the Darndest Things in Public
* Crime in your Neighborhood
* Tips for Writing a letter to the Editor of the OC Register Newspaper
Laguna Hills City Council Meeting - April 24, 2012
All council members were present
See information for Win-Win-Wednesdays under - INFORMATION, COMMENTS QUESTIONS and CONCERNS from Watch Dog Readers, Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at -
Shanon Friedman, Laguna Hills resident from Falcon Hill, said she is speaking now on the Moulton - La Paz Shopping Center remodel because she has to leave early. She said her home directly faces the center and she asked the council to make the development citizen friendly related to the increased traffic, noise and lighting issues. She added that they have a special needs child and just bought their first home here a year ago. She noted that the City maintained minimal landscape on the hill along the perimeter of their property which serves as a traffic barrier along La Paz has thinned considerably. She asked for a mature, attractive landscape barrier that runs the entire perimeter along La Paz properties that face the retail center and a landscape barrier along the retail side of La Paz to obscure the retail center as well. She added that this should be able to be done cost effectively related to the additional amount of revenue generated from this development. She asked for no added stop light or cross walk in front of their home and for no approval of lighting or signage that will shine into her home.
Meg Gorham, Laguna Hills Resident and Win-Win-Meg (Architect of Win-Win-Wednesdays for LHHS), Meg announced that they are getting ready for the June 13 Grad Night Preview at LHHS and 7 different great restaurants, all from Laguna Hills, will be involved serving as preview night sponsors and bringing food samples to preview night and will also have individual Win-Win-Wednesdays at their Restaurants during the Summer. The need to present a flyer has also been addressed and you can now get durable and attractive business card size Win-Win-Wednesday Fan and Supporter Cards that contain all the info. for W-W-Wed on one side including how to subscribe to W-W-Wednesday to get your flyers, dates and Restaurant Information sent to you weekly on Wednesdays and the other side of the card will serve as a universal flyer, if you forget to bring a flyer. May 2 will be Quiznos in Laguna Hills, May 9 will be at Mother's Kitchen, May 16 - Pepinos, May 23 - Jersey Mikes on El Toro and May 30 - Flamingos.
LHHS STUDENT LIAISON REPORT by Jeena Bonutto, alternate Adam Wong - May 5th is the 25th Annual Casino Night at the Community Center, $40 per person, food Casino Activities, Auction and Live Music, with proceeds going to support the all the Athletic Programs at LHHS. On Tues. May 22, from 4 to 9 pm Physical Exams will be conducted at school for athletes - Nurses and Physician Volunteers are being sought to help - Please call the school to volunteer. The MR. HAWK Competition (mimicking the Miss USA Pageant) coming on Sat. April 28 at 7 pm and $7 at the door. The Spring Musical, "Into the Woods" is coming on May 3 - 5 and May 10 - 12 at 7 pm at the LHHS Theater. Swap Meet was held in the LHHS parking lot last Saturday to raise money for the LHHS clubs and the 3/5 Marine's Support Group - Team Dark Horse was there raising funds as well.
MINUTES - The City Council Approves the Minutes of the previous City Council Meeting for publication on the city web site. The minutes from tonight's meeting will not be approved for publication until the next city council meeting so there is always a significant delay for the public related to timely documentation of information but you can now watch and listen to the City Council Meetings on the City's web site at
CONSENT CALENDAR - Warrant Register = $1,068,699.96
Items of interest from the Warrant Register - $2,500 for Coyote Control Pgrm. for March 12; $700 to Faubel Public Affairs for 2012 Summer City Views
Items pulled from the Warrant Register - None
VOTE - Warrant Register Approved 5 - 0
Items of interest from the Consent Calendar -
4.3 - Progress payment for La Paz Road widening at I-5 - $189,800.99 including a $61,000 in change orders
4.4 - Weed Abatement Program - It's that time again when the City inspects properties for fire hazards and notifies residents of need to cut weeds clean up refuse, etc. On April 26 notices will be sent to about 530 property owners and there will be a PUBLIC HEARING on May 22, 2012. Notices of cost of weed abatement for non-complaint private Properties will be send on June 28, 2012 and Public Hearing for Costs of weed abatement on July 10.
Click on Scroll down to Item 4.4 and click on that item to see "Supporting Materials" then click on the 3rd file (Weed Abatement List) under "Files" and click on the pop up bar at the top that says to see if your name is on the City's list to receive a Weed Abatement Notice.
4.5 - 2nd call for projects for the Measure M2 Environmental Cleanup Program to protect beaches and waterways from urban runoff associated with transportation-generated pollution. An estimated $2.8 million in Measure M2 funds for Fiscal year 2012-2013 are being made available to eligible applicants including Orange County Cities on a competitive basis. The City was awarded $61,950 for installation of 60 debris gates in fiscal year 2011-2012. The City has a plan to install more debris gates and anticipates an award of $95,032 which will consist of $70,350 in grant funds and a future match requirement of $24,682 which the City expects to provide through in-kind services over a 10 year period in the Public Works Operating Budget and County catch basin cleaning crews.
4.6 - Authorization for bids for citywide pavement rehabilitation project. There is a pavement Maintenance Program (PMP) dividing the City into 6 zones that is updated every 2 years related to establishing need on a 0 to 100 point scale. The project for bid at this time are scheduled to start in July and the estimate for the project is $1,750,000. Maps with names of the streets to be serviced are available in the staff report on this issue on the City web site, but the staff report notes that depending upon the bid amount there may be fewer streets or more streets serviced.
Click on Scroll down to Item 4.6 and click on that item to see "Supporting Materials" then click on the 2nd file under "Files" and click on the pop up bar at the top that says see if your street is on the City's list for rehab. this time.
VOTE - Consent Calendar (Minus item 4.6) Passed 5-0
Items Pulled from the Consent Calendar for Discussion - Item 4.6 was pulled by Council Member Kogerman who asked if she should recuse herself from the vote on this item related to some of the streets receiving pavement rehab. being in the neighborhood where she lives. City Attorney Greg Simonian advised that recusal was not necessary for routine maintenance of streets.
VOTE - Consent Calendar item 4.6 was approved 5 - 0.
PLANNING AGENCY and PLANING AGENCY PUBLIC COMMENTS on any issues Not Listed on the agenda - NONE
5.4.1 - Adding Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities to the Laguna Hills Municipal Code. Providing a procedure for this in the City's zoning and land use regulations, policies and practices pursuant to federal and state fair housing laws.
Staff report states that the public notice for this Zoning Text Amendment was incorrectly distributed as a Planning Agency Item when it is subject to review by the City Council. Therefore, staff must provide the proper public notice as a City Council Agenda item and bring this back for review by the City Council at the regular meeting of May 8, 2012.
VOTE - 5 - 0 for this item to come back on May 8, 2012.
* Council Member Lautenschleger recused himself from this entire sessions because he lives in Falcon Hill within 500 feet of the project and the Council Chamber was filled with residents waiting to discuss this issue.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6.3.1 - Request for a Conditional Use Permit (CIP) to Remodel and expand the Moulton La Paz Shopping Center to include the addition of approx. 30,000 sq. ft of new commercial space, updated facades, new parking lot layout and landscaping plus consideration of the disposal of public property of 3.365 acres included in the development proposal. This item was continued from the April 10, 2012 City Council/Planning Agency Meeting related to the disposal of the public property.
Katy Crocket, LH City Community Development staff member presented the first report for this item and stated that the City's land in this area of about 3.365 acres that will net 2.34 usable acres for development has been sold to the developer in "as is" condition for $2,760,677. She said the Master Sign Program for this development was not presented at this meeting so will be brought back to the council at a later date. The application for this project was submitted 12-14-2011. She said the City sent notices to property owners within a 300 foot radius of this development on Feb 3, 2012 and on April 3, 2012 held a meeting with residents living to the North and East of the project. She noted that a portion of this Open Space land area was rezoned to Community Commercial. She noted that at the time of the General Plan update (2008-2009) a Newsletter was sent out describing the General Plan update process and generally what that would mean for the future of the City and residents. She said no apartments or condo units will be part of this development and only passive recreation. She said the highest of these roof elements including the Market roof element reach 44 ft. here and 40 ft is the standard in the City although there is allowance for minor deviations not to exceed 10%. She added the existing equestrian trail will be improved and the City will continue to have an easement for that.
David Chantarangsu, Community Development Director noted that staff went into the rear yards of many neighbors to take photos of the center from which they constructed simulated views of the planned roof lines of the new center and new surrounding landscape. City reports found no problems with additional traffic related to their traffic study reports and doesn't think cut through traffic will be a concern. Night time noise will be limited.
Mayor Carruth said she visited the site on several occasions and walked to the top of slope to experience the impact to some of the residents, she spoke privately with residents Nancy Winter, Christian Jorgenson and Tim Morris gave her a tour of his back yard and the McLaughlin's and the Murietta's back yards.
** Editor's Note - The LH Watch Dog spoke with Ms. Nancy Winter, who was very enthusiastic about the new commercial development, said that although she did not have view property in the area, she believed most of Laguna Hills residents would be in favor of this. Residents Morris, McLaughlin and Murietta do have view properties in this area, see what they had to say below.
Jerry Garner, Representative for the Moulton La Paz development said the new lighting will shoot down to the ground and not up or off to the sides with low light levels. The opening of the new center is predicted to be June of 2013. He said there will be no construction traffic between 7 and 9 am and construction is limited by City Ordinance not to begin before 7 am on weekdays and 8 am on weekends. Jerry said they are adding about 30,000 sq. ft. to the development and the Market alone is more than 20,000 sq. ft. The parking is more than required. He said the O'Reilly Auto Parts building will be cut in half for a different use, there will be a free standing building on Moulton and another freestanding building, called building D, with a burm behind this building and no signs.
Jim Leach, CPO of the So. OC Regional Chamber of Commerce and Economic Coalition spoke for the development focusing on business benefits and jobs and urged approval.
Pat McLaughlin, Laguna Hills Resident since 1990 on 24632 Monte Royale. He stated he would never have purchased his house if he'd known at the time that commercial development in this area was possible. He said that was prohibited by the CC&Rs when the house was purchased but the City rezoned that. He reported that he is representing only the Monte Royale area and most of the talk tonight has been from the point of view of the Los Alamitos area so this perspective that hasn't been represented by the City yet is important to him and to his neighbors. He noted the City made money from the sale of property that was originally zoned for open space and has now been rezoned to commercial. He noted a problem in the development design related to traffic coming down La Paz at 50 mph and having to stop quickly to turn into the small new driveway serving this development, especially if the turn is made by a large truck which will also add noise and congestion affecting those who live adjacent to La Paz. He said something else not been discussed so far is changing the views on Monte Royale from Open Space to Commercial Buildings. He pointed out that one of the buildings was only 50 feet from his back yard. He urged the council to picture a building 50 feet from their back yards. He added that he had a broker do a real estate evaluation of the area the broker reported the effect on his home and that of his neighbor Adrian Murietta would be about a 33% reduction in the value of the houses. He explained that the reduction in value decreased to 25% and then to 15% for properties progressively further away from the "Commercial Development. He noted they look out the windows at trees now but will be looking at a commercial building. He pointed out that their views on Monte Royale are not down to the hills,but out to the Open Space that will now be corrupted with commercial structures. He provided a quote from the Real Estate broker and overhead slides to illustrate his points. He concluded by stating pad D and the parking lot next to it have a huge impact on the Monte Royale properties and he asked that the council strongly consider moving that part of the plan. Council Member Kogerman and Mayor Carruth inquired about landscape screening from the project and Mr. McLaughlin responded that the building D will still be seen clearly.
Plans posted on the City web site state this about Mr McLaughlin's address and building D. - 24632 Monte Royale (see sheet 18 of the project plans) The finished floor elevation at this property is approximately 276.1 feet. While this property has no direct view of the San Joaquin Hills, staff noted that due to this property’s relatively lower elevation, new Shops D will be visible to some extent from this property. Some portions of shops D will rise above the finished grade of this residence, but not above the critical vantage point. The east elevation (rear of the building) of new Shops D may be visible; however, due to its horizontal distance from the residence, it will not be imposing. Further, the building will be further screened from view by extensive landscaping as well as a landscape berm which will screen the lower half of the building (see sheet 7 of project plans and Appendix C). ** Editor's Note - We spoke with Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin who said This comment ignores the fact that Monte Royale perspective is into the open space, not over it into the hills, which is the case for the Los Alamitos side.
Gary Goff, Laguna Hills Resident and 25 year home owner on Monte Royale objected to development of the small amount of open space that is left. He asked did we come to the point where we have to have landscape to block the views of buildings that shouldn't be there. He noted that these homes were all built as view homes and purchased at higher prices related to being view properties, but now values will go down. He said he would rather have a park, but recognizes that this center needs a face lift. He asked, do you need to put a building in Mr. McLaughlin's back yard? He said this can be built in a way that causes no harm to residents and still produce revenue for the City. He added that he is not directly affected initially but recognizes the plight of his neighbors on the other side of the street.
Phillip Cook, 27 year Laguna Hills Resident on Alta Loma Court above this development said he is opposed to the project although not directly affected and doesn't like the change from Open Space to Commercial Development. He said more residents should have been notified beyond the ones who are so close to this development because so many residents miss the open space we used to have. He said when he bought his property he was told that the common area would remain open space and feels that the City of Laguna Hills cheated us. He said the City will make money from this and that money will be quickly gone, but many residents will have to continue to live with looking at these buildings every day. He said under the General Plan he thinks this is just the first of many projects that will change our open space to commercial zones and he is opposed to that.
Adrian Murietta, Laguna Hills Resident on Los Alamitos, directly above the shopping center, said he was concerned about the negative effects on surrounding properties of the height of the buildings. He presented overhead photos and said the towers will rise above the pad level of his home. He said the Chuck E. Cheese tower is 8 feet above the level of the pad for his house and will affect neighbors on both sides as well. He pointed out that the cupola level is also 8 feet above his pad level, the tower above Baja Fresh will be about 4 feet above his pad and the proposed new market will be 13 feet higher than his pad level. He said the buildings will be closer and the landscape trees will be up against their slope which will also decrease the view in that direction. He reminded the council that these lots were sold as view lots and the proposed landscape trees would leave him with only a clear view of the sky, which he noted, most everyone has. He asked why so much additional height is needed on these buildings to make the center look better. He requested a skeletal structure to give the residents a more accurate idea of how the proposed heights would affect their views. He also asked that the new landscape on the slopes not block further block their views.
Tim Morris, Laguna Hills Resident since 1977 on Los Alamitos, asked the council not to approve the plans for all the reasons that have just been stated. He said the shopping center was there when he moved here but he still had an unobstructed view at that time. Now, the new elements at both ends of the buildings and the cupola will block his view. He said Mr. Murietta asked Assist. City Manager Don White and David Chantarangsu to install flags to mark the proposed heights of the new building for the residents and instead they took photos from residents back yards and Photoshopped in what they thought the new buildings would look like from those yards. He said he and Mr. Murietta fashioned a pole and went down to the locations and held the pole up at the measured heights. He noted they found the view obstructions to be more prevalent than the City thought they would be. He noted that these tall elements are just for appearance and asked, "Can't you make the existing buildings look nicer without blocking our views?" He also noted Building D to be built beside Baja Fresh in the Open Space area taking away the rural look that is one of the reasons we live where we do. He also noted problems to come related to more traffic trying to get out of the shopping center through the existing driveways especially turning left.
Jerry Garner, Representative for the Moulton La Paz development spoke again. He said what they wanted to do with building D was cap the project and separate the project from the park. He noted that the Market that is moving into the development would not let them put building D on Moulton because they want sight lines. The O'Reilly building was cut in half also because of the market not wanting it to come so close to their front entry and interrupt their parking. He said building D acts as a sound wall barrier from the parking area for the residents. He noted Nadel Architects is the designer. Council Member Songstad asked about the height issues. Jerry said Greg Lyons is the designer and this is what he designed. He said if you don't the cupola we can take it off. He said the raised elements give the best tenants more of a presence in the center. He said there are 2 elements over 40 feet over the front entry and this could probably be lowed more. He said the building a tower could be lower. He said it's a question of the design element and the neighbors wanting it to be lower and the answer is I think we can lower it if that's what the City wants to do. Songstad said he knew Jerry tried to work with staff to reduce the impact on the surrounding homes. Jerry responded that they definitely want to do all they can and suggested an additional condition be added for lowering some of the tower elements a few feet. He added they could lower the 41 foot tower element to 32 feet.
After some general discussion regarding lowering tower heights, Council Member Kogerman asked for a 10 minute break for the Mr. Jerry Garner and the architect to speak staff about this. Council Member Bressette said this is a presumption that the agency members want to make changes to the design. He said after a break you may find that any changes heard may not be what the planning agency and city council has in mind. Mayor Carruth said it's most unusual to try redesign a building in a few minutes and brought the issue back to the council for comments.
Council Member Bressette reminded the residents that, "It was your Home Owners Association who owned and controlled the open space until you decided that you should ask the City to take it over, and you asked the City to take it over twice before the City Council decided to accept the IOP. You didn't have to do that, that was your choice, and when you did that, whether you knew it or not, you gave up a lot of the decision making power that you once held to Government. Now in my mind, I would never do that but never the less you did. So, we have been as good a steward of that property as our budget allowed. If you look on the other side of Alameda, which is the side I live on, that property is horrible. That's absolutely a wasteland compared to what you have." Bressette went on to say,"We have a project in front of us that helps to revive a shopping center that is dilapidated." He concluded with, "I think the developer has done a very good job of give and take. This developer has spent as much time or probably more with the neighborhood" etc. "I think that we will be better off, as a neighborhood with this project." "I am satisfied with the plans as presented."
Mayor Carruth stated the project has already been modified, is the result of 2 years of work on the General Plan where it was identified as an Opportunity Area. She said the center was in a downward spiral and asked, what's next a tattoo parlor? She suggested driving around and looking at all the renovations in the City and said she supports the plan as presented. She added that this renovation responds to the philosophy of the General Plan which is, "We've got to get our residents out of the house." "We've got to get our residents eating healthy food." "It's part of our "Get Fit Plan" that we adopted 10 years ago." She said they could cut off 18 to 20 inches from a tower or two but it needs to look good she thinks you all will be very glad we approved this project. Council Member Songstad agreed with Carruth and added that the City doesn't try to make money, it tries to improve the community. Council Member Kogerman said if the developer can lower the towers that would be fine, as they have indicated very strongly that they are interested in making the residents happy, but she like the project and agrees to accept the project.
** Editor's Note - We spoke with some of the residents and learned that there was a meeting on April 3, 2012 for questions and comments from the residents, but the developer or developer's representative did not appear to be present at that meeting and there was not another meeting to answer the questions and comments received from residents on April 3 until this April 24th City Council Meeting during which the council pulled the plug on residents just as the developer said he was willing to work with them.
VOTE was 4 - 0 to approve staff recommendation parts 1 (the site development) and 2 (sale of the City Property) and changes to 27 (permit for new market), 28 (submission of all landscape documents) and 32 (applicant shall grade the city landscape and trail easement)
*** To hear the complete text from everyone who spoke about this issue, you can click on where you can also see the video of the complete council meeting presentation which was very lengthy with much repetition related to presenting the design for this center.
To find Staff Report Files for this issue Click on Scroll down to Item 6.3.1 and click on that item to see "Supporting Materials" then click on any of the files under "Files" and always click on the pop up bar at the top that says after clicking on any file to make the file appear you can see details for this project including concerns from the surrounding community.
7.2.1 - Project Selection for State-local Partnership Funding through the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Submit application for OCTA - The staff report states the OCTA approved a one time only funding program for OC cities for road improvements through Prop. 1B funds know as State-Local Partnership Program (SLPP). The report states approx. $300,000 will be made available to the City of Laguna Hills and this funding must be matched equally with Measure M2 Fair Share Turnback Funds bringing the project value to $600,000.
Staff prepared a list of projects that fit the funding requirements and needs Council approval to submit an application to OCTA with the projects. The proposed projects include Ridge Route Dr. Pavement Rehab. from Avenida de la Carlota to Moulton Pkwy. as the 1st priority as it is currently planned to be funded by General Funds; also El Toro Rd. pavement rehab. from West City Limits to East City Limits currently planned to be funded by General Funds, and Access Ramp Construction to comply with the American's with Disabilities Act at various locations throughout the City.
Staff report states that the widening of the sidewalk on the South side of La Paz Rd along side Valencia Elem. School could be included in this project list and has not been included because it is not a currently identified or prioritized Capital Improvement Program Project.
For more information on this item Click on scroll down to Item 7.2.1 and click on that item to see "Supporting Materials" then click on the file under "Files" and always click on the pop up bar at the top that says after clicking on any file to make the file appear.
Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services, City Engineer said this is a $600.000 one time window of opportunity projects must be ready to go to bid by December 2012. There is no limit on the number of projects submitted and he said he believed the Valencia school project could be made ready for submission as a project for this funding opportunity. Council Member Songstad said this is not a Capital project and we haven't decided if we want to do this and what options to consider. Council Member Bressette expressed that the school project is very important and there is no limit on the number of projects for submission for this funding. City Manager Channing spoke in favor of "Process" saying the you are creating and elevating a project that has not been thoroughly evaluated, and is ambitious related getting it ready in time for submission, no public discussion, limited time to get agreements from school for easements, etc. Council Member Kogerman suggested it would make more sense to discuss the school sidewalk Item 7.2.3 first then come back to this item and she would like to see the sidewalk item involving the safety of children moved up to number one. Mayor Pro-Tem Lautenschleger argued for 20 years the school sidewalk has been what it is. It's an important project, "but people for 20 years are safe. I've never seen anybody to out in the street and get hit, they always walk on the sidewalk." Bressette made a motion to table this item until after the school sidewalk item is discussed.
VOTE was 3 to 2 to move to discussion of the school sidewalk item first. (The "No" Votes were Songstad and Lautenschleger.
FINAL VOTE on this item was 5 - 0 to pass this item WITHOUT including the School sidewalk- see below under Item 7.2.3 La Paz Sidewalk adjacent to Valencia Elem. School to learn more.
7.2.2 - Authorization to Advertise for bids for turf renovation at the community center and sports complex. Staff Report says every 2 years the turf on the soccer fields at the community center and Sports Complex is replaced after the 4th of July Event to ready the fields for the fall soccer season. Fiscal Impact to the City is reported to be $175,000
Staff Recommendation is to authorize advertisement for bids for this project.
VOTE was 5 - 0 in favor of this item
7.2.3 La Paz Sidewalk adjacent to Valencia Elem. School - The sidewalk capacity on the South side of La Paz from Champlain to Paseo de Valencia is too narrow and there is a slope failure, from a slope that has no retaining wall, encroaching onto that sidewalk. These problems in addition to the increase in the speed limit from 35 to 40 mph in that area increase the safety risk for children walking to Valencia Elem. School.
** Editor's Note - On our report for the March 27, 2012 City Council meeting we noted this situation could be immediately improved through trimming of the shrubs on that slope to get them off the sidewalk, shorten them and angle them back toward the school.
Ken Rosenfield, Director of Public Services, City Engineer presented this item - the slope landscape is not being maintained, silt is on the sidewalk and people block portions of the sidewalk by opening their car doors onto the sidewalk to drop off students. He said this is a straight forward project from his point of view but doesn't know the time table of the school district so that could slow the project to keep it from being included as a project in the State-local Partnership Funding (SLPP) through the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) - (see above item # 7.2.1). Project planning needs to be ready by Dec. 2012 to be included. He said the wall to be built in option 1 would be about 800 feet long and 8 feet tall to allow an additional 4 feet to be added to the current sidewalk. He estimated the design element would cost about $25,000 and said there is no school funding currently available. He also noted that the SLPP funds can be used to pay for construction but not for design. He also said that he believed he could get this ready in time to be approved as a project for the SLPP funding at best it would not be built until the Summer of 2013 so for all next school year there would be no change. He added that the elimination of parking in that area would improve the situation immediately. Options were discussed regarding the length and height of the wall, rights of ways, etc.
The Staff Report gave the council the following 3 options for correcting the safety issue involving the widening of the Valencia School sidewalk:
1. This option will widen the sidewalk an additional 4 feet on the school side of the sidewalk through construction of a 5 or more foot retaining wall in the slope running beside the school. An easement will be required from the Saddleback Unified School District and a Right of was acquisition from a property owner at the SW corner of La Paz and Champlain Rd.
2. This option will extend the width of the sidewalk by moving the existing curb and sidewalk an additional 4 feet into the street side of the sidewalk, without the construction of a retaining wall in the slope. This will require the elimination of the bike lane and on-street parking.
3. This option will also move the existing curb and sidewalk an additional 4 feet in to the street lanes to create an 8 foot wide sidewalk. The median island in the street would need to be modified by being reduced in width by 4 feet and eliminated in one spot but the bike lane would be preserved.
Fiscal impact to the City- Staff report states the project is expected to cost between $150,00 and $260,000 and is not included in the Capital Improvement Program Budget. It also states that SVUSD has informed staff that Measure B funds for school improvements have been exhausted so no funding is available.
Staff Recommendation: City Council review options and include this project in the next Capital Improvement Pgrm. Budget Cycle Discussions.
Click on Scroll down to Item 7.2.3 and click on that item to see "Supporting Materials" then click on the 1st file displayed under "Files" and click on the pop up bar at the top that says to see the full text of all the options.
All the council members agreed that Option 1 was the preferred option. City Manager Channing suggested adding this project to the list of submittals on the assumption that it can be completed but said he is concerned that the deadline won't be met and the long block wall could be an aesthetic challenge. He said he still wants to argue for "Process" and consider it under Capital expenses in the next budget, etc.
** Editor's Note - This is what Assistant City Manager Don White had to say about "Process" at the March 12, 2011, Laguna Hills City Council Workshop entitled - Get to know your Laguna Hills City Council Members' Mission, Vision, Values, Policies, Practices, Procedures and Favorite Major Plans for the Biennial Budget for 2011-2012, Under VALUES, Assist. City Manager Don White spoke about "PROCESS vs. PRODUCT" and said many government agencies anger citizens because the accent is on the process which takes longer and costs more. He said IN LAGUNA HILLS THE ACCENT IS ON PRODUCT or ACHEIVING RESULTS.
Council Member Bressette said there is a council majority that would like to fast track this but if we can't get matching funding we need to go back to the traditional funding "Process" through the budget next year which may put his project off until 2014. Council Member Songstad said the wall will be a magnet for graffiti and argued for "Process" that served us well for 20 years and asked what happened why is there a rush to fix this, there's been no injuries, there's been no problems? Mayor Carruth responded that it is our sidewalk from the County, defended the idea of the wall, suggested landscape for it and added that response to widening this sidewalk has been strong from the community.
Council Member Bressette asked what can we do now and was told by Ken Rosenfield we could cut the brush on the sidewalk, and clean off the silt, but have relied on the school to do this on their property related to liability issues, and get a design for the block wall and about $25,000 would need to be allocated for this. Bressette said there are too many moving parts to move forward, need public input on the long wall, and made a motion to pass on this opportunity with the OCTA now and direct staff to bring back an option to spend $25,000 for the design fee at the mid year budget. Mayor Pro Tem Lautenschleger said there's been no accidents and a big problem is parent's opening their car doors on the street side. He said we're always going to get comments from the school that we should do this because they just don't want to pay for it all. Council Member Kogerman said she would like to use this opportunity to get the job done and save money through use of the SLPP funds. She also suggested that a reason parents are opening their car doors into traffic is because the sidewalk is so narrow, but she would defer to her more experienced colleagues on the City Council. Mayor Carruth seconded Bressette's motion.
VOTE was 5 - 0 in favor of delaying the school sidewalk issue until the next City Budget Session.
**Editor's Note - At the March 27, 2012 City Council Meeting Mayor Carruth pointed out that this project might be a collaborative effort with the school and the City engaged in identifying Grant funds. Council Member Kogerman suggested the possibility of lending money to the school district. Council Council Member Bressette said it's high time that we step forward and take care of the issue, and the children and said he wants to see funding options also from the City's General Fund and, if we need to, an option to amend the budget for this year.
Mayor Carruth expressed that the City's Earth Day was well organized and attended with great food from Villa Roma and Chick-Fil-A and the Wyland's mobile was lots of fun, etc. She said she cut back some of the hedge at Valencia Elem. School and there was a great Elem. School Art Contest that expressed being responsible stewards of the land. Those Art entries will be featured in the gallery at the Community Center. The children also met Miss Maggie the Paleontologist.
Council Member Kogerman noted that Saturday April 28 is National Prescription Medication Take Back Day related to the correct disposal of drugs. See the City web site face page for more information at For Laguna Hills the address for taking meds is OCSD South Sub-Station, 11 Journey, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo and San Clemente residents may take their drugs to their respective City Halls. For more information call (714) 647- 4133.
Council Member Kogerman also said she submitted an item to be placed on the City Council Agenda for this meeting. She said her item was submitted a day late but was accepted by the City Clerk Peggy Johns. She explained that she had vetted her item with the City Attorney, because it involved a City Ordinance, but was later told by the City Manager that he had pulled her item saying it was his decision related to whether a council member generated item could be placed on the agenda.
Kogerman argued that the action of the City Manger challenges the legislative rights of elected City Council Members against the presumptive powers of the City Manager's and explained that from the 7 hour City Council Workshop on Saturday, March 12, 2011 the Procedure for placing items on the Council Agenda the Vote was 3 to 2 to retain the current practice of allowing any individual council member to agendize an item. The dissenting opinions were from Council Members Songstad and Lautenschleger. Songstad requested that this rule be changed so that one council member can no longer place an item on the council agenda unless 2 other members of the council agree. He said this used to be the practice of the Council and argued that during the last election items were placed on the agenda willy nilly. Lautenschleger agreed with Songstad. Songstad also suggested making a prohibition on any one council member agendizing an item on his/her own within so many months of an election. Lautenschleger agreed with Songstad and suggested a prohibition within 6 months of an election. Kogerman asked why this was an issue and if staff was getting an inordinate amount of work? Songstad answered yes, and gave the example of the Revision of the City's Purchasing Policy that revolved around the purchase of the $60,000 car by City Manager Channing. City Manager Channing protested that he took exception to the process regarding the way items were framed to him and stated political purpose is not a new approach to a problem. Songstad insisted that the City Council does not operate as individuals, it operates on a majority basis. Council Member Kogerman stated the purpose of this comment is to make clear that unless the council majority changes the procedure neither the City Manager or anyone else has authority to arbitrarily pull an item submitted by any council member. She said she will recommend censure or termination for anyone who does this in the future, unless it is just for the purpose of engaging in a discussion with the author.
Mayor Carruth argued that being late could result in having to wait until the next meeting and in this case the City Manager was attempting to be sure you didn't do anything unlawful. He was nervous, or concerned about anything that might have happened in closed session being suddenly out in the public. Kogerman answered that this is why she talked with the City Attorney about that ahead of time and worded it in such a way that it would not reveal anything discussed in closed session or get into personnel issues. She repeated that she cleared those concerns with the City Attorney. She added that the better option would have been for City Manager Channing to discuss that with her.
**Editor's Note - From our copy of the Brown Act, it is our understanding that the "Council Member Comments" section of the City Council Agenda is for Comments only and not for discussion, related to any items discussed here not being agendized, so any comment made should not be discussed further in this section.
CLOSED SESSION – NONE Editor's Note - No session scheduled this time with Labor Negotiator Daniel Cassidy, re. the City Manager's Terms and Conditions of Employment. These sessions have been ongoing for 7 mos. (since Sept 27, 2011) with No Public Progress Report?
The Next regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday, May 8, 7 pm, at City Hall. Contact Laguna Hills City Council Members at
CITY COUNCIL and CITY MANAGER REPORT CARD - Categories - (T) Transparency for Citizens, (A) Accountability to Citizens, (CI) Championing Citizen Related Issue, (AG) Achieving Citizen Related Goal Grades - (P) Pass, (A) for Authoring a Citizen Friendly Item, (F) Fail, (A+) Extra Credit. City Manager will be scored related to online and agendized Staff Reports and Requests.
Bressette - F for Vote to delay widening of the Valencia Sidewalk that is City Property and that the majority of the council identified as a safety hazard. Council also chose "Process" over Product which Assist. City Manager has said takes longer and costs more. F for Vote on Moulton La Paz Commercial Center that cut residents off when the developer's representative said he was willing to work with them. Council chose "Process" again but didn't complete the Process for residents.
Carruth - F for vote to delay widening of the Valencia Sidewalk that is City Property and that the majority of the council identified as a safety hazard. Council also chose "Process" over Product which Assist. City Manager has said takes longer and costs more. F for Vote on Moulton La Paz Commercial Center that cut residents off when the developer's representative said he was willing to work with them. Council chose "Process" again but didn't complete the Process for residents.
Kogerman - F for vote to delay widening of the Valencia Sidewalk that is City Property and that the majority of the council identified as a safety hazard. Council also chose "Process" over Product which Assist. City Manager has said takes longer and costs more. F for Vote on Moulton La Paz Commercial Center that cut residents off when the developer's representative said he was willing to work with them. Council chose "Process" again but didn't complete the Process for residents.
Lautenschleger - F for vote to delay widening of the Valencia Sidewalk that is City Property and that the majority of the council identified as a safety hazard. Council also chose "Process" over Product which Assist. City Manager has said takes longer and costs more. ** Lautenschleger was not allowed to vote on the Moulton La Paz Commercial Development because he lives within 500 feet of the center.
Songstad - F for vote to delay widening of the Valencia Sidewalk that is City Property and that the majority of the council identified as a safety hazard. Council also chose "Process" over Product which Assist. City Manager has said takes longer and costs more. F for Vote on Moulton La Paz Commercial Center that cut residents off when the developer's representative said he was willing to work with them. Council chose "Process" again but didn't complete the Process for residents.
City Manager - F for arguing for Process over Product related to delaying the widening of the Valencia Sidewalk that is City Property and that the majority of the council identified as a safety hazard, which Assist. City Manager has said takes longer and costs more. F for pulling Council Member Kogerman's agenda item that she said she had reviewed with the City Attorney.
About the City Council, Pass through fees from Cox, AT&T and CR&R and the Survey
Anonymous said...
I didn't get called for the survey but please put me down as saying I don't at all appreciate the City collecting all these hidden fees from Cox, AT&T and CR&R. From what I read the cable companies repair the streets when they have to dig them up and if all these extra hidden fees from us are going to the City why don't we get a chance to say what we want done with them. I think we should get to vote on all this stuff.
Anonymous said...
I have been attending these City Council Meetings on and off now for about a year and it appears to me that the long time council members show up most of the time but their attitude, especially in the past few months, seems to be to rush through the meetings and basically contribute tired old phone in responses rather than take time to look for better solutions to helping the community. Also I never heard them admit they ever did anything that was less than perfect. I didn't get a chance to take the survey, I wish I had been called.
Anonymous said...
I was very surprised that this came from Barbara Kogerman. Whether I agree with the fee or not, it seems unfair to single out Cox Cable customers to fund the school's film and television program. Besides, I just called Cox to cut some services to get our monthly cost down. With cable TV, Internet and digital phone, it is our largest monthly payment now, including all other utilities combined. We have watched the cable costs grow over the years, since Cox Cable was Dimension Cable Services. Unlike utilities, there is no low income discount programs.
Anonymous said...
I did take that survey and was happy to get a chance to say how I felt about each council member and the city manager, rather than just saying if the city was a good place to live or not. The person who called me did say the survey was about the city and did not mention the city manager by name. The questions were very different from the City Survey so I realized right away it wasn't from the city. Frankly I didn't care who it was from as long as I got the chance to say what I thought. They also asked about the Watch Dog, if I read it and how I felt about it. I thought the questions were very specific but they were a lot of yes or no answers and I didn't find the questions to be complicated.
Anonymous said...
So, every time there is an increase in fees for Cox, the City also gets more money from us. Perhaps we should all switch to wireless communication. The City doesn't make us aware of this but takes our money and says they use it for roads but just stick it in the general funds. I think they are just sticking it to us, again.
Anonymous said...
Somebody needs to tell the Mayor to let the City Attorney speak 1st when there is an issue the City Council really doesn't know much about. I was at the last council meeting and I think we sat there for an hour listening to the Mayor ask AT&T over and over for a fake tree antenna only to learn at the end of the session, when she finally let the City Attorney speak, that the council could not ask for that at a planning session scheduled for a minor modification. If she had asked for that information 1st the high school kids and parents in the chamber would not have had to wait until 10:00 at night to speak. Then after wasting all that time with AT&T the council never requested a study of what they can do and how they can do it for future cell antennas and towers. They just completely wasted more than an hour of our time saying how much they wanted to help and in reality did nothing. The Mayor wouldn't let the CIty Attorney speak again to say that the PEG fee was not a tax. When there are residents waiting the political pandering should wait too, hopefully until there is no one left to listen and the facts should be laid out at the beginning of each discussion not at the end. This played like a bad reality TV show. Also, I got called for that survey but didn't take it because I was busy, but now I wish I had. This behavior at City Council meetings that wastes the time of residents has to stop. Hope there was a question on the survey for that!
Anonymous said...
Hey Watch Dog, thanks for telling us about the pass through 5% fees we all pay to Cox. So, where is all the transparency at City Hall. I just got rid of some of my Cox services to save money.
WIN WIN Wednesdays!! is an ongoing series of restaurant fundraisers, a project of the Laguna Hills High School PTSA. Students, their families and members of the general community dine out for a great meals, and in return the restaurants donate a percentage of their proceeds to the LHHS PTSA. It's good for us AND it's good for local restaurants, hence the concept of WIN-WIN.
Year long fundraising projects like Win-Win Wednesdays allow the PTSA to fund many worthwhile programs such as "Every 15 Minutes" (a vividly realistic drunk driving prevention presentation), the Award Winning "I Can Make a Difference" program and the Safe and Sober all night "Grad Night" party that Keeps our kids not only safe but in Laguna Hills and on campus continuing a 23 year tradition that makes us HAWK Proud! ** For Weekly Flyers and a Schedule go to our web site at
** Bring the WWW!! flyer to these participating restaurants on these dates and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the LHHS PTSA or now you can sign up for an e-blast at to have the weekly schedule and flyers for Win-Win-Wednesdays e-mailed to you. The need to present a flyer has been recently addressed and you can now get durable and attractive business card size Win-Win-Wednesday Fan and Supporter Cards that contain all the info. for W-W-Wed on one side including how to subscribe to W-W-Wednesday to get your flyers, dates and Restaurant Information sent to you weekly on Wednesdays and the other side of the card will serve as a universal flyer, if you forget to bring a flyer.
May 2 - Quiznos - LH
May 9 - Mother's Kitchen - LH
May 16 - Pepinos
May 23 - Jersey Mikes on El Toro
May 30 - Flamingos
** Be sure to "LIKE" us on Facebook to help spread the word and Don't forget to see our "WWW Everyday" Partners like Its a Grind Coffee House, Alpha Cleaners and Golden Baked Hams on our web site. Bring the flyers for these everyday partners and Support the businesses that support us!
HOW TO SUPPORT THE 3rd BATTALION, 5th MARINE DIVISION - Adopted by the City of Laguna Hills - Donation checks can be made specifically to "Laguna Hills Team Dark Horse" and mailed to - Team Dark Horse, 27251 Lost Colt Dr., Laguna Hills, CA. 92653. The Non-profit Corporation 501 (C) (3) status has been approved so all donations are tax deductible. E-mail Mike Bland at with questions, suggestions, etc. The city's e-mail for the 3/5 is 3/ City Clerk Peggy Johns is the City Liaison to the 3/5 Support Committee. Go to the City web site by clicking on this link -
**Go to the Team Dark Horse web site at to see how your donations are helping.
Please see the Laguna Hills 3/5 Adopted Marines Facebook page by clicking on this link -
Team Dark Horse thanks all the wonderful people who contributed items to and bought item from the Swap Meet at LHHS this year, all the volunteers who set up and ran the Swap Meet Booths and Pat Lawson the Volunteer Coordinator for the event!
NEWS STORIES AND BLOGS ABOUT LAGUNA HILLS: Click on the links below to see the stories.
Cities among worst for alcohol fueled crashes - Fullerton and Laguna Hills had the worst rates of crashes that involved underage drinkers
Read more at:
New Reports with 2011 Statistics for the 70 year old Orange County Animal Shelter that Laguna Hills still uses for it's citizens
Fewer Animals Killed at OC animal shelter in 2011
Total euthanasia rate of 53%. Fewer were killed in 2011 because fewer were impounded at the County Animal Shelter in 2011. January 31, 2012 Teri Sfzora
Three out of four cats still don't leave shelter alive Teri Sforza OC Watchdog
Kill Rate for Cats at the OC Animal Shelter in 2011 was 74% and only 17% adopted, down from 19% in 2010
Euthanasia Rate Stuck at Nearly 50% at O.C. Animal Care County Shelter finally admits killing animal for space in this story.
Fred Smoller,The Brandman University Professor of Public Administration, "who offended the power elite" when his Master's Degree students won awards assisting Council Member Kogerman to research the total compensation of City Managers in Orange County has just resigned from his post. Why did this happen? - Click on
Which city council makes the most money?
LA Times: Laguna Hills City Manager Salary,0,1126677.story
In O.C., city pay can be steep, but it’s not ‘abusive’ June 20th, 2011
June 9, 2011 ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY REPORT - Compensation Study of Orange County Cities
City manager says compensation is fair
Political rebel faces an uphill battle
Councilwoman: Public pay report inaccurate, self serving
OC Watchdog Lavish health benefits slashed in Laguna Hills, Tustin
After attacks, city-manager-compensation sleuths win state award March 21st, 2011, posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer Click on for more of this story.
No more $60,000 SUVs for city manager?
Gold-plated benefits? New councilwoman just says ‘no’
OCREGISTER: Laguna Hills councilwoman says no to health benefits
O.C. cities lavished health benefits on council members
Who has the best-paid city council in California? (updated) In Laguna Hills the Taxpayers pay the entire cost of heath care premiums for the elected part time city council members and their families. In addition, the City Manager's contract states "To the extent that payment of all or any portion of the dependent rate of premium, is not approved by the city council for all city employees, Channing shall be entitled to a salary increase or cash payment sufficient to cover the amount of premium or rate for dependent coverage not provided by the City plus applicable income taxes on that amount."
OCREGISTER: Chris Norby: Local officials susceptible to 'Bell syndrome "Bell syndrome thrives where elected boards vote in lockstep, where groupthink is elevated, and skeptics are ostracized, and where top staff are seen as irreplaceable experts – with rubber-stamped salaries to prove it. Bell syndrome thrives when self-congratulation trumps self-examination."
CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SAY the DARNDEST THINGS IN PUBLIC! - Memorable and surprising Public Quotes from City Council Members
February 14, 2012 - Mayor Pro-Tem Lautenschleger said, about concerns from grandparents regarding exhaust fumes from Alicia Pkwy. blowing onto the sports field at the Community Center - "The prevailing wind is always off the ocean blowing East so it's blowing from the soccer fields onto Alicia and across that way."
Another fact checking problem. The Santa Ana Winds which are most common from October through March blow from the East to the West - from Alicia Pkwy. and Paseo de Valencia right on to that sports field.
November 27, 2011 - Regarding the ordinance establishing parks as “Child Safety Zones, Council Member Joel Lautenschleger stated, “Let's make one thing perfectly clear, there have been no sex crimes against children in the City since we incorporated."
Should have done some fact checking before speaking so boldly, Mr. Lautenschleger.
According to information from the OC Sheriff's Dept. there have been 32 child molests in Laguna Hills in the past 11 years. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.
January 10, 2012 - Council Member Songstad said, "I find it interesting that we are in a discussion where we are being asked to provide less information rather than more information, I thought transparency was all about providing more information."
To clarify for Council Member Songstad "Transparency" is not simply an amount of information - Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Transparency) - free from pretense or deceit, easily detected or seen through, obvious, readily understood, characterized by visibility or accessibility of information. Wikipedia (Transparency Behavior) - Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. All organizations have a transparency culture, but few have a culture of transparency, i.e., a culture of being aware of transparency and incorporating it routinely into how things are done.
October 11, 2011 - Regarding Intent to Vacate Public Service Easements (Tree Pockets) along Paseo de Valencia and between Alicia and La Paz. Mayor Songstad concluded with, "Alright its been moved and seconded. Everybody understand what the action is here? We're setting a public hearing, blah, blah, blah. All in favor"
June 10, 2008- Mayor Allan Songstad said "We have to go through a bidding process and sometimes the low bidder is not always the best contractor, but sometimes that's what we're stuck with."
Thank you Mayor Songstad, that is exactly what we have been trying to tell you about the Laguna Hills City Council "sticking " the residents with the same bad vendor - The Orange County Animal Shelter for the past 20 years.
October 25, 2005 - Mayor Allan Songstad, speaking about the Laguna Hills City Council said, "When you've been doing business in a certain way for 13 years you're not likely to change that."
So true, Allan, so unfortunately true unless you change members of the city council.
August 19, 1994 - LHCC Member Allan Songstad - From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper Article Collections - Orange County Focus - August 19, 1994 LYNN FRANEY - Laguna Hills Councilman Declines to Run for Reelection With Councilman L. Allan Songstad Jr. declining to run for reelection, at least one newcomer will gain a seat on the City Council this fall. Songstad said he never intended to run for a second council term and that he is not a "career politician." That leaves space for at least one of the challengers, Cindy Greengold, Saeid Hariri, Grant R. Marcus or Charmane Riggs.
Now, in 2012 with 19 years on the Laguna Hills City Council we are guessing Council Member Songstad has changed his mind about being not being a "career politician."
CRIME IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOODFor a roundup of Laguna Hills police calls check the Saddleback Valley News every Friday or click on -
WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the Orange County Register Newspaper Letters to the Editor: E-mail to Please provide your name, city of residence and phone number (phone numbers will not be published). Letters of about 200 words will be given preference. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity
April 24th City of Laguna Hills Council Meeting
I have attended many council meetings in the last few years and last Tues. night I was very disappointed in all of our council members. The council chamber was filled with homeowners concerned about the new/remodel commercial center located on the corner of La Paz and Moulton. Most of the homeowner's issues were with the height of the buildings blocking/obstructing their backyard views and with an increase in noise.
Many of the homeowners presented some very prepared presentations to explain their concerns. After the public comments were completed by the homeowners, the developer's rep. spoke to address the developer's concerns. He stated he was very open to making some necessary changes on the height of the buildings blocking views. I was very impressed with his willingness to address these concerns and do what it would take to make the homeowners feel comfortable with this project. He was even willing to work with each individual homeowner who had a view to determine what tree(s) would be best to be planted on their hill behind their homes to block/screen the buildings and keep as much of the view as possible.
Even with the developer/owner stating he would make changes, the entire council voted to accept the project as is and not have the developer/owner make any changes requested by the homeowners. The council heard the homeowners but did not listen to them.
I do agree the new center is a big plus for the city and I think the design is basically excellent but all of this would be so much better if the council members would have allowed the developer to work more with the residents. It is one thing if the council dictated to the builder but this was not the case since the builder was very willing to make changes.
So, I ask, does it do any good to come to council meetings and express concerns to these council members or is it best to elect council members who will really listen to the citizens of Laguna Hills?
I'm wondering if any of the Laguna Hills council members read the Watch Dog and see in print what they've said? After what I've read and seen so far, I think referring to this city as "Government" gives us a real solid clue and a warning about how our city is run and how well the council listens to citizens.
So, Councilmember Bressette is telling the residents who live near Moulton, La Paz that they never should have trusted the City! That's quite a revelation coming from a very long time city councilmember. I'm thinking they clearly realize that now and a lot of other residents do too.
The Mayor said the City adopted a GET FIT PLAN 10 years ago. I've lived here for 24 years. I've never heard of this and nobody I know has heard about it. I typed Get Fit into the search Mechanism of the City Web Site and nothing came up? Where did this come from and what has the city done to support it? I went to the General Plan with the link you gave and saw nothing listed in the 20 page index.
Is this a secret plan??
I have worked in Commercial Real Estate and a possible reason that developer of the Moulton La Paz Commercial Center was cut off by the council just when he agreed to work further with those residents could be that when the city finalized the sale of their open space land to the developer the city may have agreed, as part of the deal, to accept the design for center without any additional significant changes. If more changes were made that might have affected the sale of the land, etc.
How much have the citizens been paying that labor negotiator per hour to work with the City Manager to re-negotiate his contract for the past 8 months?
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